What are Toxic Backlinks and how to remove them?

Before the Google penguin update,  the more number of backlinks a website had, there was higher chance to rank at better positions. At that time, number of backlinks couldn’t harm a website.

After Google Penguin update, things changed suddenly as websites with spammy backlinks started getting Penalized. In the days, it’s not about building so many backlinks but it’s the time to have quality backlinks only.

What are the Toxic Backlinks ?
Backlinks are necessary to get high positions in search engines but not every backlink is created equal. The Unnatural links often term as Toxic backlinks are of low quality backinks that can harm your website. Toxic backlinks may help sites get top positions but they are not good for long term.  If Google and other search engines find that some of your links are not relevant to your website, these links are categorized as “Toxic backlinks” and search engines take necessary steps.

How do I know If my website has Toxic backlinks?

There are many ways to know about irrelevant backlinks created for your website. The following ways can help you know if your website has low quality backlinks –

  • You simply know because you created them
  • You get a warning notification from Google
  • You notice a sudden drop in Traffic
  • By seeing a list of backlinks from Google webmaster tools

Method to remove Backlinks from a website

When you know that your website has some toxic backlinks, the next step should be the cleanup process.  It is vital for your website to remove irrelevant backlinks in  order to get top positions and better traffic.  Below are some of the process to fix “Toxic Backlinks” from any website –

  • The simplest way to delete irrelevant backlink is to know from where these links are coming. You can get the links deleted by simply logging into the account.
  • If you don’t have credential to log in and remove your listings, You can humbly request site owner to do so.
  • If any of above steps don’t work for you, you can take the help of Google’s disavow tool to simply remove the backlinks from your website.

When you do the job to remove Toxic backlinks from your website, you should file a reconsideration request with Google. Do remember that Google may take around 2-3 weeks to respond to your submission.

Final Words

If your website is suffering from Toxic backlinks, you should follow the above steps to get rid from irrelevant links. Be remember not to practice any black hat SEO in future. Go ahead and improve SEO of your website now. All the best 🙂