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Hire Dedicated Programmer from India

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    Hire Dedicated Programmer from India

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    The programmer is an indispensable resource, which brings valuable development concerning web applications and integrated business solutions. Hiring a dedicated programmer for your web development is considered as one of the potent strategies, based on which, your business can make a whopping throttle and enhance the face value. A programmer, whether it is for building web-based applications or otherwise, will be a complete transformation.

    Indispensable Reasons to Hire Dedicated Programmer

    There are unlimited benefits that come your way when you hire a dedicated professional for developing customized web applications or CMS. A few of these benefits include:


    Round the Clock Availability of a Professional

    A dedicated programmer is a loyal resource for your online projects and automation. A dedicated professional has an upper edge over a regular freelancer for the reason that the freelancer may not be available on a call just every time. Since a freelance programmer has engagements with other clients, there is hardly much time left for him or her to work on your web development project. The freelancer may not be able to manage any kind of last-minute adjustments or alterations, like fixing the bugs or removing Malware, etc., which require immediate attendance.


    Works with Dedication

    You may have hired a freelance programmer earlier and found him not worthy and efficient especially when it comes to managing the time resources. You have often found him missing the deadlines, which gives you the reason to grin. But all issues relating to time mismanagement may not happen with a dedicated resource that you hire from India. The resource will focus his or her entire energy on correcting technical issues, which require immediate concern and completion within the deadlines. In succinct, a dedicated programming resource will look seriously on your time-sensitive requirements.


    High Levels of Trust Built-Up

    When you have a dedicated programmer working on your projects, there is always a deep sense of feeling lurking somewhere in your mind that the programmer is trustworthy and you can always vouch on him for any or all your requirements. The dedicated resource will always ensure the safety of information, ideas and all your business secrets. You can always approach him as and when you find there is a query, which needs an answer.


    Everything Begins to Become Budget Friendly

    If you are working on tight budgets, you always need to save money. Budget becomes crucial here and dedicated web application programmer is going to be the best available resource. The programmer will provide a no-frill solution. There are also absolutely no hidden costs that may give you tantrums in the later stage. And in the end, you expect good quality work and transparency.

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    Improves the Performance of Your Business

    It is your decision to go with a dedicated programmer, and this outrightly means, you have trusted him in favor of your business. He is there to achieve the goals and develop safe and secure applications. The resource will not design only standardized applications, but you will have the advantage of developing applications that go well with your current business trends. Whatever decision you ultimately made is going to work for keeping your business up in the competitive and widely grown online market space.

    The expertise of a Dedicated Programmer

    A dedicated programmer working on your web applications is like a titan, who has not just one quality, but there is a complete Macrocosm inside him. He is the personality, who works on multiple tools and languages. These could be WordPress, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, CakePHP, Laravel, RubyonRails, CodeIgniter, and Smarty. In this way, you have the mission-critical web as well as mobile application development solutions handled effectively.

    The downside of Not Hiring a Dedicated Resource from India

    Hiring a dedicated programmer, which is not from India, may also benefit you, but then who is going to be responsible for quality, consistency and the budget. Dedicated programmers from other countries do not come really cheap, and even if you have a resource who falls in your budget, he may or may not have the necessary expertise. Dedicated programmers from Indian sub-continent come with a balance of knowledge, professionalism and you will find them in your budget. Nothing changes for betterment, but with a dedicated programmer out there, you have a reason to smile and feel excited.

    What is the Verdict?

    You don’t need to wait for endless days just because you are finding it hard to come across a PHP programmer, who is going to work dedicatedly on your projects. Why not hire Dedicated Programmer from India, and save yourself time and money? You will feel confident that all your projects stand completed within the timeframes you wanted them. In the end, the single most benefit of hiring a dedicated programmer is that your business has global security.

    Hire Dedicated Programmer from India


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Digital marketing Strategy: Planning the Structure

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    How to Hire an SEO Consultant or Agency

    How to Hire an SEO Consultant or Agency

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    What to Ask When Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

    What to Ask When Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

    Sep 22 2019
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    What to Ask When Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency


    Business requires you have to viably showcase your image and what you are doing as such as to make progress. As increasingly more business is directed on the web, and progressively potential clients scan for items on the web, you have to have a strong web presence and this can only be achieved with the help of digital marketing agency.

    When it means that you will pick out an SEO Company or a digital marketing agency for your online business, you have a purpose to resolve. And since there are several most recent advertising procedures springing up every day, your choice of digital advertising company can only be correct, if you ask yourself a few realistic and hard-hitting questions at the beginning of everything.

    Question#1 – What is the Marketing Need of Your Organization?

    Decide YOUR COMPANY’S ULTIMATE MARKETING NEEDS. You have to plan and pose yourself a few inquiries, for example, what do I might want to accomplish with an office and the manner in which a great deal of am I willing to spend to achieve this? Seeing precisely what you might want will assist you with searching out and tight down precisely what you might want, rather than burning through your significant time and assets. When you’ve decided your organization’s needs – regardless of whether that be expanding your business’ quality on-line or overhauling your image – you’re ready to begin effectively searching for the TOP NOTCH DIGITAL MARKETING AGENCY.

    Question#2– Will the Agency Meet Your Organization’s Marketing Needs?

    Discover AN AGENCY THAT MEETS YOUR NEEDS. You will consider “how would I select an office for me? in the first place, survey the bundles an organization is offering – do they space in accordance with what you need your business to accomplish? this can be a significant inquiry to have confidence in as though their showcasing methodology isn’t what you’re searching for, the office isn’t ‘The One’, regardless of what extent you’ll like it. Keep in mind, it’s truly not value spending partner an excessively high price on an advanced advertising bundle that isn’t applicable to your needs.

    Question#3– Is the Digital Marketing Agency Worth of Selection?

    DO YOUR BACKGROUND ANALYSIS before you progress forward. It is fundamental that you simply play out an exhaustive foundation examination of the agencies you have been researching. Do they pursue what they lecture? the primary way you’ll have the option to see if or not an office is directly for you, is watching the outcomes they’ve delivered themselves. For example, in case you’re anticipating contracting an office to hold out substance promoting, be that as it may, do they run their own blog? In case you’re thinking about contacting them for web-based life, be that as it may, do they handle their own internet-based life – is it fruitful? consistent goes for SEO; nonetheless, do they rank in quest terms for their industry? Did you find them on the principal page of Google? On the off chance that they don’t “try to do they say others should do”, they won’t have the option to win what they’re promising or be fit for the administrations they offer. Be extra cautious in case you’re thinking about enlisting agencies from abroad. Offices abroad more often than not charge low costs, in this way you may believe you’re getting a lot, nonetheless, you’ll have to manage poor administration.

    Question#4– Are you really making the right kind of inquiries?

    Pose RIGHT Inquiries. You might think, what to ask digital marketing agency? You will most likely have a hundred and one unique inquiries; however, it is imperative to guarantee you are posing the correct inquiries. Posing these essential questions will give you the confidence and reason to believe the work ethics of any agency.

    Question#5– Have you asked these imperative questions?

    •Would I be able to see some crusade models?
    •Who will finish the work?
    •To what extent do you keep customers overall?
    •What results would you be able to guarantee me?
    •Would I be able to see some battle models?

    These questions are imperative to ask yourself when you reason out that you are planning to go with a particular digital marketing agency.

    You Can Read AlsoHow to Hire an SEO Consultant or Agency

    Question#6– Have you planned a Request for Proposal?

    Once you have trimmed down a choice of an SEO agency that you are glad to continue with, connect with the organization to express your advantage. The question will help you to convey a ‘demand for proposition’ (RFP) to your chosen agency so as to assist your choice with choosing the best from the best. An RFP enables you to gather data from different organizations and select the organization that best meets your criteria, both with respect to aptitude and spending plan. This ought to make it clear that the agency works best for your business.
    Make sure you ask these questions to yourself. Don’t make a clumsy decision.

    What to Ask When Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    5 Ways to Increase the Organic Traffic To Your Website With Effective SEO Techniques

    5 Ways to Increase the Organic Traffic To Your Website With Effective SEO Techniques

    Sep 12 2019
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    Digital marketing Strategy: Planning the Structure

    Digital marketing Strategy: Planning the Structure

    Sep 19 2019
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    How to Hire an SEO Consultant or Agency

    How to Hire an SEO Consultant or Agency

    Sep 21 2019
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    How to Hire an SEO Consultant or Agency


    Being on the webspace means that your business is open to the world of huge business activity. You have clients, there is business all around and more importantly, you have credible options to grow your business activity to any levels. Eulogizing is fine; you can reap all benefits if you have a performing website. Your website can only perform well if all the ethical SEO activities are being carried out. And this is where you have to make the choice of a reliable SEO consultant or agency. Here again, the schism is that how you are going to hire one?

    Understand the SEO and What it Really Means! The moment you think of hiring an SEO consultant or an agency to do the job, you need to have a good understanding of yourself. There is a beginner’s guide on SEO, and you should read it before making the hiring process ahead. Soon after you have understood the basics of SEO and its practices, focus on the content practices. Understand important factors like content style, content form, and content marketing. You ought to realize how important and crucial the content is for SEO. When you have the basics clear in your mind, you can appreciate yourself and feel confident that you can hire the right SEO consultant.

    Find the SEO Consultant or Agency Experienced in Your Type of Business – The SEO consultant that you wish to hire should have an understanding of your business and everything related to it. Once that happens, you will be on the upper edge. Such an SEO consultant will make a detailed analysis of the competitive nature of SERP landscapes, and try to make the search queries effectively by making it noticed in the map listings. Furthermore, your business has a better chance of winning at the huge and vast internet space, if the SEO consultant you go with is innovative and is already bustling with fresh ideas. In fact, there is no point hiring a consultant who has already worked with your competitor. In such a case, your efforts to increase the online business promotion will fail because there is no innovation happening at all. Everything will be copy and pasted and there will be the superimposition of ideas.

    Understand the Critical Difference that Exists Between the Consultant and SEO Agency – SEO Consultant is a full-time freelancer, who works alone and help businesses to improve their search engine rankings by applying strategies that drive organic traffic. The consultant will do site audits and SEO edits, but inspite of having executed them they shall not always be in the front of implementing the SEO strategies. On the contrary, a full-fledged SEO agency comprises account managers, content writers, content curators, and business analysts too. The agency has got channel specialists, who have innate capabilities in running SEO and SMO campaigns. In short, your online business will have leverage when you go for the services of an SEO agency instead of a solo SEO consultant.

    However, there is yet another aspect too. SEO consultant and SEO agency happens to be a loose syntax term that can be used interchangeably. For the good of your online business, knowing the subtle difference between these two connected terms is going to be both money and time savior.

    Check the Skills of SEO Consultant or SEO Agency- Ultimately what drives home the point is the kills. Your purpose of hiring the SEO consultant or a complete agency will depend on skills. You need to check out the essential skills and the nature of the experience that the SEO agency or the consultant carries with it. Off-page and on-page activities are fine, but then everyone out there at nook and corner is doing the same stuff. You do not want to go for such activities and apply it outrightly for your business model.

    Competition is all-time high, and it is the time that you should start searching for an appropriate SEO consultant or agency that can work for your online business, and boost the profits. And just don’t go with any company that you find on the internet, offering SEO consultancy. One day you will feel that you are siphoning out your hard-earned money without gaining any results.

    How to Hire an SEO Consultant or Agency


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    5 Common WordPress Security Threats and How To Fix Them Like a Pro?

    5 Common WordPress Security Threats and How To Fix Them Like a Pro?

    Sep 11 2019
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    5 Ways to Increase the Organic Traffic To Your Website With Effective SEO Techniques

    5 Ways to Increase the Organic Traffic To Your Website With Effective SEO Techniques

    Sep 12 2019
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    Digital marketing Strategy: Planning the Structure

    Digital marketing Strategy: Planning the Structure

    Sep 19 2019
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    Digital marketing Strategy: Planning the Structure


    Want your business website to rank on the top in search engine results? Want high conversion rates and effective interpersonal communication with your prospects? It is quite necessary that you have a proven digital marketing strategy in place. And for a powerful strategy, you need a well-structured plan. Haphazardness and erratic planning will not help you gain the results that you aspire to win on a digital footprint. Majority of companies, almost as many as 45% of them do not have an effective digital marketing plan or a cumulative strategy available with them, while many others who already have them are not showing up good business results.

    Want Results? Structure Your Digital Marketing Plan

    There is no single full-proof strategy, which goes well or is described as result-oriented. We are living in the world of cut-throat competition, and that is where you will require an integrated digital strategy in place. Such types of strategies are multi-channel and multifaceted in nature, and therefore become the grounding foundation of your online marketing activities. Here are the sections that help inconspicuously describing a successful digital marketing plan:

    Everything Begins with a Plan – If you are already carrying out digital marketing, you need to review the activities being carried out. And for starting the digital marketing, you have to set up Analytics, KPI dashboards, and accounts on Social Media channels.

    Define Your Reach – You have to plan out the strategy to expand the market reach of your business. The strategy planned should be such that it should reach the new demographic locations. With new locations, you definitely have an advantage for your business as more prospective visitors will visit your website, which means you are going to register amazing boost.

    Interact, Interact and Interact – Your actions speak loudly at the behest of your business. Whatever type of integrated digital marketing strategy you plan, social or across the realm of your business websites, there should be a higher rate of customer interaction.

    Register Higher Conversions – When the rate of interaction increases, you need to plan out the strategy for conversions. Micro strategies like retargeting and nurturing the prospective customers will help you to persuade your prospects to visit your websites and make a purchase.

    Engaging is Always Advantageous – Besides expanding the new league of customers, you do not want to let loose your existing customers. There is a high possibility that your existing customers drive more sales, for which you need to have an improvised communication either on social media platforms or via email or on the popular forum media websites.

    Execute Content Marketing – On the digital platform, whatever you want to say, you have to get it published in the form of written content and pictographs. Content cannot only be published on your websites alone. Publishing the content on high PA/DA websites is instrumental in driving the results. Well, the whole idea here is to jump to innovative online marketing strategies.

    Digital Marketing Techniques for a Profound Strategic Management

    Now that you have an insight into the digital marketing strategies, you need proven and reliable techniques that will give the necessary impetus to your plan for a digital marketing strategy. To begin with, your management strategy should always be focused on the customer. And why not! Customer is always at the center of everything you do for business. The first point here is to look at customer segmentation and geo-targeting. Next comes the implementation of the customer acquisition strategy. You need to acquire those customers who are relevant in the context of your business. Once it is done, there is a conversion strategy already waiting. Customer acquisition is only fruitful when they are converted and not otherwise.

    And what if your customers just COME IN and GO! Your business seems like it is going nowhere. This is the opportune time for you need to plan a very stringent customer retention strategy. The loop is complete. However, there is much more that needs to be added to your digital marketing technique, and a clear reference goes out for developing an insightful inbound marketing strategy.

    You Can Also Read: 5 Most Important PPC Trends That You Need to Follow In 2019

    Create business revenue models, develop the marketing mixture and come up with a strong idea of the online value proposition.

    When everything is implemented, you have done your part, and results could be seen on screen as well as in your business outputs. Profits are going to soar!

    Digital marketing Strategy: Planning the Structure


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    5 Most Important PPC Trends That You Need to Follow In 2019

    5 Most Important PPC Trends That You Need to Follow In 2019

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    5 Common WordPress Security Threats and How To Fix Them Like a Pro?

    5 Common WordPress Security Threats and How To Fix Them Like a Pro?

    Sep 11 2019
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    5 Ways to Increase the Organic Traffic To Your Website With Effective SEO Techniques

    5 Ways to Increase the Organic Traffic To Your Website With Effective SEO Techniques

    Sep 12 2019
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    5 Ways to Increase the Organic Traffic To Your Website With Effective SEO Techniques


    SEO Techniquesn today’s rapidly shifting world, SEO techniques are swiftly changing. If you are trying hard to drive a result with static SEO techniques then it is hard to achieve the desired ranking. Hacks that could have won you a front-page result in 2019 are mentioned in this blog.

    With often changes in Google algorithms, SEO techniques that have won you a front-page result will not be the same anymore in 2019. If you are still using those so-called hacks to land your site in a top-ranking then you will not only put the ranking of your site at the risk but also subject to Google Penalty.

    To stay at the top of the ball of SEO, it is vital to keep updating yourself with the latest SEO techniques and improve the ranking of your website quickly.

    In this post, we have round-up top SEO techniques to help you skyrocket your rankings and boost your number of monthly visitors from organic search. However, before you dive into the details on improving your web page ranking, take out some time to check your current page ranking on search engine results. Look for reliable keyword rank checker to determine your page ranking based on keyword searches.

    No doubt your goal as an SEO expert is to make your website reach the top of the search engine results. A higher ranking of your website means more organic traffic. Try these practical SEO techniques that can help you drive the best results for your website!

    Optimize Your User’s Voice

    Google isn’t an advertising company. They are a big data company where every tool, platform, and the device has been purposefully designed to get the data from users and use it to build a stronger search engine.

    To drive more traffic to your site, you need to focus on what your target customers want. When you understand what they want, you can develop content that attracts them in.

    So how do you get feedback from your ideal customer if you are just starting and don’t have any real customers to ask?

    Here are the ways to get user’s feedback:

    Use Social Media Platforms Like Quora
    See your most popular pages in Google Analytics
    See what posts get the most shares
    Listen to visitor’s comments on your blog posts

    Optimize Your Landing Pages

    There is no surprise in this fact that a well-designed landing page can improve your lead generation and sales. The better and appealing your landing pages are, the more gateways you open up for incoming search traffic.

    A landing page is what creates a strong relationship with the users, so make sure it is appealing and attract more traffic to your site. The basic characteristics of a good landing page are:

    No Navigation as you want users to stay on the page.
    It should have creative, informative and useful content.
    A call to action is important. Make sure it is so influencing that users will sign up for the product, services or download a lead magnet or another type of action.
    Use long-tail keywords naturally throughout your content to avoid getting penalized for keyword stuffing.
    Design is king. If your content is good but your design sucks, you will most likely fail.

    Have a Responsive Website

    While everything is just a tap away on android, it becomes more important than ever to make sure your website looks good and performs well on mobile devices.

    In 2016, Google introduced an update to its search algorithm that significantly boosts the organic search result rankings to websites that are mobile-friendly or responsive.

    While talking about eCommerce, the numbers are even more surprising. It has been observed that 45% of all eCommerce sales are completely depending on mobile devices.

    To make sure your site is mobile-friendly, make sure to check it on your mobile phone and watch out its page loading time. It should load in less than a second. Enter your website URL and Click the run test to check the performance of your responsive site.

    Use Appealing Infographics to Increase Your Traffic

    Quality Infographics can increase your website traffic and boost up your business growth 200%. Usually, most people don’t pay attention to the content that has been used in the graphics. Instead, they focus on the graphics, so good design is important but you need quality facts to back it up.

    Why do search users and consumers prefer infographics? It is because the human brain processes visual data thousands of times faster than plain text and they are easier to recall.

    Post Valuable Content On Social Media

    If your blog is new, it can be difficult to rank well in Google search results for high volume keywords because your DA and PA are still very low. The best way to drive traffic to your site is to use social media platforms to gain the credibility of your content.

    The higher your PA number means its more likely to rank well. The key factors that contribute to improving the ranking of your PA are the content length, links, keywords, readability and more.

    However, not all social media platforms are created equal when it comes to building authority and traffic. Best platforms that you can use to promote your content are Slideshare, Blogger, Quora and so on. These sites allow you to improve your search rankings and build the following rank in a short period.


    SEO success is all about using and giving the useful content to the targeted audience. However, remember that human being on the other side of the screen and write for what they want to read. Focus on the user intent and try out these proven SEO techniques that can drive your best SEO results.

    If you are not sure where you need to start and what things will work best for you, then it is best to turn to 6ixWebSoft Technology that can easily help you achieve the best ranking on search engines. The team of 6ixWebSoft understands your business goals and integrates the best technologies to ensure your proven results.

    5 Ways to Increase the Organic Traffic To Your Website With Effective SEO Techniques


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    5 Common WordPress Security Threats and How To Fix Them Like a Pro?

    5 Common WordPress Security Threats and How To Fix Them Like a Pro?

    Sep 11 2019
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    5 Common WordPress Security Threats and How To Fix Them Like a Pro?


    Have you owned a website that is powered by WordPress? Is it secure? Have you ever used any tools to measure the security of your WordPress Website? Don’t worry! If you are still worried about the security of your website, then consider this blog to know how to prevent a WordPress Hack.

    WordPress sites are drastically lacking when it comes to security and are often increasing the risk of a WordPress hack. Be it due to insufficient security expertise of the developer or the use of many plugins available.

    While it is true that more than 30% of the total websites on the internet are powered by WordPress but 1 in 5 sites on the internet are popular targets for both experienced hackers and script-kiddies alike. On one side, WordPress is the most popular CMS among the developer’s community, whereas, on the other hand, it is a popular target for malware. The versatility and flexible features of this CMS make it a popular choice among developers but at the same time, you need to take out some time to understand the basic security issues or malpractices that are commonly present in thousands of WordPress sites and can help prevent a WordPress websites from hacking.

    Common Security Threats and a Perfect Solution For Hacking

    Using Weak Passwords

    Using a weak password is one of the most significant security vulnerabilities that can put your site at great risk. A weak password plus the default admin username is all your hacker wants to hijack your site.

    The best way to avoid unnecessary hacking is to keep your passwords strong and unique. Keep in mind that every extra character of a password considerably reduces the possibility of getting it cracked. Make sure the password of your admin must be strong and contain numerous types of characters, symbols or numbers. It must be explicit to your WordPress Website and not used anywhere else to minimize the risk of hacking.

    Using Free Hosting Services

    Website security begins with a secure hosting provider. Choosing the right choice of hosting plan is important to build a secure online presence. A secure web host will not only have industry-proven security processes in place but also ensure you complete back-up in case something goes wrong with your website. Almost every provider has an effective disaster recovery strategy to avoid your website suffers an incident.

    Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

    4 Popular Choice of Web Hosting Solutions To Host a WordPress Website:

    Shared Hosting: A single server has been shared among multiple user accounts. And if the single account gets hacked, the entire server gets compromised. Generally shared servers are not protected as there are just too many loopholes.

    Dedicated Hosting

    You own the server and only your website is hosted on the server. Since you own the server, the security of the server is limited to your expertise and ensure cybersecurity.

    VPS Hosting

    You get a dedicated portion of a server. It is similar to a dedicated server and you are the one who is responsible for its security.

    Cloud Hosting

    In a cloud hosting solution, you own a portion of a network of connected servers. Cloud Hosting Solutions are secure by definition but as a dedicated server, you have to dedicate a lot of effort and time to security.

    Using Unauthentic Sources

    One of the most common ways that hackers use to exploit your WordPress Website is through insecure or outdated codes. To keep the hackers at bay, you should install plugins and themes from trustworthy sources such as from the WordPress.org.

    Choose and install reliable plugins to safeguard your website from various attacks. Moreover, avoid the use of free versions of WordPress themes and plugins.

    SQL Injections

    SQL injections occur when hackers get access to your WordPress MySQL database. Through various SQL injections, hackers create a new admin-level user account or may insert new data into the database, including links to malicious websites to cause damage to your site. The most common protective measures against SQL injections usually involve controlling and getting user-input channels as these are the main platform for SQL injection attacks.

    Unlimited Access to Login

    WordPress never restricts how many times a visitor can try out usernames and passwords. The visitor can try to log in multiple times. This is the reason behind many unintentional user-caused WordPress security issues.

    To prevent this practice, add an extra layer of protection to the WordPress websites. Make sure the site admins should install a limit login attempts plugin that prevents hackers from exploiting this issue and mount a brute force login attack on your site.

    To extend the security of your WordPress website, use the two-factor authentication process. Two-factor authentication(2FA) is an industry-standard security practice that uses two-layer credentials to minimize the chance of hacking.


    WordPress security tips to ensure an effective and secure website but many people forget that protecting a website is an ongoing process. Your WordPress needs continuous attention in the face of new tools and tricks emerging in cyberspace.

    However, if you are new to WordPress, I would strongly suggest you Hire WordPress Developers that use a security audit plugin which strengthens the WordPress environment against security threats.

    Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

    5 Common WordPress Security Threats and How To Fix Them Like a Pro?


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    7 Tips To Optimize Your Landing Page For Higher Conversions

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    5 Most Important PPC Trends That You Need to Follow In 2019

    5 Most Important PPC Trends That You Need to Follow In 2019

    Sep 09 2019
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    5 Most Important PPC Trends That You Need to Follow In 2019

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    Have you been tired of investing in poorly performing PPC campaigns? Know what does 2019 is holding for PPC marketers and stay ahead of the crowd by focusing on your online advertising…

    Pay-Per-Click is one of the most rewarding marketing techniques that help you drive instant deals and boost traffic for your business. However, what if your campaigns are not performing well?

    Last year, it was a big year for PPC trends and marketing. There are various changes have been noticed in PPC advertising. Google rebranded Adwords as “Google Ads”, updated its interface and added several new campaign types and targeting options to help you make the most out of your campaign. From releasing a range of new features including LinkedIn profile targeting to change the advertising look, it was a big year for PPC.

    However, all that’s in the past! What’s new 2019 brings for PPC Marketer is the biggest question here…

    With lots of changes in PPC marketing, this would be another big year for the marketers. This year’s major focus of PPC campaigns would be on two key areas including Audience and Automation. However, that’s just the beginning.

    Let’s get into the deep and reveal the biggest trends that you need to follow while investing in PPC campaigns according to 2019 PPC trends…

    Focus Audience, Not Keywords

    Now the time has gone when marketers design keyword-driven PPC campaigns to promote any brand via search engines. However, if you are still believing in the same strategy, then juggle the best strategies to capitalize on this parameter as this era is almost coming to an end in 2019.

    With the latest amendments in PPC 2019 trends, the use of Keywords is completely replaced by adopting the audience targeting strategies for the ads. The key to success in 2019 is to create a detailed strategy of the various audience types and audience lists and how you can layer them to shape your paid search strategy. Keywords will remain important, but the audience targeting on the search network is equally important in 2019 for securing high performance. Make sure you include every aspect while targeting the audience to reap the best benefit of your campaign.

    Automation Vs Human Intelligence

    Google reveals that its search ads should be “user-friendly ads” that works for everyone. They believe automation is a powerful way to improve the performance of your campaigns. Google has invested heavily in building out its automation options and the results are simply extraordinary. To make the most out of the PPC Automation, your campaigns need to be set up to help the algorithms that work in the favor. In short, effectively implementing and accurate conversion tracking, writing great ad copy and find your ideal audience and keywords is a great way to improve the performance of your ads.

    Automation is the smart trick, that PPC automation can be a huge opportunity for your business in 2019. It can enhance the performance of your paid ads and save you from countless hours of mind-numbing work, enabling you to focus your efforts on more important human tasks including writing copy and building landing pages.

    Text Ads are No Longer So Impressive

    It is completely understood that brand awareness is a vital aspect of any successful online marketing, but the way PPC marketers are promoting your brand has completely changed in 2019. More campaigns are now designed in a video format to reach the targeted audience. The aesthetic appeal and low costs involved in video making make it a common choice of PPC marketers.

    One of the main media channels is YouTube to start video advertising. With several shooting and editing tools, it’s never been easier to create an ad, but video campaigns can increase the visibility and increase the value of your ads.

    Think About Remarketing Strategy

    Remarketing is an important part of the digital marketing strategy for years, but consumers are now better to understand what all these ads are about and how they work. To make the most of your remarking in 2019, you need to rethink how you approach remarketing.

    While many businesses assume that the percentage of web traffic exists your site without converting might convert into a potential buyer if you present the same content again and encourage them to make a purchase.

    Well, this might be helpful if everyone who clicked is interested in buying products right now…

    If the truth is told, only 6- 7% of the people who visit your site are ready to buy at that moment. However, what about the remaining crowd that interested to click but not ready to buy? Can remarketing help you with them or help you convert them into a purchase?

    You can also read: 7 Tips To Optimize Your Landing Page For Higher Conversions

    The answer is of course yes…But with 2019 PPC trends, it won’t work to ads with the goals get to “Buy now” or “Convert Now”. Instead, you need to design ads that can easily convince people and encourage them to take action. If done properly, remarketing in 2019 drives you more results with the audience-based marketing approach.

    Keep an Eye Out For Latest PPC Features

    With 2019 PPC trends, you can expect a lot of new features and tools from every PPC marketing platform. This will present real opportunities for marketers who are ready to reap the best benefits of PPC campaigns.

    This is especially true if you are a local advertiser. In fact, from the last few years, Google is already hinting and giving clues of various new features for the local advertisers, so keep your eye stick peeled to the latest PPC trends.


    There are massive features and tools 2019 will offer to the savvy advertisers to lift their brand. If you are not sure how to implement or take advantage of these PPC trends, or how will they affect your online marketing efforts? Then 6ixWebSoft Technology is one of the award-winning companies in India that can easily get your desired results. They’ll incorporate all the latest trends to manage your ad spends and decrease your cost per conversion.

    5 Most Important PPC Trends That You Need to Follow In 2019


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Potential Ways to Safeguard Your Website From The Google SEO Penalties

    Potential Ways to Safeguard Your Website From The Google SEO Penalties

    Aug 31 2019
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    7 Tips To Optimize Your Landing Page For Higher Conversions

    7 Tips To Optimize Your Landing Page For Higher Conversions

    Sep 02 2019
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    What Is Google AMP and How It Will Affect Your SEO?

    What Is Google AMP and How It Will Affect Your SEO?

    Sep 04 2019
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    What Is Google AMP and How It Will Affect Your SEO?

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    Wondering whether AMP is worth to invest in to improve the ranking of your site? Well, long back Google announces the algorithms specifically designed by keeping in mind to improve your performance on search engine result pages- that is AMP.

    With this additional feature to the optimization tool, your web pages could load four times faster than the previous speed and ultimately enhance the user’s experience. If you are not familiar with Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP), then dive into this blog post and examples showing results different companies had with AMP.

    Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) is an open-source project specially designed to allow your responsive sites to render nearly instantly on mobile devices including smartphones, laptops and tablets and so on. It is designed to enable the publisher to load their website content more quickly on mobile devices. AMP is the smartest technique to get rid of the slow lagging problem that users with old tired desktops have.

    In this fast-paced era, the digital market works better with mobile devices and drastically affect your website’s SEO. While search engine optimization refers to the strategy through which customer traffic is maximized to a specific site to online visibility, though Google AMP has been proven to have several positive effects on SEO. The most common reason would be because of the “Quick connotation that AMP is associated with it”. The label comes with Google AMP- “Accelerated Mobile Speed” indicated that the search engine being used is timely and efficient, thus acting as a potential ranking factor for SEO.

    Let’s understand how Google AMP and SEO function and how it can benefit your company and its online customers…

    Importance of Google AMP in Your Business Performance

    If your customers are tired to load a webpage on a mobile phone that takes an obscene amount of time, then Google AMP is for you. For Users, there’s nothing more frustrating than browsing a website that takes a long time to load the page. They don’t wait, rather quickly move on to your competitor.

    Most unhappy internet users are not content with the average loading speed of the site even when they have an excellent internet connection. The best way to fix the solution is to optimize your site and standardize your mobile version of the site with AMP.

    How Does Google AMP Affect Search Ranking?

    While managing your business online, speed is a currency for the most successful businesses. For instance, as India’s largest online shopping portal, Amazon believes that the faster you deliver what people want, the more people will buy from you. And the same goes for website content. If you click on the link, the site doesn’t open in average load time of 3 seconds, you are likely to leave the site and never wanted to return.

    You can also read: Google’s AMP for Email Everything You Need to Know About It

    While over the years, 80% of internet users have started accessing the sites from their smartphones, this means that the web is now much more revolves around the cell phone than ever before. And with the introduction of Google AMP, the world is ready to reap the benefits of quick loading times.

    While Google does not says that all websites should have AMP pages, but you can enhance the ranking with the quicker page load times.

    A recent study reveals that even a 1 Second delay in mobile browser load time can badly harm your search engine ranking and performance of your business. It can lower conversion rates by 3%, bringing down page views by 9% and boost the bounce rate by 7%. Google’s ranking algorithm is highly cognizant of this fact and knows that engagement and speed are ineradicably linked.

    To get the good search results, it is important to integrate AMP coding to your site to alter your user’s experience. It will not only boost up web loading speed but also made it easier for users to access the page more confidently. If you are noticing a heavy bounce rate on your site, that means it is an alarming time especially when your web page takes 8 seconds to fully load.

    An ideal page loads in less than half a second when Google’s Accelerated Mobile Page is enabled, instead of taking the 3 seconds to load your page. A vast majority of publishers are opting for Google services as it gives them an easier platform to promote their business across the internet without having to use an app.


    Always remember that faster loading web pages lead to more page views which ultimately results in more customers viewing your services. But you can keep your worries aside, as SixWebSoft Technology, a certified web development company can provide you all the solutions to make AMP optimized content on your website that is more authentic and compelling.

    What Is Google AMP and How It Will Affect Your SEO?


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    10 Best Practices To Make Your eCommerce Website Running Smoothly

    10 Best Practices To Make Your eCommerce Website Running Smoothly

    Aug 28 2019
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    Potential Ways to Safeguard Your Website From The Google SEO Penalties

    Potential Ways to Safeguard Your Website From The Google SEO Penalties

    Aug 31 2019
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    7 Tips To Optimize Your Landing Page For Higher Conversions

    7 Tips To Optimize Your Landing Page For Higher Conversions

    Sep 02 2019
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    7 Tips To Optimize Your Landing Page For Higher Conversions

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    Creating a landing page is quite an easy task but what if it’s not working for you? Surely, you want things to look good on the landing page, but there is no use of such pages that fails to bring results. They are not a good landing page at all! The key to success is to optimize your landing page with the right strategies.

    Landing page optimization for inbound marketing campaigns is the process of creating well-designed pages for the targeted audience and optimizing each element of the page to maximize the percentage of visitors that ensure higher conversions. The ultimate goal of optimizing landing pages is to develop better pages that can efficiently engage the targeted audience and help you drive more leads through paid searches.

    If put simply, the landing page optimization can improve your conversion rate, which raises the ROI of your PPC marketing campaigns. There are two benefits of spending your efforts on landing page optimization – more PPC leads and better quality scores. So it is clear that landing page optimization is important to Search Engine Marketing, but that it won’t be easy at all.

    How would you Optimize Your Landing Page to Boost the Conversion?

    Optimize Design and Layout

    Make sure the look and feel of your landing page are appropriate. Your page theme should coordinate with your website design to strengthen your brand. You can personalize the landing page by choosing a relevant color palette and background color. Upload a company logo and carefully select the main display image for your landing page.

    Optimize The Content Of Landing Page

    Energetic copy and language are essential for PPC landing pages. Make sure your ad creative got viewers excited enough to click the PPC ad and keep that momentum going. This doesn’t mean that you have to use aggressively promotional content. Just use uncommon and impressive language to get people tempted about your offer.

    Some visitors will only read headlines, whereas, some prefer to read till the end if they find any relevance between your headlines and body content. So be sure to write strong headlines with clear and concise copy that communicates the unique benefits of your offerings.

    Optimize Images and Videos in Landing Page

    If you have to spend any amount of time online, you must notice how your competitors are emphasizing on the importance of images. The great images can improve your user’s experience and enhance the aesthetic appeal of your website. Even some pictures have the potential to distract visitors and hurt your brand image. So be careful while choosing the images or video content for your PPC landing page.

    Today, a large part of the traffic will belong to video. So don’t miss the opportunity to capture all the traffic. While creating a video, make sure you can repurpose them for your ad landing page. For instance, an explainer video that shows off your product can find a home on your landing page as well as in your blog posts, YouTube or other social media platforms. It is easy to get tons of marketing mileage from a single video.

    Optimize the Size of Landing Page

    While optimizing the PPC landing page, consider the right side of the landing page. The visitors get overwhelmed reading large blocks of text. Instead of choosing your page, they left the site quickly before making a purchase. The ideal copy of the landing page should be under 200 words. Rest, it’s up to you to determine what’s appropriate for your audience, the product you’re selling.

    Optimize your Landing Page Form

    The form of the landing page is the most important element on your landing page. By optimizing your landing page, you can greatly increase your conversion rates. keep these points in mind while customizing the landing page form:

    Choose the right fields: You want to include all the necessary field including custom and standard. Keep in mind that adding more fields gives you more lead information, but may reduce your conversion rates as visitors are less interested in filling the detained form.

    Use Call to Action for your Form: Let your visitors know what they will get when they complete the form. For instance, “Get My Free Guide”.

    You can also read:
    Goodbye to Noindex in Robots.txt: Everything You Need to Know About Google Updates

    Optimize the Settings of Landing Page

    There is no use of having an appealing and impressive PPC landing page, until or unless your page doesn’t have correct page settings. Your page should include:

    The right landing page URL
    Analytics code and scripts that enable you to track traffic to your landing page.
    Focus the footer of your landing page and add desired links to your page.

    Good Navigation

    Some experts will advise you to remove all the navigation from your PPC landing page except for the CTA. However, that isn’t the right solution for everyone. The important thing that you need to consider is to use the right strategic navigation.

    7 Tips To Optimize Your Landing Page For Higher Conversions


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    5 Ways To Measure That Your Social Media Campaigns are Paying Off

    5 Ways To Measure That Your Social Media Campaigns are Paying Off

    Aug 25 2019
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    10 Best Practices To Make Your eCommerce Website Running Smoothly

    10 Best Practices To Make Your eCommerce Website Running Smoothly

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    Potential Ways to Safeguard Your Website From The Google SEO Penalties

    Potential Ways to Safeguard Your Website From The Google SEO Penalties

    Aug 31 2019
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    Potential Ways to Safeguard Your Website From The Google SEO Penalties

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    Imagine how frustrating it would be to open your Google Analytics dashboard tomorrow and notice the website traffic is flatline. That’s not so surprising!

    In this fast-paced digital era, while everyone is trying hard to keep themselves ahead from others, it is common to see the often decrease in your website traffic especially when you are not following Google Algorithms. Usually, it happens, when search engine giant slaps your site with a penalty and badly affects the ranking of your site.

    Also read: Google’s AMP for Email: Everything You Need to Know About It

    Everyone is afraid of Google’s penalties. If you are also thinking that Google Penalties only happen when Google comes up with the new algorithms, then you are wrong. There are a lot of sites facing Google penalties even though there is no major change in the algorithm. You know why? Most sites are following spammy practices like buying links, using duplicate content, scraping content, stuffing too many keywords and so on.

    No matter, what’s your business nature and what type of website you have, there is always a scope of being penalized when Google updates its algorithm. Even, we all have heard about the stories that how a recognized website has dropped in traffic due to simple SEO updates. Well, it’s the worst nightmare of every website’s owner. Your all hard work put into a website can be easily accounted for nothing if you have not taken the Google rules seriously.

    There are many reasons why your website is performing terribly low or not showing the results. Don’t worry, you can easily protect your site even from the Google SEO updates and penalties.

    Here are the ways to safeguard your website from Google SEO Updates:

    Never Use Poor Quality or Duplicate Content

    Google hates such websites that have poor or thin content. Your website content will be marked as low-quality content if you are using automatically generated content, thin affiliate pages, doorway pages, copying content from other resources, using a content spinner or post-low-quality guest post. You may need to bear heavy penalties in terms of traffic that the website could have generated, organically.

    Generally speaking, never attempt to copy content at all, otherwise, you will be easily subject to penalized. If you are using any content source, then make sure you reference the source in the article, so Google and other search engines know that you recognize that some of the content is not unique.

    Don’t Buy or Sell Links

    While it is always an easy and simple way to buy links from other websites targeting your website or vice versa, but it can drastically affect the ranking of your website the moment Google comes up with the updates. Google works on smart strategies pretty much aware of what is a genuine link and which one is purchased link.

    Secondly buying or selling links does not add any value to your content, because they are typically unrelated and not even gain many clicks.

    Fight Negative SEO

    Your competitors can hurt your SEO efforts and can even get you penalized by Google by doing negative SEO on your site. The most common practice of negative SEO is to link a lot of spammy sites to you. And if Google finds a spammy site linking to you, it might think of your site is also a low-quality or poor performing site. This will not only affect your website ranking but also increase the risk of penalties.

    So if you notice any spammy sites linking to you, it is an alarming time to disavow those links now. Create a simple text file will all the spammy incoming links and then upload it using the Google disavow links tool page.

    Watch Guest Blogging on your Website and Others

    Guest posting is a popular practice among SEO experts for the do-follow internal linking purpose but the problem is as same as with buying and selling the links. If you want to protect your site from Google penalties, then limit guest blogging. The unrelated guest posts can harm your website ranking and drag down instead providing any aid to your website.

    Watch Your Site From Hacking

    Your site can also face a Google penalty if it got hacked. While the only moto of hacking your site is to stuff your website with lots of spammy backlinks that ultimately triggered the Google penalty. This will drop your website traffic and a site got completely wiped out of Google’s index. Getting hacked is the worst reason for facing google penalties as it is truly not your fault. The best solution is to protect your site to avoid such Google Fines.

    Final Words

    Facing the Google penalities is always scary, but you can’t live with the fear of this costly penalties when Google comes up with the latest algorithms. Build your website with honest practices and you definitely receive a good result. You can easily decrease the chance of getting penalized by simply keeping these points in mind.

    You can hire a reputed digital marketing company that can easily reevaluate your site and keep these common issues at the bay. With every Google update, they will assure that your site will remain safe and avoid drops in website traffic.

    Potential Ways to Safeguard Your Website From The Google SEO Penalties


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    5 Ways to Optimize Your Facebook Ads to Achieve Your Business Goals

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    10 Best Practices To Make Your eCommerce Website Running Smoothly

    10 Best Practices To Make Your eCommerce Website Running Smoothly

    Aug 28 2019
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    10 Best Practices To Make Your eCommerce Website Running Smoothly


    Selling your business product and service online is seriously a tangible task for business owners. The only single way to survive in competitive eCommerce space is to have a strong online presence. With the perfect functional website, you can not only compete with local and regional brands but also conquer the international market.

    So, let’s learn what important things you need to focus while designing an eCommerce website.

    Everyday a consumer’s experience with the marketplace becomes more mobile, social and visual, which helps to improve the process for the customer. However, at the same time, the latest developments in eCommerce also increase the complexity of the process for business owners trying to keep their website up-to-date as per the latest Google rules. While there are many features that businesses can incorporate in an eCommerce website, but it is important to focus your efforts, in the beginning, to ensure you can scale your business online that can integrate more features in the future.

    This guide is useful to everyone who wants to learn how to build a web design that can convert. No matter whether you are a brick and mortar retailer planning to expand the business or a company that operates only through the internet, you need to keep in mind all these tips to make it run efficiently.

    Pick Best Website Framework for your E-Store

    Start your eCommerce website building by choosing the right framework. While some of the most popular CMS are Shopify, WordPress, PrestaShop, Drupal, Joomla and so on, that help you develop an effective site but choosing the best one can be a challenging task here. All these Content Management Systems have different pros and cons to offer. The ultimate choice of the framework solely depends on your business goals and the type of features you want.

    If you are new to eCommerce, you probably find Shopify to be the easiest solution. On the other hand, WordPress has a streamlined interface, hundreds of attractive website themes, other useful plugins, and an excellent support community.

    Choose the Hosting Plan

    Selecting the right choice of hosting plan for your website is an important step…So take your time to take this step and make sure you understand how does it work.

    When it comes to choosing the hosting plan, it is worth to get started with free hosting plans with minor annual maintenance fees. However, when your business starts growing or expanding, you need a dedicated service to avoid the bounce rate.

    There are a number of hosting panels available that you can select to go live such as HostGator, Godaddy and so on. With so many choices to choose from, it is advised to go with the hosting provider that has been specialized hosting in eCommerce sites to ensure the smooth functioning of your website.

    Also read: Everything you need to know about eCommerce website design and development

    Choose the Domain Name

    Don’t rush to go live! While there are millions of websites exist on the internet, a domain name is the only thing that makes your website visible to others. While choosing the domain name, here are certain points that you need to keep in mind.

    ●Keep your domain name simple that is easy to remember and spell. Complex site names are difficult to locate and may increase the chance to lose leads.
    ●Choose a unique and memorable domain name for your site. This will help visitors to revisit your site again and again without guessing your domain name.
    ●For eCommerce, it’s better to choose the domain name that describes your niche and tell customers, what your site is all about.
    ●You can prepare a list of competitive eCommerce sites for reference and pick the best name for your domain.

    Test Everything Before A Launch

    Before, during and after the launch of your eCommerce store, you should invest some time in testing and analytics. Think like the customers and figure out what’s missing and how it can be resolved quickly. Include detailed testing to avoid putting your site at great risk.

    Create Impressive Web Design

    The first thing that attracts the attention of visitors is your website design. No matter, what size of business you are, what services and products you are offering- if you have a boring website design, the visibility of your online business will be doomed.

    The visual appearance of your eCommerce can greatly affect your business as this is the first thing that buyers observe about your brand. To create an engaging web design, you can hire a professional web design agency that can better understand your business goals and able to cater to the services accordingly.

    Offer 24*7 Customer Support

    Your customers always want to know whether they will have good support after they make a purchase from you. Your guaranteed 24/7 online support after the purchase and consulting before a purchase can easily turn your potential buyers into loyal returning customers. The latest yet helpful type of support that most eCommerce sites are providing these days is a “Live-Chat” feature that works 24*7 alongside email queries and telephonic support.

    Integrate Secure Payment Option

    Use easy, simple and reliable payment gateways. Online stores can’t exist without payments, therefore, provide a wide variety of payment options so a customer can easily make a purchase without having any second thought in his mind. Also, you can allow customers to create an account without bombarding lots of questions on your customers. Make your customers feel secure and safe and only ask for necessary questions to ensure a seamless purchase.

    Promote Your Brand On Social Media

    When it comes to promoting your eCommerce business, reap the best benefit of social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on. Promoting your business on social media platforms has not only become the latest trend in the market but also considered as a powerful way to connect with lots of potential customers in a creative, fun way. Further, you can use tools like Google Analytics to track your progress and marketing efforts on various platforms.

    Develop a Responsive Site

    While everything is just a tap away on your Android, Smartphones or iOS, it becomes important to have a mobile compress site. With the increasing traffic on mobile sites, it’s time to conquer the large section of users by simply developing a mobile-friendly site.

    Optimize Your Website

    The key to generating heavy traffic on your site is to get your website optimized by professionals. Using SEO keywords into your meta description, product titles and your site, you can easily increase the chance to rank on top searches. And the increased visibility will quickly turn into more conversions and sales.

    Building a successful eCommerce site is not rocket science. It all requires the right developing and marketing tools and strategies that build a platform to help you reach your targeted market. If you incorporate all the essential points, you can easily build a successful online store and get a higher conversion for your business.

    If you find these points too complicated to follow, you can look for the best web site designing company that can easily help you accomplish your business goals and provide a user-friendly website for your business.

    10 Best Practices To Make Your eCommerce Website Running Smoothly


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    5 Efficient Ways to Use Your Website to Boost Brand Awareness

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    Aug 23 2019
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    5 Ways To Measure That Your Social Media Campaigns are Paying Off

    5 Ways To Measure That Your Social Media Campaigns are Paying Off

    Aug 25 2019
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    5 Ways To Measure That Your Social Media Campaigns are Paying Off


    There is no denying this fact that social media campaigns have become the biggest marketing tool for businesses to create brand awareness. With the rapidly increasing popularity of social media marketing, many businesses are engaged in investing a hefty amount in these campaigns with the hope to enhance conversion rate. However, have you ever notice whether these campaigns paying off your efforts or just putting your investment at the risk? Measuring the success of various campaigns is a core aspect of a marketer’s job. It is important to evaluate, how your marketing efforts are contributing to the business’s bottom line.

    While it’s pretty common to know that the majority of online businesses are conducting their social media marketing completely in the dark. Investing in social media campaigns with no clues as to how social media contributes to the success of their business is a great risk. If the truth is told, it’s not entirely their fault, measuring ROI on social media campaigns is a challenging task.

    Why Does Measuring ROI on Social Marketing be Troublesome?

    Some say that measuring the ROI of social media is just impossible! Like traditional billboard advertising, some businesses throw up their social media campaigns and hope for the leads. Trusting that something good will come from their marketing campaigns is good, but it is important to measure whether they are driving any profit to your business or not.

    Tracking and measuring the success of social media campaigns is not as difficult as it may sound. Many companies marketers try to measure social media success through the social channel and determine the metrics including “Likes” and “Comments”. However, business is primarily concerned with website visits, emails, calls, sales and the number of subscribers.

    That’s not all! While measuring ROI with social media, it’s important to incorporate other advertising channels as well. If you are using PPC advertising, try accessing social media in terms of cost-per-impression. If you are focusing on lead generation, then try measuring in terms of cost-per-acquisition, and so on. This adds credibility to your efforts and makes it easier to compare social media marketing with other forms of online marketing.

    Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

    What are the Best Ways to Measure Your Social Media Efforts?

    Measuring the performance of your social media campaigns is never impossible. You just need to know about the right tactics to uncover the real conversions and quantify efforts. Here’s the key to determine real ROI from Social Media Marketing:

    1. Have a Clear Objectives

    Creating brand awareness through social media (sharing, liking or followers, etc.) is important but not always.

    Many businesses believe that their social strategy is connected to business outcomes. So to show value, you need to set social media objectives that are further aligned with business and departmental goals. Your social media objectives should be based on business conversions, brand awareness or perception, Customer experience, security and risk mitigation.

    2. Set Your Business Goals

    Know what exactly you want to drive from your social media campaigns. Experts recommend using the S.M.A.R.T framework to define your business goal. Each goal must be specif, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely.

    For example:

    Brand Awareness

    What it is: Increase awareness of your new product before it launches and takes attention away from your competitors.
    How and when to do: Boost your social share voice by 10 percent quarterly.

    3. Examine the Right Performance Metrics

    To track the performance of your campaigns, you need social media metrics to determine whether you are achieving your marketing objectives and meeting goals. The so-called “Vanity” metrics can help you evaluate the overall health of your social presence and allow you to measure yourself against competitors.

    Other metrics you could track to prove ROI including audience reach, audience engagement, site traffic, leads generated, sign-ups and conversions.

    4. Know-How Much You Are Spending on Social Media

    Before blindly investing in social media, it is worth to determine the scope of your investment and know whether you’re getting a good return. Majorly there are three things that you need to measure your return against Social Media:

    Cost of Tools and Performance: While most tools are free to use but do you pay for a premium version to access the additional features of the social media platform. If yes, then, it is worth to evaluate whether it is justified to invest that much amount in premium versions or not.

    Fairly Allocation of the Budget: The easiest things to track is the cost of each ad. While all the cost has been recorded in the platform’s dashboard, though, you can easily manage each campaign and measure ROI from a single platform.

    Content Creation: From meetings to creating and promoting content, to running ads- include the cost of every minute that your team is spending on social media. Calculate how much time your business spends on social media every month or year to know whether they are paying off your efforts or not.

    5. Use Social Media ROI Tools

    To evaluate the ROI on your social media, it is worth to know about the right tools that drive you right results:

    Social ROI Calculator: It is a free tool that helps you calculate your return. From knowing total facebook visits from campaign, landing page conversion rate to close rate, you can evaluate everything.

    Google Analytics: Track website traffic, conversions and sign-ups from social media campaigns with this tool.

    Facebook Pixel: It is a piece of code for your website that allows you to track conversions from Facebook ads including everything from leads to sales.

    Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

    5 Ways To Measure That Your Social Media Campaigns are Paying Off


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    8 Reasons Why India is World's preferred Place for Outsourcing Web Designing Services?

    8 Reasons Why India is World's preferred Place for Outsourcing Web Designing Services?

    Aug 20 2019
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    5 Efficient Ways to Use Your Website to Boost Brand Awareness

    5 Efficient Ways to Use Your Website to Boost Brand Awareness

    Aug 21 2019
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    5 Ways to Optimize Your Facebook Ads to Achieve Your Business Goals

    5 Ways to Optimize Your Facebook Ads to Achieve Your Business Goals

    Aug 23 2019
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    5 Ways to Optimize Your Facebook Ads to Achieve Your Business Goals

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    Have you been pissed off with low performing Facebook Ads Campaign? We understand your pain of running plenty of paid campaigns that perform terribly.

    If you have been wondering how to run an effective campaign that will generate more leads and sales, then you have come across the right place. This Blog has covered everything to help you optimize your Facebook campaigns to enhance your conversion rate.

    Over the past few years, Facebook has become one of the best places to locate qualified leads. All thanks to millions, trillions of users actively using this platform and targeting features. But as like with other marketing campaigns, how well your Facebook campaigns perform, will totally depend on what strategy you choose to market your business.

    So before dig deep in leading the Facebook Campaign optimization technique, let’s talk a bit about the overall strategy of how do Facebook ads work? Do they follow the same technique as other marketing platforms or you need to adopt some unique tactics to drive results with Facebook Ads.

    Here’s why Your Facebook Ads are not working?

    Well, there is a common misconception among various people that Facebook advertising works just like any other kind of advertising. You have a product or services, made a Facebook ad, post it and you make sales. This is not the way Facebook ads work! It is highly popular and actively used the social platform, first. So when the potential customer is online, they first look for funny videos, chatting, or sharing a status update about anything. The only least thing that they do is looking for Facebook ads. And if they happen to see the one- that is too sales or promotional, they probably ignore it right away.

    Don’t worry! The game is not over yet! All you need is to be more intentional about your ads and what you’re offering and you need to know how to optimize your ad to drive leads. This blog will tell you exactly how to do that!

    Also readGoogle Adwords VS Facebook Ads: Which One Works Best For Your Business?

    Determine Your Marketing Goal

    Facebook ads can be fun and exciting but if your marketing campaign is not clear, your ad will quickly turn into a frustrating experience. Determine whether you want to enhance sales, leads or web traffic or clicks.

    Some brands conduct ads for creating awareness of the new product range, but there is no call to action. They just want people to remember their brand. Usually, this type of ads is beneficial for reputed brands who have already achieved a strong foothold in the market like Adidas, Colgate, Reebok, etc. However, if you are a small business, an ad like this is a waste of money.

    Test Your Ads

    To be truly effective with your ads, it is vital to test your Facebook ads. If your ads aren’t performing well, you probably need more data. However, the problem is, Facebook is not a great platform for testing. The interface has been designed in a way that if you run a lot of ads at once, the interface just gets too complex.

    Instead of draining your time in testing the Facebook ads one by one, it is worth to seek out the best digital marketing company equipped with all the latest tools and techniques to efficiently run a series of Facebook ad tests.

    Target Your Audience Carefully

    Once you know the object of your marketing campaign, it’s time to decide whom you’re targeting. While Facebook is a wide platform where one forth population of the world stay in touch. Of course, you could just put your ad in front of millions of people as Facebook ad audiences can be enormous.

    Surely it has a large audience potential but keeps in mind that more people, more expensive your campaign is. So make sure you are targeting the right people to enhance your conversion rate.

    Display Your Ad At Right Place

    Detail audience targeting is important but at the same time, it is necessary to choose where to show your ads in the placement section. Experts generally recommend sticking with automatic placements to drive best results. Once you opt for automatic sticking, you can set a budget and schedule it. Then, clicks continue.

    Use Multiple Ad Formats for Designing

    The most creative and fun part about Facebook ads is its design that actually draws the attention of the visitors. While Facebook gives you 8 different formats to use and each brings its strengths.

    Photo Ads:

    You just need to create a simple and single-image ad that can easily influence the audience. You can add your image or use free stock photos along with appealing headlines that convey your message as well.

    Video Ads:

    Video ads are great at quickly capturing the attention of the users. When creating video content, make sure your content is compelling and captivating that can immediately draw in your audience right away. For mobile videos, the phone itself provides you a natural frame but you can also do something with square crops, stacked videos, 3D framing effects and so on.

    Story Ads:

    People love short, simple, and meaningful story ads. And when it comes to story ads, viewers want it all. While they are quick and easy to understand, though, users remain engaged in the content longer and able to seek useful information.


    Facebook ads are smart techniques to get highly qualified leads for your business at the lowest price and allow you to retarget your interested shoppers to keep them coming back at your store. Just keep in mind the right strategy while investing in Facebook ads.

    Hopefully, this blog will help you understand how to optimize your Facebook ad campaigns and ensure you are investing rightly to enhance business leads.

    5 Ways to Optimize Your Facebook Ads to Achieve Your Business Goals

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    How to Make Your Hotel Booking Website Ready For 2019?

    How to Make Your Hotel Booking Website Ready For 2019?

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    8 Reasons Why India is World's preferred Place for Outsourcing Web Designing Services?

    8 Reasons Why India is World's preferred Place for Outsourcing Web Designing Services?

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    5 Efficient Ways to Use Your Website to Boost Brand Awareness

    5 Efficient Ways to Use Your Website to Boost Brand Awareness

    Aug 21 2019
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    5 Efficient Ways to Use Your Website to Boost Brand Awareness

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    In this fast-paced life, hundreds or thousands of brands are available for a number of the product range. Every day you see and notice hundreds of brands but probably when you have been asked to name the few, you do so quite quickly and quote the few popular names. This is because you don’t only know these brands but also some specific associations are connected with them that always make you recall their name when required. You know which ones are considered the most reliable, affordable or high-quality brands for different product categories.

    Having a solid, trusted brand reputation is important for your company to thrive. If your targeted audience doesn’t know and trust your brand name, how will you enhance your customer base and sales? If you want to set a strong foothold in the market, it is important your website is so appealing, functional and have all the information to draw the attention of the users.

    Why Creating Brand Awareness is so Important For Your Business?

    Creating brand awareness doesn’t mean that you need the same level of brand awareness as same as the top brands in the world have, including Coca Cola, Nike or Colgate. Raise your profile above that of your competitors. More you will raise your profile, the more you’ll be able to draw the attention of the users.

    How Does Website Help you in Creating Brand Awareness?

    Your website is the most important element of your brand awareness strategy but it doesn’t mean that every strategy will happen on your website. Your brand awareness strategy should involve a mix of inbound strategies (content or design to attract more organic traffic) and outbound methods (where you will need to attract the attention of the users).

    Let’s get into deep to understand different ways to grow your business’s brand awareness through an appealing website.

    Post Regular Blog Content

    Many businesses keep their clients updated by educating them through blog posts. While businesses have lots of information to share, though they believe that by sharing it, they can easily influence a visitor and establish themselves in the industry as an expert. The regular content post can build a strong trust level in customers and makes your brand to spring to their mind first when they are in need. The real challenge is, many businesses believe in this strategy but not sure how to execute it. This is what blog post is for and resolving your purpose to update your customers and make a strong image in the customer’s mind.

    Blogs are the perfect opportunity to write long-form content that engages your client longer into the perfect copy of content offering the relevant information to them. This is the common strategy that businesses use to keep themselves in a limelight. In short, your website blogs can do better than SEO techniques, if drafted carefully with a fresh copy of the content.

    Value Proposition

    The value proposition is a promise to deliver value. You must be wondering, how it can be related to business brand awareness. Well, it is highly likely that you are not the only single-brand selling or providing the services separately in the market. There are other brands also targeting the same group of audiance, therefore, make your services appear unique by focusing more on the value of the product and services.

    Value Proposition is the only smart strategy that can add an extra edge to your brand and it can be anything from offering 24 hours customer services to zero return policy to free home delivery! Make sure your value proposition is strong enough to encourage visitors to make a quick decision.

    Also readWhat Is Social Listening and How It Can Boost Your SEO?

    Build a Keyword Strategy

    The professionally developed website always carries out the string keyword strategy to ensure good ranking in the search engines. By consistently showing up in the search results, you prove to online shoppers that you are a trusted player in your industry.

    Of course, you will need to do some keyword searches ahead of time make sure you show up for relevant search terms in SERPs. Find out what terms your customers use to search for specific products and services and then create a content strategy that targets those terms. By doing so, you can easily attract more visitors to your site.

    Run Pay Per Click Ads

    This is the most effective and rewarding campaigns to generate instant leads for your business. Conducting a paid campaign is only possible when you have an appealing and functional website.

    Similar to keyword strategy, when visitors search for keywords related to your brand, services or products, you need to target your advertisement to that place. Even if searchers never click on your ad, having your ads present means they will see your name associated with the information they are looking for.

    Design Appealing Infographics

    A compelling infographic has many benefits and providing information that is easy to grasp. Engage readers through interesting graphics longer. Providing an easy way to share on social media and other platforms.

    In today’s modern era, where visuals have great potential to attract, retain and engage the users for longer, many businesses are using this tool to create brand awareness. To enhance the effectiveness of the image, you can add the brand name and logo to the graphics. Whenever it will be shared far and wide, still do good work for your business.

     Grow Your Brand Awareness and Establish Your Reputation

     Increasing brand awareness is a way for businesses to raise their conversion rate and boost traffic to their site. when you tell your story through an appealing website integrated with all the latest marketing strategies, you have the opportunity to craft a narrative around your company. Your reputation is highly important if you want to keep your foothold in the market longer.


    5 Efficient Ways to Use Your Website to Boost Brand Awareness


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Modern Rules for Starting Independent Online Travel Agency (OTA)

    Modern Rules for Starting Independent Online Travel Agency (OTA)

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    How to Make Your Hotel Booking Website Ready For 2019?

    How to Make Your Hotel Booking Website Ready For 2019?

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    8 Reasons Why India is World's preferred Place for Outsourcing Web Designing Services?

    8 Reasons Why India is World's preferred Place for Outsourcing Web Designing Services?

    Aug 20 2019
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    8 Reasons Why India is World’s preferred Place for Outsourcing Web Designing Services?


    Outsourcing your web development needs indeed is one of the most important decisions that any company makes. However, to stay ahead of the competition, control cost, increase quality, reduce time-to-market and offer innovative solutions, your company should consider outsourcing. You can easily get all of the above benefits by outsourcing web designing services in India.

    With often improvements in technology, over the years, India has made a name for itself in the outsourcing market by providing high-end quality IT solutions at the lowest cost. That’s too in case you need to outsource website design projects as they are likely to accomplish the task within a certain time frame. While most Indian companies have an in-house team dedicated to handling each detail of the project, companies preferred to outsource the web development services in India. Above all, the cost-cutting is one of the general reasons why a company decided to outsource their tasks.

    Here are the reasons why India is the most preferred destination to outsource web designing services:

    Highly Skilled Experts

    The prime reason being India is the popular choice for outsourcing is, it is the place where people are qualified professionals and experts at the tasks that they accomplish. You can search for someone who can take responsibility for your task without compromising the quality. By keeping in mind the low-cost budgets, the companies in India have a long term experience in serving quality web development services in abroad. By collaborating with any reputed Indian web development company, you can easily manage your online business with ease.

    24*7 Supports and Assistance

    While you are outsourcing to your outsourcing partner based in a country like India, you will get 24/7 support on your web development projects because it has a different time zone. While outsourcing the web design services in India, you can utilize manpower 24 hours a day. The Indian outsourcing partner can manage everything easily because they are working on your projects that your staff is not so trained to handle or maybe left halfway because of difficulty level.

    Also readCustom Website Or Template Design: What Makes Your Website Look Great?

    Focus On Competition

    While having your outsourcing partner working on your project, you will rest assured that all the latest techniques have been integrated at the lowest cost. This way they save you time and money and allow you to focus on more important or core tasks where you can focus on what your competitors are up to and work on improvising your contributions.

    While handling the task, it is difficult to keep your eyes on everything and have less time to research on what your people are doing and what they need. Therefore, outsourcing companies come into the role and provide an edge to your company.

    Increase Flexibility

    Are you busy managing the business strategies and your staff is out there to enjoy the Christmas holidays and you have an emergency? How will you get the quickest and easiest solution to manage your business problems? By outsourcing a team in India, you can have the team of experts working for your company and regardless of whether it is a holiday or working day, they will accomplish the task within the limited time frame.

    Value for Money

    Any outsourcing marketing company aims to deliver extra value for money. This is why all of the websites designed by professionals are both SEO optimized and mobile-friendly. They help your clients to get their business or website on the top pages of search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing. They also support them to make the website look professional and great on any device.

    Besides, they also design the business logo to be significant and appealing. They know what exactly you need and have the experienced team to deliver your products to ensure the best ranking on the search engine research pages.

    Stress-Free Mind

    As the outsourcing of website designing and development of the business is managed and maintained by the third party, there is no further need to carry the burden on you. You are free to focus on other important factors of your business. After all, you are the one who is going to decide and take the final call about how your business should be managed.

    Less Paperwork

    When you outsource your web development services, all you need to do is just sign a contract and let the team handle your task. There is no need to think where the currency has been arranging for the latest software and applications. There is no more hiring, training, and firing of the IT staff. There is no insurance paperwork to keep track of. Just sign a contract and put your entire burden on other shoulders.

    Increase Efficiency of Resources

    The outsourced web design company can handle all complexities involved with making your logo a big brand. Outsourcing a web design company take all the responsibility to hire different sort of professionals for your project requirements. You just have to brief them about your business goals and objects, they will go far and beyond to deliver what you want for your needs.

    There are various web designing companies available in India that offers you cutting-edge website development services at the lowest cost. However, sometimes outsourcing it to the potential company seems like a nerve-wracking task for the business owners.

    Hopefully, this blog has explained to you all the benefits of outsourcing web design services in India and how it can add a great edge to your business.

    8 Reasons Why India is World’s preferred Place for Outsourcing Web Designing Services?


    Alex is an experienced Web Designer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has a great knowledge of multiple designs and layouts for website designing. His professionalism and profound knowledge of web designing make him unrivaled. No web design is impossible for him to create.

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    The Ultimate Guide to Start Your Clothing eCommerce Store

    The Ultimate Guide to Start Your Clothing eCommerce Store

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    Modern Rules for Starting Independent Online Travel Agency (OTA)

    Modern Rules for Starting Independent Online Travel Agency (OTA)

    Aug 16 2019
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    How to Make Your Hotel Booking Website Ready For 2019?

    How to Make Your Hotel Booking Website Ready For 2019?

    Aug 19 2019
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    How to Make Your Hotel Booking Website Ready For 2019?

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    Whether you are operating an independent hotel in an isolated country or managing the chain of hotels in most popular destinations around the globe, it is important to have an optimized hotel booking website that helps you boost your reservations and ensure more business. However, with the often changes in Google Algorithm, it is difficult to have an optimized website.

    Having a site that performs well and helps you reach your targeted audience in real-time requires integrating all Google rules. If you want to develop a hotel booking site that captures the attention of your target market and drives bookings, then it is best to read this blog and learn how to prepare it for 2019.

    Integrate Google Algorithms to Enhance Functionality of Your Website

    Website is an integral part of your online business, so you need to create each component of your eCommerce site carefully to make the most out of this. Considering the growing number of travelers searching for hotels online and the rapid evolution of search engine functionalities, it won’t be easier to create a site that perfectly fits the latest 2019 Google rules.

    When it comes to developing a hotel booking site, SEO is crucial to the success of any hotel marketing strategy. The site should be updated as often as needed to keep up with the swiftly shifting traveler’s search behaviors and rising trends in the SEO environment.

    However, how you can make sure that the right guests find your hotel booking site on search engines, while hundreds of other property booking sites competing for attention? In this blog post, few most important strategies have been listed below to help you optimize your website for better online visibility, brand credibility and drive better business results.

    Content is King: Keep it Unique and Keyword-Rich

    Google loves to rank those sites higher on search engines that provide relevant yet keyword-driven content. You can’t fool Google, so make sure the pages that relate directly with the specific search queries have a quality yet user-friendly content to drive higher ranking in the search results.

    For example, if your web-page content is all about luxury properties or family accommodations, then your property won’t rank higher for travelers searching for a hostel facility.

    Google evaluates the content quality by measuring how long the user is engaged to your page and how many pages they clicked. The longer the user stays at your site, the more content they look at on different pages. This will turn into richer SEO value and enhance the ranking of your site.

    To attract more traffic to your hotel booking website and to engage them longer, your content needs to answer the specific queries they have. Make sure your descriptions include the type of words that potential visitors used to type in their searches and tag your property pictures with the accommodation type keywords. Google search algorithm just loves fresh, unique and regular content, so just adhere to that!

    Optimize the Images for Search

    Undoubtedly, high-resolution images can easily influence the potential would-be guest to book a hotel at your site. However, what if those images start taking longer load time? Your visitor will quickly jump to another site and more chances to lose your business.

    Usually, Google scans file names on a website to check its relevance. Make sure your image names are using descriptive but simple language. Front example, “Hotel front view”, “Room View”, so on. Secondly, it is important to customize your “alt text” to explain what your image is all about. The right description of the image will also add SEO value.

    Aside from considering the file name, now you have to consider the size of the image. Larger files can slow down the response time and affect google ranking. So for a hotel booking website, the JPEG format is ideal. It offers the best picture quality even when the file size is small.

    Use Internal and External Links To Build Strong Online Presence

    When your page is linked with other forms of content, search engines tend to find your web pages more quickly. A strategic approach to linking can greatly affect the ranking of your site. If done rightly, it drives more traffic to your booking site.

    Internal Linking

    It is used to driving a website visitor from your hotel page to your blog post or vice versa. Secondly, internal links also assist visitors to navigate your site easily by allowing them to click through to a relevant page. Try to build two to five internal links per page to enhance the navigation of your site.

    External Linking

    It is a smart way to connect with other businesses and build a strong online presence on the search engines. This could be simple as a local tourism website will recommend your hotel or your website promotions for an upcoming festival in your area. Make sure you only link to other trustworthy sites, as websites with poor SEO can drag down your position.

    Make Your Site Responsive

    According to Google, now more searches are made on mobile devices than on desktop computers. With the rapidly changing digital scenario, mobile searches will become even more important.  This is why Google predicts that their algorithms will primarily use the responsive site’s content to rank pages.

    A mobile-friendly website can ensure fast minute booking accommodations on your site and provide excellent user-experience to the guests.

    How to Make Your Hotel Booking Website Ready For 2019?

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    How to Create a Successful Influencer Outreach Strategy?

    How to Create a Successful Influencer Outreach Strategy?

    Aug 13 2019
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    The Ultimate Guide to Start Your Clothing eCommerce Store

    The Ultimate Guide to Start Your Clothing eCommerce Store

    Aug 14 2019
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    Modern Rules for Starting Independent Online Travel Agency (OTA)

    Modern Rules for Starting Independent Online Travel Agency (OTA)

    Aug 16 2019
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    Modern Rules for Starting Independent Online Travel Agency (OTA)


    Needless to say, over the years, the travel industry has come a long way. People have started traveling more and more, for business, leisure and even for the holidays. No matter for what reasons, but don’t always approach to the traditional travel agencies for hotel and airline reservations. Many prefer to resort to local and independent online travel agency that provide a clear picture of pricing, discounts and ensuring a hassle-free platform for booking.

    With the changing trends in the travel industry, many people are initiating to start their travel agency. Starting an online travel agency is quite easier but to keep your agency ahead in the cutting edge competition, is the real tackle. There are several established companies and entrants who can give you a tough competition. So in this highly competitive marketing, how do you make yourself a reliable yet cheaper travel service provider? While establishing an Online Travel Agency (OTAs) involves various important steps and decisions together at the same time. Therefore, you must consider these modern rules to establish OTA successfully.

    Research and Have a Right Business Plan

    An online travel agency may be set up and run easily from home and can be a startup with little funds, but it is mandatory to plan everything. While it’s tempting to immediately get your hands on the tools to set up an agency, but it can prove to be costly at the end in many ways. Don’t forget that there is a thick line of the tour and travel-related businesses in the market, making a cut-throat competition.

    Planning is the key to success and provides you a full-prove plan to start an OTA. A step-by-step approach will help you move gradually from one stage to the other. Make sure the process must be flexible to accommodate any new development and unforeseen events. A business plan made well ahead before starting an agency will help you manage everything with limited resources.

    Determine Your Niche

    The Internet is already flooded with travel agencies and related businesses operating in a given community. They have already grabbed the large section of the market due to aggressive marketing. So it will be far challenging to lure the customers for your new travel business.

    Entrants do everything to stand out from the competition but a perfect way is to ensure that you are providing a unique set of services. But what are these unique services? You need to do some research and find it out…In other words, you need to determine your niche well to complete efficiently in a given market.

    One of the best ways to determine is to interact with travelers and tourists to know their opinions and come up with the right solutions. Secondly, attend industry events and understand the product and services delivering to the tourists. Ask yourself to what more products and services you can add to enhance your customer’s experience. Before starting a travel business, do some market research to know what kind of travel agency will be serving the people usefully.

    Also readFashion Digital Marketing: Best Strategies to Promote Your Brand

    Know Your Funding Strategy

    Where will you get the funds to start an online travel agency? It may require lower funds but to create your online travel agency you may need funds for developing a professional website. Add to this, funding would be required for brand promotion, marketing, and other unexpected expenses. You can opt for various funding resources varying from personal savings to borrowing loans.

    Focus Your Brand Name

    Think of creating an appealing brand image to stand out from the crowd. Branding is all about, how you want to make your customers feel about your travel brand. The choice of brand name will greatly make a difference in how your website looks for travel-related services. Your brand will leave a specific impact on the visitors, therefore, make a brand strategy that attracts a lot of travelers to your business.

    Take Care of Legal Aspects

    While setting up an online travel agency is quite easier, but a little carelessness in legal formalities can end you up with the costly blunders. Many countries have relaxing rules regarding licensing for the travel industries. However, other countries have straight and tighten rules for providing a license to any entrant. Before you turn out to the establishment process, make sure you have checked and fulfill all the requirements so that you can get the license for your OTA without any hassle.

    Look For Professionals

    Even an online travel agency requires the professionals to run agency smoothly and successfully. For example, for OTA, you need a web designer to design your travel website, a content writer to feature it with appealing content, graphic designer for designing e-brochures, emailers, social media posts, and other marketing materials. Make sure that you will hire hi-tech software experts for a glitch-free experience.

    Go For Aggressive Advertising

    While many people do not know your online travel business, you need to make them aware of who you are and what services you are offering. There is no use of having an online travel agency, until or unless you are not investing efforts in an aggressive advertising campaign. Make sure you are using an email marketing, newspaper ads, social media post, Facebook campaigns, Paid Ads and a lot more to promote your company.

    Create an Active Presence on Social Media

    All the trending social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram act as a powerful medium to start and operate your online travel business. The social media marketing platforms are integrated such tools that can help you target more clients and enables you to share exclusive packages, deals, offers and discounts on your social media page.

    Optimize Your Website

    Make sure your online travel business is SEO friendly. People use search engines like Google, yahoo, bing to find travel agencies. So to make your page rank on the top pages, it is important to optimize your travel website.

    Modern Rules for Starting Independent Online Travel Agency (OTA)

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    The Ultimate Guide to Start Your Clothing eCommerce Store

    The Ultimate Guide to Start Your Clothing eCommerce Store

    Aug 14 2019
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    The Ultimate Guide to Start Your Clothing eCommerce Store

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    Starting an e-store is hard work and involves various steps and decisions that need to come together at the same time. To help you put together a comprehensive guide for starting a clothing business online, this blog has mentioned all the necessary steps that you will face from researching, launching to scaling up your eCommerce business profit.

    While starting an online clothing eCommerce store, it’s easy to bog down in procuring and manufacturing great products to choosing the best platform to sell your products. No matter what quality of product and services you are providing, without a well-thought-out plan, you can’t reach your target audiance. Owning a business brand to rising the popularity of eCommerce, many easy-to-use tools make starting an online clothing business simpler and quicker than ever before.

    With the best choice of drop shipping services, eCommerce platforms, online marketing tools, you can easily set up an online clothing boutique with minimal resources to make your efforts a great success. So if you have an inspiration and dedication, just go for it! This blog will assist you to launch your first eCommerce clothing line successfully.

    Let’s get started with the tips that enable you to build an online clothing store:

    Choose Your Clothing Brand

    Developing a brand for your product offerings can be extremely beneficial in the long term. Usually, online shoppers have a plethora of brands to compare and choose from. So creating a brand that they can relate to, admire and discuss can increase your online sales in different ways. Keep in mind these potential points while creating a brand for your online clothing store.

    Your visual identity including logo, color fonts, and design.

    Determine the position. From high-end, luxurious, eco-friendly, animal-friendly to natural, there are multiple choices that you can pick from as your brand position.

    Website Design (whether it’s friendly, aspiring or formal).

    Create User-Friendly eCommerce Website

    While turning your business to the internet, keep in mind that your website is the face of your brand. The only thing that attracts, retains, and convert your visitors to customers is the eCommerce website design and the way it functions. A clean, well-designed, optimized website can enhance the user experience and give the confidence to shop in your store.

    A tacky, complicated website will make the customers leave in no time. Make sure that your Clothing eCommerce Store looks professional and feel authentic to the visitors.

    Choose Best Website Framework

    Today, the market is flooding with dynamic website building frameworks from WordPress, Magento to Shopify. However, your choice should be guided by what type of eCommerce store you are trying to build. For example, for any online clothing boutique, it doesn’t make any sense to choose the framework that provides you advanced level features that add complexity to the website module.

    Shopify, WordPress, Magento are the best e-commerce platforms that can quickly develop a website without any need for coding knowledge. These CMS(content management systems) are the ideal choice for all size boutiques from small to creative businesses. With thousands of beautiful eCommerce themes and easy eCommerce management, these leading platforms make it easy for you to start selling your products online within minutes.

    Keep It Responsive

    In this digital era, where everything is just one tap away on smartphones, a large section of buyers has switched to mobile shopping. Make sure your eCommerce store theme is mobile-friendly. As more and more people are switching to smartphones for browsing and shopping online, it is vital that your e-store is responsive and works well on all the various devices including Androids, iOS, tablets, and others. Online sales on mobile devices can boost your total online sales by 40% than desktops.

    Easy To Navigate and Search

    Today, millions of clothing websites are available on the internet, differentiating your store and keeping it ahead in the tough competition is one of the most troublesome tasks for the business owners. To enhance the crawling of your website on SERPs, make sure your site must be easy to navigate by the users. This will enhance the ranking of your site and help visitors to find, what they are looking for.

    Use Quality Images To Display Your Product

    In the clothing boutique, product presentation is the most crucial step to engage visitors on an eCommerce store. Use high-quality images that can reveal all the product details and encourage call-to-action. However, compressing the size of the image to avoid tossing your page load time. Great looking product images along with compelling description can go a long way in building your brand and create customer trust in your brand but heavy images can increase the page load time.

    Create Engaging Content

    Great content always wins over the target audience and leads to high conversion for clothing eCommerce store. Quality content is not just putting a bundle of words. Instead, it must answer to all the questions of visitors. Identify, research and pinpoint the demographics of your target audience while writing content.

    Optimize Your eCommerce Website for Search Engines

    SEO is the critical pillar of your eCommerce marketing plan. Needless to say, organic search traffic coming in through search engines delivers the highest ROI as an eCommerce marketing platform. You can look for the reputed web development companies that can optimize the website content, metadata, alt-tags based on keywords. Apart, the specialized agencies publish your content on various platforms including website, social media network, blogs to build backlinks that drive more traffic.

    Use Email Marketing to Promote Your eCommerce Store

    Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to communicate with customers and creating brand awareness. If integrated rightly, you can send common promotional messages that capture subscriber’s attention like free shipping, 50% off and more.

    Enable Easy Checkout

    Keep in mind checkout can make or break eCommerce, so be careful while designing your eCommerce store checkout flow. Checkout can involve various steps and make it complicated like adding mailing address, shipping or delivery address, payment options, account details, deductions, newsletter delivery and so on.

    Ideally, you should have the simplest checkout procedure to ensure a happy customer experience. Offering guest checkout by eliminating account creation with the minimum details.

    Easy Order Tracking

    Customers are always eager to know when their parcel will arrive. Once the customer pays for the product on an e-store, send proactive notification about the status of their order.

    Final Words

     With the hundreds of eCommerce strategies available to make the online ventures a success story, sometimes business owners can easily get confused. However, the selection of appropriate strategies and implementations depend on the nature of your business and target audience.

     Hopefully, this blog will help you learn all the necessary steps while starting an online clothing store.

    The Ultimate Guide to Start Your Clothing eCommerce Store


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    What is Local SEO and Why It Is Important for Small Businesses?

    What is Local SEO and Why It Is Important for Small Businesses?

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    Google's AMP for Email: Everything You Need to Know About It

    Aug 12 2019
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    How to Create a Successful Influencer Outreach Strategy?

    How to Create a Successful Influencer Outreach Strategy?

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    How to Create a Successful Influencer Outreach Strategy?

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    While it comes to marketing your product and services, there are various strategies available that anyone can tap on. However, most of the marketers revealed that they do content marketing to create brand awareness and boost leads for their business. But long-term sustainability continues to be a great challenge with content marketing. Promote your brand in a way to make it stand out from the noisy crowd and offer value to your readers. Influencer outreach is a simple strategy beneficial for developing a relationship, link building, content promotion, and increase your brand awareness.

    According to recent studies, marketers have rated influencer outreach “as the fastest-growing, an impactful online customer acquisition channel that defeats organic search, paid search and email marketing”. It is a powerful strategy that helps you develop credibility and promoting awareness of your brand.

    An influencer can be anyone who has an influencing face value and can deliver your message and promote your brand to a large number of people with a great impact. While the audience trusts the opinions of the influencers, they may easily get influenced to get collaborated with you. Usually, the prime goal of using this strategy of influencer outreach is to connect with an individual who has the power to influence your targeted audience.

    Looking to tap into the power of influencer outreach marketing for your business? Not sure how to develop a successful influencer outreach strategy?

    Let’s walk through the steps you should take to build an effective influencer outreach strategy from scratch.

    Know Your Goals

    To develop a successful strategy for influencer outreach marketing, you should have a deep understanding of your target audience and what your brands stand for. What you are trying to drive from the marketing campaign and who is the best person to deliver influencing messages to the targeted audience. The little carelessness here can put your entire campaign for the sake.

    Take your time thoroughly to get to know your audience and choose the best face for your brand promotion. The careful selection of influencers can help you seek out the attention of a group of people.

    Do your goals are short-term or long-term? Are you trying to build an email list, enhance your social followers or brand identity? How can an influencer in your niche help you accomplish your goals? A clearly defined goal easier for you to make a move towards your marketing goals.

    Also readInfluencer Marketing: Enhance Your Brand Value Through Recognized Personalities

    Choose Right Influencer

    Once you are clear with your marketing goals, start stalking the influencers on the various platforms. Most influencers are active across multiple social sites, so reap the best advantage of social media platforms. Make sure, whatever you do, must be nice, positive, respectful as you are trying to build a relationship with an influencer- celebrity.

    Once your name will be familiar to them, find the right time to tailor a personal message and contact your influencer. You need to make them feel special before letting them know that you choose them for a reason. Use your research, to know what makes them tick, so show them you know a little about them. You should also know the best way to contact them, regardless of what medium you are using to get in touch with them. Try different approaches and keep an eye on the data to develop the best strategy.

    Schedule Follow-up Emails

    Influencers are busy and it likely that your first email will get lost or ignored. To ensure get the most out of your outreach efforts, plan a series of friendly follow-up messages before you approach the influencer. Set reminders to follow-up manually or use CRM to do so automatically.

    How often you should send a follow-up email? Usually, in every 3-7 days, you should drop a reminder mail by using the radar.

    Negotiate a Good Deal

    It’s important to make working with an enticing proposition, but it doesn’t mean that influencer holds all the bargaining chips. You must have a budget to keep to and you have certain expectations to meet. To best negotiate the deal, you must discuss with the influencer to make them know about your goals. Ensure that goals are feasible within your budget to avoid disappointments. Also, keep in mind that major agreements involve flat-fee arrangements to avoid conflicts later.

    Final Thoughts

    Brands are flooding in the market with the best of the best content. To differentiate yourself, it is the right time to go beyond than using just a creative and unique content. Add influencer outreach to your content marketing efforts to build a relationship with targeted audiance. You can effectively use this strategy to benefit your business. Create great content and then partner with influencers to boost your sales and create brand awareness.

    How to Create a Successful Influencer Outreach Strategy?


    Britney is a professional Business Development Manager (BDM) at 6ixwebsoft Technology. She has excellent communication skills and business relation development techniques. Her convincing strength is supreme and explains every point clearly. With 4+ years of experience, she is moving forward in this profession with her inbuilt talent of communication.

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    What Is Social Listening and How It Can Boost Your SEO?

    What Is Social Listening and How It Can Boost Your SEO?

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    What is Local SEO and Why It Is Important for Small Businesses?

    What is Local SEO and Why It Is Important for Small Businesses?

    Aug 09 2019
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    Google's AMP for Email: Everything You Need to Know About It

    Google's AMP for Email: Everything You Need to Know About It

    Aug 12 2019
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    Google’s AMP for Email: Everything You Need to Know About It


    Long back, in 2015 Google took the initiative to enhance the speed and functionality of the mobile pages by eliminating unnecessary codes and scripts from the mobile frameworks. Though AMP or Accelerated mobile pages started a way to make it possible for publishers to develop the pages that load extremely faster. The invent of AMP for email has revolutionized the mobile world and making web pages load 4X faster than ever before and this was the biggest advantage for the business.

    With its popularity and efficiency, more and more publishers are turning to this trend and making a great difference in the speed of their web pages. However, now AMP for email is more than just loading the web pages faster. It can build carousels in mobile results, accept user input through AMP-based forms, build custom interactions and direct ads to AMP building pages.

    What Is Google AMP For Gmail Do?

    Last week, Google has come around the corner with something new and beneficial for the G Suite. Google AMP for Gmail encourages to make the Gmail dynamic and interactive by providing a subset of AMP HTML components. The unique subset of AMP allows recipients of AMP emails to interact dynamically with the content directly in the message.

    While earlier, when email messages were built in HTML, where content is static, with a link included to make it into an interactive landing page, will be gonna changed forever with the introduction of AMP HTML for email. With the execution of this technology, the user experience will significantly be improved for Gmail users. Now the Gmail messages will not only load faster but also allow users to interact with content without leaving Gmail and without visiting a website.

    Also read: Study of Progressive Web App (PWA) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and their differences

    Do AMP Emails Require a Separate Delivery Solution?

    While AMP relies on a new MIME part, the AMP emails can be sent as part of normal HTML emails. In case the recipient’s email service does not support AMP for email, the message will be delivered as a standard HTML email.

    AMP for email works as a part of the current email infrastructure that supports the traditional version to enhance the loading speed and improve the functionality. Marketers using delivery solution that supports the traditional standard, will not have to support other delivery solution. You can send an email message using the same platform based on a recipient’s ability to receive AMP emails. All you need is to use  “AMP” ed coding to upgrade the email features.

    How to Begin With AMP Email?

    Getting started with AMP emails is easier. You just need to tap on the registration guideline to immediately begin with the latest AMP for Email. Here’s all you need to know to begin with AMP email:

    Step 1:  Use the Google email validation tool to ensure you have SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) setup.

    Step 2: To verify your account, send a test email. This will ensure that you are using the right AMP coding.

    Step 3: To avoid spam complaints, make sure that you have thoroughly gone through with the bulk sender’s guidelines. This is very helpful to keep your domain white listed.

    For continued email validation, consistently send emails from your domain, no matter what size of organization you are. The process of validation is quite time-consuming. You may need to wait for a week or more than that.

    Step 4: Once you met with the registration requirement, you need to then send an AMP-complain email with the correct MIME.  You need to address an email to the Gmail support from the domain you have set up. Try to send directly, instead of forwarding an email.

    Step 5: Lastly, submit the registration form and wait for Google’s words.

    Potential Benefits of AMP for Email

    Like Content Updates

    AMP for email allows for content that is refreshed to when the email is opened. Unlike HTLM’s static email content, AMP ensures quick image loading and dynamic content.

    AMP’s Interactive Content Update

    AMP offers a few built-in modules including carousel and light-boxes. Marketers can add interactive content to email by implementing a few lines of markup. With AMP coding, you can create some pretty amazing interactive email content just by using HTML and CSS.

    Submitting an Accessing Data from a Website without Leaving the Email

    The outstanding feature of AMP for Email is its flexibility of accessing the content.  Now you can take action within an email without leaving the email itself.


    Google’s AMP for Email: Everything You Need to Know About It


    Drake is the Sr. Web Developer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has been developing diverse and attention-catching websites for more than 4 years. He focuses on all the details in a precise manner and works accordingly. His knowledge of web development is unmatched and uncompetitive.

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    Goodbye to Noindex in Robots.txt: Everything You Need to Know About Google Updates

    Goodbye to Noindex in Robots.txt: Everything You Need to Know About Google Updates

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    What Is Social Listening and How It Can Boost Your SEO?

    What Is Social Listening and How It Can Boost Your SEO?

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    What is Local SEO and Why It Is Important for Small Businesses?

    What is Local SEO and Why It Is Important for Small Businesses?

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    What is Local SEO and Why It Is Important for Small Businesses?

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    There is no doubt in this fact that search engine optimization has quickly revolved the online business. However, what is Local Search Engine Optimization and how it will gonna affect your business? While the search engines regularly update their search algorithms to provide the most relevant results to their user’s query, therefore, local SEO has also made a huge impact on the digital world.

    No matter whether you are a beginner, small setup or a well-established online store, local SEO is important for all size businesses to get maximum exposure. Many times businesses overlook the importance of SEO locally for their business and they think that it is nothing more than just wasting time and effort. However, in reality, ensures you a perfect strategy to market your local business online. It helps businesses promote their products and services to local customers at the perfect time they are looking for them online. You can list your brand in the top ranking by using the specific local SEO services.

    Before you get into the details, let’s understand the basic phenomena of what is Local SEO?

    Local SEO is a type of methodology that involves the optimization of your site to make it more visible in search results for local search queries. While you search any term in the Search Engine, you will see the local listing of the businesses below the Google ads that are known as the local pack. Several benefits come along with the SEO of local business and increase the visibility of your business to the user. The prime goal of local SEO is to optimize your site and make it visible in the local pack. Majorly these optimization strategies can include:

    • Local link building
    • Building local citations
    • Performing local keyword research
    • Adding local business Schema Markup

    How Does Local SEO can affect Your Small Business?

    Similar to SEO, Local SEO is all about identifying who your targeted audience is, what they’re searching for, where they’re searching and how you can get your business in front of them. If you already have a healthy SEO strategy, you are on the right track when it comes to local SEO. Let’s understand how Map SEO can help your business and enhance the visibility of your site.

    Also read: How to Optimize Google My Business and Leverage for Sales?

    Improve Your Website Ranking

    Optimizing your website for local searches can easily help you secure the top position in the search engine results page. This will not affect your website’s ranking but also your business listing as well. This means that whenever customers enter a search relevant to your business, say” best web development agencies in Delhi”, it is your information they will come across first. As a result, this can boost the website traffic and ensure more traffic and convert leads into potential customers.

    100% Free

    Local SEO is 100% free! All you need is time, patience and set a practical goal to uplift your business ranking. Learn on how to build local map SEO strategies for your business and you are all set to implement it. For best results, you are advised to keep an eye on the latest local SEO strategies and make your business visible to the local users.

    Fewer Requirements for Advertising

    Another important reason to look for SEO of Google map is that you don’t need to further spend on Google AdWords to generate new leads. This is the most feasible way to attract local customers naturally in the search. The top results in an advertisement from Google AdWords contain the list of top “organic search results”. Usually, the top 3 results get tons of traffic and keep in mind that 90% of all clicks happen on the first page of google only.

    Reach Every Customer

    You would probably agree that the new yellow pages are completely similar to the Local business SEO. While customers are on the go, they use their smart devices either mobile or tablets to locate the best local businesses, that give them what they want and when they want it.

    What is Local SEO and Why It Is Important for Small Businesses?

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    How Do Realtors can Boost Their Sales With Digital Marketing Strategies?

    How Do Realtors can Boost Their Sales With Digital Marketing Strategies?

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    Goodbye to Noindex in Robots.txt: Everything You Need to Know About Google Updates

    Goodbye to Noindex in Robots.txt: Everything You Need to Know About Google Updates

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    What Is Social Listening and How It Can Boost Your SEO?

    What Is Social Listening and How It Can Boost Your SEO?

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    What Is Social Listening and How It Can Boost Your SEO?

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    Gone are those golden days when SEO was quite a straightforward process involve keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, blog posting, etc. While Google keeps upgrading its algorithms to enhance the quality of your website, it becomes difficult to drive SEO results with the old proven ways. One of the major tactics that can affect your SEO these days is Social listening that majorly targets social media marketing and boosts your SEO.

    Before getting into the deep and implementing the new tactics to further enhance your SEO, it is important to understand what exactly is Social Listening and how it can affect the SEO and content marketing strategy…

    For those who don’t understand the technical terms, simply put, social listening is all about monitoring and listening to the social tools crawls the internet and social media to understand what customers are saying about the industry and your brand online.

    The digital marketing teams are using this method to increase the engagement rate, the number of followers, likes, shares, comments, and impressions that ultimately strongly affect the SEO. Apart, it can also be used for improving customer services, increasing brand awareness, building a strong brand image online and understanding the customers in a better way. However, the connection between social media listening and SEO isn’t that straightforward.

    How Does Social Listening Boost Your SEO?

    Let’s understand how it can enhance SEO and attract a large number of audience to your site.

    Increase Visibility and Build More Links

    Undoubtedly, Social media listening can greatly benefit SEO by helping you acquire a large number of inbound links. Though you all know that quality backlinks are important to enhance the website ranking on Google and increase the domain authority, therefore, SEO experts use Social Media platforms for building quality links.

    Secondly, as far as visibility is concerned, if your target audience will like your content, they will surely gonna share it, which ultimately enhances your visibility. The better visibility means, your content is likely to be found and read by a large number of people. Social sharing can increase the number of inbound links of your site and also improve the credibility of your content.

    Also read7 Reasons Why Does Social Media Marketing is Important for Any Business?

    Online Brand Reputation Management

    ORM can deeply affect your brand image when it comes to promoting it on Social Media platforms. With social listening, you can easily determine what your reader and visitors are seeing and writing so that you can easily check the reviews of your business. While customer reviews can affect the ranking of your website, you can easily take care of the negative response by using a sentimental tool that is inbuilt into the SEO technology. This smart trick will help you pinpoint the bad reviews posted towards your brand and able to manage your brand reputation online.

    Guest Blogging Opportunities

    In SEO, guest blogging is the strongest strategy to build quality links. It will not only instantly boost the ranking but also a solid, well-proven way to build up your site’s reputation. This is why marketers always look for the guest post opportunities to create a positive image of their brand. However, there are a couple of blogs that are easy to find but challenging to get featured on. This is what usually happens in smaller communities. But guest-blogging opportunities can be found with social media listening. A keyword-driven content, that describes your industry can be easily identified by the followers while talking about your topic.

    Learn From Competitors

    Social listening can be used to monitor your competitors and learn where they get links, where they guest posts and which influencers they work. You can use this valuable information in your marketing techniques and keep your strategies ahead. Creating a different alert for every competitor will make the task far easier for you and let you see your progress compared to that of your competitors in a clear and detailed way.

    Increase Website Traffic

    The most obvious goal of using Social listening is to enhance the traffic to your website. While the most challenging part about having the online presence is to drive more and more traffic to your site, SEO experts can take the advantage of Social listening to generate organic reach through a social media post. There are thousands of people online looking for any kind of product, consider the platforms like Twitter for voice opinions or getting advice. By using these platforms you can spread word-of-mouth and connecting people to enhance the traffic of your website.

    Today, SEO has been moved away from the link building and adds up various new strategies that can uplift the SEO and can drive more traffic to your website. If the truth to be told, the only thing that can affect the ranking of your site is the good quality content that gives people the answer to their questions. So. it depends on you what strategies you use to circulate your content effectively to capture a large number of visitors to your site.

    Hopefully, this blog will help you understand how does Social listening can affect SEO and improve the ranking of your website on the search engines.

    What Is Social Listening and How It Can Boost Your SEO?

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    Goodbye to Noindex in Robots.txt: Everything You Need to Know About Google Updates

    Goodbye to Noindex in Robots.txt: Everything You Need to Know About Google Updates

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    Goodbye to Noindex in Robots.txt: Everything You Need to Know About Google Updates

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    Now you can have more control over search engines than ever with the latest updates of Google. The latest updates have revealed that Google will discontinue supporting Robots.txt Noindex pages from the 1st of September 2019. As Google belive that noindex robots.txt directive is not an official directive, therefore, to maintain healthy ecosystems and preparing for potential future open source releases, all the codes that handle unsupported and unpublished rules will be removed from the 1st September.

    The recent update of Google is the big announcement for the SEO experts that do all the hard work to rank their pages in search engine. If you are still mentioning crawl-delay, nofollow, and noindex in your robots.txt files, then you have enough time to make the necessary changes as Google will stop honoring it after September 1, 2019. Google may send out notifications via Google Search Console if you are still using these unsupported commands in your robots.txt files.

    Their conclusion at the time was:

    “Ultimately, the NoIndex directive in Robots.txt is pretty effective. It worked in 11 out of 12 cases we tested. It might work for your site, and because of how it’s implemented it gives you a path to prevent crawling of a page AND also have it removed from the index.

    That’s pretty useful in concept. However, our tests didn’t show 100 percent success, so it does not always work.”

    Read more: A note on unsupported rules in robots.txt

    Understanding Nofollow, Noindex, and Disallow

    Before you dig deep, it is important to understand the actual meaning of using noindex, disallow or nofollow in robots.txt files. They are worth word knowing as understanding these words means you can better know which part of your site search engines will crawl.

    Nofollow: It will explain not to follow the links on your page.

    Disallow: Explains the search engine that not to crawl your page.

    Noindex: Indicates what pages you don’t want to include in the search results.

    What Alternatives You Can Use For Noindex in Robots.txt Files?

    If your website still relies on the robots.txt noindex directive then you need to look for the various alternatives to manage your web pages. But what should you use instead?

    Noindex in Robots Meta Tags: The noindex tags are used both in HTTP response headers and in HTM, therefore, noindex directive is the most effective way to remove URLs from the index when crawling is allowed. This is one of the most simple and effective alternatives that you can use to have better control over your pages.

    Use 404 & 410 HTTP Status Codes: Implementing both status codes means that the page does not exist, that means that will automatically drop URLs from Google’s index once they’re crawled and processed in search engine.

    Password Protection: Hiding a page behind a login will ultimately remove it from Google’s index as it required markup to indicate subscription or paywalled content.

    Disallow in Robots.txt: Search engines only crawl and indexed the pages that they know well, so if you are disallowing the content from being crawled means it won’t be indexed in Search Engines.

    Search Console Remove URL Tool: This is one of the quickest and easiest methods to remove a URL temporarily from Google’s search results.

    Also readGoogle De-Indexed Your Website? 6 Reasons and Recovery Solutions For You

    For further latest Google updates, you can stay tuned to Sixwebsoft technologies and implement the new rules to enhance the performance of your web pages.

    Goodbye to Noindex in Robots.txt: Everything You Need to Know About Google Updates

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    How Do Realtors can Boost Their Sales With Digital Marketing Strategies?

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    How Do Realtors can Boost Their Sales With Digital Marketing Strategies?

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    Over the years, realtors have experienced major shifts in the real estate market. In the constantly fluctuating market, it has become complicated for the realtors to keep themselves ahead and attract more leads for their business. That’s where the right choice of digital marketing strategies comes hand in hand and provides great benefit to your business.

    With the increasing popularity of digitization, clients are beginning to buy properties differently. While there is a broad choice of properties available to search and compare, potential clients often begin with online market research and a clear vision of what they exactly want for their future property needs. For best-in-class relators, digital marketing strategies are the ideal choice to reach their targeted audience. With the help of the right strategies, you can easily boost the sales of your business. From generating new leads to achieving sales targets, the real estate industry can easily relish the advantages of digital marketing services.

    Here are some ways digital marketing strategies can aid your real estate business and enhance your sales:

    Develop Website with User-Friendly Interface

    While various latest Content Management systems available for your ready reference, developing a site is a no more difficult task. But, the real challenge here is to evaluate the functionality of your website. Whether your website is fast to load, smooth to function, easy to navigate or having informative content? Sometimes, with so many links, pictures, and content, the client can easily get overwhelmed and quickly jump to the next site. To encounter all these issues, better to hire a professional web designing company. They will make sure your site load quickly and well optimized for mobile as well.

    Social Media Promotion

    Today the one-forth population of the world falls on social media to seek positive reviews, interact with followers or to promote their brands. Therefore, it is highly beneficial to create your presence of leading social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. The best way to relish the advantages of these platforms is to create a profile and be active on your account with regular updates, posts, and product reviews.

    Paid Ads/PPC

    Paid ads are known as pay-per-click ads that drive instant leads to your business. It is the optimal choice of advertising for real estate professionals seeking potential clients who genuinely interested in your offerings.  PPC campaigns are specially crafted by keeping in mind your budget, specific audience and location. Therefore, there will be a great possibility to reach your targeted audience in a quick time frame.

    Also read: 7 Reasons Why Does Social Media Marketing is Important for Any Business?

    Focus on SEO

    Search Engine Optimization is the critical method to drive leads to your website. It is one of the commonly used strategies that has been used to improve the ranking of your site and make it visible in SERPs. While Google keeps updating its algorithms, therefore, it is critical to spend some time on SEO to drive better results. Secondly, the choice of keywords is the basic aspect of the SEO that can make a significant difference in your site’s ranking. While selecting the keywords, make sure you choose competitive words to enhance the ranking of each web page.  Other elements for a strong SEO strategy:

    • Quality Backlinks
    • Meta titles and descriptions
    • Social media pages
    • online directories

    Blog Posting

    Responsive websites that have a blog section, helping realtors achieve better SEO results. While posting keyword-driven blogs to your site, they amazingly lift level-up your SEO and build a positive reputation online and provides actionable information to the clients. A realtor’s digital marketing strategy is nothing without valuable content, whether you are sharing it on the website or social media.

    To attract a large number of users to your site, make sure that you regularly write and post appealing content. This will bring your buyers and sellers back to check the latest updates of your real estate business.

    Develop Email Marketing Campaign

    Email marketing is one of the most useful digital marketing tools that always help generate qualified leads. You can stay in touch with your past clients with email marketing. A well-structured campaign will keep your potential clients updated with your services and attract new buyers to take necessary action. Secondly, if you want to drive better leads and client queries, then get it developed by the professional digital marketing agency.

    Usually, the professional web designing companies have a highly professional and qualified team, therefore, they can offer you a well-rounded campaign to fuel your business.

    There is a wide range of digital marketing strategies and mediums exist that agents can avail to reach qualified leads. Leveraging multiple online resources, real estate professionals can easily reach the market and boost their sales.

    In Conclusion…

    Hopefully, this blog will make you understand how does digital marketing strategies can aid your business. Moreover, If you are not sure that what to use and how to implement, then look for leading digital marketing companies in India that can add an edge to your real estate business.

    How Do Realtors can Boost Their Sales With Digital Marketing Strategies?

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    Aug 02 2019
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    Fashion Digital Marketing: Best Strategies to Promote Your Brand

    Fashion Digital Marketing: Best Strategies to Promote Your Brand

    Aug 05 2019
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    Fashion Digital Marketing: Best Strategies to Promote Your Brand

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    Undoubtedly fashion industry counts on one of the most leading business sectors all across the world where thousands of fashion brands are in the race to make them stand apart from others. Setting up a fashion brand is not as challenging for the entrepreneurs as creating an awareness of your business. That is the real challenge for businesses. However, you can keep your worries aside while a good digital marketing agency is here to take a stand for your business and ensure your best digital marketing strategies for a fashion brand.

    In a crowded fashion market, now you can easily distinguish your brand from the pack by using effective digital marketing strategies. The right choice of fashion digital marketing strategies will not only help you market your brand and enhance sales but also increase the awareness and make your site more visible over search engines. Well, structured digital marketing campaigns can get your product in front of your targeted audience so they become aware of your brand, purchase your product, provide you feedback, and ultimately turn your business into a reputed brand.

    With the plethora of digital marketing strategies available to apply to your fashion store, maximizing the profitability of your store is no more a far fetched task. Any fashion brand- whether new or old can deploy a winning digital marketing strategy if they have a good understanding of what to and how to implement these methodologies. If you want to market your fashion brand with digital marketing strategies, then you have landed at the right spot.

    Here are some ways you can build a profitable fashion brand with digital marketing:

    Enhance Visual Content

    The fashion industry is associated with the garments that make you look different, unique and appealing at the same time. And while you are selling your products via an online store, your product images should be very influencing and attractive. Interactive content can improve the customer’s digital experience and can be a great asset for eCommerce retailers.

    Also read: SEO Vs PPC: What Provides Long Term Value To Your Business?

    Use Social Media Platforms

    There are no other platforms than Facebook and Instagram that enables you to present your brand most creatively and appealingly. You can not only showcase your products and services to the millions of people with a single post, but also get connected with your targeted audience and seek out reviews for the same.

    Holiday Promotion Campaigns To Increase Sales

    No surprise, paid campaigns can instantly generate the leads and boost the sales of your business, but what if you don’t know what time you need to choose, what location and audience you need to target. Ultimately, your entire campaign will be at great risk! To reap the best benefit of the promotion campaigns it is best to choose the popular holiday to increase sales and capture attention when buyers are more aware.

    Interactive Emailers

    A mailer is the strongest tool of digital marketing as it not only allows you to send an email to the crowd but also helps you stay connected with the previous as well as new clients. According to the survey, interactive email content can increase the click-to-open rate by 75% but by adding videos to your emailer you can boost the click rates up to 200%. Interactive emails can be personalized by setting target audience and integrate feedback forms, add polls, etc.

    M-Commerce To Increase Sale

    With the advent of technology, mobile shopping has become a one-stop solution for all. By making your website mobile responsive, you can easily encounter the largest section of the market. M-commerce will boost mobile fashion sales and encourage you to take your business to the new heights.

    Analytics and Remarketing

    With effective analytics and remarketing, you can display related ads to the visitors that have recently or previously visited your website or viewed certain products. You can take this strategy ahead by using messages personalized to your audience to generate more leads and enhance sales by bringing them back on your site to complete what they have shortlisted or viewed at your site.

    Content Marketing Is Important

    Digital Marketing is not effective until or unless it has good content support. Fashion stores and brands creatively update their online pages and use blog posts regarding their fashion styles and businesses to engage their customers at their site longer. Be it online press-releases, online articles, blog posts or social media posts, a creative, unique, informative and appealing content always drive traffic to your site and boost sales.

    In today’s, digital era, digital marketing can be an easy way to create brand awareness and sales. While it is not necessary to utilize all tactics outlined here, you will probably find that each one individually affects your business sales, brand awareness, and your industry. The more integrated into your business, the better the result you will get.

    Fashion Digital Marketing: Best Strategies to Promote Your Brand

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    How to Enhance Your Website’s Security and protect it from Hackers?

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    7 Best Things to Do With Google Search Console to Grow Website Traffic

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    What To Keep In Mind While Selecting the Best SEO Packages For Your Business?

    What To Keep In Mind While Selecting the Best SEO Packages For Your Business?

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    What To Keep In Mind While Selecting the Best SEO Packages For Your Business?


    Today, with the rapid increasing boom of digital marketing, catching every eyeball on your website is the only dream of website owners. In this highly technology-driven world, no one can afford to remain untouched with the effects of digital marketing. But the problem arises here is that not everyone is professionally trained to promote the business on digital platforms or understand the Google algorithms. However, there is a wide number of SEO companies available that provide you a simple solution to promote your business and improve the ranking of your website in the search engine results. All you need is to just develop a website for your business and grab the best SEO packages to further enhance the performance or your website.

    Search Engine Optimization, SEO is one of the most commonly practiced methodologies in digital marketing that help businesses to get the maximum attention and focus of the customers. The effective use of this technique helps website owners to rank high on the search listings provided by various search engines including Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. The technique of search engine optimization proves highly beneficial for organizations in several ways. However, the only challenge here is to choose the best SEO packages for your business.

    The biggest obstacle in choosing the right SEO provider is to analyze and decide the factors to evaluate the competencies of the various providers. The choice of an SEO package must be affordable for the business owners and affect the online presence of the business. If you don’t understand such technical terms and not aware of what to consider while purchasing SEO packages for your business, then let us make it simple for you.

    Here are the factors that you need to consider while choosing the SEO package for your business:

    SEO Package Must Include Business Keywords List

    While the game of SEO is based on the choice of the business keyword list, so make sure to ask your service provider to provide you the list of competitive keywords on which you can get ranking and drive more traffic. Many SEO companies share the list of keywords that are easy to rank, but in return, they won’t give any benefit to your site even though they are coming at the top position. This will happen because their monthly searches are below average.

    Understand Your Business Goal and Objective

    There is no use to designing marketing campaigns and using various strategies to improve your site ranking, until or unless the company won’t understand your business goal. For effective online marketing, the service provider must understand your services and products in a precious manner so that they can easily target the right audience. If they don’t understand what your website needs, there is no use of business promotions.

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    Provide Good Backlinks

    While purchasing the SEO packages, make sure that it should not be like a set of a fixed number of monthly backlinks. The SEO services only work if the company has good knowledge for the type of business services you are providing and what backlinks they should pick to support your site in order to achieve the sustainable top rank of each page.

    Content Marketing

    While it comes to digital marketing, content is the bone and meat of your campaign. If there is anything that can attract, retain and engage the visitor on your site that is only a Unique-Interesting Content. This is why you need to make a significant investment in the content on your website.

    Your SEO package must include content posting on WebPages, white papers, blog posts, videos, images and more. The content should be keyword driven and it must have the relevancy to the search. This way only you will get the surety that this will work to improve your site’s ranking on SERPs.

    Keyword Tracking and Reporting

    This is an important aspect of the SEO package. You can ask the company to provide you with a tracking and reporting system to keep you update on the developments happening on your site and the results being obtained through SEO practice. Not getting a monthly website report from the digital marketing agency is like installing a new air conditioner but never install the thermostat. You will have no control over SEO activities. To keep track of everything and to make sure that service providing is driving you closer to your goals; you should have to request monthly reports to know the right position of your keywords.

    Effective Communication

    Before signing a contract or getting billed for the SEO services make sure that the company will assign you a person that is in charge of communication. A respectable SEO company will contact you promptly and provides you complete details of the projects. It can involve, face-to-face meeting, detailed calls, email that help you understand the concept more easily.

    Also readThe Most Essential Facts of Voice Search SEO Optimization in 2019

    You work hard to grow your business, so before draining your efforts regarding time, money and resources, it is worth to find the digital marketing company that best fits your business needs. The reputed marketing agencies strive hard to deliver cutting-edge services to their customers and help you generate qualified leads for your business. So to take your business to the new heights, it is important to outsource your SEO needs to the third party marketing company.

    Hopefully, this blog will make you understand the important aspects that you need to check while selecting the SEO package for your business promotion.


    What To Keep In Mind While Selecting the Best SEO Packages For Your Business?

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    Developing a Website? Know the Different Between PHP and Javascript

    Developing a Website? Know the Different Between PHP and Javascript

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    How to Enhance Your Website’s Security and protect it from Hackers?

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    7 Best Things to Do With Google Search Console to Grow Website Traffic

    7 Best Things to Do With Google Search Console to Grow Website Traffic

    Aug 01 2019
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    7 Best Things to Do With Google Search Console to Grow Website Traffic

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    Whether you are a bootstrapper or an entrepreneur, every website owner’s dream is to drive more traffic to their website and enhance the visibility over Google search results. Many people think that it takes huge hustling and gridding to improve the ranking of their website. But this blog will tell you that what you can do with Google Search Console to boost your website ranking and performance.

    Sure, website traffic is the lifeblood of any business, after all, your business will survive until it has traffic. But if you can’t figure out the way to get those eyeballs onto your page, then keep in mind you have the access right now to bring a great change in your website traffic. The free Google webmaster tools are invaluable resources that you can take advantage of. You may be aware of and regularly use Google Analytics, but if you haven’t yet access the options then you should add Google Search Console to your list of to-go Google resources to drive more traffic on your website. Apart from making up-gradation in the settings, this free tool will help you improve your overall site performance by detecting and analyzing any issue that restricts your site from being indexed by Google or appearing in the organic search result.

    Let’s understand what you can do with Google Search Console to Boost Traffic:

    Learn and Integrate Common Keywords People Use To Locate Your Site

    Generally, people use a specific term to find your website through an organic search. So the first step to making your site visible in the organic search result is to make sure you know the common keywords that users type in search engines. That’s where Google Search Console shows you the most common keywords bringing people to your website. By clicking on the particular keywords in the list you can go a little deeper to learn which pages show up for in the SERPs, from which country people are coming to your site and what devices they are using to visit your website. In addition, you can even notice how different keywords price in terms of clicks, impressions and click-through rates.

    Also read:  8 Ways to Reduce You Page Load Time and Boost Your Conversion Rate

    Identify Your Best-Performing Pages

    Every website has some pages that perform better in the search engine than others. Google Search Console will help you determine which of your pages are performing well on search engines. Anyone can easily access these pages in the same section you found the keywords and filtering and viewing you can easily notice the position of your web pages. This feature of Google Search Console will help you identify all the pages people have seen and clicked in order of popularity. You can track the position of good performing pages and their position through Google Search Console.

    Find The Most Suitable Device To Access Your Website

    Now every business may have a responsive website and already taken steps to make it look good on mobile devices but still, it is good to know the ratio what portion of your visitors are accessing your site through mobile. The Google Search Console has you covered there. It will tell you what devices users have been using each time they choose to visit your site.

    Locate The Location Of Your Users

    If you want to design a campaign targeting any particular location then it is important to know from which particular part of the world users is visiting your website. The Google Search Console will provide you the data on where your visitors are located so that you can easily set the right geographic area to help you reach the right people for your business.

    Check Your Backlinks

    Backlinks are the most important factor for your website ranking, so it is important to know which sites are linking to you. Every time another authoritative website links to you, it will increase your website’s authority in the eyes of Google’s algorithm. By using Google Search Console, you can easily check the backlinks of the website and then click on the link list you see to visit the specific pages that include the link.

    Improve Your Broken Links

    If there is anything that can badly affect the ranking of your site, then it would be only broken links. Not only it provides bad experience to your users, but also lead people away from the functioning pages you want them to be on. It can have a negative impact on your ranking. However, you can easily find the details on any errors Google found by using the Google Search Console. Anyone can easily find the URLs that returned a 404 error. To improve the ranking of your website, it is important to fix the broken links and cut out the frustrating errors your visitors may be dealing with it now at your site.

    Check Your Title Tags

    Title tags are what people look at first. If its week or doesn’t sound convincing then it will have low CTR. To enhance your website’s ranking, make sure that your title tags are SEO friendly and stand out from the rest and create a unique title tag for your post. Make it well-formatted and be specif and keep it short. With the help of Google Search Console, you can easily check the position of your title tags and how they are affecting your SERP.

    Hopefully, this blog will help you understand how you can use webmaster tools to further enhance the performance and ranking of your website. If you are still in a doubt that how it will work, then it is best to hire a reputed web development agency in India that can take care of your website’s needs. Right from web development, to SEO ranking to social marketing, they will handle all the related aspects of your site to help you meet your business goals.

    7 Best Things to Do With Google Search Console to Grow Website Traffic

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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    Why Does Image Optimization is Gaining More Popularity in Digital Marketing?

    Why Does Image Optimization is Gaining More Popularity in Digital Marketing?

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    Developing a Website? Know the Different Between PHP and Javascript

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    How to Enhance Your Website’s Security and protect it from Hackers?

    How to Enhance Your Website’s Security and protect it from Hackers?

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    How to Enhance Your Website’s Security and protect it from Hackers?

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    Have you been managing an eCommerce store? Nothing would be more terrifying than the thought of seeing everything wiped off or altered by the website hackers!

    World Wide Web is a platform where billions of websites exist from businesses, organizations, and individuals of different niches, fields, and sectors. However, sometimes people forget the fact that millions of hackers are also breaching at the same platform to steal your data and increasing the risk of destroying or manipulating important databases in a matter of minutes. If your website is not secured, the hackers can inject your content with malicious links and hack the hosting server to cause great harm to your site. However, it’s not doom and gloom out there on the website, the highly-skilled programmers can use such security techniques in the web development phase to enhance the security of your website.

    All thanks to web development companies that provide integrated security services to protect your website. While all the small things can be taken care of by the experts, why to drain your time and efforts on handling security issues. By hiring a team of professionals, you can get your website scanned for vulnerabilities regularly. Performing full website security audits and monitoring malicious activities can be far easier when the right choice of web Development Company is handling your project. They not only restrict hacking and automated scripts written to manipulate the internet but also give you the confidence that your site is safe online.

    Here’s how they protect your online store from the hackers:

    Installing Security Plugins

    Security website plugins can actively protect your website from the hacking attempts. For instance, if you are using WordPress for web development, you can look into the free security plugins including Bulletproof Security, iThemes Security and so on. By installing these plugins to your website, you can easily protect each platform from hacking attempts that could threaten your website. Simultaneously, you can have a look at SiteLock that goes above and beyond simply protecting your site from the security loopholes by considering the daily scanning of your web pages from malware detection.

    Tighten Your Admin Access

    The admin-level of your website is the simplest way to get into everything you never want to disclose to anyone. The professional web developers are always up to common user names and passwords that can be easily detectable by the hackers, therefore, they enforce a strong user name and password that can’t be easily guessed. On the other hand, change the default database prefix to something harder to guess. Also limit the number of login attempts within a certain time despite using the changed password, as email accounts can be hacked as well.

    Add Layers to Your Website Security

    Use a secure sockets layer to ensure that no third party program can hijack or read your information while transactions are performed between your website and client’s devices. SSL creates an encrypted connection to make sure that online transactions are securily functioned and create a protected environment for your purchase.

    Also readWhy You Should Migrate Your Website From Magento to WordPress?

    Switch To Https

    HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), is a secure communication protocol that is used to transfer sensitive information between a website and a web server. Switching your website to HTTPS protocol means adding a layer of TLS or SSL to your HTTP website and making your site secured from hacking attempts.

    Apply Web Application Firewall

    A web application firewall usually sets between your website server and the data connection that reads every bit of data passing through it. Today, most of WAF is cloud-based that monitor all in comming and outgoing traffic. It will not only block and prevent hacking attempts but also filter out all that unwanted traffic like spammers and malicious bots.

    Limit Your File Uploads

    File uploads are one of the easiest ways to invite hackers to your site. No matter how thoroughly the system scans them, bugs can still flock around and allow hackers unlimited access to your site’s data. The best way to minimize the risk is to store the files outside the root directory and use a script to access them when necessary. Your professional web developer can help you get this done without any hassle.

    With each passing day, website hacking is becoming more common to businesses and individuals. You work hard to build your business and stain a growth, so never take a risk of leaving any loophole to allow hackers to get enter your website. A successful attack on your website will not only steal your database but also increases the chance of blacklisting of your site by Google. Instead, putting your business at a higher risk, it is worth to hire the best web development company in Delhi that can ensure you best ways to increase the security of your site.

    How to Enhance Your Website’s Security and protect it from Hackers?


    Drake is the Sr. Web Developer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has been developing diverse and attention-catching websites for more than 4 years. He focuses on all the details in a precise manner and works accordingly. His knowledge of web development is unmatched and uncompetitive.

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    Developing a Website? Know the Different Between PHP and Javascript

    Developing a Website? Know the Different Between PHP and Javascript

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    Developing a Website? Know the Different Between PHP and Javascript


    Gone are those days when you need to drain your time on learning difficult coding, languages and building a website on complicated scripts. With great advancement in technology, you can now easily get your hands on such programming languages that can ensure you hassle-free scripting and frameworks. However, the most common question among developers is would they go for PHP frameworks or Javascript. For an experienced developer, the paths are always clear, because he will choose the options that perfectly fits his/her needs.

    Whether you want to shift your website from PHP to Javascript or a beginner, you would probably want to know the difference between the two to make the right decision. This blog will help you understand everything from functioning, features to the comparison.

    When it comes to developing a website, both Javascript and PHP are the most common choices. Both are general-purpose scripting languages ideal for web development but Javascripting is a client-side scripting language whereas PHP is known for the server-side scripts. If you have a good understanding of using these languages, then these two languages can be used independently as well as collaboratively to make the wonders. There are such popular platforms built with Javascript and PHP including Facebook, Flickr, Yahoo, and Wikipedia and so on. However, don’t get confused here, let’s get into the details for a better understanding of these two languages.

    What is PHP?

    A PHP(Hypertext Preprocessor) is a general-purpose scripting language that quickly became a server-side language. While PHP can be integrated with Oracle, Sybase, Postgresql, SQL, and MySQL and protocols like IMAP, POP3, and LDAP, it becomes a topmost choice among the web developers. The great back-end content management system makes it possible for you to develop anything from a simple blog page to a professional landing page. You can easily create an online presence with its quickest and cheapest CMS.

    What is Javascript?

    On the other hand, javascript is the most employed scripting language that typically runs in the browser and makes web pages dynamic and interactive. As being considered as one of the big core components of the web, today Javascript is also quickly growing as a server-side technology and providing the best features for the web-development.

    Javascript Vs PHP: Similarities and Common Features

    While both are different languages from one another but there are some top-level similarities that you must know before you start comparing the features and functioning of both platforms.

    Programing Scripts

    Both PHP and Javascript are interpreted languages that run on different codes and servers. Generally, both the scripts are much easier to use and favor the programmer’s productivity. Both languages are ideal for beginners and professionals who want to create their online presence.


    Together they can add maximum features and functionality to your website. For most of the websites, they are like painting brush and paint color. If Javascript is the ultimate choice for front-end development then PHP scripts are best on the back-end. There are great codebase choices, frameworks, and community that supports these two languages together and ensure you a perfect package deal.

    Also read8 Ways to Reduce You Page Load Time and Boost Your Conversion Rate

    Javascript Vs PHP: Major Differences

    For many developers, Javascript is the perfect choice for the front-end of the web development and PHP is mostly popular for the back-end. With that in mind, this blog has rounded up a few points to help you quickly make the right decision.

    Boost Simplicity: While comparing the simplicity of both the servers, PHP is considered to be easier to learn and understand as compared to other scripting languages. As it uses C syntax, which means that if you know C or C++, then you can quickly access PHP codes for web development.  Whereas accessing Javascript is not difficult, but it requires more lines of code and a basic understanding of how closure functions work.

    Runtime Environments

    PHP is a popular server-side language whereas JS is associated mostly with client-side scripting. Though both are directly embedded into the HTLM, they need an interpreter to work successfully. While PHP interpreter can be installed and power by the Zend engine whereas the JS interpreter is built into the web browsers to run on the server.

    Open Source or Not

    Because PHP is an open-source, therefore customization and rebuilding of the website are easily possible. It gives developers an extra edge in working and customizing the options. While developers working with JS need recognized qualification and as it’s a paid language with a certification system.

    Easy To Maintain and Upgrade

    While Javascript is the paid language, upgradations and maintenance can quickly add up a cost. On the other hand, the PHP code can be freely modified and changed. PHP projects can be quickly and cost-effectively adjusted to the latest apps that hit the market. Due to its open-source contribution, it is easier to emerge the growing needs of businesses pop up regularly at zero cost.

    Hopefully, the detailed comparison of both the scripts will make you understand how they function and add flexibility to your web development. Both, PHP and Javascript have their own set of features and limitations, therefore, the choice of script solely depends on your web development requirement.

    If you are not so sure, that where to start, what to choose and how it will work for your business, then look for the best web development services in India. The professional web development companies can integrate the best options to enhance your web pages.

    Developing a Website? Know the Different Between PHP and Javascript


    Drake is the Sr. Web Developer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has been developing diverse and attention-catching websites for more than 4 years. He focuses on all the details in a precise manner and works accordingly. His knowledge of web development is unmatched and uncompetitive.

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    Why Does Image Optimization is Gaining More Popularity in Digital Marketing?

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    Why Does Image Optimization is Gaining More Popularity in Digital Marketing?


    Today, we live in an increasingly visual world, where you can’t overlook the importance of pictures and it won’t be wrong to say that “ a picture is worth a thousand words”. With rapidly changing digital marketing techniques, image SEO optimization has become one of the most impactful and powerful ways to attract, engage and boost the traffic of your website. Moreover, a well-chosen image can spread your message and get you a good image search results over search engines.

    Your website is not a thing that you are done with it once. You need to update and change it with the latest technology to improve your business performance and user experience. According to the survey, most people rely on the fact that the ideal time of web page loading is 3 seconds or less than that. Users shift to another site if it takes longer than 3 seconds. That’s where image optimization comes into a role and provides you a perfect solution to improve your web page speed.

    While your 60% website is consists of images and if you don’t bother to optimize your website images, then page load time will be increased and leaves a bad impression on the user. Let’s understand what is image optimization and why it is important for your website?

    What is Image SEO Optimization?

    It is a process to compress the image size without compromising the quality of the image. With image optimization, you can create and deliver the images with the right dimension, format, and size. The well-optimized images, not only speed up your page load time, but also minimize the load on the server. With the increasing popularity of visual content, image SEO has become an important element of digital marketing.

    Why It is Important for Your Website?

    As images are the most important part of your website, it is vital to verify whether they are a good fit for your site or adding more load to the server. The larger the file size, the longer it will take to load your web page. By optimizing images, you can easily improve your website’s ranking in Google image search results. It helps you drive more traffic through search engines, especially if you are managing product and service-based images.

    Apart, here are some more reasons why image optimization matters to your website…

    Improve Google Image Search Result

    With image SEO, you can easily make your website images more compatible to rank higher in Google Search Results. Did you know more than 60% of users visit your website by browsing and checking the image source? By using “Alt” tags and “Tittle” tags in your image link, you can make it more user-friendly and in turn, will bring in more traffic, especially if you’re selling any product.

    Improves User Experience

    Image optimization can also give you an opportunity to enhance your user’s experience. The optimized images are faster to load and more useful for website visitors. As they have proper TITLE, ALT text, format, and description, your images can easily visible on the search page. The proper formatting and tagging of your images will not only allow users to understand what your image is all about but also offers a better user experience that ultimately affects your on-page SEO activity.

    Boost SEO Ranking

    Businesses work hard and put all their efforts to stay ahead in the highly competitive digital marketplace. And it won’t be possible until or unless your website is not performing well. Image optimization is a powerful technique to drive the desired results. While Google loves the websites that take less time to load and smooth in functioning, though Google ranks those websites higher in the search results.

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    Reduces Page Load Time

    Using high-quality images is important for your website, but are they easier to load? If the images are not optimized, they will increase the loading time of web pages and make your entire site slower. The higher loading time will increase the user’s bounce rate and leaves a bad impact on the users. While the site speed is one of the most important factors considered by Google to rank a site, therefore, it is important to hire a reputed SEO company to get your images optimized thoroughly. The ideal image size is 100KB but make sure the resolution of the image will be high.

    Minimize Load on Server

    Image optimization can save server memory and reduces extra server load. The heavy images take a longer time to load and put an extra load on the server. For instance, if one image size is approx. 1000KB and another is of 250KB, the second image will load quickly and leaves a good impression on the user.

    If you are not sure how to optimize your image and make it SEO-friendly, then hire a reputed SEO company that can handle all the aspects of your website. As they have access to all the latest tools, techniques, and applications, they can quickly update your website without any delay and improve your ranking in search engines.

    Why Does Image Optimization is Gaining More Popularity in Digital Marketing?

    Admin Author

    Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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Customer Testimonials
2000+ Successfully Delivered Projects.     500+ Happy Customers Worldwide.
  • Dale is a highly responsive business partner and tireless in meeting your needs. She not only provides an exceptional professional approach to your web design and implementation but treats you from day one as if you are a loyal customer.
    - Tom Kiernan, Sr. Consultant at ASLAN Training & Development. USA
  • I have used sixwebsoft team on countless occasions. They have always delivered an amazing stunning result via a total understanding of my requirements and a level of service that is second to none. For me, they are first whenever it comes to design concepts. I would always recommend sixwebsoft to anyone that is looking for High Quality Best Website Design Company in India.
    - Tony Galic, Owner at GT GRUPA j.d.o.o. Belgium
  • Dale and her team have done an amazing job by creating fully functional, multilingual website from scratch (multisensor.co.uk), within a very short time. While in the industry it’s easy to find “web designers and developers”, it’s much more complicated to find a PARTNER that understands your business needs. Sixwebsoft has always gone the extra mile to help us and been extremely patient with our demands. We will surely rely on them for further work and I'm happy to give personal recommendation over the phone.
    - Gabriel, Multisensor Ltd. Italy and UK
  • Abhay has been great to work with! He is easy to contact, is always very timely & professional! I have used him for several various jobs dealing with website development and SEO. I recommend his company if you are looking for someone to design a good website for you as well manage it on the back end and do a good job he's your guy!
    - Kobi Bender, Owner at Affordable Videos Online, Florida
  • Sixwebsoft designed an amazing world-class website for my dream business, and I could not believe my eyes on seeing the final version after it was uploaded on the server. Dale always welcomed my suggestions and incorporated them on the site. They designed and developed custom website with custom graphics for me from the scratch. I’m working out new things now and very soon consult them again for my enhancing my online presence. Always recommended, Awesome team!
    - Guy Maron, California, USA
  • My website was performing exceptionally low and my business was terribly down. Rather it was almost nowhere in the search results. But I was lucky to hear from Dale Austin. Her business promotion plan was awesome. The SEO strategies, she carried out, were overwhelmingly smart and Google oriented. Surprisingly, I had my main keywords ranked on the first position within 3 months and my business is all over Google now.. I started getting customer leads in my inbox. My all time IT Partner..Remain Blessed!
    - J. Hancock, Pittsburg, USA
  • I worked with Abhay on 4 projects together and I would highly recommend his services. Now, my client has hired him on for regular tasks and we built a great working relationship and he is extremely competent in what he does. Team of Reliable Programmers he has.
    - Scott Brody, President, Arizona
  • It’s always great working with Abhay Jain and 6ixwebsoft. These guys are highly reliable and consistent. Abhay truly understands the business, values his clients and focuses on the targets to achieve the best overall outcome without compromising in Quality. Whether it be designing, coding or strong branding to boost sales, 6ixWebSoft has helped me in every technical phase. It’s a company with Great creativity. Thanks Abhay, looking forward to working with you again at the earliest possible chance!
    - Rod Cleaver, Canada
  • I was searching for a reliable web agency to complete my new business website. My earlier experience with a web agency in India was extremely bitter. But Sixwebsoft and Dale reversed all that bitter experience with their great and overwhelmingly friendly service. Their web developers worked on minute details. Now they’re working on my SEO since 3 months and I’m amazed with results. Great Guys!
    - Gil Grisales, Florida
  • Glad to meet this team of core Professionals, Real Expert of PHP and Web Design. The entire team always came up with good Quality Output, Excellent team work, committed to complete project in planned time well before deadline and that too within a stipulated budget. They have been very supportive and working since last 6 years.
    - Rias Masoodi, Indianapolis, USA
  • Awesome digital marketing company. They got my clients' websites in Google 1st page rankings in so less time. All praises, always recommended for Organic SEO.
    - Pratyush Agarwal Solution Architect, Germany
  • I am truly happy with my experience with Mr. Abhay Jain owner of 6ixwebsoft !! His team put my project together to the exact specs provided and the project was completed ahead of schedule. Communication was excellent and they sent me regular updates. Great Team, Great work!
    - M.S. Dhamija, SSW Originator

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