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Top 10 Web Design Trends for 2019

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    Top 10 Web Design Trends for 2019


    Web Designing is one of the most vital aspects in today’s digitalized world. They are the ones who are entirely coordinating and controlling the e-business and the other websites. With such aspects, it is in high demand for the last 10 years. A good website design could create a strong company reputation in the field of e-business. Also, updated designs along with the efficiency are preferred by the clients, so that, one could get a steady boost in e-business. Trending website designs are the ones which are referred to as the most popular website design parameters throughout the world. So, the web design companies try to fulfill all these aspects to satisfy the clients in every possible manner.

    Popular Web Design Trends for 2019

    Every year, trend sets for the website designs are followed by the web design companies to create innovative and distinct websites for the clients. For the year 2019 too, there are some trends in website designs which needs to be followed. Some of the popular website designs trends are as follows:

    Implementing the Drop Shadows and Depths in the Website designs

    This is an effective way of enhancing the looks of a website. Development of the web design parameters has resulted in a way that the shadows could be used uniquely in the web designing industry. With the help of the grips and the parallax, the web designers are getting lots of prospects in enhancing the looks and quality of the websites. This also helps a lot to provide an essence of depth and creativity in the looks. Due to all these reasons, this technique is preferred much in the field of web designing.

    Use of the Voice User Interface

    This is a modern technique, which is being used nowadays. This is creating quite a significant and influential impact on the minds of the customers. It is a kind of technique, in which the users could make use of their voices for controlling the search results. The implementation of the VUI has developed the standards of the society a lot. People are getting habituated of these VUI technologies for the sake of various digitalized processes. So, the implementation of these VUI in the website development could standardize the reputation of a company. However, it is a trend set in the field of web designing for the year 2019.

    Enacting the Animations and GIFs in the websites

    Implementing the GIFs and the animations is an efficient way of developing the websites in a much creative manner. These GIFs and the Animations could help the users a lot to get much information, and that too in a much entertaining manner. So, it is quite preferred by the web designing companies and clients nowadays. Therefore, this sets a trend in the field of web designing.

    Using Saturated Color Schemes with a touch of Vibrancy

    The color schemes always play a significant part in the designing of the websites. So, the web design companies should always tend to focus on the color variations of the websites for enhancing the looks of a website. Also, the implementation of the saturated colors is giving a touch of professionalism, nowadays. The supersaturations of the darker shades along with the horizontal color schemes give a very allured looks to the websites. So, the implementation of these saturated color schemes is creating a trend and impact, nowadays.

    Implementation of the Particle Backgrounds in the Websites

    These are some simple developments in the field of web designing which are creating much impact, throughout the digital society. In these techniques, simple JavaScript animations are used in the websites, which are much easier to load, than the complicated animations. Moreover, they also create a hefty look in the attire of the websites. With the increase in popularity of motion graphics, nowadays, more and more clients are getting influenced towards these smart and steady background animations of the websites.

    Custom Illustrations of the Websites

    These illustrations are in much demand nowadays. These are simple but effective illustrations of the websites help the companies to create a worthy and memorable look in the lives of the clients. Use of the experienced artists could enhance the illustrations of the websites in a more vibrant manner. This is the reason that these illustrations are implemented on these websites.

    Use of Dynamic Gradients in the Websites

    This is also an effective way of attracting targeted customers towards a website. In this, useful backgrounds are implemented on these websites to create a worthy impact on the minds of the customers. They are quite big and full of colors. So, one must use them effectively to get the benefits of the technique. This results in setting a trend in the field of web-designing.

    Read Also: Does Website Design Matter For SEO?

    Use of Broken Grid Layouts

    This effect was first implemented in the year 2017 and it created a significant revolution in the field of website designing. This outlasts the looks of a website by giving a dignified and professional look to it. It is preferred by the clients a lot due to its stiff rise in demand. So, it is referred to as a quite popular trend, nowadays.

    Use of Integrated Animations

    These minute integrated website animations help the clients a lot in getting engaged and influenced the websites. Irrespective of the other animations, these integrated ones keep the users entertained along with the providing of information innovatively. So, they are preferred in the field of web designing.

    Providing the Chatbots to the Websites

    This is an efficient technology, which helps the users a lot to question about their queries regarding the services. This helps them a lot to get the information in a much effective manner. For reason being, they are preferred the most.

    All these trends are high in demand in the field of web designing and are going to be set as popular trends in the field in the year 2019.

    Top 10 Web Design Trends for 2019


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Goodbye Google+ - Google is Shutting Down Google+ after Coverup of Data-Exposing Bug

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    11 Digital Marketing Trends You Can No Longer Ignore in 2019

    11 Digital Marketing Trends You Can No Longer Ignore in 2019

    Nov 19 2018
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    11 Digital Marketing Trends You Can No Longer Ignore in 2019


    A huge turn is going to be witnessed in digital marketing including SEO, Social Media, PPC, Content Marketing, and more; as 2019 is just around the corner. There used to be a time when you were unable to deny artificial intelligence or visual search from the science fiction film, but now the worries have been taken aback leaving that era behind.

    Latest digital marketing trends are budding up along with the strategies incorporated with high-end technology to ensure great success in the efforts. This is happening so because the strategies that worked last year would not happen to be effective this year.

    Get introduced with the eleven digital marketing trends for 2019

    • Artificial Intelligence

    It has been visualized that Artificial Intelligence is going to overcome the world’s simpler jobs by having its full control over the world. The amazing part about AI is that it can successfully analyze the consumer behavior and search criterions. The data is collected from multiple social media platforms and blog posts on how a businessman can bring more business to him and understand the ways to connect with the users and customers looking for their products and services.

    Users are offered all relevant information and tips through Artificial Intelligence (AI) by communicating with them in conversational terms. It has been said by someone that by the year 2020, chatbot technology is going to be the most used technology by at least 25% of customer service.

    Read Also: Increase Your Sales Using Advanced Audience Targeting With PPC

    The businesses that are moving towards accepting AI in 2019 are going to save their lot of money and ensure great growth, leaving their rivalries of the same industry.

    • Programmatic Advertising

    This refers to the use of AI to automate ad buying. It is performed to target more audiences effectively. There are various kinds of programmatic advertising, to name a few are real-time bidding or auctions. Automation is regarded to be known as the quick one as it results in higher conversions and lower customer acquisition costs. The mode of executing digital advertising is playing into a different phase now and around 90% of digital display ads in the U.S. are going to be programmatic by the year 2020.

    • Chatbots

    In 2019, Chatbots was and will remain an indispensable part of the digital marketing world.

    Quick messaging has become possible, be it day or night! One can easily get in touch with his or her customers or site visitors through instant messaging by AI-based Technology. Around 1.4 billion people communicating through chatbots, 80% of fast-paced businesses have started using chatbots or are planning to use them by the start of the year 2020. Some calculations have also been mentioned depicting that business will be able to save over $8 billion per annum by the year 2022 by using chatbots, specifically in the sectors of banking and healthcare.

    Usually, customers like to go for choosing chatbots for communication purposes as quick answers are expected and one can easily take a look over the history purchases without a hassle. It also happens to be known as the great customer service support and a business person can put his or her concentration on other important activities.

    • Personalization

    Customization becomes a must in marketing prospects, especially if you are about to enter in 2019 as a businessman. By customization or personalization, we mean the changes in content, products, services, emails, and more. It is believed by many that personalization has taken a one step up in advancing customer relationships.

    • Video Marketing

    Video Marketing has its own importance and role play in digital marketing. If you are looking forward to enhancing your business in every prospect, then video marketing needs to be there. The below-mentioned statements will help you know why video marketing to be initiated in your digital marketing strategy in 2019:

    • Around 70% of consumers have stated that they share a brand’s video.
    • Around 72% of businesses have stated that conversion rates have seen a great improvement in their business.
    • Around 52% of consumers have exclaimed that a video helps them in making decisions for purchases online.
    • Around 65% of executives hit on the marketer’s website and 39% of them make a call to the vendor after watching a video.

    YouTube is not just a sole option! To ensure great success and increased conversion rates, one can make use of a video post or share a live broadcasting on various social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

    With the advancement in technology, live videos have seen a great demand and popularity. This medium has been used by various businesses for interviews, product demos, and more.

    • Influencer Marketing

    By the term Influencer Marketing, it has been understood that it is a kind of marketing that is initiated through word-of-mouth with the use of key leaders in delivering the brand’s message to the larger market efficiently and effectively. It is not a direct way of marketing; instead, the influencers are paid and sent to represent the business on behalf of the owner.

    Influencers are regarded as a great tool to maintain an effective marketing of the business by attracting more customers. The businesses can choose any influencer they would like to. The influence can be a celebrity, Instagram, YouTube, or some journalists who can forward the brand’s message through their social channels.

    • Social Messaging Apps

    Do you still think that sending emoticons to your friends and family is the only work of social messaging apps?

    Social Messaging Apps are not just meant to be used for personal purposes or chatting. They can be a trump card for a business and make it grow anytime, anywhere. They are mostly usable when your intended audience is hanging somewhere outside, but still, you can remain in touch with them through these applications. Direct messages are sent to the customers. This is a completely different concept from chatbots. Yes! You can now connect with your customers through messaging apps.

    • Visual Search

    Visual search is known to be a next level kind of digital marketing trend of 2019. With the help of visual search, a user can upload an image to initiate a search and drive more results.

    • Micro-Moments

    According to the recorded observations, it is declared that people spend an average of 3 hours and 35 minutes on just using their smartphones on a daily basis. By the year 2019, the medium will be mobile devices to receive the most minutes in the U.S.

    A lot of changes have occurred in the ways of brands to capture buyer’s attention.

    Google has defined Micro-Moments as a “new consumer behavior”. It is a medium to deliver marketing messages in the clearest and precise manner according to the interest of the consumers within a short span of time.

    • Voice Search & Smart Speakers

    Well! Most are aware of Siri and Alexa in the present era.

    Alexa, what’s the score in football match today?

    Siri, please translate “How Are You” in Chinese,

    These are known to be very often used statements and questions by the people. However, the craze for voice search and smart speakers are at peak. This craze has forced companies to make alternations in their digital marketing strategies in 2019.

    • By 2020, around 50% of searches will be made through voice searches.
    • Most of the Google searches on the mobile phones are through voice search.
    • The Bing searches of around 25% are voice searches.

    If you are looking for a hassle-free search, then nothing could sound better than making it a voice search. You can easily get all the intended information on your screen through it. Earlier, the voice search and smart speakers were not able to read the voices properly, but now the updates have made their way of working smoother and chances of mistakes have been reduced.

    In fact, there are many brands that have incorporated the feature of voice search in their digital marketing strategies to execute a comfort zone for the customers.

    • Social Media Stories

    Nobody has been left of knowing about the vogue of social media stories on various platforms. Obviously, digital marketing companies would also not want to miss this chance to add this factor in their strategies they are going to execute in the year 2019. For marketing or promoting any upcoming services or products, social media stories can act like a pro to create awareness and engage customers in the same.

    Earlier, the first channel that came into action with this feature was “Snapchat”. After some time, Instagram and Facebook too went with the trend and now YouTube is on the edge of doing the same.


    There is no doubt left in saying that 2019 is going to be the biggest and trendiest year ever. This would not only announce the incorporation of these 11 digital marketing trends but also improves the customer experience in all the ways. If you are a businessman, then nothing could stop you from ensuring a great success through them.

    11 Digital Marketing Trends You Can No Longer Ignore in 2019


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Does Website Design Matter for SEO?

    Does Website Design Matter for SEO?

    Nov 17 2018
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    Does Website Design Matter for SEO?


    In this digitalized world, the whole industrial field is dependent on optimizers for a company’s reputation and success. E-marketing is creating a significant impact on the lives of people and business nowadays. So, to get a proper and quality reputation in the field of business, one should possess a proper and delicate website. Moreover, Search Engine Optimization plays a mighty role in the upliftment of a company’s reputations by enhancing the websites in the search results. But, a lot of criteria have to be maintained by the companies regarding the websites to get uplifted in the SEO Rankings.

    SEO looks into a wide range of matters to provide a quality ranking to a company’s website. This may comprise of a variety of aspects including keywords, an efficiency of a website, the user-friendly nature of the website etc. All these aspects play quite a significant role in the SEO Rankings.

    The contribution of Designs in the SEO Rankings 

    Designs play quite a significant role in the world full of technological prospects. It is the design which influences, then target customers towards the websites. So, one must focus on the designs in the field of SEO. The contributions of designs in the field of SEO are as follows:

    • An excellent and quality design is very much required in the field of SEO because a lousy quality of design could result in the deterioration of the SEO Rankings. So, one must have to possess a good website with a quality design to upgrade the rankings of SEO. Hence, design plays a significant role in this aspect.
    • SEO prefers to have a clean layout to promote the rankings of a website. A well-laid layout attracts the customers and the targeted marketing clients towards the websites and indirectly boosts up the popularity of the company as well as the Search Engine Optimization Rankings.
    • A quality design helps the clients and their websites a lot to boost up the SEO Rankings. Unique and preferable designs along with stunning photography, designs, videos etc. help the companies a lot in the SEO rankings.
    • In the proper development of a website, the attractive features always play a significant role. The unique and the influencing pop-up notifications along with the information delivered to the users helps to gain popularity in an instance. So, it is very much essential to use proper measures regarding the designing aspects to get popularity as well as the promotions in the SEO rankings.
    • The color schemes and the designs also play quite a vital role in the SEO rankings. The websites with a proper implementation of the color schemes help the companies a lot in the development and up gradation in the rankings of a website in the field of SEO.
    • Also, updated designs are preferred by most of the users, as these updated developments are quite effective and hence preferred over the backdated ones. So, an updated design helps a lot in boosting up popularity, as well as the SEO Rankings.

    How does this Design help in Success for the Businesses?

    A practical design plays quite a significant role in creating success aspects for the client’s company. Moreover, in this technical field, all that matters in business is a useful website. And undoubtedly, designs are an integral part of the useful websites. How designs can revolutionize for the success of the websites are as follows:

    • Attracting the Visitors:

    It is the most critical part of the field of e-business. This attraction is very much required for the field of digital business. SEO plays a very vital role in attracting customers towards a particular website. So, designs indirectly play role in gaining success for the businesses.

    • Helps in the Sharing of Traffic:

    Traffic also plays a significant role in the gaining of the popularity of a company. So, if a company has well-edited website designs, the SEO itself helps a lot in the showcasing of the websites by ranking them at the top.

    • Helps in Increasing the Organic Search Traffic:

    The innovative designs play a significant role in boosting up the organic search traffic of a company. It is proven that most of the top rated SEO websites possess a very high-quality and innovative web design which could influence the traffic to a large extent.

    • Avails Good Reviews to the Clients:

    A properly ranked SEO website helps the companies a lot to get a standard review from the clients regarding the services availed by the company. So, the designs are indirectly resulting in gaining quality reviews from the users, which simultaneously boosts up the popularity regarding the other customers.

    • The Social Media Attention:

    Most importantly, a good SEO ranked company helps in gaining full attention in the minds of social attention seekers. The whole world is entirely relying on social networking websites for entertainment purposes. So, a good design could also result in providing attention to social networking seekers.

    Thus, all these aspects play quite a major role in the upgrading of a company’s reputation. SEO works on the principle that, it gives more preferences to the websites which are more efficient in all aspects, regarding the keywords, designs, contents, efficiency etc. All these play a major role in getting promoted to the SEO Rankings. The websites which stand at the top positions of the SEO Rankings are shown in the first page of the search results. And, scientifically it is proven that most of the people stay limited to the first page results rather than moving on to the next pages. So, it is quite beneficial for the companies to have a good SEO Ranking.

    Thus, all these factors show that the designs play quite a significant role in promoting the company websites in the SEO Rankings as well as the boosting up of the company’s success rates.

    Does Website Design Matter for SEO?


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Goodbye Google+ - Google is Shutting Down Google+ after Coverup of Data-Exposing Bug

    Goodbye Google+ - Google is Shutting Down Google+ after Coverup of Data-Exposing Bug

    Nov 15 2018
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    Goodbye Google+ – Google is Shutting Down Google+ after Coverup of Data-Exposing Bug


    Recently, Google has announced about the shutdown of Google Plus. It has remained a debatable and unanswerable question for Google to reciprocate Facebook’s giant social network. It happened so because the private data of 500,000 users have been exposed and resulted in a blunder called to be security vulnerability.

    In the month of March, Google found this security issue but did not inform its users about it as no exposure of data and access to users’ information were traced. Even the company’s “Privacy & Data Protection Office” thought of this security issue as unimportant and decided to not tell the people about it on a legal basis. This decision pricked up the ears of the cybersecurity community and resulted in new rules in California and Europe. The new rules included when a company should disclose a security episode publically to save the public’s data and information.

    Read Google Blog: Project Strobe: Protecting your data, improving our third-party APIs, and sunsetting consumer Google+

    The company stated a statement that around 438 applications formulated by other companies would have accessibility to the vulnerability via coding links known as application programming interfaces. They also added that the developers from outside might have received an access to users’ names, email addresses, occupation, gender, and age but not to their phone numbers, messages, Google Plus posts or data from other Google accounts.

    In one of its statements, Google said that it had traced no affirmation regarding the awareness of outside developers in relation to the security flaw that has taken place and whether any user profiles have been touched. This issue was fixed in an update that took place in the month of March.

    Google set a track on the kind of data involved so that the users can be informed accordingly on the basis of information and data collected. It traced whether any misuse of users’ information has been initiated or any action should be launched by a developer or a user in the response of the same.

    This exposure to information could receive a supplementary perlustration. It is all because of a memo was given to the senior executives prepared by Google’s policy and legal teams that stated a warning for the company.

    According to one of the known journals, the memo has a warning regarding the repercussions that might take place after disclosing this security problem and would even bring regulatory investigation. For the affirmation of the same, Sundar Pichai, Google’s Chief Executive would be called in front of Congress. No comment was m on the memo due to the declination by a Google spokesman, Rob Shilkin. He exclaimed that the company has its own plans and will make an announcement in relation to disclosure later this week but it was postponed when the company learned about this Journal’s article.

    In the same year itself, it was found by Facebook that Cambridge Analytica, a British research organization has operated work for the Trump campaign and had unknowingly received an access to 87 million Facebook users’ personal data. A deep investigation was implemented by Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s Chief Executive for two days to testify in congressional hearings about the prevailing issue.

    In the month of May, a new General Data Protection Regulation law was generated in Europe that says that companies will notify regulators whose personal information has been leaked within a matter of 72 hours. But before the launching of this new law in May, Google faced the security issue in March, unfortunately.

    A privacy law has been passed in California recently which will come into action in the year 2020. Under this law, consumers will be able to sue any company for up to $750 for each violation that took place, even if it is about the data leakage. This law also stated that the state’s attorney can even go after companies for intentional violations or privacy if any.

    There was a statement made by a professor who teaches about management information systems at San Diego State University named Steven Andres. He said that there was no necessity for Google to disclose about the security vulnerability. In addition to his statement, he also said that it was agitating but unsurprising to know that the company was discussing how reporting the security vulnerability might look to regulators. There was no law that made compulsion for the companies to disclose security vulnerability.

    On Twitter, a computer science professor at Princeton University known by the name Arvind Narayanan made a post saying that it was common for companies to fix a problem before it turned out to be a blunder. “That happens thousands of times every year. Requiring disclosure of all of these would be totally counterproductive,” Mr. Narayanan wrote.

    In the last few months, Mr. Pichai had a private meeting with the lawmakers and in that he made a promise to testify all the aspects prior to ending of the year during the time of hearing about whether tech companies are filtering conservative voices in their products. But due to the non-presence of Mr. Pichai at the hearing where top executives from Facebook and Twitter came, the Google was castigated.

    Google Plus was introduced in the year 2011 and thought of being a good competitor of Facebook. But things turn fatal for it and it becomes an afterthought by the year 2018.

    In comparison to recent reports, Google acclaimed that Google Plus has now a very few users left. It has been reported that 90 percent of users’ sessions stay for less than the time of five seconds. After retrieving the security vulnerability related to Google Plus, the engineers exclaimed that maintenance of Google Plus is not worthy to be done after considering all the aspects of the meager use of the product.

    Google had an eased in mind and become free of some pressure on issues encountered by Facebook and Twitter, when the failure of Google Plus took place.

    Goodbye Google+ – Google is Shutting Down Google+ after Coverup of Data-Exposing Bug


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Things to Know Before Developing an eCommerce Website

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    Things to Know Before Developing an eCommerce Website


    For any start-up business implementation on the internet, the need for web development comes in the first place. There are various aspects that are considered in detail before the web development. These aspects mainly range from user experience to its performance. Developing an E-Commerce Website can quite be challenging as it is quite different from the other types of websites. This type of website is developed on a large scale and includes a complex process. An E-Commerce Website is primarily and only builds for the customers and every website owner would want to make their users’ experience better every time. Along with these considerations, there come the five important things that should be known to the owner and web developer prior to the development of an E-Commerce Website.

    1. Responsive Design

    Nowadays, people like to use their mobile devices to visit any website, even if it is shopping on an e-commerce website. It has been reported that most of the traffic on the websites come from mobile phones in comparison to other sources of devices. However, an owner of the website should make sure that his or her e-commerce website is shown in the most optimized manner on the mobile phones of the users so that the shopping can be done easily through an easy access to it.

    To ensure the success of an e-commerce website, a responsive website design is regarded as a proven way to do that. For the immediate implementation of responsive design, Episerver CMS tool is put into use. There are other CMS platforms available too but they need an extra configuration. Be it any platform usage, you need to be sure that it doesn’t produce any discomfort for the users while using your website on mobile devices.

    1. Support Guest Checkouts

    Almost every e-commerce site requires the users to create an account and then make any purchases. This is so because it filled the communication gap between the company and users and keeps updated about the new products and services at the right time. Due to the paucity of time or disliking about the creation of an account, there are many who don’t wish to create any type of account on the e-commerce websites.

    The account creation is found suitable for the ones who visit the site repeatedly and wish to buy products from it. But the companies should also consider the users who don’t wish to create an account. However, the users should be available with both the options.

    1. Site Search is Important

    According to the statistical reports, it has been stated that 30% of e-commerce site visitors make use of search bar to find their intended product, so a web developer should know how to make this process easy and convenient for the users. It is also considered to be a great way to make a search for products or items related to the intended event.

    There is another way called Faceted Search used for finding products on the website. This aspect lessens the operations of the users and provides an easy and accessible way to their products. More power gets added to the functionality and it shows only what a customer is looking for on the website.

    1. Security is Essential

    For ensuring a security, an e-commerce website should be supportive of SSL to encrypt information. It is essential because of the information like a credit card, payment details, or other information like address, phone number, email, etc. All the customers on e-commerce websites always look forward to keeping their personal information safe and secured, even at the time of making purchases and paying for the same through various payment resources. Being an owner of the website, it becomes important o provide customers’ details and payment as safe as possible. And the businesses who accept credit card payments are required to meet PCI compliance to ensure a great security for the customers making purchases.

    1. Optimize Site Performance

    A big reason behind a website losing its customers is its slow speed. Many kinds of research are performed that exclaimed that 40% of users have immediately left the website when it took more than a time of 3 seconds to load. This data was mainly derived from the users of mobiles who perform multi-task and often abandon the websites that are slow.

    Make sure your website loads as fast as possible and you don’t lose customers due to this reason. Look at a few ways to make your website run smoothly:

    • To speed up the interaction with the website, a site’s JavaScript or CSS resource files should be compiled in a single file. This is so because users will only have to download one JavaScript file or style sheet rather than a lot one.
    • Use compress images as they are the best alternative to go with for reducing download times.
    • For reducing the time spent sending data between the web server and the database server, caching should be used.

    Keep all these aspects in mind and design an e-commerce website accordingly. Considering these things will provide your users with a great website experience and add a lot of elements in making your website smooth and effective. Collaboration with professional web developers can take your website presence and administration to a completely next level. Along with the web development, there are many other things that are needed to be considered like SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and more to ensure a great success for the business across the globe.

    Looking forward to developing an e-commerce website? Consider the above-mentioned points and move forward with the process. Make sure you don’t leave any point overlooked. Get the best knowledge through this article and ensure only the best for your business. Build your e-commerce website after considering all the valuable things needed to be looking for a user-friendly and smooth website.

    Things to Know Before Developing an eCommerce Website


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Why India has Become the First Choice to Outsource SEO Service?

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    Indeed, India emerges as the best taken up country for the outsourcing SEO services. The shreds of evidence of saying this can be understood with the boom in the IT sector. You are pondering whether it would be astute for you to redistribute SEO administrations to India at that point try to experience a portion of the indispensable advantages or livens that you will have the capacity to appreciate subsequent to profiting the administrations of SEOs in India.

    Know the meaning of cost friendly and efficient service 

    This is unquestionably one of the significant advantages of SEO reselling to the experts in India. You do not need to delegate an in-house SEO proficient; it will unquestionably be less demanding for you to dispose of a portion of the crucial overheads or costs of enrollment, paying month to month pay and livens, medical coverage, and so forth. You can without much of stretch spare heaps of your profitable cash on working costs by re-appropriating your need for maintaining SEO department.

    It will unquestionably be savvy for you to work with the experts who are exceptionally talented in this field. It will be less demanding for you to gain admittance to a portion of the SEO experts, who are exceptionally instructed and are even master in this particular field. Despite the fact that social boundaries appear to exist in India yet at the same time the experts of this nation can surely talk great English than different other re-appropriating nations in the distinctive parts of the world.

    Time zone compatible workforce availability 

    This is likewise one of the significant reasons because of which most organizations consider to re-appropriate SEO administrations to India. Since IST is around 10.5 hours in front of the Eastern Standard Time and even 5.5 hours in front of Greenwich Mean Time, a particular organization will have the capacity to satisfy the necessities of its customer every minute of every day in the wake of redistributing Search Engine Optimization administrations to India.

    This is additionally one of the significant advantages that you will have the capacity to encounter by re-appropriating site design improvement administrations to India. Since, this nation has a steady government that has been manufactured immovably over 60 years, a large portion of the organizations redistributes SEO administrations with no sort of deterrent. Other than this, the Indian government has additionally taken essential measures with the end goal to improve the foundation of the IT division and in this manner give the most ideal redistributing administrations at a moderate cost.

    Experience varieties in SEO services in wide   

    This is one of the real reasons which the greater part of the organizations in various parts of the world considers SEO outsourcing to India only. With the fast development in the IT segment, there has likewise been an expansion in the quantity of this service provider that give astounding administrations at a reasonable spending plan. There are positively the different advantages of re-appropriating site design improvement administrations to India and in this way capable brilliant administration at a reasonable cost.

    Likewise, understand that situations as for predisposition for this situation. The facts demonstrate that Indian, or for the most part Asian; SEO organizations can charge exhaustive administrations for one quarter and even one-tenth of what we charge. Be that as it may, that is not why we think redistributing SEO to India is an awful thought. You have presumably gotten no less than one email advancing India-based SEO administrations, isn’t that so? In the event that you at any point set aside the opportunity to peruse it, did you see anything bizarre? Something was marginal, impalpably off about the dialect.

    Indian’s adaptability is unmatchable 

    English really is the second dialect in India; however, the variation utilized there is not quite the same as the one talked in the US. Their expressing, as a rule, appears to be somewhat old or reminiscent of formal British. This may not appear to be an issue, but rather it really is. This sends Google a flag that the substance is either low-quality or not sufficiently applicable. Remember that rankings are presently impacted by how much time clients spend on your site and the amount they lock in.

    Content composed by abroad substance journalists is likewise infamous for lacking substance and going ahead in circles. Will you truly expect increasingly on the off chance that you pay $5 per a 500-word article? Such substance is produced in huge sums, so quality will undoubtedly endure.

    On-page improvement could not be done better elsewhere 

    When you take a gander at a bit of enhanced substance composed abroad, you can see a couple of remarkable attributes, concerning basically catchphrases. It is normally a couple of short, hot catchphrases stuffed all through the content, while long-tail watchwords are typically absent. Stuffing catchphrases in structureless lighten used to cut it, yet not any longer. It offers some reward; it can never be anything over here and now.

    The greatest favorable position, the only preferred standpoint of abroad SEO organizations is their low charges. That is the foundation of their promoting. Despite the fact that they regularly publicize a full scope of administrations at a way lower cost, what they convey is the amount over quality. Something else is that the meaning of white cap is advancing – interface ranches used to be adequate years back, yet now they are not.

    Read Also: How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog Posts Quickly and Easily?

    Google puts a great deal into refining their calculations and the main issue is: in the event that you endeavor to trap Google, you will get captured. It probably won’t be today or tomorrow, yet when it happens it will involve punishments, sliced movement, downtime, and fewer deals. What’s more, a lot of time and cash to cure the issue?

    Last to know, SEO outsourcing, India has become the first choice because Indian service providers are not just know-it-all crowd business, nevertheless, wait-for-best crowd business running minds.

    Why India has Become the First Choice to Outsource SEO Service?


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Benefits of HTTPS in Current SEO Marketing Trends

    Benefits of HTTPS in Current SEO Marketing Trends

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    Benefits of HTTPS in Current SEO Marketing Trends

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    HTTPS is a proven way to encrypt information that is initiated between a web server and browser. Through this aspect of the digital world, the website users can create a safe access to the information like credit card details or logins which sometimes get hacked by the middle person. The primary use of HTTPS is for the sites which are equipped with sensitive information. But, with the advancement in technology, HTTPS is now easy to implement for securing connections. If your website has not been covered with security through HTTPS, then get is secured soon.

    Not one, but there are many benefits of HTTPS in Current SEO marketing trends.

    • Boost in Google Rankings

    According to the researches made, it has been found that over 40% of the websites showcasing on the first page of the Google are HTTPS. And, this should not be surprising for you. Google prioritizes only those websites which are HTTPS. Unsecured websites are not counted and become unworthy for the Google. For the best user experience of the audience, Google ensures that they do not make searches on the unsecured sites. If your site isn’t secured yet, then the time is not far when your site will get outranked by the similar sites that are HTTPS.

    • High-Tech Security

    Google approves only HTTPS websites because of the reason that it wants its users to experience the safest web experience. The rankings algorithm is combined with the criteria by the Google after it has been approved for providing the best user experience. HTTPS is an appropriate way to secure or protect user’s information as well as your information from the man-in-the-middle (Hackers). Maintaining a safer and secured ambiance on the online medium is a better alternative for everyone.

    • Upgraded Browser Labels

    To make the web more secure, updates in the labeling of HTTP sites in Chrome’s URL bar has been initiated by Google. According to the current status, the sites which are HTTPS are symbolized with a gray color and depicts to the users that the site is not secured.

    • Increased rate in Conversions

    A proven fact is that users have faith and trust in secure connections more. And, the sites which go with the same thought are more likely to get a better rank in Google search results. Users are not usually friendly with technicalities of secure connections, but they are known to the fact that the site should be HTTPS in case they are providing any personal information. There is a remarkable difference between the conversion rates of HTTP and HTTPS sites. But, one will be easily able to see huge differences in conversion rates between the two once Google launches its new HTTP labeling.

    • Elevation in the customer’s confidence

    Buzz about HTTPS can be seen all around the place and users are now looking for the websites that have a secure connection. A customer becomes satisfied and feels a great peace of mind while transacting things online on any website if it is a secure connection.

    • Browsing becomes fast

    The fast browsing experience is a want of all. Enabling HTTPS can lead to faster browsing speeds, in turn, making user’s experience great and fast.


    At present, SSL SEO effects are not wholly negative. But, a hint has been traced from the Google’s Webmaster Blog on fully secure websites in the future. It says that “Switching to HTTPS has now become convenient and easy for all the site owners. Converting a website into a secure one will be your first priority; otherwise, one can see a downfall in their rankings and even get crushed by its competitors.


    Stabilizing an HTTPS connection is highly-appreciated by the Google and creates a secure platform for both users and business as well. With the emerging browsers in the management of HTTPS connections have made an improvement in the loading speeds. With all these affirmations, HTTPS is going to be the future of every web client and extending the undeniable can result in harming your SEO campaign in the remote future.

    Benefits of HTTPS in Current SEO Marketing Trends


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Study of Progressive Web App (PWA) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and their differences

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    Increase your Sales Using Advanced Audience Targeting with PPC

    Increase your Sales Using Advanced Audience Targeting with PPC

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    10 Most Common WordPress Errors and Solutions to Fix them

    10 Most Common WordPress Errors and Solutions to Fix them

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    10 Most Common WordPress Errors and Solutions to Fix them

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    WordPress is a free and open-source content administration framework in view of PHP and MySQL. Features incorporate module engineering and a layout framework that is most connected with blogging. Yet, underpins different kinds of web content including more customary mailing records and gatherings, media exhibitions, and online stores. It is the most prominent site administration framework in use. Apart, it has been utilized for other application spaces such as unavoidable showcase frameworks known as portable devices usage.

    WordPress is a genuinely simple CMS to assemble sites. You can assemble a site without any preparation with any coding information by any means. Your WordPress voyage may not generally be smooth; you’ll doubtlessly go over a few knocks. Try not to stress; however, these knocks are relatively every time simple to unravel. And, there is nothing, which cannot be learned. Get your guts to learn and begin content management on this miraculous platform.

    During your reading, you will find out about the absolute and most regular WordPress mistakes and how to settle them down. In case, you’re not ready to tackle the issues by the means made reference, you can always ask for help from the experts.

    Below you will come across the selected common mistakes you can face while starting out your blogging or business website on WordPress.

    • Repair the Missed Schedule Post Error in WordPress
    • Repair Image Upload Issue in WordPress
    • Repair The 403 Forbidden Error in WordPress
    • Repair Call to Undefined Function IS_NETWORK_ADMIN () Error
    • Repair Are You Sure You Want to Do This” Error
    • Repair the WordPress White Screen of Death
    • Repair Error Establishing a Database Connection in WordPress
    • Repair Parse Error: Syntax Error
    • Repair WordPress PHP Memory Limit Error
    • Repair White Text and Missing Buttons with Visual Editor 12

    Experience these WordPress mistakes separately in detail and perceive how to settle them down for better on-going content running.

    Repair the Missed Schedule Post Error in WordPress   

    A calendar post is an astounding component of WordPress. It enables the presents on be consequently distributed at a predefined time. It is an ideal element for individuals who need to distribute a post when they are voyaging. Your whole distributing timetable may get botched up. Though, none of the posts that you booked could ever get posted. This can be exceptionally baffling. You will need to execute a trap to keep this planned post mistake.

    Repair Image Upload Issue in WordPress   

    Picture transfer issue in WordPress happens, most generally, because of wrong record consents. Probably, your transfer catalog does not have remedy record authorizations, and then WordPress would not have the capacity to store your documents in it. In some cases, it may not show records from the transfer catalog.

    Repair The 403 Forbidden Error in WordPress   

    403 Forbidden is an irritating mistake and this mistake generally experienced by clients, who are new to WordPress. 403 Forbidden blunders in it are demonstrated when your authorizations are not enabling access to a particular page.

    Repair Call To Undefined Function IS_NETWORK_ADMIN ()   

    Lethal blunder vague capacity is_network_admin() and a fizzled WordPress refresh makes this blunder happen. Now and then, the WordPress Auto Update falls flat on account of a degenerate refresh.

    Repair Are You Sure You Want to Do This Error  

    Mistakes resemble speed breakers on a smooth street. You simply despise them. Who wouldn’t love a smooth adventure? Essentially, in WordPress, you regularly encounter speed breakers. Not all mistakes are the equivalent. A few mistakes are useful, as they disclose to you what precisely the issue is. PHP restrain mistake and Error Establishing a Database Connection are a portion of those supportive blunders. Be that as it may, consider the possibility that you get an unhelpful blunder, for example, “Are You Sure You Want to Do This.” This may be the vaguest conceivable mistake.

    Repair the WordPress White Screen of Death  

    Having a white screen show up where your site should be is really an entirely regular issue. The WordPress clear screen of death more often than not strikes after running updates, relocating a site, changing your topic, or actuating certain modules. This can be a to a great degree baffling issue and possibly even hurt your business, however, as a rule, it is something you will have the capacity to settle in less than 60 minutes.

    Repair Error Establishing a Database Connection in WordPress   

    You run over the ‘Mistake Establishing a Database Connection’ few times. This mistake can be caused because of numerous reasons. It is a disappointing mistake, particularly for WordPress fledglings. You will figure out how to settle the Error Establishing a Database Connection issue by experiencing an aggregation of arrangements given by us. Make a point to have adequate reinforcements previously you roll out improvements to the database.

    Repair Syntax Error    

    Is it true that you can be frightening when you’ve quite recently begun making your WordPress site, and you utilize some code piece from the web to add new highlights to your webpage, and your website separates? It is beyond any doubt. This can happen as a result of an inappropriate linguistic structure. It is basic to utilize legitimate linguistic structure to abstain from breaking your site. It is a direct result of a grammar blunder.

    Repair WordPress PHP Memory Limit Error   

    Now and then, you get a permitted memory measure depleted blunder in WordPress. This is one of those basic WordPress blunders which can be settled effectively. It is additionally called as WordPress PHP memory restrain blunder.

    Repair White Text and Missing Buttons with Visual Editor 12   

    Some of the time, when you introduce WordPress and endeavor to include another post, you see that the visual editorial manager catches are absent. Additionally, you can compose anything; you cannot see the content since its shading has changed to white.

    Know some interesting things about your beloved WordPress, which have the better truth of being the change in blogging.

    Singular establishments of WordPress can be ensured with security modules that forestall client identification, conceal assets and impede tests. Clients can likewise secure their WordPress establishments by making strides, for example, keeping all WordPress establishment, subjects, and modules refreshed, utilizing just confided in topics and plugins, altering the site’s .htaccess document to avoid numerous kinds of SQL infusion assaults and square unapproved access to touchy records. It is particularly vital to keep WordPress modules refreshed in light of the fact that would-be programmers can without much of a stretch rundown all the modules a site uses, and afterward run sweeps looking for any vulnerabilities against those modules. On the off chance that vulnerabilities are discovered, they might be misused to enable programmers to transfer their very own documents that gather delicate information.

    Engineers can likewise utilize devices to examine potential vulnerabilities, including WPScan, WordPress Auditor and WordPress Sploit Framework created by 0pc0deFR. These kinds of apparatuses explore referred to vulnerabilities, for example, a CSRF, LFI, RFI, XSS, SQL infusion and client identification. Be that as it may, not all vulnerabilities can be distinguished by instruments, so it is prudent to check the code of modules; topics and other include ins from different engineers.

    Preceding rendition 3, WordPress bolstered one blog for each establishment, albeit numerous simultaneous duplicates might be kept running from various indexes whenever designed to utilize separate database tables. WordPress Multisite as alluded to as WordPress Multi-User, WordPress MU, or WPMU) was a fork of WordPress made to enable various online journals to exist inside one establishment, however, can be managed by a brought together maintainer. WordPress MU makes it workable for those with sites to have their very own blogging networks, and additionally control and moderate every one of the web journals from a solitary dashboard. WordPress MS includes eight new information tables for each blog.

    Once in a while, you may experience that RSS channel blunder in your WordPress site. There are diverse sorts of RSS channel mistakes. They are for the most part caused because of changes made to your topic or modules. Well, things being what they are, what is the reason for WordPress RSS channel blunders? The majority of these blunders are caused because of poor arranging.

    To tell the last of these words, you should know that WordPress changed the ways of sharing content. It is not just CMS anymore. It is the world of knowledge and pleasure. None another website can give you what it can offer you with just one single account there. It does have some hidden and irritating features. Nevertheless, learning makes everything easy to put inside the past of mistakes of any in this world. Once, you are on WordPress, there will not be closing it down because it gives validation of needs, desires and necessitates of an artist, businessman and a person, who just want to share something with the world.

    Join the movement of content sharing and learn new things. You will get a life of knowledge with WordPress. Just know what common mistakes come along.

    10 Most Common WordPress Errors and Solutions to Fix them


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    How to do Keyword Research for SEO Campaigns?

    How to do Keyword Research for SEO Campaigns?

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    Study of Progressive Web App (PWA) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and their differences

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    Increase your Sales Using Advanced Audience Targeting with PPC

    Increase your Sales Using Advanced Audience Targeting with PPC

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    Increase your Sales Using Advanced Audience Targeting with PPC

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    To ensure a real and potential connectivity in all the digital channels, audiences perform as a dotted line connecting them all! A lot of improvement can be seen within a campaign with the help of audiences. They also help in dominating the approaches in other campaigns and channels. Through PPC campaigning, we can collect data about the interest and engagement of the audience with the brand.

    Perform audience search

    It is very important to understand the nature and interest of the audience. What people like the most to purchase or inquire about? These questions seem simple but difficult to operate. By choosing a relevant keyword only cannot help a business to grow in terms of conversion sales. Nowadays, the advanced technology and new ways have cropped up to increase the sales using advanced audience targeting with Pay Per Click campaign. The advertisers can simply know about their relevant customers and bid depending on a few criteria such as Location, Type of device, and Time. If you are considering these three aspects to target your audience, then there is nothing that could stop you from having an amazing PPC.  

    There are a few questions that need to be asked to yourself before optimizing a PPC campaign.

    • Is the made search influencing the likelihood of conversion as per the location of the audience?
    • Which device is getting used the most – A mobile or a desktop?
    • Is your spent money worthy in the evening in comparison to the morning time?

    By answering all these questions to yourself, you will easily become capable of managing your money spending.

    For an instance, suppose yourself as a retailer on the street stores with an e-commerce site within, then targeting the audience becomes a matter of consideration on a serious note.

    If you have a store and someone is searching for you on their phone at a short distance, then they deserve a worthy bidding. Ask them to visit the store in human as there are chances that a customer will buy more physically than being virtually engaged with your website. In the other case, if your store has been closed for the day and the visitor is sitting on his laptop or desktop at home, then put your bidding to lower and ask them to be at the e-commerce site.

    As a businessman, it is essential for you to understand the difference in the value of each search and bidding accordingly.

    Your bids can be modified according to Age and Gender of the searcher. If you have a single motive of targeting only younger males, then bid more for them. Lower the bids if the searchers show they are females or older people. In this way, you can reach your targeted audience easily.

    Exhibit audiences

    There is a lot of money that is spent on Google search ads on every single day. But are you sure that people spend that much of time on your website? Majority of the people don’t! Many options are available for the targeting purpose. To give a start to your plan, use relevant keywords and placements. In the next step, start bidding on the basis of demographics.

    For example: If you want to advertise a new baby cloth piece, then it can be shown as a female carrying a baby with that new cloth piece on the baby’s body. This image can be used wisely on the websites related to babies with an incorporation of relevant keywords.

    Life Events

    This is one of the types of targeting. In this type of advertising, people are made aware of the events that are about to happen or have taken place in their lives such as completed graduation from college, getting married, and moving a house. You must be wondering that these are just three options to choose from but don’t forget that big industries surround each one of them.

    Remarketing audiences

    After completing all these aspects of targeting your audience, people will start visiting your site but still, there would be many who will not perform in the way you want them to. According to the statistical researches, it has been observed that 90% of the people leave the website without converting, 70% of the people left the shopping cart without making any purchasing, and only 2 to 3 visits are performed prior to crossing the line. To bring synchronization in the remarketing strategy, there is a need to prepare comprehensive approaches to bring back the customers to your site for making an increment in the conversion rates.

    Customer match

    If you are available with the prospects and customers to whom you want to advertise, to ensure a repeat purchase or engage new people to make a purchase for the first time; then there comes the need of using customer match to make a conversation with these audiences.

    Similar Audiences

    To ensure a grand remarketing, there is a need to be great in every aspect. You can have a huge traffic on your site if your remarking lists are performing strongly through similar audiences.

    Execute your audience approaches

    If you are not sure where to start and what to start with, then take a deep look in your Analytics data. Trace out the types of people who often visit your website and result in a conversion. Look out where they stay; what devices they put into use; and at what time of the day or week you have attained the highest conversions.

    Use all those themes in your search and get to know about their domain of interest lies and what’s that one thing they feel passionate about is. Once the customer visits your website, show them your variety of offers and make them your permanent and reliable customers for the lifetime. These strategies will definitely make your campaign a strong and appropriate one. Adapt these methods and approaches and mark a great boost in your sales by targeting the right audience at the right time.

    Increase your Sales Using Advanced Audience Targeting with PPC


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Things to Consider When Developing a Mobile App for Your Business

    Things to Consider When Developing a Mobile App for Your Business

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    How to do Keyword Research for SEO Campaigns?

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    Study of Progressive Web App (PWA) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and their differences

    Study of Progressive Web App (PWA) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and their differences

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    Study of Progressive Web App (PWA) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and their differences


    AMPs are known as the registered papers of developed, which is an open source project to provide help to other websites in loading their binary data in fast speed and accurately in accessing mobile phones. The abbreviation AMP has been used for Accelerated Mobile Pages. According to the recent reports, it has been noted that this coding has been used by News websites and e-commerce website in relation to showcasing their content of news and products respectively. Under this, the pages are aligned structured and include elements like images. They are usually shown off-screen and cannot be downloaded until and unless the user has viewed them. There is no doubt that the loading page limit becomes fast but it also results in degrading the user experience along with unpopularity of the website and low conversion rates.

    Progressive Web App (PWA)
    A Progressive Web App usually looks like a general Mobile Application. This also known as Web Apps and Website Page. It also helps the users to again visit the website with the help of the features like Push Notifications, Rich Offline Experiences, and Periodic Background Syncs. If you are looking forward to making your website loading speed fast, then PWA can be an effective option as it can help in filling the empty spaces produced with AMP results. For now, only big companies and agencies have taken this into use.

    There are mainly three attributes that make PWA a far way different from AMP:
    1. The accessing and operating power of PWAs is faster than AMPs.
    2. A great piece of information can be attained through PWAs, while AMPs cut-short the content in order to make an improvement in the conversion rate.
    3. PWAs offer a high commitment, while AMPs lack this aspect.

    However, it is not declared that PWA should be given the most preference over AMP. AMP also has a great number of merits, if compared to PWA.

    Let’s study about the differences between AMP and PWA
    AMP and PWA are known to be the best invention ever. With the help of these, we have become capable of making the website loading speed a far much better and fast than before. The time has come when you can bid a goodbye to a slower version of the loading.

    In the fast-paced technological world, people want things to be fast in every manner. But still, some people show a great patience on the desktop while the website takes time in the loading. The same thing cannot be done on mobile phones. Waiting for a website to load on the mobile phones is not a way to live for almost everyone. To bring a great user experience, AMP and PWA have been a great assistance for all.

    Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
    An open source medium that has helped in marking an improvement in the loading speed of the web pages is a feature called Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). A great experience for users on the website has been generated through this approved feature by Google.

    This feature consists of very less content than any general website or App. It is considered the best way to present messages in the shortest and precise manner at the earliest.

    Merits of AMP
    • Loading speed of the website and its pages become fast.
    • Provide assistance to all the current formats of ads.
    • A great enhancement can be seen in the engagement of the visitors.
    • A website gets load 4 times faster than the others who are not made in AMP.
    • Formerly used for the news posting purpose, but today it has taken place in a variety of content posting.
    • The website publishers are given a full access on the business and visual design.

    Working process of AMP
    By excluding all the unwanted JavaScript and making all the pages well-structured in static terms, AMP ensures a fast loading speed for the website.
    1. An AMP template is created according to the content need to be posted.
    2. Use a rel=’’amphtml” tag on the non-AMP version of the intended content.
    3. With a canonical tag, AMP version directs to the non-AMP version.

    The attributes which exemplify PWA in a grand manner:
    1. Make an enhancement progressively for the users.
    2. Accessible in an Offline Network.
    3. Responsive web design.
    4. Give a look like a Mobile App by using App Shell Model.
    5. Make available with a fresh exhibition along with its Rich Offline Experiences, Periodic Background Syncs and Push Notifications.
    6. PWA is regarded as Search Engine Results (SERPs) Friendly.
    7. Directly Apps can be added on the Home screen without making an access to App Store.

    Merits of PWA
    • A great loading speed of the website and pages.
    • Make improvement in the conversion rate.
    • Within one second, users can scroll 60 frames.
    • Take no URL bar to get an access to the full screen.
    • With the help of push notifications, gets engaged with the users.
    • Permit unwrinkled animations and navigations.
    • Users can easily reach the website through home screen icon on the device.
    • Can easily be run on weak networks.

    Favorable factors of AMP
    • Provide a great boost to the speed and takes very less time to load.
    • Allow a great improvement in the keyword rankings in mobile devices.
    • Enhance the performance and lowers the server load.
    • A great support to the website.
    • Best to be used for publisher niche websites.

    Unfavorable factors of AMP
    • No user activity can be tracked on AMP pages.
    • Not e-commerce website friendly.
    • No enhancement can be made for search engine ranking.
    • Works on the basis of cache.

    Favorable factors of PWA
    • There is no need to install an application.
    • Does not demand to have an access to App Store.
    • Automatically gets updated.
    • E-commerce website friendly.

    Unfavorable factors of PWA
    • So many platform limitations that drive to re-engagement issues.

    AMP or PWA? Which one is better?
    The differences have already been explained above in respect to their advantages, disadvantages, and working process. But both the features go hand-in-hand. Is your website HTTPS? If yes, then there is a need to have the assistance of both the technologies for ensuring a great user experience.

    One can easily reach the content instantly with the help of AMP. While on the other hand, PWA ensures a great user experience and keep them engaged with the website. Both AMP and PWA are used for the website development effectively. With so many people around, the visit to the websites also gets increased. Every individual seeks to have a fast website loading speed and that is where AMP plays a major role to render the same. According to the researches made, it has been found that approximately 92% of the users leave the website if it takes a long span of time to get loaded.

    PWA has grabbed a very essential place in today’s era. To make PWAs work easily and smoothly across all the modern browsers, standard progressive enhancement techniques are put into use. The need for paying to each browser gets cut and a vast improvement can be marked in terms of traffic, leads, and conversions. HTTPS is used by PWA for a support to embark a safe connection between site and users. Security plays a major role on the website as it is very important to build trust in visitors or consumers. The notifications can still be sent whether the page is closed or there is no internet access.

    A major difference that has been observed between AMP and PWA is that PWA has a notification facility. It also saves the website from unnecessary content, ads, and viruses. Mostly new invented technologies are given assistance in HTTPS only. Push notifications feature has helped people in getting information in a short and precise manner regarding any new update, product, or services offered by the companies. It has been shown by the reports that 74% more time is spent on PWAs and 82% of conversion rate has been noted in iOS and 104% in the remaining browsers.

    Google is consistently giving more importance to AMP. A new visual content was launched recently known as Snapchat. It has been made in AMP and has great similarities with stories feature of Snapchat.

    Study of Progressive Web App (PWA) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and their differences


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Top 10 Google Analytics Metrics to Track for the Amelioration of Website

    Top 10 Google Analytics Metrics to Track for the Amelioration of Website

    Oct 17 2018
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    Things to Consider When Developing a Mobile App for Your Business

    Things to Consider When Developing a Mobile App for Your Business

    Oct 22 2018
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    How to do Keyword Research for SEO Campaigns?

    How to do Keyword Research for SEO Campaigns?

    Oct 25 2018
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    How to do Keyword Research for SEO Campaigns?


    Before understanding the intended title, there is a need to learn what keywords are? Keywords are the small search words or phrases that are entered by the searchers on the search engines according to their intended purpose they are finding on. Google gives a great value and importance to keywords. All the organization of the pages is initiated by Google to find the information related to the keyword on the web.

    For an instance, when a search is made regarding the motorcycles; Google ensures that the page opened on the web is related to bikes only. Through this, Google easily gets accessed to rank the content for keywords that are in relation to motorcycles and not bicycles.

    Also Read: 10 Amazing Searches Made On Google The Most In The Last 20 Years

    It is a known fact that Google uses a lot of factors in providing ranks to the web pages in search results. But the master is the keyword that plays a major role. However, if you are hunting for a lot of traffic on your website from Google’s organic search results; then there is an urgent need to understand the concept of keywords deeply. But always remember that there is a lot more difference between Google’s organic search and Google’s paid search. You can appear for free in Google’s organic search, while in Google’s paid search results; you have to pay a lot.

    No business is unknown of this face that Google paid search is expensive. On each click made by the search user on your ads, you have to pay for that. Only the companies who are willing to make a hole in their pocket or say are ready to pay a high amount get displayed by Google on the web pages. There is a far way better idea to gain your valuable customers. You can give your rivalries a big competition through organic search results. All you need to understand is the relevance of the keywords.

    How to drive prospects and customers to your website by using keywords?
    We all are unique in some or the other manner and uses different styles to search on a particular topic for a specific purpose. However, different types of phrases are used or entered into the search engine. As a business person, you have to make sure that you are using only the keywords that display your business and its products and services. A deep keyword research is needed to find these keywords that are relevant to your site and ensure a lot of traffic.

    Keyword Research is a process in which keywords are traced according to the customers and prospects intended purpose and find your site at first place in search engines.

    Read Also: Top 10 Google Analytics Metrics To Track For The Amelioration Of Website

    Let’s dive into the process to know how important keywords are and how one should choose them for ensuring a successful search engine optimization to bring traffic.

    Why keyword research is important in the present era as it was earlier?
    From the beginning itself, keywords are always in action and have been an essential part of search engines. There are many people who believe that keywords are not as important as they were in earlier years. This may be due to the changes that have taken place in the past few years. And it is true! Google has now started looking into various factors before ensuring a ranking to any site on the search results.

    It is an undeniable fact that Keywords are as important and relevant as they were in 10 or 20 years back. The approaches have seen a lot of alternations used by the marketers in relation to the choice of keywords. A few years ago, keyword stuffing was the majorly used term by the business persons to ensure a rank by mentioning a particular keyword for 100 times in a specific page.

    In today’s era, keyword stuffing has lost its grace. The top search engines like Google and Bing do not support keyword stuffing at all. Google always make a search for the primary keyword you want to rank for and also the keywords that have some relation with your main keyword. For example: If you are targeting the keyword social media marketing, then Google definitely expects the inclusions of the keywords like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

    How to hunt for the right and relevant keywords?
    A right keyword can successfully drive the right visitor to your site!
    With the use of right keywords, a searcher can easily get what he or she is looking for on the website. Use of this tactic or say approach can lead to transforming those prospects into your reliable customers for a longer period of time.

    What are the phrases and keywords that have a relationship with your business?
    If you are well-connected with your products and services, then you must be aware of the topics and phrases related to them. Don’t just get limited to the keywords used by your competitors in the same industry; you can also look for the keywords in books that have relation to your business and its intended purpose. You can use tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush to find the right keywords for targeting them on your site.

    How to make the use of keywords on the site?
    Prepare a content that has these found keywords incorporated in it. Use of the keywords should be initiated in the following:
    1. Title
    2. Meta Description
    3. The Body of the content
    4. Backlinks to your site

    Do not make the use of same keywords many times on the same page. This may lead to keyword stuffing that can prove to be harmful to your brand.

    Always keep in mind that Google is completely against the keyword stuffing.

    Hopefully, after taking a look and read to this informative article; you must be aware of the strategies and approaches need to be used for choosing the right keywords for SEO in a convenient manner. Trace out the right keywords and drive reliable customers to your site.

    How to do Keyword Research for SEO Campaigns?


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Facebook Improves Marketplace for Global Business for Fast Selling

    Facebook Improves Marketplace for Global Business for Fast Selling

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    Top 10 Google Analytics Metrics to Track for the Amelioration of Website

    Top 10 Google Analytics Metrics to Track for the Amelioration of Website

    Oct 17 2018
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    Things to Consider When Developing a Mobile App for Your Business

    Things to Consider When Developing a Mobile App for Your Business

    Oct 22 2018
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    Things to Consider When Developing a Mobile App for Your Business

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    The matter of first importance, before you begin actualizing your thought, ask yourself: Is your application going to be an answer to a test that somebody is presently confronting? This is, additionally, the point that some beginners commit another error with their creativity. They neglect to think about the way that the startup showcase has existed for a long time now.

    Keep in mind that works at a 9 – 5 jobs, is not bondage. You are not forced to do that. Include those two together and they spend their saved time on a task, just to discover that their thought they have been treasuring is the sublime background resources to make a mobile application.

    Group of onlookers needs your targeting

    You have a splendid thought for your future application for mobile, well, it doesn’t ensure achievement. Achievement is a journey, which comes with pain, determination and steel will. There are 3 words that can thoroughly turn the circumstance around. And, these words don’t matter for anyone in this planet as their time to inspire someone is gone. Most of the thoughts are focused on a particular assignment or capacity as opposed to a particular crowd. The intended interest group ends up imperative just at the phase of planning the advertising plan. In any case, you shouldn’t think little of your intended interest group. At last, it’s these individuals, who are in charge of your application’s prosperity. However, they are called targeted audience.

    Never underestimate the thought that you cannot create something. There are people, who took half their life to create something and change the behavior of our society. You need individuals to download your application; you need to ensure that they need what you are putting forth. To get a general perspective of your clients, you have to do inquire about everything, amid and even after the improvement procedure. Having figured out what sort of clients will be most inspired by your application, you can design the outline and usefulness as indicated by their inclinations. There you go with the targeting obstacle.

    Stages are important do not miss them ever

    Regardless of, whether your application will be effective, this relies upon numerous components. One such factor is the background portable stage that you will be concentrating on. In the realm of phones, which are called smart, nonetheless, Android and iOS are as yet the most well-known working frameworks today and, in the past, Blackberry and Symbion, the decision comes down to these two for your inspiration, to be honest over the available sources.

    If to build up a portable application for a particular stage, you need to utilize a dialect that is locally upheld by that stage. For instance, iOS applications depend on Swift or Objective-C, while Android applications are produced with Java or Kotlin. These applications are additionally called local because their coding is universally known.

    Also Read: How To Increase Traffic To Your Blog Posts Quickly And Easily?

    Presently, you are most likely thinking about whether it is conceivable to utilize just a single dialect to build up a versatile application for the two stages. Indeed, it’s conceivable. Are you out of your mind not to think like a machine by now? The advances will develop; the tech network understood that it would be less demanding to make just a single application which could be utilized crosswise over unexpected stages in comparison to making separate applications.

    Though, every one of the choices has its very own points of interest and hindrances. Being an application developer to be now, you ought to have a strong comprehension of the contrasts between the stages as essentially investigating the contrasts between them, does not give you the expansive picture of which one is better, as these things are important.

    A database can make your application a success

    The present client’s life relies on their versatile applications to an ever-increasing extent, which in other words can be put as unimaginable imagination. Their applications glitch for reasons unknown, odds are they’ll uninstall them. All things considered, having a quick database is vital with regards to the execution of your application. Picking the database, you ought to think about various elements. The most critical ones are information structure; the size of information to be put away; speed and adaptability; openness of information; and wellbeing and security of information.

    Undoubtedly, web-based shopping and internet business has turned into an essential piece of our lives. While E-business and applications have turned out to be increasingly complex, mail conveyance agents appear to have turned out to be increasingly uncaring in their meaning of a protected place to leave your bundle.

    The principle reason that designers began coordinating installment entryways into their applications come to the knowledge of everything in the present to create. This enabled clients to effortlessly pay for different products and ventures, and booking tickets, paying bills, in that spot at the time.

    This is some assistance in sending deals to the moon, as per the way that presently, making installments is a bit of tasty cake. However, you are the only one, who knows how to make fiction into realities.

    The measure of individual information kept on cell phones, nowadays, is completely astounding. From the correct area and most loved spots to ledgers and passwords, our cell phones have turned into a genuine gold mine of data that many might want to get their hands on. The issue of information insurance has never been so urgent even for the two clients and designers alike.

    Although it is as yet an effectively discussed point, in light of current circumstances that you miss the point and something turns out badly, you can watch yourself bite the dust in that spot. It’s most likely one of the best issues you need on your rundown for the achievement you seek.

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    The end of outlying the best design

    A portable shape configuration presents particular difficulties for architects. Having made a decent plan, you’ll convey clearness to the interface and expel all obstructions from the client. Here are a few recommendations for making an extremely instinctive plan. Therefore, you will have a lovely portable outline equipped for growing and connecting with your gathering of people, from the very beginning. Content is your interface. Attempt to dispose of any pointless components that don’t bolster client’s errands. Having lessened diversions, you’ll enable clients to center around the substance they’re searching for.

    Make a discussion stream to know what you miss

    Utilize a solitary information field at whatever point conceivable. When you make two, three or considerably more fields and also doing clients switch between various information modes; they will split information into numerous fields and make dissatisfaction. To make your application as easy to use as could be allowed, the data stream of your application should give clients an impression of having a discussion with their companion.

    Warnings make life easy, so don’t even think about getting them to pass over our head. Best try not to abuse push warnings. Have you at any point been barraged with tremendous measures of futile notices that disturb and absolutely divert you from your day? Irritating warnings are one of the fundamental reasons why individuals may uninstall your application.

    Building up an application is more than making an incredible client encounter-ship throughout. Notwithstanding, making an item that your intended interest group needs, it is likewise about ensuring that the application can bring you to benefit for further advancement. You will have the capacity to get this benefit, the quicker you can develop the usefulness of your application and, along these lines, improve it for the clients. In the exceptionally aggressive universe of applications, even the best item needs some genuine promoting endeavors behind it.

    Moreover, picking the correct tech stack can likewise enable you to scale the application when it develops past the extent of a startup. Talking about adaptability, it is an imperative factor to be contemplated while making your versatile application, particularly if it is intended for an extensive number of clients and overseeing huge volumes of information.

    Roaming at last of knowledge

    The fundamental obstruction to making a versatile application is that the lion’s share of individuals is not coders by any stretch of the imagination. You have a couple of choices. The first is very clear: you can discover some writing about versatile advancement or agree to accept courses or instructional exercises. This is essentially what each fledgling designer does at the plain beginning of their vocation.

    Do not worry about picking the primary alternative, you ought to comprehend that coding, much the same as some other field, will take a long time to ace. Obviously, you can take in a few traps and programming nuts and bolts in a couple of months.

    Last to offer here is that with open source being the overwhelming power in the product world, there is little ponder that online clients are accustomed to having the greater part of the things on the internet for nothing.

    Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

    Things to Consider When Developing a Mobile App for Your Business


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Facebook Introducing New Video Calling Portal to Communicate Easily

    Facebook Introducing New Video Calling Portal to Communicate Easily

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    Facebook Improves Marketplace for Global Business for Fast Selling

    Facebook Improves Marketplace for Global Business for Fast Selling

    Oct 15 2018
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    Top 10 Google Analytics Metrics to Track for the Amelioration of Website

    Top 10 Google Analytics Metrics to Track for the Amelioration of Website

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    Top 10 Google Analytics Metrics to Track for the Amelioration of Website

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    A website can do wonders to your business within a matter of time! The excellent content and well-groomed products are all that attracts your targeted audience. By the use of high-end technology and belief in your abilities, you can transform your consistent customers into your loyal customers with a long-term relationship through offering great services and products. It solely relies on the ways you adapt to manage or optimize your brand and website with the correct evaluation of various metrics. With the advancement in technical aspects, there are many alternatives available to make your website in excellent form with high conversions and retention rates. But, before stepping on any conclusion; there is a need to trace out which particular metrics is reliable for your business to mark an improvement in your brand.

    Have a look at the bulletins mentioned below to conceptualize which metric is more valuable and retain great importance for your specific brand. The perfect use of Google Analytic Tool can render you with an endless growth of your business if accessed properly.

    • New Users V/S Returning Users

    For the accomplishment of a great experience for the new users, it is crucial to isolate the conversion rates from returning visitors or you say “the loyal customers” for your business. Have a deep analysis on the prospect that what is the first thing that a new user has landed on. There is a big difference between the new user and returning user because a returning user is generally aware of the website and knows where exactly he should hit. But things are different in the case of new users. They really don’t have any idea as to where visit first according to their intended purpose. Due to the evaluation of the new user experience, an owner can make alternations in accordance to provide them with a better experience next time.

    • Audience

    Audience defines the users or customers who land on the website to accomplish their intended purpose. With the help of this Google Analytical Metric, a website owner can determine about the whereabouts of the audience in the way like from which country, state, city, or area they have managed to visit the website. This helps the website owners to make alternations in their products and services by interpreting the place from where the maximum number of audience is driving towards them. It helps the business to grow in a better way and focus on the places where he can attain maximum audience rather than wasting time on the others.

    • Bounce Rate

    To ensure a successful business website, it becomes important to decrease the bounce rate of visitors. By bounce rate, it means when a new visitor comes on the website and immediately left it without making any further clicks anywhere on the site. This also shows how less time a visitor has spent on the website with no interactions at all. There can be many reasons behind the increase in bounce rate such as unattractive website design, less user-friendly, irrelevant content, increased loading time, and many more. A real owner is the one who analyzes the situation and makes improvements in the weaker sections of the website to ensure a minimized bounce rate. The higher bounce rates have been observed on the blogs. This happens because a visitor reads his intended part and then left the website.

    • Traffic Source/Medium

    Through this Google Analytical Metric, one can get an idea of from which search engine the traffic is generating the most. Generally, a website can be visited through various sources and the primary sources include search visitors, direct visitors, and referral visitors.

    • Search visitors are those who visit the website by typing their intended search query.
    • By the term direct visitors, it is understood that these visitors have reached directly on the website by putting the website URL in the search bar.
    • Referral visitors are those who visit the website through a reference link mentioned somewhere on the web pages or some other websites or blogs.

    All of these three sources are essential for business development and attain different levels of conversion. From this, you can easily analyze from which search engine source or medium you are gaining the most traffic.

    Also read: How To Increase Traffic To Your Blog Posts Quickly And Easily?

    • Behavior Flow

    Through the use of this Google Analytical Metric, we can interpret about the most visited page or link on our website. This shows where the visitor has visited first and then gives a search on it according to his purpose. It gives a complete idea about the behavior of the client and provides with a flowchart showing on what particular page he has visited the more number of times and accessed the website accordingly with the next page click.

    • Landing pages

    By this metric, the website owner gets a clear-cut picture of the pages visited the most by entering the keyword related to their intended research. All the people have different purposes and need to research on the website. However, they visit a particular website as per the needs and requirements of the information. It shows which page has been opened for the most times and which page has been opened for the minimum times. Accordingly, the owner can make the changes according to the domain of interest of the visitors to improve their website experience.

    • Exit page

    It is not necessary that you only get the bounce rates from the home page only, the exit page also matters a lot. To ensure an increment in the conversions, take a deep analysis on the pages where the visitor has left the website. It will help you in making the changes according to the interest of the users and make it convenient for them when they visit you for the next time. Always make sure that you mobilized the activity limited to only two or three pages only. It should be done so because a visitor usually dislikes the websites that take a lot of time to fill details and buying the final product. This can be a major modification that can be initialized by the website owner to ensure huge profits and more customers.

    • Site Speed

    The presence of a visitor usually depends on the loading speed of the website. It has been observed that a person likes to reach websites that get easily opened without taking much time or say not more than 5-6 seconds. Faster the loading speed, more the visitors. A website with a fast loading speed remains always the top preference of the clients. Always make sure that your website gets opened within a suitable time limit because it not only irritates the visitor but also bring negative remarks to your website.

    • Users Search terms

    By the help of this metric, an owner becomes able to know which keywords have been used the most for intended research. According to the reports that come after the analysis provide a great help to the website owner in order to optimize and manage his Search Engine Optimization (SEO) targeting that specific keyword that has been searched the most on the search engines. The website owner can ask his SEO person to work on the same keyword in order to bring more traffic to the website and targeted audience.

    • Conversions

    By this metric, a website owner could track about the purchases made and forms filled by the visitors. It provides a complete analysis of the website activity and makes a track record of the activity implement by the users from a 1 rupee purchase to thousands and lac rupees purchase.

    These above-mentioned top 10 Google Analytics Metrics are the most powerful measures to follow to track the website accomplishment and flaws to be mended. It renders a great assistance to the website owner in order to develop his website in the manner it is liked by the visitors or targeted audience. If you are well-known of the metrics need to be improved, nothing could stop your business from reaching great heights with the support of your endless loyal customers. The optimization and management of the website become easy with the knowledge of these metrics and intended goals can be achieved in a matter of time with 100% success rate. All these metrics are interrelated and largely depends on each other. The moment you implement changes in the one metric, the other get resolved alongside effectively.

    Top 10 Google Analytics Metrics to Track for the Amelioration of Website


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    10 Amazing Searches Made on Google the Most in the Last 20 Years

    10 Amazing Searches Made on Google the Most in the Last 20 Years

    Oct 09 2018
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    Facebook Introducing New Video Calling Portal to Communicate Easily

    Facebook Introducing New Video Calling Portal to Communicate Easily

    Oct 12 2018
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    Facebook Improves Marketplace for Global Business for Fast Selling

    Facebook Improves Marketplace for Global Business for Fast Selling

    Oct 15 2018
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    Facebook Improves Marketplace for Global Business for Fast Selling

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    An online commercial center or online web-based business center is a sort of web-based business webpage where an item or administrative data is given by different outsiders, while exchanges are handled by the commercial center administrators. These are the essentials of multichannel internet business and can be an approach to streamline the creation procedure. The creation procedure is related to the building the clientele.

    In the virtual marketplace, shopper exchanges are prepared by the commercial center administrators and, after that conveyed and satisfied by the taking retailers or wholesalers, which frequently called outsourcing. Different abilities may incorporate unloading inventories, requesting, needed an ad, exchanging trade usefulness and capacities like the kind of destinations enable clients to enlist and pitch single things to an extensive number of things for a “post-offering” expense.

    Also Read: Facebook Introducing New Video Calling Portal To Communicate Easily

    Since these virtual marketplaces are of total items from a wide exhibit of suppliers, a choice is normally wider, and accessibility is higher than in merchant particular online retail stores, which also cost more competitive.
    Around the middle of this decade, marketplaces of virtual exchanges are bounteous and sorted out centers are looked for after. Some have a wide assortment of general intrigue items that oblige every one of the requirements of the customers; be that as it may, some are shopper particular and consider a specific portion as it were. Not exclusively is the stage for offering on the web, individuals tend to sign on to online commercial centers that are sorted out and items are substantially more available to them.

    Let’s know what Facebook Marketplace has offered us since its introductory presentation in 2016 as a place for individuals to purchase and offer inside their neighborhood networks. It has become a place, where individuals around the globe can find things they adore, interface with individuals locally, dispatch a business, and gain a living and be proud of it.

    The fun fact! More than one out of three individuals on Facebook utilizes Facebook Marketplace consistently to everything from new shoes to childcare to autos and flats.

    Observation is that that the marketplace’s two-year commemoration, the thoughts, it evoked were for a minute to share a portion of the updates that like making to the item, including new highlights that utilization man-made brainpower and the brainpower is an AI.

    Not just make a purchase, rather sell the bestows through marketplace AI
    What an AI does in the background? Well, it is making the virtually existing marketplace more productive and customized for purchasers, and in addition, helping dealers to associate with more potential purchasers, quicker and simpler. It can consequently enhance the nature of photographs and decipher postings and messenger discussions even when you sleep peacefully on the bed you earned.

    Improvement in the marketplace AI of Facebook increased selling success
    Moreover, something of, likewise, the camera includes that could utilize AI to prescribe items you may be occupied with. Let’s assume you enjoyed your companion’s earphones and needed your own; you could snap a photo of the earphones and marketplace’s AI could prescribe comparable postings available to be purchased adjacent within seconds.

    Now to brag, AI could help disentangle undertakings like finishing an outfit or homeland venture. You could transfer a photograph of your front room and get recommendations on furniture to purchase as per on your design and size.

    Your fingertips will want to search more
    Notwithstanding, the new AI highlights, with change it up of substance from organizations including autos, home rentals, home administrations and also shopping and arrangements from web-based business traders.

    A community of trust, safe exchanges, and care
    Shopping, it’s critical to believe in the general population and organizations on the screen when you’re purchasing from them. That is the reason most people put resources into highlights that make a more secure and confided in a network, including Distinguishing and Removing Inappropriate Content; Purchaser and Seller Ratings; More Robust Reporting Tools; and Step by step instructions to report a posting in the said virtual marketplace.

    Persistently, we are investigating ways that could enable individuals to settle on more educated choices on whom to purchase and offer, similar to identification research modeling for purchasers and merchants, who have affirmed their character and highlights that make it simpler for dealers to choose an adjacent open place to meet face to face. To take in more about how to purchase and offer securely, kindly keep on reading.

    Brisk purchasing and offering are intensely always needed
    Individuals, who utilize Facebook Marketplace would now be able to get their items list and sold rapidly by utilizing new AI highlights. When you can transfer the photo of an item and incorporate its depiction, it will propose a value run based on what comparative things have been sold as of late, what can be better? Along these lines, it winds up less demanding to choose the cost at which an item ought to be sold. Subsequently, vendors ensure that their items are sold at the best cost. The commercial center is getting rid of another progression in the pitching procedure by allotting classes to an item naturally, which will be found out by picture and depiction.

    A purchaser will have the capacity to rate a merchant just in the event that the two gatherings have sent messages to one another with the end goal to rate a vendor or purchaser. Is not it like an offline marketplace, but more interactive?

    Just use your fingers by now and make an account to change for a future. Think of following these steps:
    • Open Facebook application and tap on three-dash menu.
    • Look down and tap on “Commercial center.”
    • Make a choice “You” before tapping on “Purchasing” or “Offering.”
    • Tap on the discussion you had with the purchaser or vendor.
    • Select either a glad face or a pitiful face.
    • There is a discretionary advance by which you can choose a purpose for your rating.
    • Snap “Done.”

    Last to bring on is that purchasers and merchants can give a rating of their experience. This virtual marketplace will bring the profitable system.

    Facebook Improves Marketplace for Global Business for Fast Selling


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Top Notch Tactics for Brands to Engage with the Blogger Community

    Oct 08 2018
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    10 Amazing Searches Made on Google the Most in the Last 20 Years

    Oct 09 2018
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    Facebook Introducing New Video Calling Portal to Communicate Easily

    Facebook Introducing New Video Calling Portal to Communicate Easily

    Oct 12 2018
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    Facebook Introducing New Video Calling Portal to Communicate Easily

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    Making connections are easy but to remain in touch with them is difficult! But the wait is stopped now. Now you can easily connect with your friends and family from far distances with the launch of a new Facebook portal i.e. Video Calling. The distance of miles has vanished away and meeting your connections is possible with this new feature.

    Facebook has arrived with a new announcement regarding Portal and Portal+, the two new and unique video communication devices that have changed the way of connecting drastically. A big thank you goes to AI technology! With the help of these portals, making video calls and hanging out on a widescreen display with full enjoyment is possible all the way. When you are not there, just go for the new launch Portal and Portal+ and be there with them visually.

    Facebook publish news: “Portal and Portal+ are available now for pre-order in the US – from Facebook at portal.facebook.com, as well as Amazon and Best Buy – and will begin shipping in November. You can bring Portal home for $199 USD and Portal+ for $349 USD. You can also receive $100 USD off any two devices — this means a bundle of two Portal devices will be priced at $298 USD, so you can share the experience right out of the box”

    Image Source: facebook

    Terrific design, Virtual Tech

    With the high-end technology empowerment, the Camera and Smart Sound Technology have made the video calling better and provide a hands-free and easy communication experience for the users. No matter in what chores you have been involved, the Smart camera works with the flow of your movements to provide an excellent view. The Smart Sound feature has minimized the noise coming from the background and improved the voice quality in all types of circumstances. It feels just like having a cinematographer and sound crew presenting you directly through personal video calls for a cause.

    Get engaged with friends on Facebook and Messenger

    Even if your friends on Facebook or messenger don’t have an access to the portal, you can still make a call to them. Portal is very effective and usable to make a group call of up to seven people all together at the same time.

    Alexa with voice control

    With Portal, you can enjoy a video call with hands-free voice control. Just simply say “Hey Portal” and start your calling thing right at the moment. This new feature such as Portal gives an access to know more about the happening prevailing around with the Amazon Alexa built in.

    Blended with keeping Privacy and Security in mind

    It is a proven fact that when you bring some technology home, you always look into the concept of privacy and security associated with it. This is why Portal has been designed with tools to have a complete control over these aspects.

    • With a single tap, you can easily put off the camera and microphone as well.
    • Portal and Portal+ come with a camera cover to help you cover the lens anytime, anywhere.

    Engrossing ordeal

    With the use of Portal, you can easily share your activities like listening to music together or watching favorite shows. Live the best of your experiences with this technology empowerment which has come under the name Portal and Portal+. Connect with your family and friends freely through a world-class experience through these portals launched by Facebook. Share your everyday story and moments with your close ones as if you are there with them in real.

    Facebook Introducing New Video Calling Portal to Communicate Easily


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Top Notch Tactics for Brands to Engage with the Blogger Community

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    10 Amazing Searches Made on Google the Most in the Last 20 Years

    10 Amazing Searches Made on Google the Most in the Last 20 Years

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    10 Amazing Searches Made on Google the Most in the Last 20 Years

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    Google has been the amazing partner for all on which we count on for everything. There is a wide range of searches that are initiated by the people all around the globe. Recently, the most popular search that got the place in trend was the 20th Birthday celebration of the Google. According to the sources, Google came into action on 4th September 1998 officially but chose 27th September as its born date. Only a few people are aware of the realities so as to why this happened like that.

    Unknown of the reason, Google introduced a slew of tools and fun games in the admiration of the eminent occasion. It included a video in which a tour of the garage has been showcased where Google was born in the year 1998 with a search tool that took 20 years back to the most popular search trends.

    Though fun but informative too! This search of over the last two decades can be the appropriate excuse to spend your time at leisure by watching them in the afternoon.

    However, by knowing the fact that you are fond of love and information; we have come up with the most surprising and amazing searches made so far in the last two decades on the Google.

    Dogs are loved more when compared to cats by the Internet
    This is an undeniable fact known to almost all the people who have been on YouTube, Reddit, Buzzfeed, or I Can Haz Cheezburger. The internet was once made exclusively for cats. It was all filled with the searches like cat videos, animated cats, cat gifts, cat memes, etc. Cats were all over the place ruling the internet with millions of searches made.

    But Google says something else! People have searched more on dogs rather than the cats. Obviously, cats have been placed second on the search basis because there has never been a single year when cats are searched more than the dogs via Google.

    Since the past 20 years, the searches occurred around the dogs include keywords like “Pitbull dog”, “Dogs for Sale”, “Cute Dogs”, and “How to draw a dog”.

    The trendiest search more than the Bible: LOLITA
    According to analysis published on sites, the most predictable search that is initiated in the category of book is Bible since 2003 and the second place has been reserved by the Quran since 2005. Prior to 2003, the book which was on the top search list and was a less ecclesiastical text was Lolita. From the year 1999 to 2002, this controversial novel of 1955 was the most searched book on Google. At present, this book has marked its place at 10th position among the most Googled books.

    Best SEO has been covered by DORA the Explorer
    For the past 20 years, there has been an array of the children’s shows such as Power Rangers, Thomas the Tank Engine, or The Last Airbenderor Adventure Time. Amid these amazing cartoons search, the most consistently famous show was Dora the Explorer in the last two decades. It first became popular from the year 2003 to 2007 with #1 position, and again came into action in the year 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2018.

    Ben 10 was the closest competitor of this show which gained #1 position from the year 2008 to 2013 and again in 2017, prior to the telecasting of Power Rangers.

    Pluto was never the part of #1 position on Google
    According to the Google reports, Pluto being a space object was never the trendiest search by the year 2006 when it was declared as a dwarf planet. In the last two decades, Pluto has been given the ninth position consistently, except in the year 2010 when it was inclined to tenth place behind Neptune.

    The most searched actor– ‘Peak Chuck Norris’
    The meme of Chuck Norris was long-established on the internet but was not honored as the most searched actor on the Google. By the year 2006, he attained the popularity and became the second most searched actor after Jessica Alba in the row.

    The 2006– Remembered as the year of Sudoku
    Sudoku became the trendiest game on Google in the year 2006. Maybe because no one really understood how to play this game.

    Outlasting and popular song namely ‘Let it snow’
    It was very surprising to know that the most searched song on the Google was Let It Snow in the year 2011. It contains no video or any celebrity but still gained a mysterious popularity. All this happened suddenly because Google introduced a theme in which if you search out for this song, it would cause a digital snow on your screen.

    Never topped the list but still got popular on Google– The TV show Friends
    Around the 1990s, this TV show gained an outstanding popularity on Google. With its 10th season in 2004, it lost its impact and lost on Google. By the year 1999, The Simpsons held the first place in the Google searches list. Other popular TV shows that came into action in the late 90s include South Park, Sesame Street and Days of Our Lives.

    The most favorite author– Martin Luther King Jr.
    Not a surprising one that Martin Luther King Jr. is the most searched author on Google. It has enjoyed the fame since last two decades than William Shakespeare. Apart from 2011 and 2012, Shakespeare has got placed at #2 among the top searches since 2000. This would not be an exaggeration to say that King deserves this place due to his words and legacy.

    David Beckham was beaten by Mia Hamm in the year 1999
    The most popular soccer player searched on the internet in the year 1999 was David Beckham. After the name of an American footballer Mia Hamm, the name that comes on the second was of David Beckham.

    By the year 2000, Beckham attained the top spot but Hamm stayed in the second place until 2002, and in the top 10 until 2005.

    10 Amazing Searches Made on Google the Most in the Last 20 Years


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Top Notch Tactics for Brands to Engage with the Blogger Community

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    Top Notch Tactics for Brands to Engage with the Blogger Community


    Blogging has been the notable online platform used as a personal digital diary by internet users to express their views and knowledge on the various aspects. It is considered one of the most influential ways to speak up without a voice. Blogs can be a personal point of view or for an intended purpose asked by someone. Blogger community can be fruit for any brand in making an engagement with their target audience in an effective and effective manner.

    Due to the enhancement in the fashionableness and universality, the viewpoints of the users have also altered accordingly in terms of tapping the blogs. According to many online kinds of researches, an array of blogging in India can look forward to becoming the ‘new fourth estate’ because it is believed by many users that blogs are more relevant and trustable than other forms of media.

    With remarking blogging as an intense business, several brands have influenced this platform for making communication for various intentions. In the previous years, you could have easily found the blogs without the incorporation of any type of advertisement on it. But in today’s world, people or say bloggers have started polishing their blogs with beautiful and attractive advertisements keeping in mind the marketing skills for the commercializing purpose. Along with the popularity gained in the blogging aspect, brands have also started to use the blogging space as an essential part of their marketing strategies.

    Read Also: How To Increase Traffic To Your Blog Posts Quickly And Easily?

    Given below are the 5 things that brands should consider closely while coordinating with bloggers in the respect of marketing execution:

    Formation of the ‘interest’ groups
    Nowadays, the first and the foremost goal of brands are to choose the relevant type of blogs for their media plans. The moment it gets finalized, there comes the urgency of formulating special interest groups along with the selected bloggers. Two things will crop up due to this, the first one is that brand will be provided with the opportunity of creating a niche presence in the social media space prevailing already. Secondly, the brands will receive more focused and positive outcomes.

    Mostly the best idea is ‘Meet-ups’
    There are a wide group of restaurants and food joints which are betting in a great manner on blogger meet ups. For an instance, a recent campaign was initiated by Philips India for the promotion of its Philips Saeco Poemia Coffee Machine. For gaining a couple of social media activities, the brand coordinated with a popular personality Kalyan Karmakar, the renowned food blogger. A brew camp was organized by him wherein he debated on the world of coffee and much more. Setups of these meet-ups not only limited to creating networking opportunities, but it is also associated with bringing effective results.

    Freedom to be creative is mandatory
    Brands always look for the approaches in which a complete independence can be provided to the bloggers to be creative. In this, they are not directed to write the same way they have been asked. The bloggers are given freedom to write in their own creative way and bring out the best out of them.

    There is a classic example available for this context. Burgs took an initiative a couple of months back in which they invited food bloggers to represent their own signature style burger. The burger that won the award was sold for a week consistently in all its outlets around the city.

    Drive more focus on the valuable content formulation
    The most advantageous thing to associate with the bloggers is the outcome that comes in the form of rich content development. Brands can count on bloggers for innumerable ways that indicated the content associations beyond the text.

    Amalgamate with social
    For brands, it is highly recommended to integrate their each and every marketing campaign to social media platforms. If the brands are keeping an eye on producing niche content, it is required to make some noise about it. This should not be just limited to Press Release grounds but also be exceeded to create its digital presence. By the use of social media, brands can start an activity with the bloggers leading to an unconventional way.

    Top Notch Tactics for Brands to Engage with the Blogger Community


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog Posts Quickly and Easily?

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    How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog Posts Quickly and Easily?


    Though you are the best blogger and create exclusive blogs and post them weekly or on monthly basis. You love your audience and care for them. But, there comes a time when being the best is not enough and your best blogs go unnoticed.

    You must be surrounded by many questions striking your mind – Am I not writing or presenting my blog work well? Is this merely a time waste? If this thing is happening to you exactly, then always remember the problem is never about your blogging but about the aspects that don’t produce more traffic to your blog.

    A decade back things were easy and attracting huge traffic to your blogs was not tough at all. Even the people doing this stuff were very few in numbers. With the advancement of time and technology, one can observe that more and more people have come up with their blogging concept and that’s too very unique. The best way to get traffic on your blog posts is to do something that others are not thinking of.

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    If this happens in a matter of 30 minutes? Yes! You heard it right. There are a few tactics which can contribute to increasing traffic to your blog posts at a quick.

    •   Incorporate dramatic style to your content

    If you present your thoughts in a more story way and less in a technical way, things will automatically spice up and get you more audience to look upon your blogs. You will be able to get more and more traffic to your blog posts.

    •   Make an appropriate choice in the blog topic

    The audience reads about the things that attract them the most. Dull topics can result in lower traffic. Go for the writings that are demanded the most in the market.

    •   Add an attractive heading to your content

    Prior to publishing the content or blog, make sure you have given your writing an eye-catchy heading. The heading that is attractive and effective both are read the most. In just a matter of minutes, you will be able to make these changes.

    •   Opt for visual

    It has been proved by the science that humans remember and like things which are presented in the form of visuals such as memes, infographics, videos, comics, etc. In this fast world, nobody has enough time to read things. Making your blog post in the visual can allow you to increase traffic on your writings.

    •   Enhance the loading time of your blog

    When it comes to ranking websites, Google prioritizes only high-speed loading websites. According to the researches, it has been observed that 47% of readers expect a page to load within 2 seconds.
    For speeding up the loading, all you have to do is reduce the number of plugins you’ve been using right at the moment. You can switch all these plugins with one plugin like Jetpack.

    •   Provide ease to social sharing

    Whenever writing on social platforms like Twitter always use short and brief content and if possible, incorporate hashtags and usernames to it.

    •   Make every visitor turn into a lead

    While concluding the blogs, keep in mind that you use strong words that drive them to read your other posts and even subscribe.

    •   Spring up with the gilt-edge number of posts

    More the number of posts, the more is the traffic. But you should know what exactly the number of posts you should upload. The most prominent way to do that is to notice the number of subscribers and their activities more closely. Check deeply whether you are getting unsubscribe requests more on posting too much. This will help you in a quick to trace out the number of posts to be posted at once.

    •   Get in touch with the bloggers who send you traffic

    It has been proved that for SEO and web marketers, the neat tool is Monitor Backlinks. This helps in getting notified when you are losing or gaining a backlink every time. You can also make a comparison with your competitors in terms of ranking.

    •   Be a regular responder to your blog comments

    According to the researches made, it is said that the more you respond to the blog comments, the more traffic you will receive. If it is seen from the point of view of an SEO, it sounds the most ideal thing to do.

    The other way to have control over the traffic is by adding a link in the comment URL section that will direct them to the page you want to make them see.

    •   Develop your competent and efficient brand on Quora

    Quora has been known as the best platform for putting questions and answers according to your whims and also helps in building up an appropriate following. On Quora, you can have instant publicity to 1.5 million monthly visitors.

    If you are acknowledged enough about your topic, then answering the questions will not take time more than 15 minutes. Also, you can follow the topics related to yours.

    Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

    How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog Posts Quickly and Easily?


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH- The Top Searcher with Quality Content Deliverance

    GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH- The Top Searcher with Quality Content Deliverance

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    GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH- The Top Searcher with Quality Content Deliverance

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    The platform where you can find results of your searches just by using your voice is what you call Google Voice Search. Isn’t it great? In this busy era, everyone needs quick results at a click. Patience has no place when it comes to searching various contents in a tight schedule.

    Google Voice Search Optimization- “OK, Google” helps you every time

    Google is the king of search engines which has evolved with the recurring technological innovations and introduced the world with the best fictional inspiration- Google Voice Search. With the convenience at every level, Google has gone far more advanced in seeking comfortability of the users by handling voice search queries instantly and efficiently. The professionals and creators of voice search have been working hard on how customers ask the questions verbally and even analyzing the attitude in general.

    Coming to the business terms, Google has been the partner of every established brand since the beginning and has developed its revolutionary voice search to bring the best option to grow your business by Google Voice Search Optimization. It is too difficult to assume how Google will speculate about the development in voice search in the future. The possibilities can be fantastical or may not be, so what we have right now is what your business requires to grow like anything in the competitive web era.

    How does Google Voice Search work?

    When you ask Google about your queries related to anything, it functions over your voice commands and not by typing, it is Google Voice Search that understands you and provides you with the exact result.

    A little difference may be found between Google Voice Search and regular typed text for a query while using the search command through voice and activating it. While the device may feel difficulty in catching tricky words but it is able to analyze “near me” searches and shows the similar results on voice search of every device.

    While the virtual results may differ, but types queries will turn out almost similar to what you have asked verbally from Google. It is much easier to speak than writing and that Google voice search optimization is necessary for progress.

    Google Voice Search is the prime translator of what we speak and enquire, can benefit your business to a great extent and that you definitely need Google voice search optimization to place your foot at the top of the budding and reputed competitions in your field of business.

    Key findings of Voice Search for Local Business

    • More voice searches have been processed by the age group of 18-34.
    • People who come under the age group of 35-54 have used it more on a Smartphone in comparison to a desktop/laptop, tablet, and smart speaker.
    • Voice Search made for Local Business by people who age 55+ is more on a Smartphone than others electronic sources.
    • Smart speaker has been used very rarely by all the age groups.

    According to the graph given below, it has been observed that people belonging to age group of 18-34 have voice searched more for Local Business in comparison to the other age group of 35-54 and 55+.

    Google Voice search Graphs

    Trendiest Voice Search Tool partners of Local Business

    • Smartphone (56% have tried)
    • Desktop/Laptop (28%)
    • Tablet (26%)
    • Smart Speaker (18%)d

    Voice Search by reputed industries

    • Restaurants / Cafés (51% of consumers would use voice search to find)
    • Grocery stores (41%)
    • Food delivery (35%)
    • Clothing stores (32%)
    • Hotels / Bed & Breakfasts (30%)

    Google Voice Search- A convenient friend of your business

    Google Voice has gained mileage because of its flexible and convenient usage by the users for being the best assistance of interpreting what they speak in the fastest way. Also, in the SEO trend last year, voice search has been declared as the 3rd most used option for the search. In addition to that, Google’s founder told that 1/5th of the search queries are from voice and it is mostly done by the technology savvy teenagers. Digital assistance is in trend and now Google Voice Search Optimization has a major role in analyzing your SEO success or can say “Brand Success”.

    Keeping the popular usage of voice search majorly in mind, an algorithmic update hit up the market which is “Google Hummingbird”. It understands the intent and contextual meanings of the queries made by users on voice. This made content strategist rethink about stuffing the keywords accordingly and that it helped them in targeting the pin-points of the major searches by the users. With the time, Google has learned your way of speaking i.e., language, accent and other patterns.


    google voice search factors


    By opting for Google Voice Search for your business, you are able to bring the targeted audience which may become your permanent clients as soon as possible.
    If you are a fast-loading website, then Google’s voice assistant will have an edge in your results.

    If the page speed of your website is good enough for the visitors, then website loading speed and voice will have a good relationship, resulting in more audience on the website of your brand.

     Through the best SEO practices with Google Voice Search Optimization, your website pages’ load much faster than what you type taking time. Google has recently introduced the people about its speed update in mobile search rankings so that they find the answers to their queries as soon as possible.

    It is important that your query gets cleared within no time i.e., you do not want to wait even a moment right after you give voice commands to the Google. So, it is good to know that the algorithm of Google voice search will use page loading speed to show up your answer within you wink your eyes. The fast visualization of your business builds trust on your customers and that they become reliant on you for your best performance in the survival of the business potential.

    • You can dominate Google Voice Search if you stand with HTTPS-Secured Website for your business. While you are thinking that HTTPS gives the minimal boost to your company, you must know that it is not applicable in Google Voice Search Optimization. As per the suggested data by experts, it is believed that Google likes HTTPS websites more than HTTP and that it has an adoption certificate of 70.4% HTTPS-secured websites.

    Due to correlation, Google voice search contributes a lot to your business through its convenient and transparent activity of making your target audience comfortable and more connected. Even pre-assumed SEO Optimized pages do not turn up while searching on voice about a company having an HTTPS-secured website. However, if you want to rank at the top of the Google’s result list, then choosing HTTPS with voice optimization may help you to reach the platform in the shortest time-span.

    • Having a short and precise keyword-stuffed content at your website is well-considered with Google Voice Search Optimization. Having a brief content on your website may work well with other things but not with voice assistant. It is better than you choose short and precise keywords for the content on your website to get connected through Google Voice Search optimization. Telling about your business to-the-point will help Google understand better and hence it tends to show you up in the list of the top established brands.
    • If your business website has strong link authority, then there are high chances to rank best in the voice searches. If you know about how SEO works, then you must know how incredibly high DR is considered in it. Unlike getting a list of blue links for Google search and getting the results, Google voice algorithm relies on domain authority over page authority to give the accurate and trusted results. This means that if Google voice trusts you, it will not care about other links related to the subject people search for.
    • Organic content on your website is mostly shared and that Google voice easily recognizes it.

    As per the research, the content which is mostly shared on social platforms is being recognized often by Google Voice Search. It is a myth that Google does not follow social media algorithms because the things people share are easily recognized by the Google search engine. Having said that, if your website owns a valuable and engaging content and is able to be shared on social platforms, then voice search is no exception but your website will be on top of its list.

    You need to see that your content contains simple and recognizable words and the content which is able to comprehend without visual explanation. With that Google measures the readable level of your content and show up whenever someone asks Google for the searches through Voice Search Optimization.

    • High-word count on your website can take you a long way with Google Voice Search.

    If you have long-form content on your web pages, then there are the majority chances of being ranked high in Google Home Searches. A page having <1000 words have a high tendency of being showed up on the search list while asking the Google about the topic. High-word counts are on one side but having those words in an authentic way what matters to Google as well as the audience.

    Also, question and answer (FAQs) strategy can work well in the growth of your web voice searches. Conversational FAQs are easy to identify by Google Voice Search.

    The more words you own, the more opportunities to match as a voice search result increases and thus playing a vital role in voice search SEO, it helps in ranking high on the web.

    • Featured snippets can work in ranking high on voice search SEO.

    Concise answers of the voice search results are ideal if your content appears on the featured snippets. If your keyword matches exactly with the audience questions from the Google Voice, then your website may have higher chances of appearing features snippets.

    It has now become evident that the Google voice search is on a high note due to the recognition of natural language and artificial intelligence. As per the graph is shown above, it is analyzed that 50% of teenagers and 41% of adults, use Google Voice Search for any type of authentic query and activities they wish to do online.

    Voice searches on Google are of the view of user-interface activities, thus online marketing is one of its fortes. Google Voice Search marketing is in trend now for every business who wants to grow rapidly with its Voice search SEO strategies.

    GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH- The Top Searcher with Quality Content Deliverance


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Mobile-First Indexing 2018 – What It Means for Your Online Business


    SEO is arguably the most dynamic of all digital marketing domains. Since it draws traffic organically, it is the cornerstone of all online commercial activity. This also means that companies constantly need to keep track of the latest trends and policy changes relating to website ranking and indexing.
    Recently, a new decision by Google has sent shockwaves across the global SEO industry. According to Google, all websites will now be ranked according to their quality in terms of mobile presentation.  Mobile-first indexing is a clear move by Google to cater to the ever-growing portable devices market and it will impact websites worldwide.

    Let us explore what you need to do to get the best benefit here:

    Go Completely Mobile-Responsive
    Responsive web designs began to emerge once it became clear that portable devices were the future of web browsing. Now, they have a significant hold in the market and continually expand outward. It would not be a surprise to any expert to see mobile-devices become the dominant form of online browsing. Naturally, businesses need to cater to this market and present their websites in an attractive manner. Thus, the need for getting mobile-first indexing.

    Now, Google decision to index websites mobile-first has made mobile-responsiveness mandatory. Here are some of the major features of a responsive mobile website:

    • Adaptive site grid based on device screen size.
    • Self-adjusting texts and images.
    • Design alterations for optimized experience on portable devices.
    • CSS media queries for designated changes in design protocols.

    So, a good responsive web design creator working to benefit from mobile-first indexing should be able to accommodate all these things into your website. More specifically, they need to look at factors like zooming, site dimensions, image and text autoscaling, mobile-friendly menus etc.

    Find a Good Mobile Optimized Website Creator
    If you are just starting out with your website, you are better off getting a mobile responsive design right off the bat. This is so because the bulk of your web traffic is going to come from portable devices. Naturally, if the person browsing your websites does not have a good experience, they are not likely to bring you their business.
    When you are searching for a website builder, you might find a lot of options out there. Out of these, most people are going to go for the Google version of the software. However, instead of plying the software yourself, you should seek out professional help.

    Unless you are a programmer by default, you are not likely to be able to use the software to the best effect. At best you are going to be able to make your website responsive at the cost of a lot of time. It is better to let pro programmers handle this stuff.

    Another very important factor for websites vying for top mobile-first indexing is speed. It is estimated that the average internet user on mobile devices does not wait more than 2 seconds for a website to load. Naturally, you need to keep up with these demands. Otherwise, you will be losing business unnecessarily.

    Curate Your Content for Mobile Platforms
    Now, we have discussed the various technical aspects of the website. We have also talked about the practical business-oriented aspects. It is time we focus on what all visitors to your website will be looking at – the content.

    By now, you understand the mobile users have a very short attention span. Therefore, companies need to market their products in a highly engaging and engrossing manner. This information must be presented in an attractive way and needs to have the right visual and informational stimuli to keep the visitors hooked.

    In other words, you need to increase your content’s immersiveness. There are many ways of doing that. The best content curators make use of a number of media both textual and visual to make their content more appealing. Another very important trick is to keep using the trending media like GIFs, memes, videos, HD pictures to substantiate the anchoring text.

    Obviously, since you will be engaging with clients or potential clients in an interactive manner, you should get on social media and really capitalize on it. In this regard, the best way forward is to use short catchy headlines without making them seem clickbait. The same goes form the core content. It needs to be short, crisp and power packed. This is a sure way of capitalizing on Google’s mobile-first indexing quality change.

    What’s the Verdict?
    Mobile-responsiveness is the way into the future. You should go and get it done now before things get too complex for your website to catch up to. Remember, the idea is to cater to audiences in the best way possible. Do ample research on mobile-first indexing and find reliable mobile-responsive developers and content creators to bring your website ahead of the curve.

    Mobile-First Indexing 2018 – What It Means for Your Online Business


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Digital Marketing for Institute

    Digital Marketing for Institute

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    Digital Marketing for Institute

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    Education is easily one of the most profitable industries in India right now. This is evidenced by the fact that thousands of institutions are coming up all over the country. While an institute’s reputation is based to a certain degree on word-of-mouth, things are changing fast.

    Nowadays, students are far more likely to search the internet for the best institutes in their streams rather than ask around their locality. This has opened up a world of opportunities for educational institutes all over India.

    The smartest educational entrepreneurs know that the internet can take their business to the top of the industry. They are always looking for opportunities to expand their business through online channels. They are not only cost-effective but also have a wider outreach than other mediums.

    Unfortunately, until now, there were no unique packages dedicated to institutes in Delhi and India. But now, 6ixwebsoft is offering a novel digital marketing for institute package that provides all the benefits of online marketing at a great price. Let’s look at the most important parts of this package in detail:

    Guaranteed Leads for Institute

    It is no secret that institutes pay a lot of money to get leads for filling their course batches. It is also no secret that most of them don’t really turn into actual enrolments. However, the digital marketing for institute package offers virtually unlimited guaranteed leads to clients.

    All the leads in the guaranteed leads for institute are verified as genuine and so the Return on Investment for this method is significantly higher. This means that institutes can actually capitalize on this and get the value they deserve.

    Also, by relying on the digital marketing for institute package, you can rest assured of at least a certain number of leads as decided by you and the service provider. This means that your overall Return on Investment would be significantly higher.

    SEO for Institute

    These days, there is no institute that does not use online facilities and does not have a dedicated website. However, this also means that there is stiff competition in the industry. We all know that only the first few ranked results are checked out.

    So, it is necessary to have pitch-perfect on-page and off-page SEO to really capture the market. The higher you rank on Google and Yahoo, the greater your chances of getting bulk applications to courses. SEO for institute can help your institute rank among the top results.

    This will naturally boost your reputation immensely and lead to much more business than you would enjoy otherwise. At the same time, it will give you a great standing amongst rival institutes while also proving that you are progressive, forward-looking and can teach your students the same.

    SMO and PPC for Institute 

    Social media is a phenomenon that the most popular institutes are using to great benefit. Yet, this is still a rather untapped field as it requires a lot of knowledge to make SMO effective. Similarly, PPC effectiveness requires you to know the right places where the adverts can be placed.

    Both of these factors, if used effectively, can vastly improve the online presence and overall visibility of your institute. So, the SMO and PPC for Institute can be a blessing for your institute and help you develop a great reputation as a centre for learning. Also, you can use things like student testimonials and targeted PPC for your institute to greatly enhance the overall digital outreach for your institute.

    Website Design for Institute

    Despite the wide application of the internet, there are still institutions that do not have a dedicated website. This is nothing short of business blunder and should be fixed as soon as possible.

    Also, while there are many institutions that have websites, most of them are built on ancient designs that are no longer attractive. It would not be surprising if a student were to not apply for your institute just on the basis of you have a less-than-impressive website.

    To get a competitive edge over your rival institutes, website design for institute is a must. While this is a part of overall website design, it is still very education-centric and enhances the reputation of your institution immensely.

    ERP for Institute

    ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning tools are essentially software that make managing leads and effectively turning them into confirmed enrolments an easy task. Currently, many institutions use basic software like MS Excel, MS Powerpoint etc. ERP software can optimize the lead management process and help you manage your growing business effectively.

    Naturally, if you go for the digital marketing for institute package, you will need the right software to help manage the massive inflow of queries. ERP for institute can help you capitalize better than anyone else and bring your institute to the level of professionals.

    Should You Go for the Digital Marketing for Institute package?

    The Digital Marketing for Institute package being offered by 6ixwebsoft is an all-rounder. It gives you every facility that you are going to need to take your business to the next level and then beyond. By tapping into the limitless potential of the internet, you can expand your business immensely. This will naturally lead to a great increase in business and also the reputation you hold in the market.

    The future of every industry is online. Education is no exception to this rule. Sooner than later, competitive institutes are going to realize that they need to cater to their potential students through online channels. You can gain a major advantage over your rivals by opting for the digital marketing for institute package.

    Since the package provides for all-round digital marketing through guaranteed leads for institute, SEO for institute, SMO and PPC for institute, website design for institute and ERP for institute among many others, it can give you the best value for money possible. Are you ready to become a well-known centre for learning? Then take the digital marketing for institute package and watch your business grow beyond your wildest dreams!

    Digital Marketing for Institute


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Top Web Design Companies in Delhi


    Web design and development is an essential part of becoming a business with an online presence. These days, it is nothing short of a sin to not have a website. Whether it is a government organization or a private entity, having an online presence is all-important. Not only can it boost your business limitlessly but also expose your products/services to a wider cross-section of your target market audience.

    So, companies all over the world are always on the lookout for web design companies who can deliver high-quality websites at affordable and economical prices. However, as you can expect, those who do quality work also charge a premium price for it. So, there is a constant struggle for quality and affordability.

    Before we get into talking about which are the best web design companies in Delhi, we will look at the selection parameters. How did we choose the companies that we have added to our list? Was it the price? Or the performance? Is it their portfolio? Or the potential that the present in every project? These are some of the questions that we will answer in the next segment.

    You should read the following segment to understand how to evaluate the quality of the company. At the same time, it will tell you what the salient traits of the most prominent and successful web design companies in Delhi are. So, when the time comes for you to select the right company to make an impressive website for you, there will be no need for second opinions. Let’s start.
    Factors to Consider When Selecting a Web Design Company

    When you are looking for a reliable company to serve your web design needs, there are many factors that you need to consider. Above all else, if the company is able to provide services over and above the web design aspect then there is nothing better.

    We say so because web design is only one part of the web development process. Ideally, a company needs to deliver all the services you require for a functional website. Moreover, the website needs to designed while keeping in mind the ethos of your website or more specifically, what you represent.

    So, for example, if you represent the fashion industry in Milan, then your website needs to be a class-apart. Also, if you are from a niche domain like that, then you can spend a little extra to distinguish your company from others.

    As another example, if your company is a B2B enterprise, then you need to show total professionalism. So, you don’t need someone who will use fancy fonts and quirky colors. Rather you should have your website developed by a professional who favors functionality over style.

    So, when thinking of a web design company it is important to consider the following factors:

    1. Principle

    Every design process is based on a design principle which is essentially its guiding philosophy. Before you talk to the company about your own web design project, you must ask them their governing principle. This refers to their approach to the web design process. How they approach the design process will naturally greatly impact the eventual outcome.

    A good way of understanding the different kinds of approaches they adopt, you should have a look at the previous works they have completed. Ask them to show you some works that have different or contradictory philosophies. Keep in mind however that just because a company does different kinds of web designing, it does not mean they are good. It is possible to specialize in a particular type of web design and deliver quality stuff in that niche exclusively.

    1. Process

    Process refers to the methodology that is adopted by a company to develop a project. Different companies have different approaches as to how they can deliver the product that the client desires. Some prefer making a complete plan before starting the process. Others like to develop projects on the fly. A few also like to develop projects through an overarching framework within which they make changes and alterations.

    Different processes have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, in every developmental process, you will almost always need to change something or the other. Also, it is wise to have a company which can keep the client involved. This ensures that the development goes exactly how the client wants it and there are no post-completion dissatisfactions.

    1. Price

    This is probably the most important point of concern for companies when thinking web design. However, it should not be too much of a concern for the simple reason that you can get industry standard services at normal prices. The problem with many companies is that they think they can do with a substandard design if their services are at par with the industry standard. What they don’t understand is that your web design can have a huge impact on your client conversion rate.

    In fact, some experts would even say that you can pitch a higher price for your services simply by having a snazzy website. So, when a good company charges a slightly higher price for their web design services, you should not crib over the cost too much. If their principle and process seem satisfying, then they might be just what you have been looking for.

    So, now you understand how you can evaluate a web design company for their value of work. There are some other minor factors that you should also consider here such as deadline-based delivery, latest technology orientation, and consistent support. If you keep these factor in mind then you should have little trouble in selecting the right company.

    These are the factors that we took into consideration when we were compiling our list. After some investigation and exploration, we came up with the definitive list of the best web design companies in Delhi. Have a look.

    Top Web Design Companies in Delhi

    1. 6ixwebsoft

    Widely regarded as one of the best companies in Delhi for all-round web development, 6ixwebsoft has risen to prominence in a very short amount of time. Their USP lies in delivering high-quality web design services along with other related web development options like content development, custom CMS etc.

    So, 6ixwebsoft provides the complete web development package and that is why they have achieved success. By diversifying their services and providing custom packages, they have been able to capture large chunks of the regional and national market. The best part is that their packages make affording their services easier even though their individual services are rather fairly priced.

    1. Grapes Software

    Grapes software has a very impressive repertoire of clients. Aside from Google, the company has also worked for Indian giants like Horlicks, Alpenlibe, Eicher, VLCC and many more. The philosophy of the company is centered around the mixing of wines, as their name suggests. They pride themselves on building the perfect blend of strategy and creativity and have produced rather good results for their clients.

    However, the biggest problem with this company is their price. Grapes Software is one of the most expensive web design companies in the market right now. You can expect your project to even not be entertained in the event you make a low-priced proposal.

    1. Midas Web Tech

    Midas is a company well-known for its excellent design and superb list of services. They also have an impressive portfolio which is very visible on their website. Moreover, the company has priced its services rather effectively such that even small to mid-sized enterprises will be able to afford them. If you are looking for a reasonable web development company, then Midas might just be the golden touch you want.

    However, the one single issue with this company is that while their web design is interesting, it is nothing out of the ordinary. This means that while most will be satisfied, if you are looking for an exceptional design to make yourself stand apart, then this might not be right for you.

    1. Ray Creations Infosoft

    One of the smallest yet most effective web development and web design companies on our list, Ray Creations has become quite popular over the years. The company was established in 2004 and since then has been quite successful in capturing a healthy section of the market. The USP of the company is their low pricing and comparatively high-quality product delivery.

    One major con that is visible in the company is their inability to handle larger projects. Since they employ only about 25 people at max, their capability of delivering larger projects on time is suspect. That is why it would be important to consider the size of the project before going in to hire them.

    1. Cross Section Interactive

    Cross Section Interactive of CSIPL is a rather well-known name in the domestic web development industry of India. They provide top-of-the-line web development services and are highly rated for their quality. As a company with a history spanning almost 15 years, this company offers high-grade services that span the entire gamut of web development.

    The only problem with Cross Section Interactive is that their services are incredibly highly-priced. This means that only companies who are willing to shell out an exclusive price will be able to avail their services. However, there is no doubt that their services are one-of-a-kind.

    1. Art Attack

    As their name suggests, Art Attack is one unique web designing and development services provider in Delhi. Their website bespeaks the quality, excellence and sheer imagination that the company can boast of. This company also does everything that you could ask for when it comes to web development. Their approach is defined by interactiveness, uniqueness and a overbearing love for exceptional presentation.

    However, the major issue with Art Attack is that because of their artsy approach to web development, some companies may not find them a good fit. In other words, Art Attach is a company best suited to handling creative website and blogs. So, if you are a fashion designing company and want an amazing website, Art Attack can deliver better than most. However, for a strictly corporate website, they might not be the best fit.

    1. Olive E-Business

    One of the oldest web development companies in Delhi, Olive E-Business is a prominent name in the industry. They have the biggest and longest reputation for success among all other companies. They also provide the entire range of services you might need to get a complete website. Having handled clients like Canon, Subway etc. they know their job well and do it even better.

    The only complaint that we have with this business is that they are priced beyond the reaches of most small to mid-level companies. Admittedly they have made their place and can quote prices as they see fit. However, it would have been nice for them to make things easier on our pockets or at least offer combo packages like 6ixwebsoft to cut down the cost a little bit.

    1. Atechnocrat Web Solutions

    At a dozen years old, Atechnocrat is certainly one of the best in the web design and development business in Delhi. They offer the entire range of services you need to get a great website and have also priced their services moderately. This means that any small to mid-level company can take up their services without much trouble. Honestly, Atechnocrat’s portfolio does not contain any big names. However, the quality of their work speaks for itself.

    On the flipside, the company is quite small, with no more than two dozen workers at any time. This means that they might not be able to handle larger projects. However, this does not make them any less competent.

    Which One Should You Choose?

    With so many choices in the market, it is no surprise that even the experienced professionals have second thoughts on whom to hire. However, as we outlined earlier, if you consider the trifecta of Ps – Philosophy, Process, and Price, then you should have no trouble selecting the right one. Remember to stay involved as even the best cannot deliver what you want without regular inputs.

    Top Web Design Companies in Delhi


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Shopify vs. WordPress - Which is Better?

    Shopify vs. WordPress - Which is Better?

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    Shopify vs. WordPress – Which is Better?

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    Every website faces this problem when considering how to begin. The platform you choose will ultimately decide how well you can function on it.

    When it comes to Shopify and WordPress each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. When you are selecting one, you need to make sure that you understand what parameters you are basing your decision on.

    This article going to talk about how to make the right selection between Shopify and WordPress. We will be looking at the structure, function and access of each of these.

    At the same time, we will be evaluating the various factors to consider when selecting the right platform for your needs.

    Let’s start with the factors to consider first.

    Understanding Your Platform Needs

    This should be your first consideration when thinking about selecting a platform. While Shopify and WordPress are the best, there are other options to explore. However, for this particular post, we are going to restrict ourselves solely to these two. So, let’s have a look at the factors to consider:

    1. What is the Purpose of Your Website?

    This is the first thing you must ask yourself. What is the purpose of the site that you are looking to set up? What will be the objective it will try to achieve?

    If it is a business organization into retail, then all you need is a simple website through which the clients can know your products and services. On the other hand, if the site is meant for ecommerce, then that becomes a very different ballgame.

    Naturally, your web platform selection should and will be based don what purpose you intend to serve through it. Not only is this important from an establishment point of view, but also necessary to ensure better scaling of the site as your scale of operations grow.

    As a rule of thumb, Shopify is ideal for eCommerce retail and wholesale. Thus, it targets a very specific domain and should not be used for any other purpose. You can, but if you do then you will realize that scalability and development will become a major concern.

    Similarly, WordPress is a general platform which is great for all kinds of purposes. The problem is exactly that. It is a general-purpose platform. Hence, if you are looking for something specific, then there are better options out there.

    This is not to say that WordPress is not good for specific tasks. It is just to say that there are dedicated platforms that just do things slightly better.

    1. What Kind of Utility Are You Looking For?

    This is where you have to consider how well you understand the development process for websites. If you are a developer or have access to developers who understand how to develop a website, then you would be better served going with WordPress. This platform will be able to give you a host of features and its regular updates will make sure that you stay on top of things at all times.

    However, developing WordPress requires you to expend time, money and effort. Thus, it is a labor-intensive process not always suited for those who want to launch their business as quickly as possible.

    Also, as we said earlier, WordPress is best fit for general uses. You might be able to modify it to fit commercial needs. However, it can only pale in comparison to ecommerce-centric sites and platforms like Shopify.

    In contrast to WordPress and its utility you have the quick setup benefit of Shopify. If you are a solopreneur and are not keen on spending money on developing your custom website, then you can go for Shopify. This will provide you a number of benefits.

    The first amongst these that you will get is that of easy and quick launch. Shopify will be the platform your website will be using and will have a large number of preset features ideal for ecommerce.

    So, you will get the ability to develop, customize and deploy your own portal specifically designed for eCommerce. This will naturally save you a lot of expense and make way for quick ecommerce management.

    Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

    1. How Much Are You Willing to Spend on the Platform

    When starting any business, the focal point of concern is money. The same goes for all business websites and ecommerce. Depending upon your scale and your budget, your website will be devised and deployed.

    The benefit of WordPress is that it is the perfect foundation for any kind of website and can be modified at any time. You can think of it like a chalkboard which can be used to talk about any subject. However, the problem is that a chalkboard on its own is a limited feature product. This means that it can only deliver you a number of benefits based on its use.

    The same analogy can be applied to WordPress. It is possible to develop WordPress website at a very inexpensive rate. As most of the plugins and features you require are for free or available at a nominal price, you will not have to spend much on it.

    However, this also means that you will not get the specialized benefit of Shopify, which is exclusively meant for ecommerce. Moreover, you will have to install and manage the plugins on WordPress as well as sync them together to function properly.

    Taking our analogy of WordPress being a chalkboard, we can say that Shopify is a preset presentation. This means that it is much more emotive, descriptive and lucrative than WordPress.

    However, the price of deployment is considerably higher as well. At the very least you will need a PC to customize the presentation and then a projector and a screen to present it.

    While this might be easier, explorative and engaging, it is also more expensive. So, Shopify needs you to spend more to make less effort.

    1. How Much Help Do You Need

    This is a major factor to consider when talking about selecting a platform. When it comes to support, there is practically none available on WordPress. Moreover, your understanding of the software and its addons is necessary for resolving any problems.

    However, WordPress does have a very active community which is also very helpful. It is comprised of professionals from all over the world who have been using the software for a long time. They also keep up with the latest so they can help you solve your problem.

    Nevertheless, if you are someone who looks for direct support and wants tailor-made solutions handed to you, then you might find WordPress a bit tedious. So, you should choose your platform with this consideration in mind.

    Now, when it comes to Shopify, there is more support than you could possibly ask for. This means that any problems that you might have will be resolved with ease. Shopify is renowned for its quality support and provides custom solutions, answers and resolutions for its clients.

    On the whole, when you get going with Shopify, you are buying a tailored product. It is precise, specific and very accessible. However, for this convenience, you will also have to pay more. This means that your overall operational expense will be slightly to considerably higher when using Shopify.

    In contrast, WordPress is an open platform for building your own custom website. So, the range to which you can develop your website really depends upon you. While this gives talented people the perfect opportunity to develop a truly unique and awesome website or webstore.

    However, the upkeep and management of the website is also up to you. In the event that you encounter a problem, you will not be able to seek dedicated help to resolve your problem. So, you need to be careful about selecting the right platform and how to use it.

    What Now?

    From our discussion on the specific features of each platform, it must be clear that each offers its own benefits and disadvantages. So, it is necessary for you to evaluate what features you need the most and how you can get them. Naturally, this will differ from person to persona and organization to organization.

    Nevertheless, we are going to look at some of the most prominent instances wherein you might find it difficult to decide which to choose. Want to know if WordPress or Shopify is good for your business? Then keep reading!

    Situations When You Should Go for WordPress

    To speak of it, WordPress is a good platform to build any kind of website. With the right kind of development and plugin integration, you can convert it not just into an effective ecommerce site but also expand into other branches. This means that it gives you better opportunities to develop your business along with high customization. So, here are a few instances where you should consider opting for WordPress:

    1. You have the required development skills on your own or can spend money to hire people who can develop the website for you. Remember that you will also need to maintain the website, resolve any problems, make minor tweaks and expand its prospects. So, you might need to spend not-so-frequently to keep the site running smooth. Alternatively, you can learn the skills you need by yourself.
    2. You have the required money to enhance the basic WordPress platform in order to get what you need for it. On the face of it and at its most basic, WordPress is meant exclusively for blogging. However, with the effective use of plugins, you can get the ecommerce features you are looking for while also retaining the most essential features of the platform.
    3. You already maintain and use a WordPress-based site. So, you already know and use WordPress to a degree. This means you should have no problem in deploying WordPress on another website.
    4. You know how to manipulate the source code of any open-source software. If you can do this then WordPress is effective for you. It will give you a decent amount of control. This will also enable you to modify your website as per the rapidly changing needs of your market domain and consumer base.

    Situations When You Should Use Shopify

    Shopify is a platform that lets anyone go into business through the ecommerce platform. It is very useful for going into business with convenience and ease. However, it can only go so far and support your business for a limited amount of time.

    So, Shopify is best for those who want to keep their business small to mid-sized. But when you want to expand, you will either need to add some significant features or port your business to another platform. So, here are some situations where you might want to take up Shopify:

    1. You are completely new to the website development domain. If you do not know anything about website development but want to go into business fast, then Shopify is a good choice.
    2. You do not want to spend money on having a site developed. In case you are low on investment and still want to get an impressive store, the Shopify can be a good option to explore.
    3. You want to use your online store to promote your physical store. If this is the case with you and you don’t particularly want a customizable website, then you can go for Shopify.
    4. You want good and reliable customer support on your platform. There might be situations where you need professional help, then Shopify is one to explore.

    So, Which One Should You Go For?

    At the end of the day, it is completely your choice how you choose to do business online. You can choose WordPress and take your time and spend some money to develop it effectively. On the other hand, you can also get a pre-made Shopify store that will allow you to go into business immediately. So, the ultimate decision is yours and must be considerate of you long term and short-term goals.

    Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

    Shopify vs. WordPress – Which is Better?


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Compare the Top Frameworks Bootstrap VS Foundation

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    Compare the Top Frameworks Bootstrap VS Foundation

    About Framework: – A framework is simply a normal way of dealing with a familiar type of problem. In our case, in the planet of front-end development, it means making Cascaded Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript. It involves everything from managing to letter, push button, form fields, to rotators and mobile routing.
    When it comes to being a developer and designer, you always reach an intersection of which CSS framework you must use? There are numerous out there to select from, but two of the most generally mentioned ones are Bootstrap and Foundation. In this article, we will compare the two CSS frameworks, Bootstrap vs. Foundation. By reading the following points about how using a framework can help speed up and update your development and design process.
    What do you mean by CSS Framework?
    Making a website or app sometimes can take a lot of time and development. A CSS framework normally uses by developers and designers as a device to increase the process. A CSS framework, also sometimes referred to as a front-end framework, is a package that makes up of predefined HTML, CSS, and JavaScript which must use when to begin to make out a project. With this, you don’t have to code from an empty slate each time you require to build a website or web application. In this, we are exclusively focusing on front-end frameworks which have to deal with what the companies observe.
    A CSS framework consists of the following workings:
    • HTML code which helps make up the formation of the pages.
    • Typography method.
    • CSS to visually change how components appear.
    • JavaScript to change active elements such as drop-downs, mounting menus, etc.
    • Receptive media question.
    • Cross-browser compatibility fixes.

    Benefits of Framework:-
    1. Code Faster: – The complete end of a framework is to offer a periodic structure so that, as a developer, you can start your coding work efficiently and speedily.
    2. Uniformity: – If you’re working with a group of members, a framework offers structure and consistency among projects. So you can easily switch projects, deliberate what naming principle to use, and what elements have access.
    3. Solidity: – You don’t have to drag a group of third party scripts into your code (i.e. rotator) because those attributes are already involving within the framework itself.

    Drawbacks of Framework:-
    1. Modifications: – Sometimes necessitate lots of change to make it work, could end up the price you more time.
    2. Documentation: – Necessitate documentation for alteration when updating.
    3. Feature: – Lost a feature you require, in which you have to initiate another third party benefit.
    4. Unnecessary code: – Possibly needless code for your perfect situation.
    5. Collaborative: – Power makes teamwork harder.

    Bootstrap: – It is the definite organizer among the available frameworks these days. Given its enormous recognition, which is still increasing every day, you must make sure that this astonishing toolkit fails you, or go away you alone on your way to construction successful websites. It formerly created by Mark Otto, a Twitter developer, as their method. In reality, it originally named Twitter Bootstrap, but within the past few years, drop the “Twitter” part. It is an open-source front-end framework consists of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is modular base and has latest version 3 with fewer style sheets.
    Though, with Bootstrap 4 they have switched over to the Sass CSS preprocessor. It bases on a 1,170px grid system which is an open layout. The first strength of Bootstrap is its tremendous reputation.
    Officially, it’s not automatically better than the others on the list, but it provides many more resources than the other four frameworks collective. In short, Bootstrap is everywhere.

    Foundation: – It is the second significant option in this comparison. With any solid company, this framework has a truthfully active well foundation. After all, Foundation uses on many large websites including Facebook, Mozilla, eBay, Yahoo, and National Geographic, etc. Foundation created by a company called Zurb. They use Foundation on every customer project to help them prototype quickly.
    In 2011, they released their framework to the community as open source. Foundation is a truly proficient framework with business support, preparation, and consult accessible. It also offers many assets to help you learn and use the framework quicker and easier. It is open-source under the MIT license. It is modular base and consists of Sass stylesheets. It bases on a 940px grid system which is an open layout. Foundation also offers users with starter templates permit them to begin creating their web project even faster.

    Comparison between them:-
    1. The Grid System: – The most famous part of a front-end framework is the grid system. It’s the heart feature that enables designers and developers to quickly prototype layouts and makes rapid changes with confidence. Foundation always has a little ahead of the arc in this place; it is the first big framework to go quickly to respond and also the only great mobile-first framework for a period. On the other hand, Bootstrap also has these qualities in place now. The sentence structure for creating grids a little different, so this is a place where the individual preference may come into play, but it’s easy to make corresponding code snippets that do almost the correct same thing in both frameworks.

    2. Sizing Units: – For manipulative widths, lettering, and other things, Bootstrap uses pixels and Foundation uses rims. There are practical differences between these two methods that are vital to understanding, but both are proficient of generating the same results. Pixels may be a little bit more well-known to graphic artists and new web designers, but some use the rim unit. For responsive deign use the rims for proportions.

    3. Features and Components: – Both frameworks show to the very detailed list of pre-built elements, but some slight differences help you make the decision.
    Foundation has built-in form confirmation through the stand. That’s not to say that Bootstrap not also have form confirmation, but for some, the pre-made Foundation solution may good head start. Foundation also contains substitution, which is a vigorous resolution for available images, although it may more than you require. Bootstrap isn’t moderately as feature-full, also feel like many of Bootstrap’s features are in a complete state. In other words, the defaulting look of Bootstrap elements appears more suited to speedily building a one-off website and accumulation a theme.

    Compare the Top Frameworks Bootstrap VS Foundation


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Top Open Source Content Management System

    Top Open Source Content Management System

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    Top Open Source Content Management System


    Gone are the days when people have to hire developers to edit or add even a little stuff on their website. Now, websites are more flexible and scalable that an owner can effortlessly add or edit content on the website. Content Management System literally is an application that allows us to create or modify digital content and publish them on a website. Importantly, Content Management System is a crucial feature for website owners who have launched their websites in hope to get abetter opportunity for whatever he/she is seeking. Every website is launched with a motive; you should opt for every option considering your requirements.
    Open Source CMS is important for those who frequently modify and add digital content to their website and technically, almost every website needs frequent updates. Whenever anyone talks about open source CMS, usually three words pop in mind: WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. But, hey which one is the best. Would you believe me, if I say none of them? Yes! None of them, the best open source CMS depends on your requirements. Having larger numbers of users and appreciated widely would be futile if it does not offer the facilities that you need. Or in other words, ‘the best’ is arelative term here.

    WordPress as CMS:

    In many ways, WordPress is most popular content management system and one of thereasons is as simple as, it has made website simple and unfussy;however, in the beginning, it was created for bloggers but now it has become more than a blogging platform. Now, WordPress occupies everything under the sun, whether it is areal-estate website or other business websites, WordPress is effectively providing robust and flexible CMS. It is easy to install and manage as even a novice can easily operate the CMS to edit or add digital content. For small business owners, WordPress websites are the most suitable and beneficial choice, as it is free and offers almost everything people need to sell their products and services. So, if your hands are tight but you need an inexpensive website that performs for your business then you should go for WordPress.

    Joomla as CMS:

    Joomla is also a cost-effective CMS, but when you develop a website using Joomla then it may cost you little as it offers lesser themes and plugins for free. Joomla is identical for social networking and ecommerce website. Both e-commerce and social networking websites need robustly flexible as they need extra features than just a simple website. Joomla is perfect for adynamic website.

    Drupal as CMS:

    It is among most powerful website. Powerful to provide best website security and features, that is why most of the prominent organizations and companies are availing this one for authentic website experience. Whether it is the Warner and Bros. or white house, they all believe in Drupal for better web experience. Drupal is best for all websites though it is sometimes not as cost-effective as WordPress, but if you need best web experience and a website that effectively goes in all, consider Drupal.

    If you need a website or an assistance to fix web problems, then get a quote from 6ixwebsoft Technology.

    Top Open Source Content Management System


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Benefits of Hiring a Dedicated PHP Developer


    No matter how large or small your business is, if you are selling products or services on internet, at some point you need someone who care your web problems. Website problems can be anything, it can be blog managements and other stuffs, but hey, what if you need to write codes for your website. Since, you do not have any technical knowledge of programming therefore you genuinely need an expert that take care of these stuffs. Here you need someone who can do coding for your website: a dedicated PHP developer.

    A PHP developer can help you in followings:

    • Website Design and Development: Whether you need to modify your existing website or develop a new one, a PHP developer can help you in all.
    • Website Application Development: Your PHP developer helps you to add extra features on your website or also fix the existing one.
    • Social Networking Application: Huge part of your web performance depends on the social media presence. Your developer can add a feature that directly redirects visitors to your social networking pages. Moreover, SEO experts also suggest having better social network links on the website.
    • Custom Solution: By hiring a PHP, developer you can control his/her works. Your PHP developer works on your requirements.

    Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

    Why should you hire a PHP developer?

    First, the service is cost-effective; second, it is flexible and third you can easily communicate with your developer. When you hire a dedicated PHP developer then it would be strictly charged only for the developer’s service, no infrastructure or other hidden charges, you have to pay for what you need. Your PHP developer will work the way you want, you can say him/her, ‘hey, leave it, I want you to work on this’. You’ll be the boss, and he/she will work exactly as you want.

    Moreover, you own a website design and development company, you too can hire a dedicated PHP developer to reduce your workloads. When you need manpower, you can get it from the another geographical locality where you can find authentic and cost-effective workers.

    If you are seeking to hire dedicated web developers or designers, then consult 6ixwebsoft technology. They can provide you, top-notch PHP developers, in the USA. With decades of excellence in their field, they can assure you for authenticity and higher return on investment. They are courteous and easily reachable.

    Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

    Benefits of Hiring a Dedicated PHP Developer


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Hiring Certified HubSpot Services

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    Marketing has always been a crucial concern for entrepreneurs, and nowadays, it has become more complex yet more essential than it was in the past. Radio ads, direct mails, telemarketing and cold calling has become the approaches of past, but with the significant intervention of internet, digital marketing has become more surrounded to the internet. The contemporary approaches to digital marketing are strictly based on internet campaign and the benefits that we get are inevitable and necessary.

    Inbound marketing
    is essential for those who selling products or services online, though they may limit to the specific geographical region; the digital marketers are equipped with many effective tools and strategies that assure for measurable results. HubSpot is among such tools that efficiently helpful to execute the marketing strategies successfully. Being most successful and popular Marketing Software, HubSpot is completely dedicated to inbound marketing, rather telemarketing and other outbound marketing.

    Since its inception in 2006, HubSpot has become most robust and effective tools for marketing. Consider Search Engine Optimization, which is a major inbound marketing. In many ways, HubSpot provide profound assistance to SEO campaign, for instance, the software has a keyword grader, which is helpful while researching keywords. Moreover, HubSpot also provides link-grader to manage and comprehend the amount of link presents on a website. Thus, you can measure the effectiveness of link base.

    When it comes to on-page SEO, HubSpot goes handily in all. It helps experts to come up with most effective set up of title, its length, and the best way to avail HTML. Moreover, Hubspot also analyzes entire website, suggest the portions and pages that required to be improved.

    Perks of hiring a professional Hubspot service provider worth more than the price you pay, as such service is not just beneficial for a month or years but the modification that this service will do would remain as long as you are selling your products or services online. Nevertheless, for digital marketing you just cannot rely on a tool, you need professional supervision and effective strategies.

    If you are looking for a digital marketing firm that substantively, manage all your marketing needs and enhance your online presence, then get a quote from 6ixwebsoft. We are not just limited to HubSpot but we avail numerous tools and strategies to list your website on top of the Search Engine Suggestion Page. Being leading Digital Marketing Company in the USA, we have dedicated professionals that ensure for result-oriented services.

    Hiring Certified HubSpot Services


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Everything you need to know about Ecommerce website design and development

    Everything you need to know about Ecommerce website design and development

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    Everything you need to know about Ecommerce website design and development


    Whenever we think of an ecommerce website, a multi-layered web page with easy navigation will pop in mind. Technically, a single page website with a PayPal button can be considered as an ecommerce website but then again technically, concerning the current marketing fray the chances for success of such ecommerce is a doubt. Selling goods online needs different setup from run-of-the-mill blogging websites. Commonly modern e-commerce websites have a user-interface, administration settings, store data and a workflow of processes. This article will explain the essential eleven features every ecommerce website needs in order to perform well among their customers.
    When dissecting the ecommerce website we have concluded on five major performers that perform on the website and each one of them is integrated with each other in such a way that malfunctioning of any one of them can lead to an unsuccessful ecommerce website. The first performer on an ecommerce website is the customers – who buy products. The next performer is the website owner – ships products and gets paid. Ecommerce applications come next that provide an interface between all the performers. Then we have most crucial one- the payment gateway; it crucial to have reliable payment gateway so that your customers faithfully make payment of the products they purchase. Last but not the least, the performer in our list is merchant or business bank account, which is specialized for ecommerce owners.

    Process that undergoes when a successful purchase is made can be threaded as

    > Customer browses the products catalog
    > The customer adds his/her required products to cart
    > Then the customer buys the products and enter check-out procedure
    > E-commerce application contact the payment gateway
    > Payment gateway provides secure shipping and payment information
    > Payment gateway connect with the website merchant bank account
    > Merchant bank account collect the payment and returns control again to payment gateway
    > Then payment gateway hand over the customer to ecommerce application
    > The application send notification to the web site owner for the purchase
    > Website owner start shipping the products to customer

    Eleven essential features every ecommerce website should have:

    Responsive: yes! This feature is first on our list. Technically, responsive website stands to provide an optimal viewing experience across wide range of devices with a minimum resizing. Having a responsive website has become crucial for ecommerce web owners. Statically, around 55% of customers make a purchase from their mobile phones rather than from desktops or laptops. Therefore, if you want to reach those customers, you need to be prepared with responsive websites.

    Easy Navigation: Ecommerce website is all about functionality, features, and design. Your customers must not find any difficulty while finding their desired products. You need to keep the overall layout simple yet elegant. Customers love to stay on the websites, which are easy to use. If your website is not capable of navigating your customers to buy your products then you are losing a huge amount of customers. Make simple and easy navigation to different pages.

    Fast Load Time: Fast load time is not only helpful to avoid the repelling of customers to your website but it is also a powerful ranking factor. Search engines precisely Google love the websites that load faster. Whether users browse your website from mobile or desktop, you need to keep the shortest time to load. Very slow websites create bad user-experience, and along with your customers, Google too ignores slow websites.

    High-Resolution pictures and videos: What would be the reason behind the stunning lighting of shopping malls? Maybe because the lightning expresses their products more clearly, likewise, ecommerce websites have to enlist good quality images with significant zooming strength, so that your customers conveniently examine the products. Your images should be descriptive to show all the features of the product.

    Shopping Cart, Customer Accounts, and Search Box: It would be impossible even to imagine an ecommerce website without these three features. Usually, a simple basket is a popular representation of shopping cart, you should try similar figure for your website. When it comes to customer accounts, you should keep the form precise and short. A long and laborious registration form increase chances to abandon the purchase. Online buyers keen to make a purchase quickly and they can easily be distracted with the inconvenience. It would be better if you provide guest checkout to faster the process. The search box can be the first thing that users use to get their desired products, in ecommerce websites the most highlighted stuff on the website is a search box. Make it eye-catching and functional.

    A clear logo and simple yet attractive design: A logo reminds your customers of your brand, and provides recognition to the visitors. Maybe it is just a mini graphic but effectively it works as a reassuring symbol and an element of trust and loyalty. The design, on the other hand, is crucial in making an appealing and attractive layout. Customers impress more with the good-looking website but also they easily repel from slow loading websites. So, you need to keep both looks and user-interface in tandem.

    Seamless Checkout: The conversion rate of your website will significantly increase if you offer your customers a seamless checkout facility. It takes seconds when buyers change their mind, long checkout procedure usually repelling for your customers. As soon as they determine to buy a product, they just want to check out without any delay. A single-page checkout page is an effective way to enhance user-friendliness.

    Featured and related products: As soon as your website gains a visitor, then somehow you have to keep him/her engage in your products, which is pretty effective to convert them into a buyer. Displaying featured products on your homepage will communicate with the buyers and who knows; maybe they buy your products. Related products provide buyers a wide variety of products including the one they are currently viewing.

    Newsletters: when you have an e-commerce website then it is crucial for you to communicate with your customers. The newsletter is an essential feature of ecommerce website, which automatically sends emails to people who considered as potential customers.

    : In SEO point of view, the blog is necessary to acquire better web presence; it does not only bring visitors to your website but also engage them and insist them to buy your products.

    Secure Payment: Indispensably, you have to provide secure and reliable payment gateway for your customers. Besides its reliability, the payment option of your website has to versatile. So, while making payment your customers have multiple choice.
    6ixwebsoft is for robust and optimal ecommerce design and development. Get a free quote now.

    Everything you need to know about Ecommerce website design and development


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Improve Ad Position without Increasing Bid

    Improve Ad Position without Increasing Bid

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    Improve Ad Position without Increasing Bid

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    When users search with certain keywords on Google, Ads show at top positions in search results.  Only the top ads show from position 1st to 4th, which an average gets over 80 percent of total clicks. Your ad position is determined by Ad Rank.
    When You do PPC marketing, the ad position has big impact over performance of your campaigns. In this guide we will help you understand how ad position work and how you can improve your ad position for better results.

    It said that – Don’t go for race without right equipment” and this why Here is some of the points to consider to improve ad rank of your ads for winning the spots –

    Segment keyword Groups – If you will not choose the right keywords for your Business, the result will never be great. If your group name is SEO Services, make sure that you have added keywords close to SEO services only. Create different groups and segment keywords based on their relevance to search queries.

    Create quality Ads –  Try to use keywords in your ads and make sure to write them in a good manner. You should use keywords in your ad texts. A/B testing will help you understand which ad is performing good.  Include a main keyword in the display URL. More Relevance Keywords => Higher Quality Score => lower cost per click.

    Diagonose low performing keywords – After keyword segmentation you can check that which keywords have poor quality score. You can either remove some keywords if they have low search volume, or you can improve landing page and keywords to increase quality score.

    Optimized Landing Pages – Quality score is an important factor to improve ad rank. If you create good and keywords optimized landing pages, doing this will help you improve quality score and so ad rank. Make sure that the landing page is loading fast and it is responsive by nature.

    Ad Extensions – Google offers 7 types of ad extensions to make your ads more appropriate. Use as useful ad extensions as possible because doing this will help your campaign in many ways.

    Bid/Budget – the budget defined for each keyword should not be too low because if you do so, your ads will not serve in the way you want.

    Final Words – For getting best results in cost effective ways, you need to optimize your PPC campaigns in a way that it will help users in the best ways for getting their queries. Above mentioned points will help your website get quality traffic from search engines /sites. If you need any help, 6ixwebsoft technology is #1 PPC Company USA, we can help you get your ads run at lowest budget. Thanks!

    Improve Ad Position without Increasing Bid


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Tips to choose right SEO Company


    Going for SEO services is a good decision but it would be tough to select a good company for getting results as per expectations. There are many advantages to hire a good SEO agency but things can be wrong if your project is being done by irresponsible team.
    These following golden rules can help you choose a perfect search engine optimization company for your Business needs –

    Know your Business Goals – You need to decide what you expect from their SEO services. Your business goals will help companies explain the required strategies to follow.

    Start the Consultation  – Once you are decided your expectations from an SEO company, you need to start looking for a company to work with. Contact some good SEO companies in USA that you think are experts in Search Engine Optimization. Most of companies will provide free SEO audit for your website since they consider it as an opportunity to  showcase their talents.

    Asking more Information – When you get SEO audits from the companies you need to ask more about their strategies to perform for providing rank to your website. Make sure they provide reports on frequent basis. Getting top ranking of non-competitive keyword is of no use, You need to know about search volume of keywords they are going to promote. Do some market research and pay them as per Industry standards. If you will search for cheapest, You will never get the best results.

    “Taj would not been so beautiful if Sahjahan asked for three quotation and decided for the lowest.“

    Check their ability to rank a website – You need to make sure that they are capable to rank your website at higher positions in search engines. You can see their past works and the qualities of work they have done to grab results.

    One another thing is that, you need to check if their website is getting ranks for the services they provide. If they can’t provide ranking to their own website,  how can you be sure that they can provide top rankings to your website. For example, if you search in Google for the keywords related to our website (6ixwebsoft.com), you will find our website at 1st page for various keywords including “SMO Company USA”, “PPC Company USA”, “SEO Company USA”, “eCommerce Website Development USA” etc.

    Conclusion –  Whether you are a small business owner or you have a big ecommerce company, you need ensure that your business website has best possible presence over internet so that you can take maximum advantages.

    If this is something, you can’t do yourself due to lack of time or knowledge, it is recommended to hire a trustworthy SEO firm to fulfill your business goals. Before taking services of any SEO Agency, make sure that you know what they are going to do, your expected results and how much to pay.

    Tips to choose right SEO Company


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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  • Dale is a highly responsive business partner and tireless in meeting your needs. She not only provides an exceptional professional approach to your web design and implementation but treats you from day one as if you are a loyal customer.
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  • I have used sixwebsoft team on countless occasions. They have always delivered an amazing stunning result via a total understanding of my requirements and a level of service that is second to none. For me, they are first whenever it comes to design concepts. I would always recommend sixwebsoft to anyone that is looking for High Quality Best Website Design Company in India.
    - Tony Galic, Owner at GT GRUPA j.d.o.o. Belgium
  • Dale and her team have done an amazing job by creating fully functional, multilingual website from scratch (multisensor.co.uk), within a very short time. While in the industry it’s easy to find “web designers and developers”, it’s much more complicated to find a PARTNER that understands your business needs. Sixwebsoft has always gone the extra mile to help us and been extremely patient with our demands. We will surely rely on them for further work and I'm happy to give personal recommendation over the phone.
    - Gabriel, Multisensor Ltd. Italy and UK
  • Abhay has been great to work with! He is easy to contact, is always very timely & professional! I have used him for several various jobs dealing with website development and SEO. I recommend his company if you are looking for someone to design a good website for you as well manage it on the back end and do a good job he's your guy!
    - Kobi Bender, Owner at Affordable Videos Online, Florida
  • Sixwebsoft designed an amazing world-class website for my dream business, and I could not believe my eyes on seeing the final version after it was uploaded on the server. Dale always welcomed my suggestions and incorporated them on the site. They designed and developed custom website with custom graphics for me from the scratch. I’m working out new things now and very soon consult them again for my enhancing my online presence. Always recommended, Awesome team!
    - Guy Maron, California, USA
  • My website was performing exceptionally low and my business was terribly down. Rather it was almost nowhere in the search results. But I was lucky to hear from Dale Austin. Her business promotion plan was awesome. The SEO strategies, she carried out, were overwhelmingly smart and Google oriented. Surprisingly, I had my main keywords ranked on the first position within 3 months and my business is all over Google now.. I started getting customer leads in my inbox. My all time IT Partner..Remain Blessed!
    - J. Hancock, Pittsburg, USA
  • I worked with Abhay on 4 projects together and I would highly recommend his services. Now, my client has hired him on for regular tasks and we built a great working relationship and he is extremely competent in what he does. Team of Reliable Programmers he has.
    - Scott Brody, President, Arizona
  • It’s always great working with Abhay Jain and 6ixwebsoft. These guys are highly reliable and consistent. Abhay truly understands the business, values his clients and focuses on the targets to achieve the best overall outcome without compromising in Quality. Whether it be designing, coding or strong branding to boost sales, 6ixWebSoft has helped me in every technical phase. It’s a company with Great creativity. Thanks Abhay, looking forward to working with you again at the earliest possible chance!
    - Rod Cleaver, Canada
  • I was searching for a reliable web agency to complete my new business website. My earlier experience with a web agency in India was extremely bitter. But Sixwebsoft and Dale reversed all that bitter experience with their great and overwhelmingly friendly service. Their web developers worked on minute details. Now they’re working on my SEO since 3 months and I’m amazed with results. Great Guys!
    - Gil Grisales, Florida
  • Glad to meet this team of core Professionals, Real Expert of PHP and Web Design. The entire team always came up with good Quality Output, Excellent team work, committed to complete project in planned time well before deadline and that too within a stipulated budget. They have been very supportive and working since last 6 years.
    - Rias Masoodi, Indianapolis, USA
  • Awesome digital marketing company. They got my clients' websites in Google 1st page rankings in so less time. All praises, always recommended for Organic SEO.
    - Pratyush Agarwal Solution Architect, Germany
  • I am truly happy with my experience with Mr. Abhay Jain owner of 6ixwebsoft !! His team put my project together to the exact specs provided and the project was completed ahead of schedule. Communication was excellent and they sent me regular updates. Great Team, Great work!
    - M.S. Dhamija, SSW Originator

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