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Why Content Marketing is Essential for the Success of eCommerce?

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    Why Content Marketing is Essential for the Success of eCommerce?


    Have you heard that phrase” Content Is King” in the world of digital marketing? Content marketing is the bone and meat of any digital marketing campaign. If there is anything behind the success of any brand that is the only richness of valuable and relevant content that connects you with the targeted audience.

    Content marketing is the most impactful way to convey all the relevant information to the company’s audience. It is not about forcing a sales pitch at people; instead, it helps them make the best course of action by understanding your products and services. By executing this strategy with skills and expertise you can successfully promote your brand, attract more potential business leads and nurture consumer relationships.

    However, if you are still wondering why content distribution is important for any business, then this blog will explain to you in detail.

    Firstly, What is Content Marketing?

    Content marketing is the practice of producing and distributing content with the simple aim of attracting, engaging, converting and retaining consumers in the ongoing digital marketing campaign. It is a strategic marketing technique that helps businesses to increase website traffic and boost leads. However, it can be expensive, hard to execute, and somewhat hard to measure.

    Why It is Important for Your Ecommerce Success?

    After understanding the basic concept of content marketing, the next question should be “Why Your Brand Need a Content Marketing?”. Before you invest in any digital marketing campaign, you should understand the role of content marketing in establishing the positive image of your brand.

    Enhancing Brand Image and Building Trust through Content Marketing

    One of the greatest benefits of content marketing is building a strong reputation of your brand through high-quality content. In this fast-paced digital marketplace, it is tough to keep your foothold strong in the market without building trust with your leads and consumers.

    Content is the thing that makes the first opinion of your brand in a user’s mind. When they start reading about your services or products, they start to develop an image of your brand. If they find your content engaging, informative, and reliable, they start to assume the same thing about your business. The more value you add to your content, the easier it will be to build trust with your targeted audience.

    Also readThe Best Choice of Ecommerce CMS in 2019: WordPress, Joomla or Drupal?

    Improve Your SEO Game

    Any eCommerce entrepreneur can tell you the importance of ranking your web pages on the top searches of Google. It’s ultimately a long-term success of your business that purely an SEO driven game. If you are not able to improve your SEO game, Google will not rank your pages on the top. That’s where an effective content marketing strategy will help you achieve top ranking over search engines.

    Before you start stuffing your site with content, it is worth to understand what Google loves to see in your site. Google gives priority to those sites which have an appealing blog or a live blog page. Crafting compelling content by keeping in mind your targeted audience and keywords, will eventually help you improve your site’s SEO.

    Great Content Can Enhance Conversions and Leads

    If you are wondering that how content marketing influences your conversion rate, then you will be surprised to know that its six times higher than other digital marketing methods. According to market statistics, 60% of online consumers decide to purchase after reading your content. It helps to improve conversions as it allows you to connect with customers and educate them about your services and products. Not only it helps in building trust and healthy relationships, but it also encourages conversions.

    Affordability Comes With a Great Content

    Content marketing is an expensive strategy but when it compares to traditional marketing strategies, you can create more leads at less price. It can cost you 60% cheaper than traditional marketing and help you generate 3 times as many leads. The affordability of content marketing makes it a prime choice among all size-businesses.

    Content Can Showcase Your Business Expertise

    Content syndication and marketing is one of the best ways to educate or guide your targeted audience about your products and services in an impactful manner. This is a great reason why content marketing is so essential for your eCommerce Business. It allows your brand to exhibit your product or service range while providing valuable knowledge that can help readers make an informed decision. Customers prefer to purchase a brand that provided them with detailed yet reliable information about their expertise.

    Content Marketing Differentiates Your From Others

    In this highly competitive yet fast-paced industry, where millions of online stores are offering the same products and services as do, keeping your business ahead is one of the biggest concerns of the entrepreneurs. That’s where strong content writing and marketing helps the business differentiates itself from competitors. It all depends on the quality of content how it appeal, engage and retain them on your site.

    If it isn’t enough, then remember how a piece of content helps you create the brand image or become the voice of your brand. Instead of using the bundle of words, the right execution of the content publising can eventually help you generate more potential leads, enhance SEO practice, improve brand image and build brand trust.

    Final Words…

    With all the benefits mentioned above, it is clear to see why content marketing is important for businesses of all sizes. Not only it improves visibility but also builds a strong relationship with customers and leads.

    Why Content Marketing is Essential for the Success of eCommerce?

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    The Best Choice of Ecommerce CMS in 2019: WordPress, Joomla or Drupal?

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    Why You Should Migrate Your Website From Magento to Wordpress?

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    Why You Should Migrate Your Website From Magento to WordPress?


    When it comes to starting an eCommerce store to sell your products and services online, you need to make lots of important decisions. However, most importantly is to choose the right platform that is user-friendly, easy to access and help you reach your targeted audience.

    In the early days of digitization, Magento was one of the few platforms that businesses could utilize for their online stores. However, with the great advancement in technology, now companies have a much better choice in terms of which platform they should use to display their products and services. And it has been observed that one of the most successful eCommerce is WordPress that has been designed with advanced plugins and offering a broad choice of templates and encourage you to design a website that suits better to your brand.

    The choice of your eCommerce platform to host your online store directly affects the user experience, performance, sales and profitability of your e-store. This is why everyone should attempt to keep upgrading their site according to market demand to ensure future success.

    You may have a beautifully designed website or rank well on the search engines, but what if it’s not up to the date or user-friendly? The entirely new version of WordPress can add the latest features to your site and provide an all-new platform to add an extra edge to your site. Despite being time taking, many businesses are choosing to re-platform with an upgraded version of WordPress to reap the best benefits of its forward-thinking features.

    Important Reasons To Switch Your Magento Website to WordPress

    WordPress Sites are More Affordable

    When it comes to developing a website at the lowest price, there is nothing that can beat the affordability of WordPress. The quick and easy availability of free WordPress plugins makes this platform an ultimate choice of the users over Magento.

    More Options of Templates

    WordPress is one of the popular open-source content management systems that is made up of multiple editable pages and posts. It provides you all the flexibility to choose your choice of template or personalized your template at a single page. While developing a website, you don’t further need to manage multiple template files, a set of functions and loops to create the right template.

    On the other hand, Magento also functions similarly but sometimes, you can carry out such things through WordPress in just a few clicks.

    WordPress Comes Together With a Learning Curve

    The best advantage of switching your website to WordPress is it offers you great opportunity to grasp the fundamentals of managing and creating a website. While the process of developing a website at WordPress is much simpler as compared to Magento, though anyone can create a web page with no technical skills.

    Also readCustom Website Or Template Design: What Makes Your Website Look Great?

    WordPress Sites Are Easy To Access

    Undoubtedly, Magento websites are not as easy to use as WordPress is. If you need to access the latest plugin features, then you probably need the assistance of developer or Magento expert to ensure the smooth running of your e-store. However, WordPress sites are simple and easy to access even for beginners.

    While running an eCommerce store, there are several things that you need to look after including tracking the orders, delivery, payment options, shipping management, etc. What if you are stuck in the complicated website management system? Instead, putting your online store at high risk, it is worth to migrate it on a simple and user-friendly CMS platform.


    Considering the various factors and features of both Magento and WordPress, you hopefully understood why migrating your site from Magento to WordPress is beneficial. The robust programming along with advance plugin features of WordPress helps you enhance the functionality of your website and make it user-friendly.

    Why You Should Migrate Your Website From Magento to WordPress?


    Drake is the Sr. Web Developer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has been developing diverse and attention-catching websites for more than 4 years. He focuses on all the details in a precise manner and works accordingly. His knowledge of web development is unmatched and uncompetitive.

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    SEO Vs PPC: What Provides Long Term Value To Your Business?

    SEO Vs PPC: What Provides Long Term Value To Your Business?

    Jul 23 2019
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    SEO Vs PPC: What Provides Long Term Value To Your Business?


    While most companies have understood the fact that without integrating the right online marketing strategy, it is highly difficult to secure their footholds in the competitive marketing, therefore, many of them have started investing their time and money on the various digital marketing techniques. However, choosing the best marketing technique is the still seems like that everlasting back pain for businesses.

    With a plethora of marketing strategies available to give a much-need boost to your website’s ranking, business owners are confused about choosing the right yet effective marketing technique that can ensure long-term value to their business. Sometimes it is a big struggle to know which platform will help you get the best ROI. After reviewing the online search activities, experts have revealed that SEO and PPC are the two essential marketing strategies that can help you create a strong presence in the search engines, ensuring that you’re in the front of your target audience.

    While the success of any online business majorly depends on the amount of traffic it can generate from marketing campaigns, though the choice of marketing strategy also majorly depends on what type of marketing campaigns you need to drive. Do you need to involve in long-term yet cheaper marketing techniques or want to achieve your end goals in a quick time frame? Whether it be SEO or PPC, the end goal is the same. However, they are based on different concepts that involve different techniques and methodologies.

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    If you are still in a doubt, then let’s get into the deep comparison to understand which marketing technique offers long-term value to your business…

    What is Search Engine Optimization?

    SEO is an organic and non-paid form of marketing technique that involves on-page and off-page activities on the site to improve the ranking on the search engine. SEO is not a quick ranking hack, instead, it’s a long-term practice that involves plenty of time, effort, and resources to drive organic traffic to your site. The key activities involved in SEO are:

    • Creating a user-friendly and well-structured website
    • Resolving technical issues to ensure smooth functioning
    • Creating quality keyword driven content to gradually enhance the ranking of the site
    • Creating an audience persona
    • Acquiring quality backlinks
    • Performing keyword research

    SEO is a unique marketing strategy that requires great skills and smart activities to drive results. If you are not from a technical background, then hire the team of professionals understanding the SEO in a better way and can make the most from the SEO tools.

    What is Pay Per Click (PPC)?

    PPC as its name suggests its a straightforward paid campaign that pays for clicks, impressions and customer acquisitions. These paid campaigns involve bidding on specific keywords to drive instant traffic and lead for your business. The most common activities involved in setting up a PCC campaign are:

    • Designing creative and informative landing pages
    • Creating an audience persona
    • Choosing the right keywords
    • Writing effecting and engaging ad copies
    • Optimizing campaigns
    • Running A/B tests

    Deep Comparison of Search Engine Optimization and Pay Per Click Ads

    Online marketing strategies are important for any size businesses, but choosing the right methodologies are also equally important. Before investing your time, efforts and resources, it is worth to understand whether SEO or PPC gives you better value to your business. By understanding your business goals and pros/cons of both marketing methods, you can easily make the right decision for your business.

    SEO Vs PPC Ad: Temporary or Permanent Results

    Getting to the first page of the search engine, won’t happen overnight or in a week as SEO involves long gestation to drive desired results. SEO is based on various activities, so getting to the top of the search pages will take time. However, once your website will get the top ranking via SEO, you will enjoy sustained traffic and growth for your business. SEO might involve long-term activities, but it gradually helps you improve the ranking and ensure a long-term solution.

    On the other hand, PPC campaigns are designed to deliver instant results. Once your PPC campaign is approved, you can drive heavy traffic to your website in minutes. Your ads will start displaying to the millions of people. Usually, PPC campaigns work well, when product launch, squeeze pages, CPA marketing, and affiliate marketing has been involved. It might give an instant boost to your business, but you need to regularly invest in PPC ads to maintain the traffic.

    SEO Vs PPC Ad: Which is More Expensive?

    If you are thinking that SEO is free of cost then you are fooling yourself. Whether it be time or money, you are investing it. SEO comes at a cost and even cost you more than you ever expect it to be. However, it is less costly than PPC ad campaigns. PPC ad can end up with zero results and put your budget at high risk if you are spending up hundreds of dollars on poorly designed ad campaigns. Moreover, if you are targeting highly competitive keywords, then you might end up needing a large amount of money to get your keywords ranked high.

    SEO Vs PPC Ad: Stability and Control

    Comparatively, PPC is a more stable and controlled strategy to drive desired results. SEO is insecure about the outcomes, you’re not sure that how soon you’ll get your pages rank in top position. On the other hand, while running the paid ads you can easily forecast the results with reasonable accuracy. The paid ads give you reliable insights into the marketing strategy and enable you to track exact keyword-conversions. On the other hand, it is difficult to track the keywords converted to the business with SEO.

    SEO Vs PPC: Brand Building

    When you have a good website that can answer all popular search queries, you start building a website. SEO helps create brand equity that promises business growth. Whereas paid-ad campaigns get short-term conversions that can boost the traffic temporarily. It can’t help you established a brand image.

    SEO Vs PPC: What Provides Long Term Value To Your Business?

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    Jul 22 2019
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    The Best Choice of Ecommerce CMS in 2019: WordPress, Joomla or Drupal?

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    Today, when it comes to developing a website for your e-commerce, several open-source content management systems are widely used and preferred by web developers all across the world. Whether building a new eCommerce website or modifying a website or optimizing an existing website; WordPress, Shopify, Drupal, Joomla, and Magento are considered as the few popular CMS knew for crafting and developing a highly attractive and user-friendly website. However, choosing the best CMS that seamlessly integrates your online store is remains a big question for you.

    If you need to develop a simple static website to showcase your products and services in a short period, you can have it with any CMS. Although, the options are so wide and varied, so getting to know what is best for you can be a challenging job especially if you are not well-familiar with them. To cut down the hassle of choosing the best CMS for your online store, this blog has been comparing the widely-known CMSs to give you a clear vision.

    What’s Common in Between WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal?

    When it comes to choosing between WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal, all are free open-source PHP based software and supporting MySQL to manage your database. While WordPress majorly supports MyQSL but Joomla and Drupal support another database Management system. All these three CMS use different themes and templates for the visual appearance of sites and include extensions, modules, and plugins as their extended features.

    While there are a lot of similarities between these platforms, on the other hand, they are different in many aspects as well. They initiate different policies, modules, features, and limitations. Let’s take a close look at how WordPress, Joomla, Drupal are different from one another.

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    Themes and Features: WordPress/Joomla/ Drupal

    All of these three platforms come with themes and plugins to extend the features and appearance of the software.


    WordPress comes up with the preinstalled free themes that allow users to change the look and feel of their site by using any theme. At any time you can click on the add new button from your appearance page and install a free theme for your site from official WordPress.org theme directory.


    Like WordPress, Joomla is also offering you free templates and extensions to create an appealing eCommerce store. However, Joomla is available with the limited choice of templates that restrict you to find the perfect extension and template for your store. Also, it doesn’t have the feature to browse extensions from the admin area but you can manually search the templates and then install them by adding its URL.


    Unlike WordPress, Drupal is also available with limited modules and themes. To add your choice of theme and module, you need to leave your site and search for the module and then drag it to the project’s zip file URL.

    Ease of Use: WordPress/Joomla/Drupal

    Most people creating their website are not professional web designers. They are average users who want a simple, easy and functional website for their startup. So ease of use is an important factor to consider.


    WordPress is popular for its five-minute installation process. As it includes a fairly easy process, that a new user can easily start a WordPress blog in a few minutes without even using any professional skills. With clear cut user-interface, users can easily create posts, pages and start customizing the appearance and theme.


    Joomla’s installation process is not as easy as like WordPress but somehow involve similar steps. There are many menus to click on and customize your site which makes it more powerful than WordPress but complicated for beginners at the same time.


    Drupal is also similar to WordPress and Joomla, but changing the appearance and adding a non-content element in Drupal is not as simple as compared to other platforms.

    Support ad Functionality : WordPress/ Joomla/ Drupal

    A feature to support and help customers at every step of web development is quite important. There will surely be some hurdles when you are trying new software no matter whether you are a professional or a beginner.


    As WordPress has a strong user community, though you can find assistance on official support forms, docs, handbooks, slack channels, stack exchange and on other official support desks. If you are not sure, then hire the professional web designing company that can easily help you get your WordPress Website without any hassle.


    Like WordPress, Joomla is also having wide helpful community the provides you a clear and simple solution to your problems. For more interactive support, users can join forums, mailing list and live chat rooms for quick and valuable support.


    Drupal is backed by proactive fans and users that provide you a solution for every single need. Users can get connected to the forums and user groups to seek the right advice from the experts.

    Also read5 Steps to Creating the Perfect Real Estate Website on WordPress

    With the extensive menu options, themes, modules, support systems, choosing the right choice of CMS is one of the challenging tasks for anyone who is not acquainted with them. To ease your task and getting the right solution for your needs, you can look for the leading web development company in India that provides you seamless web designing and hosting services for your eCommerce store.

    The Best Choice of Ecommerce CMS in 2019: WordPress, Joomla or Drupal?

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    Custom Website Or Template Design: What Makes Your Website Look Great?

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    Custom Website Or Template Design: What Makes Your Website Look Great?


    Do you need a website for your eCommerce? There are several factors that you need to focus on and important decisions to be made right from choosing the best server hosting plans to picking the right template for your site. Whether you go with a custom web design or website template, this would leave you with an important question to be asked from the professional web development company.

    Creating your website has its ups and downs but considering your web development options initially, can ease your worries when you start creating or revamping the site. Both custom web designs and website templates have their benefits and drawbacks. While you can personalize the things with custom web designs, whereas website templates can reduce the amount of time you spend on creating and designing the layout of the site. Besides, whichever you choose, this depends upon your company’s needs such as budget, time, employee skill level, and overall brand strategy.

    Deep Comparison Between Template Design and Custom Web Designs

    While template designs are a great choice of certain brands whereas custom design is important for others with the need for personalized design and layout. The right decision boiled down to these important factors that you should always take into consideration:

    Custom Vs Template Design: Website Development Cost

    For every business, the website development budget is important and it is not the place where you can comprise with it after all this the most comprehensive face of your business and leaves the first impression on the users. Your website is the platform where all your marketing and branding strategies are based on. This is the place your customers know they will find you 24/7. And a good website is always the biggest investment for any company.

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    Custom Web Design: Custom websites are not the ideal choice for companies with a low budget. Since everything will be customized by keeping in mind your business objectives, branding, and other choices, it requires a good budget. If your company can afford it, then there is no match of custom web designs. For instance, if the annual revenue of the company is $4 million, then spending $40,000 on a custom website is the only one percent of your annual income that anyone can afford it especially when it’s a matter of generating revenue from the website.

    Template Design: Template designs give you pre-packed design for your website which is probably the best choice when your budget is low. Apart, the template sites can be clean and functional on the surface but somehow their quality ends here only. You can pick the design of your choice and develop a website without making any changes with the coding.

    Custom Vs Template Design: How Long It Takes To Develop?

    Another important unavoidable aspect that you need to consider how long it takes to develop a website. A quality custom design usually takes 2 to 4 months to go live, depending upon the size and the complexity of the features. From planning, wireframes, design, development, photography, testing, optimization, there is a list of things involved in custom web designing. It takes a long time to get completed especially when a team of professionals is working on it.

    Whereas, if you are in a hurry, then get your website live in a day with the template designs. Building a temporary landing page is just a matter of a day if you have already settled a design for a website template.

    Custom Vs Template Design: Flexibility

    Website templates are something that “one size fits all” solution. With the availability of the extra features, you can easily alter the codings to extend the functionality of your site. For bootstrapper, website templates are the perfect acceptable solution to meet their website needs, but what if when your company begins to rise? That’s where custom web designs come to the role and providing you the flexibility to work with your budget and add features that suits your needs. Your developer can build a site to cater to specific objectives while ensuring the smooth functioning of the website.

    Template vs Custom Web Design: Build Trust and Brand Loyalty

    While the prime aim of the website is to create the unique identity, personality and position of your brand in the market, though, template-based web designs cannot be personalized and create the reflection of your brand. A website template imposes too many restrictions on your ability to differentiate your brand and powerfully convenience the users to take final action.

    A custom web design gives your developers a blank slate that can be turned into a beautiful layout that can build trust and brand loyalty and help you get connected with the targeted audience.

    Final Words

    The choice between a custom web design and a template design is a stressful task especially when you have no technical knowledge. Website templates usually come up with restricted features and flexibilities and offering all designed in a small package. While custom designs give you all the flexibility to design a website that suits your business and budget. If you have a concept in mind for your eCommerce and only looking for ways to turn it into reality, then get connected with the best web design company in India. Since they are backed by highly trained professionals and updated with all technologies, therefore, they can better suggest to you which web designs are best for your business.

    Custom Website Or Template Design: What Makes Your Website Look Great?


    Alex is an experienced Web Designer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has a great knowledge of multiple designs and layouts for website designing. His professionalism and profound knowledge of web designing make him unrivaled. No web design is impossible for him to create.

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    Hybrid or Native Mobile Applications: Which One Is the Best Choice in 2019?

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    In this fast-paced social world, mobile applications have become the most dynamic business tools that help you get connected with wide users globally. With the increasing adoption of smartphones, undeniably, the number of the users will further boost and the native vs hybrid app development discussion will remain the same question until or unless you will not get time to understand the basic difference between the mobile applications. So if you are also in doubt whether the native or hybrid app is good, then you should go through this blog to make the right decision.

    Now gone are those days when mobile application developers have access to limited platforms including Native apps which were unable to work on diverse systems. However, with the increasing requirements for the mobile application development, developers have come up with the latest yet advanced applications that took less time and more efficient to work on multiple systems. But each company is eventually facing the question “which is better native or hybrid app?”

    Since both native and hybrid apps have their strengths and limitations, so the choice of a mobile application depends on the company’s objective, budget, time limits, marketing strategies, and business life cycle stages. No one app fits all companies, so it is better you understand both the applications to adopt the right platform for your business.

    Deeper Comparison between Native and Hybrid Application

    Native vs Hybrid App: Support and Functioning

    The native app is carefully designed for the limited platforms either Android, Windows or iOS, whereas the Hybrid application created for cross-platform functioning.

    Native Vs Hybrid App: Development

    Native applications are based on programming languages that can be supported only on certain platforms. For android development- Java and Kotlin technologies are applied whereas Objective-C and Swift are used for iOS platforms.

    On the other hand, Hybrid applications are versatile. They are developed by using several technologies such as HTML, SCC, and Javascript. They work more likely websites to ensure smooth functioning and natural look. Developers need to use one core code to cover both platforms.

    The major difference between both the applications is, they are based on a different development process that most users skipped understanding while developing applications professionally.

    Also readThe Key Benefits of mCommerce Applications in the Digital Age 

    Native Vs Hybrid: Performance and Security

    Both the apps are characterized by faster performance and better security but each platform will have its codebase that can affect the investment of money and time.

    The framework of Hybrid applications is more versatile that speeds up the development cycle and cuts down the expenses. This notable advantage of Hybrid apps overshines the native apps and makes it a top choice among users.

    Native Vs Hybrid Apps: Benefits and Features

    The benefits of each application are vivid and clear. Hybrid apps are more beneficial for startups with a limited budget and businesses focused on content delivery. It will be a great approach for the business connected to the travel, photos and customer ratings. The perfect example of this app is UBER, Instagram, Tweeter.

    Native apps usually are not considered in competitive fields but can create a great opportunity for the companies to provide their users with the best experience. All you need to do is to develop and execute it well.

    Understanding the Hybrid Applications

    The mobile application has become a significant part of your business. But before deciding to create the hybrid application, you should know its features and limitations to make the most out of the application.

    Quick Glance Over Pros and Cons of Hybrid Application

    Advantages of Hybrid App Development

    Cheaper Development Cost: Companies can save a big amount on creating the hybrid application addressing users on different platforms. No further need to invest in hiring a large team to maintain the application.

    Based on Single Code: While there are separate codes that are required to support iOS and Android platforms, but Hybrid apps can perform on both platforms with a single code.

    Easier to Maintain: It is simple and easy to make changes and updated simultaneously on both platforms which are highly convenient for developers as well as users.

    Cons of Hybrid App

    Internet Connection: The only drawback of developing the Hybrid app is its framework requires a regular internet connection for smooth processing.

    Also readHow to Market a New Product?

    Understanding Native Applications

    Comparatively hybrid apps, native applications applied different technologies to handle the development of android mobile apps and iOS mobile apps.

    Round-up Over Pros and Cons of Native Application

    Benefits and Limitations of Native App

    Better Performance: If you compare the performance of hybrid and native app, it is clear that native apps are much faster than Hybrid as they have different technologies for both platforms.

    Customer Experience: Since native apps work in offline mode, which gives users a great satisfaction and ensuring a better experience.

    Data Security: It is much easier to secure your sensitive data in native apps that is why many companies prefer to use this application.

    The Downside of Using Native App

    Time and Money Consuming: Since it requires two different technologies to support Android and iOS platform, therefore, developers need to drain long hours in developing native applications.

    Developing efficient and customer-driven applications are quite a big challenge for business owners. But, if you are not sure what applications you need and what technologies be used to develop a good mobile application, then it is best to hire a reputed company that can offer you the best mobile application development services at affordable prices.

    Hybrid or Native Mobile Applications: Which One Is the Best Choice in 2019?


    Alex is an experienced Web Designer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has a great knowledge of multiple designs and layouts for website designing. His professionalism and profound knowledge of web designing make him unrivaled. No web design is impossible for him to create.

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    Jul 15 2019
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    7 Reasons Why Does Social Media Marketing is Important for Any Business?

    7 Reasons Why Does Social Media Marketing is Important for Any Business?

    Jul 16 2019
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    Google Adwords VS Facebook Ads: Which One Works Best For Your Business?

    Google Adwords VS Facebook Ads: Which One Works Best For Your Business?

    Jul 17 2019
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    Google Adwords VS Facebook Ads: Which One Works Best For Your Business?


    Year after year, various marketing and advertising techniques are being launched and keeping your business up to date with everything is quite a daunting task for the business owners. And when it comes to investing in the pay per click ads, it is a common question that whether Google Adwords are rewarding or Facebook ads.

    Well, both platforms come up with its features and limitations. However, ultimately, the only thing that matters to the business owners is Traffic, Leads, and Sales. While it is true that Google is one of the topmost choices of search-engines, whereas Facebook is the platform where one-fourth world stays in touch with their friends. Both platforms have their value, so the choice of the advertising platform majorly depends on the purpose, budget, and nature of your next campaign. However, before getting into the details, let’s understand what exactly is facebook advertising and Google Adwords…

    What is Facebook Advertising?

    Facebook advertising is a type of pay-per-click ads that allows you to start your advertising campaign by targeting users as the location, demographic and profile information. The best feature that Facebook adds to your campaign is that you can add images with your social feeds or sidebar and the audience network on mobile.

    What are Google Paid Ads?

    Google advertising is a paid system that allows businesses to promote their campaigns throughout the Google Network. While there are around 2 million websites on its search network, therefore, it is worthy to invest in Google Adwords.

    Facebook Ads vs Google Adwords: Which Is Best?

    Both Google and Facebook are the two top pay-per-click advertising platforms. Google Ads are based on specific keywords and appear as the top results in the Google searches whereas Facebook Ads appears in social feeds and targeted using location and demographic information. Each platform boasts different features to create brand awareness to generating leads for your business. However, poor quality ad campaigns can lead to wasted money, no matter whether it is on Facebook or Google. If you are new to Pay-Per-Click ads, then it is best to hire a reputed company that can help you make the most out of your advertising budget.

    Also ReadFacebook Ads with Whastapp-Enabled Chats: How to Cross-Platform Your Facebook Campaigns

    Facebook Ads Vs Google Ads: PPC Budget

    For everyone, the advertising budget matters. Now gone are those good days when you could get the Google clicks at the cheapest cost. With increasing competition on Facebook and other social media platforms, the pay-per-click price has been massively increased. But still, if you have a narrow advertising budget and looking for more ROI then Facebook can be your best choice. You can target the audience at a granular level and target the right people.

    However, though the CPC is quite high for Google Adwords, there is no comparison when compared to customer lifetime value that you will get in return. If you want better ROI then you must give a thought to Google Adwords.

    Google Ads VS Facebook Ads: The Objects of Advertising

    Now, this is an important thing where most people make the wrong decision. Before investing and initiating the ad campaign, know your objective or results you want to drive from this advertisement. Are you trying to create brand awareness or want to boost sales?

    Facebook Ads: Best works when your objective is to create brand awareness.

    Google Adwords: Just the right choice when your goal is to boost sales.

    Google Adwords VS Facebook Ads: Set Your Target Audience

    Are you trying to target businesses or individuals? Is your business offering a product or a service? While both the platforms work great for both but there is a slight difference between B2B and B2C model.

    Google Adwords for B2B Model

    When you want to target businesses for your product and services, Google Adwords is the perfect platform for your PPC campaign. The simple rule of thumb suggests you keep 90% of your advertising budget for Adwords and rest for Facebook.

    Facebook Ads for B2C Model

    Facebook ads are the ideal choice for the most drop shippers. For beginners, Facebook has a lower CPC as compared to Google AdWords but can help you get connected with a large number of audiences based on their profiles, likes, interests.

    Quick Round-Ups To Decide On Best Advertising Platform

    Facebook Ads are best when :

    • You need to create brand awareness
    • Your advertising budget is narrow
    • You have a creative team to create impressive ad campaigns that will engage the users with your products or services
    • You are impressive and appealing to the masses

    Google Adwords will work best when you:

    • You want to drive quality ROI
    • You have products or services to meet customer’s needs.
    • If you are targeting businesses and organizations, Google Adwords work more effectively.
    • Google Analytics is a powerful tool you can use in conjunction with your Ad campaign for better insights into ROI.
    Google Adwords VS Facebook Ads: Which One Works Best For Your Business?


    Drake is the Sr. Web Developer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has been developing diverse and attention-catching websites for more than 4 years. He focuses on all the details in a precise manner and works accordingly. His knowledge of web development is unmatched and uncompetitive.

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    7 Reasons Why Does Social Media Marketing is Important for Any Business?

    7 Reasons Why Does Social Media Marketing is Important for Any Business?

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    7 Reasons Why Does Social Media Marketing is Important for Any Business?


    With the changing marketing techniques and branding procedures, Social Media Marketing has become one of the trending platforms to promote your business. No matter whether you are a bootstrapper, small business owner or a leading brand name of the industry, social media marketing can revolutionize the way you work and target your audience.

    If you are still untouched with the benefits of social media advertising then it is high time to introduce yourself that why you should consider social media marketing for your business.

    Before you jump on the reasons, it is worth to understand what exactly is social media marketing and what platforms you can use…

    What Do You Understand By Social Media Marketing?

    Social Media Marketing (SMM) is one of the unique internet marketing techniques that utilizing the benefits of social networking sites as an efficient tool for promoting the website, enhancing the site traffic, and communicating directly with the customers.

    Since SMM is based on the principle of organic search, therefore it means that when your website connects with social media platforms, it will be more active and your website’s position on the search engines will speedily be increased.

    Also ReadInfluencer Marketing: Enhance Your Brand Value Through Recognized Personalities

    Apart, here are the reasons why does social media marketing has become a leading sensation in today’s industry:

    Create and Boost Brand Awareness

    With millions of people living in India and having an active social media account, keeping your page on top is one of the biggest challenges. However, if you promote your social media page correctly, you can get a chance to attract hundreds of new customers. Having an active social media account can give you a platform on which you can actively engage your business into current events, conversations to further increase the awareness of your brand.

    Enhance User Traffic

    In today’s cutting-edge digital era, increasing traffic to your website is extremely difficult without the execution of a strong social media marketing campaign. It is a platform where you can practice audience targeting and retargeting to easily reach the people who are interested in your business. To enhance the traffic on your pages, all you need to do is to remain active and exposing your brand to the wider range of potential customers that ultimately result in rising in traffic.

    Boost Your Site’s SEO

    Without an online presence, it’s nearly impossible for your business to keep your foothold in the industry. To make your business to be noticed, it is highly important to practice SEO techniques to maintain the ranking of your site. And SMM can eventually help you boost your SEO by creating unique content and relevant post to your business. Besides, by promoting your business on social media platforms using the targeted keywords, your ranking will increase in a short period.

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    Extend Your Reach Via Quoted Experts

    Social media marketing can help you go the extra mile. While sharing or tweeting a new post over Facebook, Tweet, Linkedin, always be sure to tag the experts you mentioned in your post so that it can easily pop up in their notifications. Your source will retweet or share by thousands of followers that ultimately drive back to your website and create a win-win situation.

    Building Customer Relationship

    Take your business to the next level by getting connected with the potential customer over social media platforms. You can promote your brand name by simply interacting with the audience daily. You can learn who they are, what they like and dislike about your product and services so that you can improve in your business.

    Enables Audience Targeting and Retargeting

    Since social media branding is completely customer-centric, though you can customize your ads around your customer’s needs. For example FB ads. You can create ad campaigns by targeting an audience with factors like age, gender, location, education or industry.

    Improve Your Business Sales

    Because social media platforms are designed to get you more sales, therefore, many businesses are turning to SMM. With traditional marketing, you put your product in front of the customer but they will buy it whenever they need it. However, SMM is much more than increasing brand presence. You can influence the customer’s buying decisions at the multiple stages by popping up to their notification, blogs targeting, answering their questions, addressing pain points to providing them a promo coupon.

    While there are various online marketing techniques to improve the ranking of your site, Social Media Marketing has its own weight. Knowing all these above things and being a little more active on the social media platforms, you can easily reach your targeted audience. Whatever you need for your business, Social Media has got covered for it. All you need to do is to just choose the right strategy to promote your brand. And if you are not sure what to do, where to start and what things you need to focus, then let the professionals do it for you.

    7 Reasons Why Does Social Media Marketing is Important for Any Business?


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    8 Ways to Reduce You Page Load Time and Boost Your Conversion Rate

    8 Ways to Reduce You Page Load Time and Boost Your Conversion Rate

    Jul 15 2019
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    8 Ways to Reduce You Page Load Time and Boost Your Conversion Rate


    Nothing is more frustrating than browsing a lower speed website. Are you also noticing the high bounce and dip in conversion rate at your website? Page load could be an issue for that. Yes, the longer your page takes to load, the higher your page abandonment rates will be. However, don’t worry, this blog will help you out…

    With the launch of Google updates, maintaining the quick page load time and conversion rate has become a few of the serious concerns for the website owners. Does your site take too long to load? Most of the users expect your page to be loaded in just two seconds or less than that. Failure to this standard will ultimately crush your conversions. So how can you improve your page load time and enhance the conversion rate? Let’s get into the practical ways that can help you boost your website loading time.

    8 Ways to Make Your Website Load Faster

    Google has indicated in their updates that site speed is one of the important aspects to be considered in algorithms to rank your pages. And researches have noticed that Google first watch out your page load time. In addition, a slow page speed means that the search engine can crawl fewer pages according to the allocated crawl budget which badly affects your indexation. Longer page load times also drastically affect the conversion rates. So let’s learn some best practical ways to fasten your page load time and improve your conversion rate.

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    Pick The Right Hosting Plan

    This is one of the easiest ways to speed up your website by improving your hosting plan. There are many website owners started with shared hosting but while the site grows in usage and content, they tend to become slower on cheap servers. You can battle this by simply upgrading the hosting plan and improve your page load time.

    Reconsider Your Image Size

    Did you know that high-resolution images take a longer time to load? The websites may look good with larger images, but it can drastically affect your page load time and ultimately leave a bad impact on your conversion rate. Since it absorbs more bandwidth, it takes more time to reload the page.

    Reduce Your HTTP Request

    If you don’t understand the technical term and how it can affect your page load time, then don’t worry, will keep it as simple as possible. HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. No data could be transferred from one network to the other without HTTP requests and responses.

    When you type in a website address, you ask your browser to establish a TCP(Transmission  Control Protocol) connection that responds to the URL. And then the device you are using will send an HTTP request to the server to open the page. If your page containing lots of elements such as scripts, images, stylesheet, there will be an HTTP request for each one. So it is best to review your website and eliminate the unnecessary files to boost the page loading time.

    Minimize or Combine the File Size

    Once you know which file or element is important to your site and how long it will take to load, it is best to get to work on reducing the file size. The most important place to start is with your HTML, CSS and Javascript files. Since every piece of code adds to the size of your page, it is important that you remove extra spaces and line spaces to keep your page as lean as possible.

    Reduce Time To First Byte

    Besides considering the amount of time your page is taking to load completely, it is also important to take a look at the amount of time it takes to start loading. And Google recommended that the ideal TTFB should be less than 200ms. You can use development tools to determine your TTFB loading time and ask the professionals to assist you in reducing the same.

    Also readThe Most Essential Facts of Voice Search SEO Optimization in 2019

    Minimize the Server Response Time

    DNS or Domain Name System can greatly impact how quickly your page loads. When a user types a URL into the browser, DNS server is what that translates that URL into the IP address to help you locate it online. You can get DNS speed insight by using specific tools and get an idea of whether you need to upgrade the speed or not.

    Enable Browser Caching History

    When you visit any site, the elements on the page you visit are stored in the temporary storage which means the next time you visit, the browser can quickly load the page without sending another HTTP request.

    Building an appealing website is not enough to generate leads for your business, in fact, there are multiple elements in your website that can make a big difference in user experience. And one of the biggest things is page load time that ultimately affects your conversion rate.

    Hopefully, these principles will help you understand how to boost your page load time and improve your conversion rate.

    8 Ways to Reduce You Page Load Time and Boost Your Conversion Rate

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    Google De-Indexed Your Website? 6 Reasons and Recovery Solutions For You

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    How Does Your Website Design Affect Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

    How Does Your Website Design Affect Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

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    How Does Your Website Design Affect Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

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    Are you one who is all set to go with your digital marketing campaigns? Wait!!! Does your website good enough to support your digital marketing strategy? If you are not sure how it can affect your marketing campaigns and what factors you need to focus on, then you are landed at the right place as this blog has covered everything to explain to you how important your website is for successful digital marketing campaigns.

    In this digital era, your business is nothing without a good website. If you are website is not user-friendly, you can never succeed in your digital marketing strategies. Therefore, you need to make sure that your website design is effective and appropriate enough to support your marketing campaigns. According to prospective buyers, your website is the most important element to decide whether you are capable enough to meet their needs or not.

    Importance of Website in Successful Digital Marketing Strategy

    You may have the most creative digital marketing strategy, but you will never achieve your desired results if your website is poorly designed. The prime aim of every online campaign is to increase the traffic on your site and get your targeted audience to your website and encourage them to take final action. However, if your website is not user-friendly, aesthetically pleasing or perfectly ranked in the search engine, you will lose the budget that you have put into the marketing campaign.

    What Factors Do You Need to Review in Your Website Before Launching a Marketing Campaign?

    Any web design company in India will tell you the importance of reviewing the website design before beginning with your marketing campaign. You can look for the website designing services from the reputed digital marketing company to get your website analyzed by highly trained professionals.

    Here are the few most important things that you need to review or consider redesigning before gearing up the online digital marketing campaign:

    Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

    Let’s begin with the most important point of SEO, which is the major reason behind redesigning a website. While making changes in the web design, it will improve your Google ranking. So just start with deleting duplicate content as Google will not at all accept the plagiarised content on your site. After that, make sure that you use meta descriptions, title tags, and alt tags to make it crawl in search engines easily. These basic elements of SEO are an integral part of your web design and majorly affect the ranking of the site.

    Conversion Rate Optimisation(CRO)

    So true, a website design affects the rate of conversion. Here experts have touched two main things that can drastically affect the CRO- authority level and simplicity of the web design. For example, if you want to book a family holiday package and site is asking you to pay hundreds of dollars with stock images, will you feel comfortable to make a payment? Neither your visitors do! So it is important that your website design look and feel authentic and make your visitors feel comfortable to buy what exactly he/she is looking for.

    Secondly, another aspect is to keep your web design simple and functional. Now, this is where you need to look for professional digital marketing services in India. If you make the complex design to enhance the functionality of the site then it will slow down the page load speed of your website. So hire the professionals that can strike down the perfect balance between design and functionally. The simplicity always appeals to the users while the smooth functioning of the site will satisfy the CRO.

    Also ReadHow to Redesign Your Website for Maximum SEO Growth?


    Keep in mind that your marketing campaigns are not only to generate leads but also to create brand awareness. And users can quickly get a feel whether your website is good or bad to proceed with it. To avoid missing the lead, make sure to keep your business statement and goals are clear to the visitors.

    You can look for the best web designing services in India to further enhance your brand awareness without compromising with the quality of your website.

    User Experience (UX)

    Did you know that the design of the website has a major impact on the user experience for your visitors? Instead of bombarding the visitor with the ads, it is worth to keep the navigations simple and easy to use. Besides, make sure you have incorporated appropriate images that cannot affect the page load time. If you are not sure about the images, choice of colors and themes, then you can look for a good web development company that can easily meet your specific needs and satisfy your users.

    The Bottom Line

    The simple way to a successful online digital marketing campaign is to have a perfect web design that can support your marketing strategies. Spending a huge budget on the marketing campaigns is completely useless if your website is not user-friendly. So, instead of taking a charge to evaluate the things on your own, let the professionals examine your site and create a perfect web design to help you achieve the desired results.

    How Does Your Website Design Affect Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    WordPress or Shopify: Which Platform Is Best for Your Ecommerce Business?

    Jul 11 2019
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    WordPress or Shopify: Which Platform Is Best for Your Ecommerce Business?


    Planning to take your business online but not yet decided which website platform is best for your online store? If you are still confused that Shopify is better or WordPress, then it is best to go through this complete review 2019.

    No doubt, eCommerce has exponentially grown in the last few years and has become an integral part of every business. Whether you are a beginner or an existing one, starting up an eCommerce business has never been an easy task as there are several things that you need to understand and decide upon. But one of the most important things is choosing the right platform to develop your eCommerce website.

    Whether Shopify or WordPress is best For You?

    With various platforms, WordPress and Shopify are the most common platforms to start an online store. Both of these eCommerce platforms come up with their limits and features but ensure an efficient interface to start your business online. However, many users are still stuck with the question of whether WordPress is best or Shopify? Therefore, to help you make the best decision, this blog has compared the major features of these two platforms.

    What is the Difference Between Shopify and WordPress?

    In simple terms, Shopify is known as a “Website Builder” which means that people who have no technical knowledge can build their website at Shopify on their own. It offers a range of templates that can be easily customized to meet your specific business needs. You can develop an online store without using any designing skills, technical skills and resorting to coding. Besides, it is a complete hosted solution where you can run everything on Shopify’s server. Moreover, as Shopify is a “SaaS” tool, you don’t need to own a copy of this software. By paying a small amount of monthly fee you can keep your website live.

    Also readBest E-commerce Development Platforms for 2019: Shopify vs WooCommerce vs Magento vs Prestashop

    On the other hand, WordPress is a little different. It usually comes in two different versions – WordPress.com and WordPress.org. WordPress.com is just like Shopify (SaaS) tool and works the same as a website builder. You pay a monthly fee and you will get access to a broad range of features that could help you develop the best eCommerce website. Whereas WordPress.org is a piece of software that you need to download and install on your web server. Self-hosted WordPress can meet nearly any website design requirement via the installation of the right plugins.

    Features and Limits of Shopify/WordPress

    Pros & Cons of Shopify

    Users would not require any coding and technical knowledge while developing a website on Shopify but if you need to change your theme, you will have to reformat your content.

    You can cut down the hosting and security fees but you need to pay small monthly fees to keep your website live.

    It is a purpose-built eCommerce platform, you will find everything ready at Shopify. However, it is not as basic as a drag-and-drop platform.

    Develop e-commerce portal on wordpress->>

    Pros & Cons of WordPress

    On the contrary, it is more user-friendly and can be customized as per your business needs. However, it requires rich technical knowledge and skills to access the features of this platform.

    It can be easily accessed with the help of online resources but the WordPress store is quite expensive to maintain. You need to secure things like hosting, security and domain.

    Which Platform is More Easier To Access?

    Without a doubt, Shopify is a winner! Unlike WordPress, you don’t need to have a strong skill set to understand the coding and not even need to install extra software. Shopify comes with built-in features that necessary to run an eCommerce website.

    Which Platform Has Best Theme and Templates?

    Shopify has around 70 themes for you to pick from. However, 10 of these themes are free to use whereas 60 are paid. It might add extra cost to your web development but its a one-off investment that brings life to your website. The important part is, all these templates are mobile responsive.

    However, when it comes to choice, WordPress blows Shopify by offering more than 1000 themes, although just for eCommerce. There are plenty of more options that you can explore and choose from to give a perfect face to your online store.

    What Tools and Features Both Platforms Offer You?

    Well, tools and features are everything on your eCommerce website. While Shopify has its in-house store to buy tools whereas WordPress relies on the features provided by the third-party plugins.

    Shopify has hundreds of eCommerce features including discount codes, abandoned cart recovery, and multi-channel integration. On the other hand, WordPress doesn’t have any eCommerce features to offer you.

    Shopify Vs WordPress: Which is SEO Winner?

    SEO is the shortest and most effective way to enhance your website’s visibility on search engines like Google and Bing. Shopify can allow you to do SEO in several ways by adding specific titles, descriptions, metadata, and customized URLs that can easily crawl in search engines. Whereas in WordPress sites, you don’t need to learn the SEO tricks as it is done through external plugins.

    Customer Help and Support at Both Platforms

    There is no match of Shopify’s customer care and support system. The experts are available round the clock and can easily reach the experts in a variety of ways including phone, email, live chat or onsite help center. And the depressing part about WordPress is that there is no direct help for the WordPress Users. There are only resources such as forums that can give you support.

    WordPress or Shopify: Which Platform Is Best for Your Ecommerce Business?


    Alex is an experienced Web Designer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has a great knowledge of multiple designs and layouts for website designing. His professionalism and profound knowledge of web designing make him unrivaled. No web design is impossible for him to create.

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    Google De-Indexed Your Website? 6 Reasons and Recovery Solutions For You

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    Google De-Indexed Your Website? 6 Reasons and Recovery Solutions For You

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    Does your website ranking on the top pages yesterday and suddenly it is deindexed by Google? It is the worst nightmare for SEO experts!

    When you put all the effort, time and money to maintain the ranking of your client’s site and at the second moment, you find it’s no longer visible on Google searches, it feels weird. Well, several factors can make your website to be de-indexed by Google.

    Naturally, everyone wants a quick remedy to fix the website and thankfully, there are ways to recover your previous position with time and diligent. However, before jumping to recovery solutions, it is important to understand why Google has initiated this step. A remedy may take a minute or a long time to reindex all the individual pages, but the moment you understand the reasons, you can quickly bang on to your position. And if you find yourself a little occupied, then you can hire a google web design company or consider a website designing services to make your task easier.

    The following are the detailed reasons for which your site may have been de-indexed along with the recovery solutions:

    Cloaking: Different URLs and Content

    When you provide two different URLs or Content to the users and search engines, this is considered as cloaking. It is treated as an action against Google’s guidelines.

    Solution: The best solution to eliminate this error, ask your web designing company to simply delete such pages, so Google can see only those pages as your visitors do.

    Low Quality or Duplicate Content

    If you are using poor quality content or duplicate content, Google will quickly de-index your pages. Sometimes, website owners can’t bother to create their original content and copied it from another site and stuff it at their site. Besides, duplicate content doesn’t only mean to be copied from other sites. In case if you are using the same content for creating multiple pages of your site especially location-oriented or product target pages, then it also marked as a duplicate content.

    Solution: Google’s suggestion is to employ a good writer and generate your unique content as per Google’s guidelines to maintain the ranking of your site.

    Using Machine Generated Content

    It is completely wrong to say that content spinning software is safe to use. They might shuffle the words, paragraphs, but somewhere it makes your content meaningless and plagiarized. There are such website owners that feel fine to pick the existing articles and blogs, spin it and use it on their site. Before doing this, you should understand that Google badly punished this manual action and put your pages into spam.

    Solution: If you are also using the content spinning applications to generate quantity content, then either remove all those pages containing that content or rewrite the content in your own words.

    Google Algorithm Updates

    Everyone knows that Google often coming up with the search, indexing and ranking updates. Several guidelines have been released till date by Google to improve your website’s ranking and quality. And if you keep ignoring those updates or not following the updated website algorithms then you might be de-indexed by Google.

    Solution: If your site has been recently de-indexed by Google, then check if this happens due to the latest algorithm update? If yes, then modify the pages and upgrade your website as per the new Google algorithms to make your site rank well in search engines.

    Also ReadGoogle Ranking Algorithm Updates in 2019

    Buying Linking Practices

    Google imposed the penalty upon website practicing link buying or exchanging links. This is a common shortcut to gradually improve the ranking of your site in a short period, but it will be considered as the violation of Google’s guidelines and may result in de-indexing.

    Solution: To avoid this problem, make sure that your links are building naturally over time and use free tools to audit your links over time. You can also consider the website designing services to safeguard your site from broken links or spammy links.

    Building an appealing website and making it rank on top pages might be easier than maintaining the quality and rank of your site. With several updates in the Google Algorithms and several digital marketing techniques, it is tough to maintain the ranking of your site. To avoid major pitfalls including de-indexing, spamming or poor ranking, it is worth to get in touch with the good web designing company that can ensure you excellent services.

    Hopefully, this blog will help you understand the reasons for being de-indexed by Google and how to recover the position of your site with these solutions!

    Google De-Indexed Your Website? 6 Reasons and Recovery Solutions For You


    Drake is the Sr. Web Developer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has been developing diverse and attention-catching websites for more than 4 years. He focuses on all the details in a precise manner and works accordingly. His knowledge of web development is unmatched and uncompetitive.

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    Google Ranking Algorithm Updates in 2019


    This year, Google will blow you away with their latest algorithm updates! So hold your breath and keep your eyes open for the recent Google core updates to safeguard your website’s ranking from being shaken. Let’s have a look over this detailed update to examine how your results will be impacted and who will be affected by these latest Google amendments.

    Are you one of those SEO experts who have been sticking your eyes all the time on the Google updates to keep your client’s website on track and ensuring good ranking? Your wait is over as Google has officially rolled out with another big announcement on the broad core update after the March 2019 update, which is named as “June 2019 Core Preannounced Update”. Google has not yet revealed any particular date to implement this change but algorithm trackers have started noticing a slight change in the graph.

    Winners and Losers of Google March 2019 Core Algorithm Updates

    The first update of the Google core of this year has rolled out on 12th March 2019 which caused a major impact on the global search results. The most exciting part of this update was, Google has adjusted the search results of the most sensitive topics of the industry. Websites that are into health, travel, home & garden, gambling, and finance, are majorly affected by these March updates. Exactly after a year, Google has come up with its official “Core Updates” which has recorded a major rank fluctuation level on the desktop SERP.

    Google update 2019

    Google Core Updates of June 2019

    This Google algorithm update will impact on how the search results are ranked and how it will be listed in the Google searches. So, let’s geared up with the broad core algorithm update to learn how it will help you improve the visibility of your website over the web.

    The June Google Core Update might include minor changes but it can drastically affect your website’s ranking. One of the major changes you can expect from this algorithm update is, it is designed to offer site diversity in the search results. This means, after this site diversity update, Google will now treat your sub-domains as a core part of your root domain. In other words, this update will ensure that only one search result will appear from the same single-site either it is a root domain or subdomain.

    Also ReadGoogle June 2019 Core Update Finished Rolling Out Saturday, June 8th

    Major Industries Affected By This Update

    Since its a pre-announced Google updates, therefore, it is difficult to analyze anything. However, as per the general trends and directions of Google, it is observed that there is a huge increase in the traffic of video carousels (Youtube) whereas low-quality news sites are kept suffering for their website ranking.

    Google Update June 2019.

    Major Highlights of the Google Core Updates 2019

    Since mixed tools are used to improve the ranking of your website, therefore this core algorithm update is also covering the miscellaneous issues. This Google update is quite broad and involves all the main algorithms that can affect your site’s ranking. Let’s have a look over the major key points of these latest updates:

    • This algorithm core update is not targeting any specific niches and not even just about the quality of the sites.
    • Website owners are not required to do much with their sites to fix it as the updates are begun to roll and started showing the results.
    • The sites which are facing low ranking can reevaluate their relevance content as this can be a big reason behind the low ranking.
    • Google has made some changes with some of the important ranking factors including- the keywords on the H1 tag have been rises by 2%, the https values increase by 8% whereas PageRank calculation has been revised from 0.85 to 0.70.

    Important Noticeable Result That Has Been Shown After the Google Updates

    • For sure, Google algorithm updates will affect every website’s ranking differently. Some users may notice a good growth in their traffic while beginners may notice a great drop in ranking in the days after the Google update.
    • While some users have reported that the traffic on the desktop site has been majorly impacted while there is no change in mobile traffic.

    Also ReadMoz 2.0: How Does Moz DA Update Impact Your Website’s Google Ranking?

    Why Google Rolled Out With the Core Updates So Often?

    Many SEO experts have been pissed off with these often Google updates. While some users keep registering their growth for months and trying to understand how that core updates will work and result, meanwhile Google came up with another update. Well, the primary reason behind rolling out with the latest core updates is to improve the search relevance.

    This is the reason why they say there is nothing to fix it because the core algorithm update will not at all covering any specific issues. The only goal is to show user-relevant results by understanding search queries and your website content. And, these core updates enhancing how Google understands your web pages and providing more accurate search results to the targeted audience.

    How Can You Safeguard Your Website From Google Algorithms?

    Some key points can always help you improve your website’s ranking and protect it from often Google updates:

    • Always ensure you have rich and unique content. Quality and authentic website content have lesser chances of being affected by these updates.
    • Make your website appealing, informative and engaging. Never copy a design or format of any other existing site to avoid the drop in search results.
    • Keep your website bounce rate under control.
    • Ensure you have authentic web architecture.
    • Maintain the quality of the site even if it ranks well in the search engine.


    Google Ranking Algorithm Updates in 2019


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    The Most Essential Facts of Voice Search SEO Optimization in 2019

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    The Top 7 Trending Web Designs in 2019 Every Web Designer Should Know

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    The Top 7 Trending Web Designs in 2019 Every Web Designer Should Know


    2019 is proving a big year for web designers and designing as a whole. We have many technologies that come to the big stage worldwide. Trends are popping up in different industries and all of them have something to say about the future.

    If you are a web designer, then you have to know these trends and master them if possible. If you want to start a web design business with no experience, then knowing these trends is even more important. So, here is a list of the most popular and influential web design trends of 2019.

    7 Biggest Web Design Trends of 2019

    UX Personalization

    Personalization has been ruling the roost of internet accessibility for some years now. Every year, companies come up with new ways to customize the client experience. This obviously leads to more brand loyalty and business security.

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    In 2019, responsive web design trends have given way to AI-driven UX. These are very cutting-edge designs and need some degree of calibration to load quickly. However, they provide an unparalleled user experience. This makes them well worth the money spent as well as learning how to make.

    Content-Based UX

    Programming in a customized AI-driven UX is not easy. Neither is it inexpensive. So, not a whole lot of companies will want to invest in it. With that said, there are some great substitutes as well including the Content driven UX.

    A Content-centric UX is essentially an amalgam of on-site content and the user side design. The combination results in a great output that streamlines both visual and textual sides of the website together. This is a complex task but it is in popular demand and so, it is worth learning. You can be sure it will be among the top design trends in coming years.

    Augmented Reality

    VR headsets are becoming increasingly popular. They are not just being used for gaming or e-commerce. Websites can easily launch a VR version and many companies are eager to provide this novel experience to clients. So, getting your hands into augmented reality for 2019 web designs is a very good idea.

    Before, you go jump the gun, let us tell you that AR is high-end stuff. If you are new to web design, you may not want to explore it just yet. If you are a IT solutions business owner, then you should assess the investment requirements first. The technology is game-changing but it does demand a good deal of investment and skill.
    The Straight Up and Bold

    The essence of quality web design has always been simplicity combined with effectiveness. This web design mantra is perfectly shown in minimalistic and bold typographic designs. The combination of information-driven and essentialist styling makes for a great presentation.

    If you are looking to start a web design business with no experience, the minimalist style should be your first choice. This trend is running hot right now and as third world markets emerge, their demand will definitely grow. So, this can easily be your bread and butter web design vertical in 2019 and beyond.


    GIFs can be a lot of fun. Everyone who has a social media account knows that. But GIFs are not just meant for hilarious social media burns. In fact, they are often used in web designing as well. GIFs are leading the pack in the top web designing trends in the world. They are great fun for designers, companies and clients alike. The key however is knowing which ones fit where.

    The best thing about GIFs and GIFs-centric web design trends is that they give you a lot of freedom. You play around with ideas and get creative while keeping the design simple enough for fast loading. So, mastering the GIF web design trends is a worthy tool for any designer.

    CSS3 Animations

    Content Style Sheets have always been an integral part of all web design. But with CSS3, things have taken on a whole different dimension. Now, you can combine a whole host of functions using CSS3 and other tools like Flexbox and Bootstrap. This allows designers to create high-functioning websites which work flawlessly and look wondering.

    If you want to start a web design business with no experience, mastering the CSS3 should be one of the first steps. Once you do that, combining other essential web design features can give you a complete skillset.

    Asymmetrical Layout

    Symmetry is great. But only if you live in the past. While we all like neat complementing shapes and designs, asymmetry is here to challenge our perception. The catchy and edgy look of asymmetrical designs instantly stands out in the crowd. That’s why many web designers are quickly incorporating this option into their skillset.

    Asymmetrical designs are all about customizing the brand approach of the company. It ranks among the top web designs of 2019 and knowing how to design them is a great advantage. You should know how to frame a great web design without becoming repetitive. So, creativity matters as much as designing know-how.

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    Where Can You Get the Best Web Designs Trends of 2019?

    6ixwebsoft is one of the best web designing companies in the market. We offer multiple design packages and solutions to clients based on industry specifications. Our web designers are well-versed in the latest trends and can easily give you a marvelous web design. Contact us now!

    The Top 7 Trending Web Designs in 2019 Every Web Designer Should Know


    Alex is an experienced Web Designer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has a great knowledge of multiple designs and layouts for website designing. His professionalism and profound knowledge of web designing make him unrivaled. No web design is impossible for him to create.

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    7 Interesting Facts about PHP You Might Not Know

    7 Interesting Facts about PHP You Might Not Know

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    7 Interesting Facts about PHP You Might Not Know

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    PHP is easily one of the most popular programming languages in the world. This language is well-known for making server-side scripting easy and effective. There are many ways to go and a quality PHP web developer can give you a very high-performance website.

    Now, there are many things about PHP that even expert web developers do not know. And while you don’t need to know them to get a super website developed, it does help. If you know these things about PHP then you can make the right choice. This also applies if you are a developer. If you want to learn PHP, knowing these small but significant facts are going to help you decide more ably. Let’s start:

    7 Neat PHP Facts Which Everyone Should Know

    PHP Powers 244+ Million Websites

    As per a 2013 online census, there are over 244+ million websites using PHP. This makes it an immensely popular programming language. The fact that PHP is open source makes it ideal for development. There are many other benefits in its corner like security, coding ease and easy scaling which make it ideal for rapid project development. If you are looking for the top PHP developer, then make sure you know their work portfolio before selecting.

    Over 5 Million PHP Developers Worldwide

    PHP is such a popular language because it has so many experts’ developers in the world. By recent estimates, over 5 million people in the world know PHP. So, if you want a PHP website, you can find a developer relatively easily. However, not every developer will have the skills and knowledge to produce a quality website. So, you need to carefully consider the skill set of any PHP developer you want to hire before making the final decision.

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    PHP 7 Was Nicknamed PHP Next Gen

    Recently, PHP received an upgrade so it can to match current gen needs. This version is called PHP 7 and the main addition is refactoring. This newer version performs better than previous ones and is nicknamed PHP Next Gen. the most high-performing PHP websites are based on the PHP 7. Make sure you know the proficiency of a web developer in PHP 7 before you hire them. Using the latest version ensures maximum stability and scalability. Overall, it’s just better and you should go for this version.

    PHP Is Open-Source But Not Available Under General Public License

    PHP’s open source status is a primary major reason for its popularity. Many developers find it easy to learn the language and use it as well. Companies also don’t have to spend a lot of money to get a good website. However, there is a very fine line between free to use and available under a general public license. The difference lies in the use of the PHP name itself. As per the laws, you can use PHP to develop your website or even app without any legal liability. But you cannot include the name PHP in the name of the service itself without the PHP dev team’s explicit permission. This is important to remember when using PHP.

    PHP Wasn’t Intended As a Programming Language

    One of the more amazing facts about PHP is that it was never intended as a programming language. The creator, Rasmus Lerdorf, developed the now world-famous programming language in 1994 solely for his website. In fact, there was no programming language back then either. Lerdorf only had a coded interface design which later developed into PHP. Now, that is an interesting and somewhat lesser-known fact about this language. Even some devs who use PHP professionally don’t know it.

    PHP Was Originally An Abbreviation for Personal Home Page

    Consistent with what we mentioned above of the origins of PHP, the abbreviation was something else entirely. At present, PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor which is a recursive abbreviation. Before this, it was named Personal Home Page. While that is certainly a fitting name for the interface Lerdorf created, it doesn’t fit what PHP is now. This little info on PHP’s development through the years can help improve your appreciation of how languages evolve over time.

    PHP Has Its Own Mascot

    Now, this one is completely unexpected. And even though it does not impact the language in any way, you get to know its popularity by this fact. We can’t think of any programming languages which have their own mascot other than Java and PHP. Only sports teams have their own mascots and that too at the pro level. Well, the PHP mascot is a big blue elephant who’s been aptly named elePHPant.

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    Where Can You Get the Best PHP Developers?

    6ixwebsoft is one of the best and most popular PHP developer companies. We offer many PHP website development verticals which combine performance, security, and price in a perfect package. Get the very best PHP web development services in the market from us today. Contact us now!

    7 Interesting Facts about PHP You Might Not Know


    Drake is the Sr. Web Developer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has been developing diverse and attention-catching websites for more than 4 years. He focuses on all the details in a precise manner and works accordingly. His knowledge of web development is unmatched and uncompetitive.

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    The Most Essential Facts of Voice Search SEO Optimization in 2019

    The Most Essential Facts of Voice Search SEO Optimization in 2019

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    The Most Essential Facts of Voice Search SEO Optimization in 2019


    In the new trends of search engine optimization 2019, it is clearly shown that the future of voice search as a comparison to text search is brighter. Most people give preference to voice search because they don’t want to waste time while typing text on the search engine. The SEO for Voice Search is become mandatory to appear in Voice Search Ranking. Voice Search SEO Optimization also becomes a big task for Internet Marketing Organizations. Here, we will classify some points regarding the important tips and tricks for 2019 by which you can improve the voice search SEO Optimization.

    What is Google Voice Search?

    Voice Search is the inquiry of the users through voice rather than typing text on the search tab. After speaking any term for search On Google, the search engine will show you relevant results related to the voice search.

    Why Google Search SEO is Important for Your Business?

    The graph of voice search on Google has been increasing rapidly and that’s why the need for Voice Search Optimization also becomes a mandatory task for you. Therefore, you must walk with the trend and apply the Voice Search SEO Optimization Tips for your business website or portal.

    Take a Glimpse Look on Voice Search Optimization 2019 Tips:

    Focus on Long Tail Keywords in SEO:

    Are you thinking users speak less than words in voice search inquiry? You are absolutely wrong because around 90% of the users speak more words in voice search as a comparison to text search on Google. For Example, if you are thinking of designing your wedding dress from the best wedding designer in the USA then you may search on Google top fashion designers in the USA. On the other hand, in the voice search, you may speak what are the top fashion designers in the USA. The Long-Tail Keywords are relevant aspect in the voice search optimization.

    • If you also want to appear in the top position of Google Voice Search then you must use the Long-Tail Keywords Also in Marketing Strategy.
    • Long-Tail Keywords Helpful for the clients to appear in the top position of Google.
    • Voice Searches are 75% Longer Than Text Searches

    Add Some FAQs On Website:

    The FAQs are also playing a vital role in the voice search engine because mostly users query on Google Search Engine in the form of FAQs. When you add some FAQs on your portal of different pages related to the customer’s inquiries then Google will automatically fetch the FAQs Content of your website and showing your portal on the top position of Google Search Engine. In the Voice Search 2019 Tips, you should never be missing FAQs on your portal related to the customers enquires.

    Read Also: 11 Digital Marketing Trends You Can No Longer Ignore in 2019

    Optimization of Local Search:

    The Optimization of Local Search is key-aspect to run your business website according to the Voice Search Trends 2019. The local search optimization works on the lead generation goal. Every country and Every City has different types of culture and the voice search may also depend on the culture of the place. Therefore, you should focus on local search behavior and nature with Local SEO.

    Add Keyword Intent According to Voice Search in Meta Description:

    The Meta Description of the website is working as an effective weapon to appear on the Google Search Engine. Google always fetch firstly meta description of the website and the content of your portal. The use of Voice Search Long-Tail Keywords is not only for the marketing program but also for the Meta Description of a website. This will also improve the Local Search Appearance of your business.

    Run Your Marketing Strategy According to Industry Nature:

    The Voice Search Optimization Services being popular in the industry due to the increasing interest of customers in the Voice Search. Therefore, this is all about Voice Search Optimization Tips and Tricks for 2019. In the end, we want to state one thing that you should run your marketing strategy according to the industrial nature which is going in favor of voice search.

    The Most Essential Facts of Voice Search SEO Optimization in 2019


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    5 Steps to Creating the Perfect Real Estate Website on WordPress

    5 Steps to Creating the Perfect Real Estate Website on WordPress

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    5 Steps to Creating the Perfect Real Estate Website on WordPress


    Real Estate and WordPress is a match made in heaven. Contemporary Real Estate websites have to not only been feature rich and visually appealing but they must also be designed in a simple manner. All of this contributes to the overall performance of the website and determines how positively it is received by clients.

    A solid real estate website design company will factor in all the points we’ve mentioned above. Normally, if you follow the standard steps of web design and development for any website, creating impressive real estate websites is not that hand. But quality differs from company to company and you should know the ideal process of developing a WordPress Real Estate Website. The steps below will help you understand the best procedure here:

    5 Simple Steps for Quality WordPress Real Estate Web Design

    1. Get Pros

    The first thing you should know about real estate website development on WordPress is that it is not as simple as choosing a template. There are plenty of pre-existing templates on the WordPress store but the stock versions are average at best. So, you need professional WordPress design experts who can tweak your chosen design to the right quality and performance values. This is very important since it will determine how many leads you can generate from the website.

    1. Balancing the Visual and Textual

    One of the biggest reasons why many people choose WordPress for their real estate website is because it can be customized easily. These days, real estate design templates on WordPress focus more on visual appeal since real estate is all about showing the properties on sale or rent. However, it is important to not skip on key details about the properties. This will also impact the SEO factor and so, there should be a well defined visual and textural mix.

    1. Populating Web Pages

    Most real estate websites on WordPress are no more than 5 to 6 pages with a heavy focus on showcasing the properties for trade. This is the ideal page number since the images will be very HD and will take some time to load. So, keeping the page number to a reasonable size is recommended. With that said, oversaturating a page with text and images is not a good idea. This will lead to slow load times and a high bounce rate. Segmenting property on the basis of type is a viable solution here. But this segmentation should be only on a need to basis.

    1. Pricing and Valuation Add-Ons

    WordPress is an all-purpose platform for many industries including real estate because of its plug-ins and add-ons. You can use these to greatly enhance the information on your website and certain add-ons may also allow you to provide real-time property related info. For example, comparative property pricing across different segments of the city can help clients arrive at more effective real estate investment decisions.

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    1. The Blog

    The final element in your real estate website design is by no measure the least important. In fact, it is what is going to essentially drive your SEO values upward. The blog of the real estate website needs to reflect the persona of the company. It must have consistent design aesthetics, color schematics but must also showcase the written content effectively. If your website is visual-dominant then it is a very smart move to leverage blog content for SEO enhancements. For this, the WordPress interface must allow for integrative SEO. You can also implement a number of plug-ins off the WordPress store or compatible software to optimize your SEO ability.

    Where Can You Get the Best WordPress for Real Estate Website Services? 

    6ixwebsoft is a premier website design and development company in India offering high-quality real estate website design and development on WordPress. We have an extensive portfolio dedicated to serving specific niches including real estate. This allows us to deliver specialized services that cannot be matched by other companies in our segment. We also offer multi-tier development packages to ensure you get the website you want for the price you are comfortable with. Get the very best real estate web design from 6ixewbsoft now!

    5 Steps to Creating the Perfect Real Estate Website on WordPress


    Drake is the Sr. Web Developer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has been developing diverse and attention-catching websites for more than 4 years. He focuses on all the details in a precise manner and works accordingly. His knowledge of web development is unmatched and uncompetitive.

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    The Key Benefits of mCommerce Applications in the Digital Age

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    The Key Benefits of mCommerce Applications in the Digital Age


    The world has gone digital in a way never before and this trend is shooting upward. It is estimated by global research agencies that more people will own multiple internet-enabled devices than previous. This means there are many ways for companies to grow their business and market to existent and emergent customer bases.

    In this regard, m-commerce applications have a huge role to play simply because they allow mobile marketing and commerce options. It is a well-known fact that more and more people are using mobile applications and smartphone for their online shopping.

    Google estimates this trend to go upward as smartphones become more affordable throughout the world. In that light, mobile commerce applications will indeed be a major force for all businesses worldwide. Naturally, there are some major benefits of the technology which everyone needs to know. Let us look at what some of these are:

    5 Essential Benefits of Mobile Commerce Applications

    1. Versatility

    The biggest reasons why mobile commerce applications have a big role to play in business worldwide is their versatility. While websites can only give you so much opportunity for marketing at low costs, apps allow for a whole range of push notifications, offerings and other marketing devices. This greatly enhances the overall scope for marketing to clients while also keeping a relatively reasonable budget. This versatility allows for a lot of flexibility and also enables niche targeting activities which are not possible through regular channels.

    2. Accessibility

    On the customer side, mobile commerce applications allow users to have a far better experience than with browser-based websites. Further, with the development of Progressive Web Applications and other technologies, mobile commerce can provide a far better experience than any other format. This also opens up many new ways to market and cater to clients in a more personalized way. The cumulative effect of all this is far better business operations and client satisfaction.

    3. Economy

    A very important part of applications for mobile commerce in India is the economy. Mobile applications can come to a lot cheaper in terms of development and deployment than high-volume websites. This is very useful for companies which have a modest budget or need to target a wide audience without spending beyond their budget. Another aspect of the economy is maintenance. Aside from websites, the most direct way of marketing and reaching out to clients is by using applications. This makes running businesses on modest budgets even more economical.

    4. Scalability

    Another big reason why m-commerce in India uses applications is that they are easily scaled. Unlike websites which may need a large overhaul, applications can be scaled very easily and for relatively little expense. This makes growing the business on the basis of the developing operations scale much easier. So, for businesses which have to grow quickly but don’t want to overspend, investing in mobile commerce applications are a solid investment.

    5. Customization

    The world of marketing today is all about customizations. By this, we mean the way a company is represented and also how it grows its professional relationship with its clients. A personalized approach to catering to different client groups is considered the best because it generally yields the largest conversion. This is a central aspect of applications used in mobile commerce in India. Customizations and personalized approaches are the best way to garner a strong customer base and build upward from there. It helps in the generation of goodwill, which is one of the key intangible assets of any business.

    Read AlsoHow to Use Progressive Web Applications for Ecommerce

    Where Can You Get the Best Web Applications from a Top Mobile Commerce Company in India?

    6ixwebsoft is one of the most well-known companies in the mobile commerce domain in India. We offer high-end business solutions to companies of all sizes and cadres. Whether you are a food delivery company or want to get into a niche e-commerce segment, our mobile apps can help you achieve a higher degree of excellence. We offer a range of mobile commerce and application packages which can help you get the best digital assets for yourself while minimizing your overall expenses. Contact 6ixwebsoft, the best mobile commerce company in India, for top-quality mobile applications now!

    The Key Benefits of mCommerce Applications in the Digital Age

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    How to create rich snippet for Travel websites

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    How to create rich snippet for Travel websites


    In modern days travel and tourism is a key segment and tapping the tourism markets has become even more competitive with various players entering the travel business. There are millions of travel websites which are extremely informative and gives the end user a wide range of choices. Now the question that arises is how to create rich snippets for your travel website that will bring customers to your site and will hold them also.

    To understand the concept, we need to know what these snippets are. According to the dictionary snippets are single search results from a set of search results that usually contain a title, a URL and a brief description of the page.

    Amongst the various sectors, there are multiple opportunities for the travel sector to use colourful snippets on their site that will mark up or up-tick their site. There are various options for a travel site to use snippets like review/rating, events, Product/price markup Authorship and video. 6ixwebsoft Technology has years of extensive experience in helping the travel industry across the globe and increases its business volume with its proven methodology.

    Moreover, one of the most common factors is all travel websites need to use structured data to markup content because this helps Google to understand better the context for display in search engines. After all the main purpose is, to make google push-up your site. And for Google to push up your site, it needs to understand your topic and for that, the presentation should be unique. At the bottom line is that rich snippets help you get more clicks, and rich snippets look great in social sites and the glossary should be interesting followed by details of the product, the hour of work, the personal care that the organization takes, author’s name and other such informative
    elements that will attract the viewer.

    If Google understands your details it will make snippets that will make your page stand out from other travel websites. Here the basic idea is to project as many qualities you have in the most concise manner that will draw the attention of the reader and the end user. You can only target the right audience with proper use of snippets and that can be done only by using a reliable SEO agency like Sixwebsoft Technology.

    How to create rich snippet for Travel websites


    Drake is the Sr. Web Developer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has been developing diverse and attention-catching websites for more than 4 years. He focuses on all the details in a precise manner and works accordingly. His knowledge of web development is unmatched and uncompetitive.

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    The Best Ways to Get Your Website Indexed and Ranked Quickly by Google!

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    Indexing is the process by which your website gets to be crawled through by Google’s spiders. Other search engines do the same and you get your website indexed is priority number 1. Now, there are a number of steps you can take to ensure your website is indexed quickly and able to gain rank easily. These mostly have to do with making it easier for Google’s spiders to find and index your web pages. If you are new to this field or would like to enhance your understanding of how websites can get indexed and ranked easily, let us look at some ways this process can be made easier.

    7 Most Effective Ways to Get Your Website Indexed and Ranked Quickly On Google

    Setting Up Google’s Search Console

    The Search Console is a free tool which is designed to allow oversight of any website on Google’s indexing protocols. So, you can check if Google is able to access all the material and content on your website properly. Ideally, you should look up what Google has done with any new content you have uploaded. This will help ensure that all the content you have on your website is adding to your ranking by getting indexed properly. There are certain parameters for crawling and indexing and Google does this for each website periodically. However, you can also request a re-crawl when you have a major on-site content update.

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    Develop a Content Marketing Strategy

    Content marketing is all about creating value-oriented data on your website that is relevant to visitors and ensuring they can access it. To do this, you also need to make it search result-oriented. This will help ensure that you can get the on-site traffic you are looking for. Also, there are a number of tricks and techniques which can be used to enhance your content valuation. Internal and external links are a good way to boost your content marketing value. You can also link up with major blogging platforms where users can get backlinks to your website. Hubpages, Medium, and Brighthub are good options for this.

    Incentivise Content Sharing by Users

    Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram and others are great places to find more audiences than you can get through simple SEO results. Indeed, the phenomena of social media sharing should be used to the fullest if you want to get the most from all your social media accounts. The best kind of content marketers not only use their own resources for content sharing but also prompt users to share them as well. If you have good content, it is very likely to be shared for free by users. But you can also incentivise the sharing itself by giving them discounts or coupons or other minor benefits. This is a good way to market beyond your immediate market and expand your overall outreach.

    Internal Links Make for Awesome Indexing

    Internal linking is the basic process through which your website is woven into a net. Naturally, you need to get your internal linking game strong if you want your websites to be indexed. Now, when it comes to developing a general framework for the website, it is best to be as systematic as possible. A good way to validate your internal navigation system is to use Breadcrumbs. These are found on most e-commerce websites and allow for much better internal linking than through other channels. The idea here is to ensure that Google can crawl through your website with ease without having to jump from one navigational dead end to another.

    Use Sitemaps

    Sitemaps are essential to having your website indexed in the best possible manner. Usually, your SEO expert will create a sitemap using XML. This map is meant to help Google get better access to your website. Basically, you are providing a roadmap to Google’s spiders on how to crawl your website. Naturally, this ensures that each and every page on your website is going to be crawled completely and quickly. So, when you are getting new additions to your on-site content, you should also build a sitemap or upgrade a previous one. This will reduce the time required to actually get your new content crawled.

    Sync the Sitemap with the Search Console

    There are multiple ways in which you can use a sitemap for your business. One way includes using a sitemap plugin on your website for Google to use. Another method is to simply sync in the sitemap with Google’s Search Console. Many SEO experts believe this is the better way of going about it as doing this will also relay your site crawling stats and figures to you in tandem with your sitemap. This helps keep better track of the entire crawl process and also ensures you can fix any errors in the website framework or sitemap.

    Check for Crawling Errors Regularly

    Crawling a website is a periodic process. Google does so every now and then. When using Google’s Search Console, you can actually set the time for when Google should re-crawl your website. This is very useful for those who add new content to their website on a regular basis. Having a rapid re-crawl option will help you get far better rankings on your website by having new content indexed more frequently. Using the Console will also allow you to develop a good overview of any potential indexing errors and offset these as new pages are added to the website. This will help gradually in reducing the potential errors which may occur later and reduce the time in which your website can be crawled.


     Updating your website regularly is a good way to get more indexing value and better ranking traction. Using the tools and techniques mentioned above, you can get better indexing stats on your website. This will help in your overall organic traffic as well as ranking growth in the longer run.

    The Best Ways to Get Your Website Indexed and Ranked Quickly by Google!

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    What Are the Benefits of Advertising in Classifieds and Should You Do It?

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    Tips to Make Your Online Food Ordering & Delivery Website Succeed

    Tips to Make Your Online Food Ordering & Delivery Website Succeed

    Apr 17 2019
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    Tips to Make Your Online Food Ordering & Delivery Website Succeed


    Online food delivery apps are flooding the market like never before. Today, whether you use Android or Apple, you can get on the app store and find more food delivery options than you know what to do with. This is largely thanks to the rise of ecommerce and smartphone services which allow for fairly accurate location-based services.

    We don’t need to tell you that this is a great market segment with multiple niches you can specialize in. However, each niche is already saturated with a lot of competition. With consumers spoilt for choice, you really need to dish our something unique in order to make your mark and your market.

    So, to help you grow your business for online food ordering and delivery, here are some tips from industry experts.

    5 Key Tips for Getting Online Food Delivery Services Just Right!

    Know the Competition

    Competitive pricing has always been a major factor in all kinds of economic considerations. In the online food delivery market, this is no different. But the pricing is not the only factor to consider here. You need a complete market analysis of your competitors to understand what they are selling, where and how. This should form the basis of your operation depending upon several related factors like budget, service area etc.

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    Market that Brand

    In the age of the internet, the hype often matters more than anything else. Which means that you need to create a buzz about your food order website a good long time before it actually opens up. The hype buildup period can be anything between four to eight weeks. There are a number of ways of doing it including using social media and its influencers. You should also grow your on-site content to a decent amount before the launch so that it can rank on the first page at the very least. Marketing is everything in today’s world and so, you need to get your efforts right.

    Be Trend-Sensitive

    Whether your food order delivery website is all-vegan or for meat lovers, you need to know how your market is looking to evolve. This can be seen by any of the latest trends in the market which may point towards a change in perception. Scientific research on health and nutrition is also a factor to consider and it might even be a good idea to get your own opinions corner going for your relevant niche. This space can be populated by registered customers with their respective reputation or ranking which can also be linked up with other social media. This opens up more options for promotion without needing any payments.

    Get the App

    If you have a food order delivery website and just that, then you are seriously losing out on business. Even the best browser config and fastest load times cannot match the quality UX of a dedicated app. You need to get one for your business ASAP. In fact, if you did your research right, then you probably already know that your niche leaders are using smartphone apps already. If so, then this gives you the opportunity to look at their sales pitch, USPs and marketing mix and then devise your own. Get a good app development company to give you a high-performing app which can scale with your business and also compete effectively with your rivals.

    See the Future

    Anyone who is into any kind of industry for a decent length of time (and has good business sense) can foresee how markets will evolve. This ability is what distinguishes the best venture from the less noticeable ones. So, if you really want to make your food order delivery website (and app) work for you, then it will need foresight. Market followers can only hope to catch up to the market leaders. But being a market leader means taking risks on what works and doesn’t work for the market. So, you need to decide which one is the better alternative for you and/or if you can strike a balance between the two based on your niche specifications.


    Online food ordering is one of the best markets to enter simply because everyone needs to eat! So, there is always going to be a good market for quality food and people would want it delivered to them conveniently.

    To capitalize on this demand, you need to have a good plan which spreads out all the risk factors and pads them with emergent technologies. This will allow your business to leverage strong IT infrastructure with physical logistical systems to provide a high-quality service standard.

    But this is just the foundation of what your business needs. There is much more to it than can be detailed in any single post. The key here is to be agile, adaptive and absolutely dedicated to delivering quality services to your clients. Combine these three and you are bound to see your food delivery website succeed.

    Tips to Make Your Online Food Ordering & Delivery Website Succeed


    Drake is the Sr. Web Developer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has been developing diverse and attention-catching websites for more than 4 years. He focuses on all the details in a precise manner and works accordingly. His knowledge of web development is unmatched and uncompetitive.

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    The Best Free Platforms for Blogging in 2019

    The Best Free Platforms for Blogging in 2019

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    The Best Free Platforms for Blogging in 2019

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    Blogging is one of the core essentials of building a brand and reputation that no company can do without. Whether you have a formidable mass of financial resource behind your venture or just enough to make things work, you need to get blogging.

    Now, there are many ways you can actually get to blogging and building an audience for yourself. In many cases, people or companies and their responsible persons, tend to stick with their own internal blog due to various reasons. This can be mostly to avoid complying with the requirements of external blogs.

    However, there are a number of online blogging platforms which can provide you with a good place to generate an audience. Usually, they have a rather high standard of approval so you need to really dig up good stuff and present it in a catchy manner. If you can do that, then you have a solid backlink to your website.

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    So, if you want to blog, you need to know which these platforms are. Here is a list of the most popular and profitable blogging platforms of 2019.

    5 Best Blogging Platforms for 2019


    Medium is a very fast growing platform for blogging. It has been developing a strong reputation and dedicated audience for itself ever since it started back in 2012. According to recent statistics, this platform has over 60 million users each month. This stat is slowly inching closer to the popularity of WordPress, which has ruled the free blogging platform roost for quite a number of years now.

    So, this is a great place for you to earn a reputation for yourself as a provider of high-quality content. You will need to register on Medium to be able to blog. If you are new to the whole blogging thing, then Medium is the right place for you to sharpen your skills. This platform has a very easy to use interface and can help you understand how you can get your blogging skills up to professional levels.


    Linkedin is the perfect media for professionals who want to grow a network around their expertize. Basically, it allows you to have potentially limitless outreach if you provide content which is of high-quality and uniquely structured. The great thing about Linkedin is that it already has a huge network of professionals on it. So, this means that when you do write a blog, it can be shared with all your contacts. This reduces the need for external linking although you should do that as well just to maximize outreach.

    Further, as a publishing medium, it is on par with any other and at the same time, it allows you to publish and spread any content on its own. This means there is little to no need to use other social media. Also, if your target focus is exclusively B2B then you are better off using Linkedin over most other blogging platforms on this list. It provides the perfect platform for leveraging industry knowledge and insights into a cohesive mix. It can also be used by multiple account holders and so, the potential for networking on professional fronts is truly massive when using Linkedin.


    No real free blogging platform list would be complete without the presence of WordPress. This platform has really be the biggest mainstay in the blogging market since it was launched in 2005. As a do-it-all solution to blogging, WordPress offers all the key ingredients which you can use to get yourself the right kind of online traction.

    What really makes WordPress the most popular choice among bloggers worldwide is its versatility. There are so many ways to leverage the software for benefits that you really cannot get lost in the crowd unless you are deliberately trying to. In other words, you can find a million ways to pitch your blogs in the perfect way using the staggering number of customization options it offer. Of course, many of these are locked away behind paid accounts, but even then you can get a lot of blogging done with the free account and its limited features.


    These three platforms are the most popular of all free blogging platforms in the market right now. There are a few others you can try out but for companies which want to really make little work of their blogs and focus on providing quality content, choosing among these is a good way. Further, each of these offers a novel opportunity to develop your blog in a unique way. Between semi-casual Medium blog, info-centric Linkedin blogs and the quintessential WordPress all-in-one blog, you have everything you need. But do be certain of which blog you choose as each has its own set of requirements for deriving maximum profit and growing your online audience!

    The Best Free Platforms for Blogging in 2019

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    What Are the Benefits of Advertising in Classifieds and Should You Do It?

    What Are the Benefits of Advertising in Classifieds and Should You Do It?

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    What Are the Benefits of Advertising in Classifieds and Should You Do It?


    Classifieds are those pages of the daily newspaper that most of us didn’t really know existed when we were young. However, as we grew up we found out that they were scoured through by countless people for countless reasons on a daily basis.

    While the appeal for classified advertising has reduced somewhat because of the rise of the internet,  they still hold some appeal. At the same time, online classifieds have grown as a phenomenon as well with dedicated websites for property and other things coming up all over the world.

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    If you are wondering whether you should invest in making classified advertisements or not, here are 5 key factors which you should consider. Read through the following to get a clearer view of what you can get from making the right classified advertisements.

    5 Ways Classified Advertising Can Be Beneficial for Your Business

    Saves Your Time

    Getting classified advertising services is a great way for you to get your business the attention it needs. Ideally, all classified advertisements need to be of a certain type to fit neatly into that class. This helps to get them the specific people who are actually looking for that product or service. Also, classifieds are a great way to minimize all kinds of costs associated with advertising. You can use prefabricated templates to present your product without needing to hire an agency for the job. With that said, it can be much more profitable to get an agent for the job. They will help you make a smart choice for all the advertising options and get you the right format for it as well.

    Saves You Money

    Since classified advertisements can be made using all kinds of templates, you save a lot of money on designing the adverts. Generally, all kinds of advertisements are made using marketing agencies who also decide on other factors like where to make the pitch, how much to pay etc. This can cost you some money but it can also be avoided by simply making direct classified advertisements. Although the lead conversion can be less when using simpler templates, this is a very cost-efficient means of advertising. For companies which want to advertise with a modest budget or who think their product itself is good enough to draw sales, this is a good option.


    Classified advertisements, both online and offline, are made to maximize the outreach of the product. Since newspapers are bought by many and online classified websites are also visited by interested individuals, the chances of conversions increase significantly. However, it is important to carefully choose the exact newspaper or online classified you advertise in. This will ultimately determine how many hits you get and how many conversions are made from them. Advertising in multiple media is a good option but it costs a lot as well. Targetted classified advertising might be a better solution for many companies.

    Market Penetration

    A great thing about the advertising modes offered by newspaper and online classifieds is that anyone can find them at any time. This means that unlike TV advertising or other mass media, newspaper and online adverts can actually be reached out to clients whenever they like. This helps make more conversions per advert and also increases the overall life span of the advertisement itself. This is not the same as for TV ads where there is no real way to go back and get the contact information again. So, classified advertisements offer a much better solution in this regard and can allow for specified market penetration by providing sustained user access not available through other media.

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    Contact Details

    A major problem with most forms of mass media advertising is that companies cannot really permanently provide their contact information to clients. This means that there is a considerably lower chance of conversion if their product or service is situational. For example, advertising for a TV sale should have the contact info repeated over and over to give potential buyers the right contact details. These will naturally result in better conversions and sales figures for the advertisers.

    What Are the Benefits of Advertising in Classifieds and Should You Do It?

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    How to Market a New Product?

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    How to Market a New Product?


    Product promotion is one of the most important aspects of creating a market for your catalogue. Now, there are many ways you can market a product depending upon a number of factors. Professionals in retail management need to be hired for this purpose. But before you go do that, you need to understand the basic protocol for marketing a product. Let’s look at how this process can be generated.

    5 Key Steps to Product Promotion Both Online and Offline

    Market Research

    The first and foremost thing that is required is market research. If you want to promote the product, you need to find its niche and rival products. Once you have understood how these products are being promoted, you can devise a unique approach to marketing your own. Market research should be ideally conducted by an experienced professional with strong experience and expertize in your specific.

    Product Branding

    Product branding refers to the process of developing an idea for how the product will be sold via branding. Companies should look into how their existing goodwill is can be used to place and market the product. This is useful because it will show how existing marketing advertising and overall branding activities can be used to place the product. This will also reduce the overall cost of product promotion for that specific product.

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    Promotional Channels

    When looking to promote a product, using channels in the right way is very important. So, the first thing that is required is to create a model for how the channels are going to be used. For example, SEO and SMO have very different applications for product promotion. At the same time, there is some choice of offline promotional channels in the market as well. There should be a justified mix of both channels in your product promotion marketing mix.

    Marketing Pitch

    This refers to the marketing and sales tactic which will be used to promote the product. This is important because it will ultimately determine how popular your advert becomes. It will also provide the promotional platform through which your product can be promoted. Companies can use any number of influencers such as celebrities and industry-specific personalities to promote their product. This adds another edge to their promotional value.

    Marketing Recalibration

    Recalibration is the process of getting the right reorientations on your marketing drive. This is important because you need to target the right online promotion and offline promotion channels. You will also get to narrow down your target audience and make more specified penetrations into the market. The recalibration process will also allow you to do a quality assessment on the team behind the marketing drive. Weak points can be addressed and strong points can be built on so that you can get a better marketing strategy not just for the product you want but also for others. This is the best way to market and find the most profitable niches in target market regions.

    How to Market a New Product?


    Britney is a professional Business Development Manager (BDM) at 6ixwebsoft Technology. She has excellent communication skills and business relation development techniques. Her convincing strength is supreme and explains every point clearly. With 4+ years of experience, she is moving forward in this profession with her inbuilt talent of communication.

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    5 Types of Service Packages Offered by Top IT Companies in India

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    5 Types of Service Packages Offered by Top IT Companies in India

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    Digital web agencies and IT companies have been working on giving quality services to clients both in India and abroad for at least two to three decades now. In this time, the market has grown rapidly and there are more company and also more services in this segment than ever.

    As a result, the top IT companies in India, have begun offering service packages to clients. This is by far the most profitable way to do business for everyone involved. It gives clients the right service combos for the right price and the companies get to make more money.

    If you are a startup, SME or enterprise, knowing these service package types can save you some money. Here are the 5 most popular types of these service packages which you can find on offer by the top 10 IT companies in India:

    5 IT Service Package Types Which Are Great for Your Business

    Web Design and Development Packages

    Online business portals need to be up to date and running the latest trends and technologies out there. Naturally, after a certain foundational development has been completed, they also need to redesigned to suit new trends every few years. Most big IT companies in India offer web design and development packages which can provide the best mix of services to clients. This helps give their clients a strong service framework to scale the website from.

    Digital Marketing Packages

    Digital marketing is the backbone of all online brand and product promotion. It is important to find the right mix between SEO, SMO, and PPC to be able to capitalize on the latest trends in the market. Using the latest tools is not something everyone can do. There is a need for spontaneity as well as systematic growth. Achieving the right mix of both is complicated and many companies many the foolish mistake of selecting just one service. Taking a digital marketing package is the best way for companies to scale their digital marketing services.

    App Development Packages

    App development is an important part of business today simply because of the growing number of mobile users. This is important because it allows for access to online business platforms no matter where the client is. App development also allows for unique ways to market to clients and significantly cuts down on the overall marketing costs. But there are two broad platforms for these apps – Apple and Android. So, taking an app development package from the top IT company in Delhi is a good way to develop a mobile market presence.

    Startup Packages

    Startup packages are a great way for the best IT companies in Delhi to offer a strong network of services to new businesses. These businesses usually have a modest budget and growing needs. Companies may offer startup packages which combine a number of services like web design and development, digital marketing and in some cases, app development as well. This allows the companies to get a nice digital footprint going to quickly gain a standing in the market.

    SME and Enterprise Custom Packages

    SME and enterprise-grade companies have specific needs when it comes to all kinds of IT service niches. So, the best IT companies in Delhi/NCR are going to provide customized service packages to suit specific needs. This is a great way for larger businesses to find the perfect service combinations to make the most of their web design, development, maintenance, scaling and marketing budgets. Most companies have their unique tiers for packages and these can be further customized as required.

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    Where Can You Get the Top Company in India for You IT Service Requirements?

    6ixwebsoft is the best IT services company in India offering high-end business solutions to clients not just in the country but also in foreign markets. We have a long and illustrious history of providing excellent services to clients across multiple market segments and niches. If you want to get customized service packages, then we offer several tiers of services which can be modified to suit your specific needs. Contact 6ixwebsoft now to find the right mix of IT services for your business and take it to new heights!

    5 Types of Service Packages Offered by Top IT Companies in India


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Moz 2.0: How Does Moz DA Update Impact Your Website’s Google Ranking?

    Apr 05 2019
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    Moz 2.0: How Does Moz DA Update Impact Your Website’s Google Ranking?


    Moz is a very popular tool for SEO experts to check their overall website performance. If you know anything about SEO, you would have heard about Moz and their new DA update. Now, many people in the SEO industry have panicked at the idea of losing their hard-earned domain authority.

    At the same time, they need to know how they can improve whatever relative ranking they have lost in their specific industry. In this post, we will clear out some key misconceptions about the domain authority update of March, 2019.

    3 Things About the Moz Update DA You Should Know

     Your Rankings on Google Are Not Affected Here

    As an SEO expert, your worst nightmare is to find your DA crashing down. A lot of SEO novices may have thought this would happen with the new Moz DA update. But this is false news! The reason why this update does not impact your Google ranking is simple. Moz’s DA is not an internal Google metric. It does not reflect on how the search engine ranks your website. So, this DA update by Moz is not going to impact your overall rankings.

    Your Relative Rankings Are Affected

    One of the biggest reasons why Moz is so useful is that it provides independent insights into the market and your place in it. So, with this new update, your current ranking may have increased or decreased but not too much. Still, this can be a cause for concern if you don’t know exactly what was affected. Naturally, this competitive ranking is important and there are some ways you can address the ground you’ve lost or gained.

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    Your Site Needs More Quality SEO

    In the event, you are one of the many websites whose Moz DA rankings have reduced after the Domain Authority Update of March 2019, the solution to getting back on the game is simple. You need to get more SEO work done. Specifically, you need to get more quality SEO work done on your website. This means your web SEO has to be in line with Google’s latest guidelines and as per the best white hat practices in the market.


    The Moz DA update is actually a great thing for better metrics and rankings. So, while you might think it is bad for the moment, it will actually help your site climb better if you adopt the right practices. Make smart SEO improvements to make the most out of this new Moz-exclusive DA algorithm.

    Moz 2.0: How Does Moz DA Update Impact Your Website’s Google Ranking?


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    10 Ways Your Black Hat SEO Tricks Are Actually Harming Your Website Ranking

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    SEO is both an art and a science. They are technical ways of doing it and there are creative ways as well. The best kind of SEO is done with an even mix of both. But there are some SEO techniques which are downright against the prevalent SEO protocols of major search engines like Google, Bing and others. If you do these, you are going to get downranked and maybe even banned pretty fast. As an ethical SEO professional, you need to know about these black hat SEO techniques to ensure you are not committing any of SEO sins.

    10 Black Hat SEO Tricks Which Spell Disaster

    Overdoing Keywords

    Back in the days when SEO was still a toddler, there was a lot of good reason to do keyword stuffing in your content. However, that time has long gone and doing it now is similar to setting your website on pixel fire. No one in their right mind will do keyword stuffing in their content because Google is pretty strict on this one and is very likely to come down hard on offenders.

    Spun Content

    The time when AI can successfully duplicate human-made content is fast approaching, but it hasn’t arrived yet. And until that time Google’s AI is pretty keen-eyed on spotting spun content. Despite the slew of article spinners out there, using spun content is the equivalent of suicide. It is indeed much more sensible and profitable to just get fresh content written.

    Using Clickbait

    Clickbait has become a subject of ridicule and satire across the internet for a very good reason. The obviously desperate need to oversell something comes off a something very inauthentic and Google’s spiders are smart enough to spot that. So, writing page titles similar to those used to sell height gain or even dubious weight loss pills is not a good idea.

    Domain Squatting

    Squatting is exactly what it sounds like. It is occupying on a space which you have no right to. Domain squatting is the digital equivalent of a homeless person occupying a vacant residential structure. The only difference is that the homeless person is probably just getting out of the cold. A black hat Domain Squatting is done intentionally. So, if typing Gooogle.com redirects to your site, be ready to get a ban.

    Paid Links

    In 2019, the laws surrounding paid promotions are still somewhat murky. However, Google has a pretty clear policy on that. It simply says paid links are not allowed and downranks websites which have them. So, having paid links without offering a fair and open disclosure for that specific paid promotion is a bad idea. If you do that, you are very likely to suffer a downranking.


    Gone are the days when cluster bombing a target with any kind of advertising material was vaguely admissible. Nowadays, you can only offer your products to online users if they really search for it. There are some ways still of spamming online users but they are also not recommended. The simple fact of the matter is that you can get more conversion through legit advertising than spamming. Also, spamming comments and on your social media pages is really frowned upon.

    Page Swapping

    Page swap explains the problem Google has with this black hat trick through its name. Picture having a high-ranking Google page and then swapping it with another page which has not been ranked in the same way. The page is not likely to have the high-quality that ranked the first page highly. Naturally, when Google finds out, the website is going to earn a penalty.

    Hidden Texts and Links

    Having hidden text on your webpage is a bit of late 2000s even when it comes black hat SEO. However, it is still practised sometimes. Google’s spiders have evolved far beyond them even needing to stop to consider this black hat trick. They will simply bump your website down a few notches for doing that. Repeat the mistake a few more times and you can earn yourself a nice little ban.


    In contrast with the black hat SEO trick we mentioned before, cloaking is a rather ingenious way to trick search engines into listing websites. These sites don’t actually contain any data but might be used to perform a number of hacking actions. That is why as soon as one of these is found, Google eliminates the listing entirely.


    So, we finally get to the big H of the cyberworld. No doubt, you know that the internet is rife with cybercriminals and it takes some effort to keep users from falling into traps. So, Google is pretty fast on spotting and eliminating hacked websites. If you are a business portal, this is a quick way to lose your credibility. That is why you need to secure your websites against hackers.

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    So, How Should I Do My Website SEO?

    The 10 black hat SEO techniques we have mentioned here are just the tip of the iceberg. You should know about this type of ill-recommended SEO but you should know proper white-hat SEO first. If you are not a field expert, it is best to find a reliable SEO agency to get the job done for you. 6ixwebsoft is the perfect example of such a company. Look through our SEO packages to know what you should expect from a decent SEO company!

    10 Ways Your Black Hat SEO Tricks Are Actually Harming Your Website Ranking


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Education Portal Development: 5 Key Insights to Perfect Development

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    Education Portal Development: 5 Key Insights to Perfect Development


    Educational portals are unique websites in many ways. Unlike standard information based website and ecommerce portals, educational websites have different needs. They need to offer a unique set of services which need to be provided in the right way.

    Education is an experience and online portals for education try to replicate the feel of classroom learning. So, a good educational website needs to have a great many features to make it appealable to students.

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    So, there needs to a well-defined path for the educational portal development process. Here are some key steps in developing such a website and deploying it such that it works perfectly.

    7 Essential Steps for Educational Portal Design and Development

    Working Model

    The first step of any school education portal will consider how the website can be created for functionality and visual appeal. So, there needs to a thorough research of the market. What kind of connections do potential students have? How do they prefer their teaching – PDF reading and tests or live video lessons? These factors will go into determining a rough overlay of the project’s requirements.

    Understanding Project Scaling

    Scaling refers to the speed at which your educational portal will grow once it takes off. Now, you can get educational portal development done for your present needs. However, this will mean that when your demand grows, you will either need a new site or have to tweak the web code to grow it. Both of these are major hassles which can be avoided with some foresight. Just plan ahead modestly for the potential portal growth you except and see it implemented.

    Creating Service Modules

    Service modules refer to the kind of access that students are going to get. For the most part, an educational portal will offer combination courses where certain subjects are clubbed together for professional orientation. At the same time, it is also wise to allow students customize their own learning program. This is important for professional skills and learning because everyone has different needs and a preset program might turn students away. So, the service modules should be kept at the centre of all educational portal design and development with a fair bit of customization possibilities.

    CMS Platform

    For an educational platform content is more important than anything else. So, you need a strong CMS which can provide students the access they need while also allowing for integration of new courses. Now, since you are probably going to have a number of different methods for imparting education, you need the CMS managed effectively. For example, having a video upload segment with an autotranscript option is a great thing. However, these do not always work properly. So, the developers should also include options like editing the autotranscript or uploading a fresh transcript altogether.

    Designs and Aesthetics

    As we said before, you need to have an educational environment on your website to really attract students. This is where the design aspect of the website is going to come into play. Generally speaking, the design is meant to be simple, enticing and able to help students concentrate. Again, this will also depend on which level of education you want to offer. For school education portals, designs can vary by a lot. However, higher education educational design and development, you need to have an industry standardized design, color palette and visual aesthetic.

    User Experience

    Generally speaking, the user experience on websites has to do with how the user interacts with the site itself. For educational portals, this is even more important because your visitors are going to stay there for a long time. So, the website needs to perform well even when it is loading media-heavy pages. This is done by implementing lean coding structures across the website and optimization as per the latest technology.

    Another important aspect of an educational portal UX is how well it caters to the needs of the student. For example, user accounts should be prompted with associated courses, paid online workshop sessions, training videos, discussion threads etc. The course progress for their subscribed courses should also be tracked on their account home page interface.

    Branding and Recall Solutions

    There are many educational portals out there. You need to set yourself apart by offering high-quality material and learning opportunities. Aside from the marketing, you also need simple branding solutions which you can implement as soon as you launch. For example, design vectors will allow your logo to be imprinted across your website as well as on any documents and video you use. This is a good way to promote as well as copyright your material.

    Where Can You Get the Best Educational Portal Design and Development Services?

    6ixwebsoft offers the best educational portal development services to clients worldwide. Whether you want a school education development module or higher learning or professional training platform, we can offer you the best options for establishing your educational platform. Contact us now!

    Education Portal Development: 5 Key Insights to Perfect Development


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    How Does Google’s PageSpeed Insight Impact Your Website Conversion Rate?

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    Speed insight is a great tool for getting all loading-related information on a website. This Google tool is free to use and allows anyone to check the speed parameters on any website. Having a great website load speed is considered a key part of making a responsive and lean commercial portal. That is why you need to seriously regard what Google’s speed insight tells you about you website.

    Google Speed Insight

    Now, if you are from the SEO industry, you might know that speed checks have become a central part of the overall conversion rates for commercial websites. The simple logic is that if your website takes time to load, then potential visitors will simply close the tab. In professional SEO terms, this is called the bounce rate and it is now considered an integral part of all website SEO activities.

    In this blog, we are going to look at how your speed insight can be used to better your website’s conversion rate as well as overall SEO.

    Key Reasons Why Google’s PageSpeed Insights Is Really Important for Business Success

    Speedy is Safer

    Google first issued the “Speed Update” in July of 2018. Since then, the importance of overall web speed has increased by a lot. While, page speed does not directly impact your website’s ranking, it does have an overall impact. This is similar to how a self-serving restaurant succeeds mainly before of tasty food but also because it uses clean plates.

    Conversion Gains

    Aside from the SEO ranking impact from Google’s speed insight, the page load speeds will also impact your overall client conversion. The reason why this matters is simple. Google is big on making a better UX for every user and it will upscale any website which offers a quick and responsive web layout. This falls in line with Google’s mobile-first ranking strategy.

    Great UX, Greater Business

    Obviously, if you want to get a fast-loading and responsive website, you need to keep a clean code at the backed. This has a fair degree of impact on the overall scope of your website’s SEO. Better SEO equals more traffic, good page load speeds lead to better user experience and this converts to more business overall. As a result, your page speed ties up with your SEO and ultimately determines you competitive ranking in your niche.

    Brand Identity

    The importance of Google’s page insights has increased so much that high-speed loading is a brand identity by itself. The professional skill of covering fast-load times and catchy designs has contributed a fair bit to providing the best value for consumers. For agile designers and online marketers Google Page Insights offers a chance to create an organic brand identity. This reduces the need for paid advertising by simply making a lean website which works great and provides quality services.

    A View into the Future

    The rapid scaling of internet capabilities all round the world means that getting decent load speeds will not be a difficult thing no matter where you go. In this light, getting a head start on future SEO parameters by using the Google website responsiveness test is a good idea. Google Speed Insight has plenty of parameters which can be used to fine tune websites and make them high-performing business portals.

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    Is PageSpeed Insights Really Important for You?

    Google is scaling its SEO parameters quickly and speed is an important consideration in the overall milieu of SEO and digital marketing. If you want to be a future-centric online business portal, then you need to have the right website load speeds. Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights to full effect to get the online traffic and conversion rate you want.

    How Does Google’s PageSpeed Insight Impact Your Website Conversion Rate?

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    Google Ranking Algorithm Update March 2019: An All You Need to Know Guide

    Google Ranking Algorithm Update March 2019: An All You Need to Know Guide

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    Google Ranking Algorithm Update March 2019: An All You Need to Know Guide


    Google is the granddaddy of all website SEO. If you don’t follow the Google SEO guidelines, you are not going to rank on their search engine. As you may know well, these SEO parameters are frequently updated to provide better overall service and visibility to all parties using the Google search engine. Naturally, it is very important to keep up with these updates to ensure your website gets the search engine visibility it needs.

    On the 12th of March, 2019, Google released a Core update which will impact all websites on its index. So, this is a big one and you need to adapt to the new changes. Now, before we go further, let us quickly distinguish between the two types of SEO updates Google releases.

    What Are the Two Types of Google Ranking Algorithm Updates?

     Broadly speaking, Google has two varieties of updates for its SEO guidelines. These are – Officially Named Updates and Core Updates. The first category of latest SEO updates have to do with fixing specific SEO guideline redundancies. These updates are usually named after the letter P. For example, the Panda update was meant to downrank websites with low-quality content. So, a Panda recovery would involve scaling the quality of your on-site content.

    Similarly, the Penguin update removed the benefit from offsite spam links and penalized websites which used them. So, a Penguin recovery involved deleting spam links and getting a more authentic and relevant interlinking between your website and any other off-site pages you link to. The recently released update was not a P named update. So, you don’t need to worry about that at the moment.

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    The March 12th, 2019 update was a Core Update and such types are rather common. As such, they are general SEO guideline updates and their specifics are never mentioned. Obviously, it pays to be in the know about Core Updates because your site can get downranked pretty quickly if you do not. Aside from Core Updates, there are also minor updates which don’t really matter that much but are still noted by SEO professionals.

    Now that we have a clear view of Google Algorithm Update types, let’s look at what the latest one offers.

    What Is the Latest on Expert Speculation on Google’s March 2019 Core Update?

    As we stated above, Core Update parameter changes are not revealed by Google to anyone. However, the rank fluctuation as a direct result of the update implementation is readable and we can infer some of the latest SEO updates which are part of the release.

    So, on the basis of the fluctuations observed over the past two weeks, our SEO experts have compiled this list of the essential value changes in Google’s SEO updates for March 2019. Let’s have a look at how they will impact your website and what the bode for all Google Updates in 2019:

    1. It is Not A Penguin Update

    Penguin updates were meant to downgrade ranked websites if the provided spam links. This is a complex nuance of SEO and it created quite a ruckus when it was released. However, this Google Algorithm update does not contain any aspect of Penguin’s protocol. This means that Google will continue to downrank spam linked website. However, it is not adding anything new to that SEO protocol. So, if you have spam links on your website, you will get downgraded. But this will not be as a result of this March 2019 Update.

    2. Rel=Next/Prev Is Still Out

    Google differs from other prominent search engines like Bing in several ways. One of the biggest ways in this area has to do with Google not using the rel=next/prev parameter. Bing still has it on their search engine along with their RankBrain protocol. The latest SEO updates have not really changed anything about this. Google is still not keen on using rel=next/prev vis-a-vis its Neural Matching SEO paradigm. This means that SEO experts who are branching out into Bing and other search engines will also need to factor in this parameter when optimizing their websites. In fact, the

    3. Neural Matching has Not Being Affected

    Neural matching is a core part of Google’s SEO parameters. It is basically used for matching synonymous keywords. For example, if you searched for online fashion boutique, Google would also fetch results based on related queries like online fashion store, online fashion shop and others. This helps expand search parameters based on Google’s AI and deep learning technologies. This current Google Algorithm update is not going to affect how neural matching works in any way. So, if you have used a lot of concurrent keywords in your on-site content, you do not need to worry about being downranked for this reason.

    How Can I Ensure a Quick SEO Recovery from Google’s March 2019 Core Update?

    6ixwebsoft is one of the best-known SEO companies in the international market. We offer high-end SEO techniques which can help you recover from downranking after major updates as well as minor ones. Our March 2019 Core Update SEO recovery services are currently on offer. We will use Google penalty checkers and provide you detailed insight into why your Google rank updation is going down. Further, our SEO package will include smart SEO tactics to ensure your website can recover and gain rank quickly. We can also help you understand how the latest Moz Domain Authority Update will impact your online business website analytics. If you want to get the best SEO services in the market, contact us at 6ixwebsoft right now!

    Google Ranking Algorithm Update March 2019: An All You Need to Know Guide

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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