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10 Best Practices To Make Your eCommerce Website Running Smoothly


Selling your business product and service online is seriously a tangible task for business owners. The only single way to survive in competitive eCommerce space is to have a strong online presence. With the perfect functional website, you can not only compete with local and regional brands but also conquer the international market.

So, let’s learn what important things you need to focus while designing an eCommerce website.

Everyday a consumer’s experience with the marketplace becomes more mobile, social and visual, which helps to improve the process for the customer. However, at the same time, the latest developments in eCommerce also increase the complexity of the process for business owners trying to keep their website up-to-date as per the latest Google rules. While there are many features that businesses can incorporate in an eCommerce website, but it is important to focus your efforts, in the beginning, to ensure you can scale your business online that can integrate more features in the future.

This guide is useful to everyone who wants to learn how to build a web design that can convert. No matter whether you are a brick and mortar retailer planning to expand the business or a company that operates only through the internet, you need to keep in mind all these tips to make it run efficiently.

Pick Best Website Framework for your E-Store

Start your eCommerce website building by choosing the right framework. While some of the most popular CMS are Shopify, WordPress, PrestaShop, Drupal, Joomla and so on, that help you develop an effective site but choosing the best one can be a challenging task here. All these Content Management Systems have different pros and cons to offer. The ultimate choice of the framework solely depends on your business goals and the type of features you want.

If you are new to eCommerce, you probably find Shopify to be the easiest solution. On the other hand, WordPress has a streamlined interface, hundreds of attractive website themes, other useful plugins, and an excellent support community.

Choose the Hosting Plan

Selecting the right choice of hosting plan for your website is an important step…So take your time to take this step and make sure you understand how does it work.

When it comes to choosing the hosting plan, it is worth to get started with free hosting plans with minor annual maintenance fees. However, when your business starts growing or expanding, you need a dedicated service to avoid the bounce rate.

There are a number of hosting panels available that you can select to go live such as HostGator, Godaddy and so on. With so many choices to choose from, it is advised to go with the hosting provider that has been specialized hosting in eCommerce sites to ensure the smooth functioning of your website.

Also read: Everything you need to know about eCommerce website design and development

Choose the Domain Name

Don’t rush to go live! While there are millions of websites exist on the internet, a domain name is the only thing that makes your website visible to others. While choosing the domain name, here are certain points that you need to keep in mind.

●Keep your domain name simple that is easy to remember and spell. Complex site names are difficult to locate and may increase the chance to lose leads.
●Choose a unique and memorable domain name for your site. This will help visitors to revisit your site again and again without guessing your domain name.
●For eCommerce, it’s better to choose the domain name that describes your niche and tell customers, what your site is all about.
●You can prepare a list of competitive eCommerce sites for reference and pick the best name for your domain.

Test Everything Before A Launch

Before, during and after the launch of your eCommerce store, you should invest some time in testing and analytics. Think like the customers and figure out what’s missing and how it can be resolved quickly. Include detailed testing to avoid putting your site at great risk.

Create Impressive Web Design

The first thing that attracts the attention of visitors is your website design. No matter, what size of business you are, what services and products you are offering- if you have a boring website design, the visibility of your online business will be doomed.

The visual appearance of your eCommerce can greatly affect your business as this is the first thing that buyers observe about your brand. To create an engaging web design, you can hire a professional web design agency that can better understand your business goals and able to cater to the services accordingly.

Offer 24*7 Customer Support

Your customers always want to know whether they will have good support after they make a purchase from you. Your guaranteed 24/7 online support after the purchase and consulting before a purchase can easily turn your potential buyers into loyal returning customers. The latest yet helpful type of support that most eCommerce sites are providing these days is a “Live-Chat” feature that works 24*7 alongside email queries and telephonic support.

Integrate Secure Payment Option

Use easy, simple and reliable payment gateways. Online stores can’t exist without payments, therefore, provide a wide variety of payment options so a customer can easily make a purchase without having any second thought in his mind. Also, you can allow customers to create an account without bombarding lots of questions on your customers. Make your customers feel secure and safe and only ask for necessary questions to ensure a seamless purchase.

Promote Your Brand On Social Media

When it comes to promoting your eCommerce business, reap the best benefit of social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on. Promoting your business on social media platforms has not only become the latest trend in the market but also considered as a powerful way to connect with lots of potential customers in a creative, fun way. Further, you can use tools like Google Analytics to track your progress and marketing efforts on various platforms.

Develop a Responsive Site

While everything is just a tap away on your Android, Smartphones or iOS, it becomes important to have a mobile compress site. With the increasing traffic on mobile sites, it’s time to conquer the large section of users by simply developing a mobile-friendly site.

Optimize Your Website

The key to generating heavy traffic on your site is to get your website optimized by professionals. Using SEO keywords into your meta description, product titles and your site, you can easily increase the chance to rank on top searches. And the increased visibility will quickly turn into more conversions and sales.

Building a successful eCommerce site is not rocket science. It all requires the right developing and marketing tools and strategies that build a platform to help you reach your targeted market. If you incorporate all the essential points, you can easily build a successful online store and get a higher conversion for your business.

If you find these points too complicated to follow, you can look for the best web site designing company that can easily help you accomplish your business goals and provide a user-friendly website for your business.

10 Best Practices To Make Your eCommerce Website Running Smoothly


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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