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How Can You Boost Your SEO Efforts and Enhance Your Business Visibility in the Year 2020

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The process and strategies of optimizing your online presence have changed drastically in recent years, what was the best a few years ago is not working really well now. The fundamental optimizing strategies continue to remain unchanged, for instance, your idea of targeting specific keywords for improving the organic rankings do not really work, though keywords are the crux.

With the growing population on the internet and invariably growing SEO techniques. It often becomes too big a problem on what types of SEO techniques are going to turn the ball in your court, and which ones of these techniques bring you down.

Do you need to stop or slow down the link building strategy? Is the time opportune to invest in On-Page SEO? What efforts you need to put in for driving the rankings with respect to search engine growth. Where exactly do SEO and Social media Intersect? There may be a whopping 200 Google Ranking Factors around, but in reality, who is going to incorporate those factors into their online business, becomes somewhat critical.

Without further ado, here are a few points that you need to be serious with when planning your SEO efforts in the new year:

#1 – Look at your page speed, and if something is really slowing down your website, you need to get rid of it immediately. If the load time of the page has increased, irrespective of the reasons, the increase in visitors visiting your website will slow down. Web pages that load quickly helps in improving the user experience and terribly reduces the operating costs altogether.

If your website is a WordPress Website, make sure you are not overusing the plugins. Deactivate the plug-ins, which are not required by you. Try to make the efforts to declutter the sidebar by placing only the most required widgets.

Remember, if the page speed is slower than the usual, you are on the brink of losing the fight for earning top organic listings, irrespective of the fact how good your content is really written or presented.

#2 – Establish useful links to relevant websites and the content as this is critical to the growth of your business. Many site optimizers think that linking to content pages that have the authority may siphon out high-quality organic traffic, but then this is not always the case. Link building has and will always remain an essential part of search engine optimization.

Authoritative links relevant to your business will create trust on your website.  With linking to other websites, you are following the trackable traffic and creating the much-required value for your online business.

#3 – Keep humans as your top priority, followed by the search engine bots. You have to change your mindset right away if you are still going with the old school of SEO, wherein keywords in the content can only drive valuable traffic than the quality of content and ideas expressed therein.

Many website administrators like to go for the long-tail keywording or rephrasing method. They do not want to take the risk of manipulating the search engines. The idea here should be that you do not need to give undue weight to search engines when you know that what drives business is the traffic.

Search Engines do not exist practically without writing. You ought to have the content written for the right audience, and this is where SEO copywriting comes to play the role.  By placing emphasis on user content, there is always the user experience, which is effective in building trust.

#4 -Get links from other trustworthy sites to your blogs and websites, because these inbound links are life source of your search engine rankings.  Combination of NoFollow with DoFollow links, you will enjoy the natural link profile, which is rewarded by Google.

Content marketing is the way you create high quality and readable content, which would create an urgency for people to link to your blog or content.   The reality is that when you establish links to authoritative blogs, there would be an increasing number of people who will link to you in a natural way.

#5 – Place the Web Analytics Right in the Beginning

Once you have clearly defined the SEO goals, you will need the analytics to understand what is really working and in which direction. Basically, analytics is the appropriate tool that helps in tracking the demography of your audience as well as several other things. Web Analytics works in a much smarter and realistic way.

#6 – Your meta descriptions for every page should be unique in every sense.  These should not be rehashed or rephrased.  

There cannot be the same meta description for every website page. The same content written for every page will cause technical problems in optimization. In the case of WordPress user, the duplicate meta description can be erased by way of installation of the All-In-One-SEO Pack or even the Yoast Plugins.

 #7- URLs used should have meaningful and readable intent. If the users have difficulty in reading or understanding the URL, there will be confusion among the search engines as well.

Long URLs do not matter much, but the URL does not have any special characters or numbers, then your website will be ranked quickly on the search engines. Too complex URLs will not help in driving the opinion, because such URLs are not ever clicked.

Keep in mind that you are writing the content around the long-tail keywords. You are creating meaningful content that is liked and read by the readers. Good readership will bring good value to your online business in the long run.

How Can You Boost Your SEO Efforts and Enhance Your Business Visibility in the Year 2020

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Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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How to do Keyword Research for SEO Campaigns?


Before understanding the intended title, there is a need to learn what keywords are? Keywords are the small search words or phrases that are entered by the searchers on the search engines according to their intended purpose they are finding on. Google gives a great value and importance to keywords. All the organization of the pages is initiated by Google to find the information related to the keyword on the web.

For an instance, when a search is made regarding the motorcycles; Google ensures that the page opened on the web is related to bikes only. Through this, Google easily gets accessed to rank the content for keywords that are in relation to motorcycles and not bicycles.

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It is a known fact that Google uses a lot of factors in providing ranks to the web pages in search results. But the master is the keyword that plays a major role. However, if you are hunting for a lot of traffic on your website from Google’s organic search results; then there is an urgent need to understand the concept of keywords deeply. But always remember that there is a lot more difference between Google’s organic search and Google’s paid search. You can appear for free in Google’s organic search, while in Google’s paid search results; you have to pay a lot.

No business is unknown of this face that Google paid search is expensive. On each click made by the search user on your ads, you have to pay for that. Only the companies who are willing to make a hole in their pocket or say are ready to pay a high amount get displayed by Google on the web pages. There is a far way better idea to gain your valuable customers. You can give your rivalries a big competition through organic search results. All you need to understand is the relevance of the keywords.

How to drive prospects and customers to your website by using keywords?
We all are unique in some or the other manner and uses different styles to search on a particular topic for a specific purpose. However, different types of phrases are used or entered into the search engine. As a business person, you have to make sure that you are using only the keywords that display your business and its products and services. A deep keyword research is needed to find these keywords that are relevant to your site and ensure a lot of traffic.

Keyword Research is a process in which keywords are traced according to the customers and prospects intended purpose and find your site at first place in search engines.

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Let’s dive into the process to know how important keywords are and how one should choose them for ensuring a successful search engine optimization to bring traffic.

Why keyword research is important in the present era as it was earlier?
From the beginning itself, keywords are always in action and have been an essential part of search engines. There are many people who believe that keywords are not as important as they were in earlier years. This may be due to the changes that have taken place in the past few years. And it is true! Google has now started looking into various factors before ensuring a ranking to any site on the search results.

It is an undeniable fact that Keywords are as important and relevant as they were in 10 or 20 years back. The approaches have seen a lot of alternations used by the marketers in relation to the choice of keywords. A few years ago, keyword stuffing was the majorly used term by the business persons to ensure a rank by mentioning a particular keyword for 100 times in a specific page.

In today’s era, keyword stuffing has lost its grace. The top search engines like Google and Bing do not support keyword stuffing at all. Google always make a search for the primary keyword you want to rank for and also the keywords that have some relation with your main keyword. For example: If you are targeting the keyword social media marketing, then Google definitely expects the inclusions of the keywords like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

How to hunt for the right and relevant keywords?
A right keyword can successfully drive the right visitor to your site!
With the use of right keywords, a searcher can easily get what he or she is looking for on the website. Use of this tactic or say approach can lead to transforming those prospects into your reliable customers for a longer period of time.

What are the phrases and keywords that have a relationship with your business?
If you are well-connected with your products and services, then you must be aware of the topics and phrases related to them. Don’t just get limited to the keywords used by your competitors in the same industry; you can also look for the keywords in books that have relation to your business and its intended purpose. You can use tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush to find the right keywords for targeting them on your site.

How to make the use of keywords on the site?
Prepare a content that has these found keywords incorporated in it. Use of the keywords should be initiated in the following:
1. Title
2. Meta Description
3. The Body of the content
4. Backlinks to your site

Do not make the use of same keywords many times on the same page. This may lead to keyword stuffing that can prove to be harmful to your brand.

Always keep in mind that Google is completely against the keyword stuffing.

Hopefully, after taking a look and read to this informative article; you must be aware of the strategies and approaches need to be used for choosing the right keywords for SEO in a convenient manner. Trace out the right keywords and drive reliable customers to your site.

How to do Keyword Research for SEO Campaigns?


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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