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3 Essential SEO KPIs to Focus Your Strategies On

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You already have a gorgeous website, and you have already invested plenty of money in marketing your content. Besides, you have already spent a lot of time over the development of buyer persona on the purpose of catching the target audience. Everything that you could think or do, is already done. The time is now ripe to pass your efforts to prospective clients, apprise him or her about the campaign developments.

How you are going to bring value and commitment to the client’s work?  The answer lies with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Here are a few critical KPIs that you need to look around effectively:

#1- Organic Sessions – 

Check the visits registered on your websites from search engines like Google, Yandex, and Bing. Basically, a session is described as the visit of a human to a particular website and the action taken thereof in the visit, and later on the exit of the user from the website.  Just in case the user is idle and not involving himself or herself in any activity, the session will automatically get over after 30 minutes. A single individual can be responsible for multiple sessions. Organic traffic is measured with Google Analytics, or you can assimilate the data with a reporting tool such as Agency Analytics for cross-referencing several types of data points. If the organic traffic increases, it is the key point to judge for this is going to align the ultimate objective of SEO. A growth in organic sessions obviously means that there was a substantial increase in branded searches. A blend of traditional and digital marketing methodologies enhances brand awareness.

You can help yourself by executing more organic sessions by making a convincing, pertinent page title and drafting a meta description with a clear, inviting call-to-action. Growing organic sessions designates that you are inhabiting more value and this is what you always aimed at achieving in a full-scale SEO campaign.

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#2 – Keyword Ranking Increases

Keyword rankings point to the specific position of the business keywords in search engines like Bing, or Google. Closer the number, the better it is going to be from the prospects of your business. More is the website rank for the designated keywords, the better it is going to be for your means.

Keyword rankings can be tracked using tools like the SEM Rush or the SE Ranking. There are a few keywords for which your business will rank high, and these include the keywords that have your brand name and the targeted long-tail keywords. It is very important to note that Keyword ranking improvements will be the first entry point for achieving the primary objectives such as the more traffic, leads, and sales. Therefore, it is necessary to always keep a watch on your business keyword rankings.

#3 –Leads/Conversions

The first two ranking factors relate to attracting visitors to your site from search engines – but what action do you need users to take once they’ve landed on your site? Generating leads and then converting them into the sale is a kind of task that does not work by chance. The lead could be a Newsletter Signup or a Phone Call or maybe it could be a Contact Form submission. The best way to generate leads is to set up the goals as well as events in Google Analytics. It is only then that you will come to know whether more conversions are on the Mobile or Desktops. Where the greater number of leads are registered on the web page? Setting up the goal funnel is also important out here.

Keep an eye on these key performance indicators when you want the best outcome from SEO activities.

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3 Essential SEO KPIs to Focus Your Strategies On

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Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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Top 10 Google Analytics Metrics to Track for the Amelioration of Website

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A website can do wonders to your business within a matter of time! The excellent content and well-groomed products are all that attracts your targeted audience. By the use of high-end technology and belief in your abilities, you can transform your consistent customers into your loyal customers with a long-term relationship through offering great services and products. It solely relies on the ways you adapt to manage or optimize your brand and website with the correct evaluation of various metrics. With the advancement in technical aspects, there are many alternatives available to make your website in excellent form with high conversions and retention rates. But, before stepping on any conclusion; there is a need to trace out which particular metrics is reliable for your business to mark an improvement in your brand.

Have a look at the bulletins mentioned below to conceptualize which metric is more valuable and retain great importance for your specific brand. The perfect use of Google Analytic Tool can render you with an endless growth of your business if accessed properly.

  • New Users V/S Returning Users

For the accomplishment of a great experience for the new users, it is crucial to isolate the conversion rates from returning visitors or you say “the loyal customers” for your business. Have a deep analysis on the prospect that what is the first thing that a new user has landed on. There is a big difference between the new user and returning user because a returning user is generally aware of the website and knows where exactly he should hit. But things are different in the case of new users. They really don’t have any idea as to where visit first according to their intended purpose. Due to the evaluation of the new user experience, an owner can make alternations in accordance to provide them with a better experience next time.

  • Audience

Audience defines the users or customers who land on the website to accomplish their intended purpose. With the help of this Google Analytical Metric, a website owner can determine about the whereabouts of the audience in the way like from which country, state, city, or area they have managed to visit the website. This helps the website owners to make alternations in their products and services by interpreting the place from where the maximum number of audience is driving towards them. It helps the business to grow in a better way and focus on the places where he can attain maximum audience rather than wasting time on the others.

  • Bounce Rate

To ensure a successful business website, it becomes important to decrease the bounce rate of visitors. By bounce rate, it means when a new visitor comes on the website and immediately left it without making any further clicks anywhere on the site. This also shows how less time a visitor has spent on the website with no interactions at all. There can be many reasons behind the increase in bounce rate such as unattractive website design, less user-friendly, irrelevant content, increased loading time, and many more. A real owner is the one who analyzes the situation and makes improvements in the weaker sections of the website to ensure a minimized bounce rate. The higher bounce rates have been observed on the blogs. This happens because a visitor reads his intended part and then left the website.

  • Traffic Source/Medium

Through this Google Analytical Metric, one can get an idea of from which search engine the traffic is generating the most. Generally, a website can be visited through various sources and the primary sources include search visitors, direct visitors, and referral visitors.

  • Search visitors are those who visit the website by typing their intended search query.
  • By the term direct visitors, it is understood that these visitors have reached directly on the website by putting the website URL in the search bar.
  • Referral visitors are those who visit the website through a reference link mentioned somewhere on the web pages or some other websites or blogs.

All of these three sources are essential for business development and attain different levels of conversion. From this, you can easily analyze from which search engine source or medium you are gaining the most traffic.

Also read: How To Increase Traffic To Your Blog Posts Quickly And Easily?

  • Behavior Flow

Through the use of this Google Analytical Metric, we can interpret about the most visited page or link on our website. This shows where the visitor has visited first and then gives a search on it according to his purpose. It gives a complete idea about the behavior of the client and provides with a flowchart showing on what particular page he has visited the more number of times and accessed the website accordingly with the next page click.

  • Landing pages

By this metric, the website owner gets a clear-cut picture of the pages visited the most by entering the keyword related to their intended research. All the people have different purposes and need to research on the website. However, they visit a particular website as per the needs and requirements of the information. It shows which page has been opened for the most times and which page has been opened for the minimum times. Accordingly, the owner can make the changes according to the domain of interest of the visitors to improve their website experience.

  • Exit page

It is not necessary that you only get the bounce rates from the home page only, the exit page also matters a lot. To ensure an increment in the conversions, take a deep analysis on the pages where the visitor has left the website. It will help you in making the changes according to the interest of the users and make it convenient for them when they visit you for the next time. Always make sure that you mobilized the activity limited to only two or three pages only. It should be done so because a visitor usually dislikes the websites that take a lot of time to fill details and buying the final product. This can be a major modification that can be initialized by the website owner to ensure huge profits and more customers.

  • Site Speed

The presence of a visitor usually depends on the loading speed of the website. It has been observed that a person likes to reach websites that get easily opened without taking much time or say not more than 5-6 seconds. Faster the loading speed, more the visitors. A website with a fast loading speed remains always the top preference of the clients. Always make sure that your website gets opened within a suitable time limit because it not only irritates the visitor but also bring negative remarks to your website.

  • Users Search terms

By the help of this metric, an owner becomes able to know which keywords have been used the most for intended research. According to the reports that come after the analysis provide a great help to the website owner in order to optimize and manage his Search Engine Optimization (SEO) targeting that specific keyword that has been searched the most on the search engines. The website owner can ask his SEO person to work on the same keyword in order to bring more traffic to the website and targeted audience.

  • Conversions

By this metric, a website owner could track about the purchases made and forms filled by the visitors. It provides a complete analysis of the website activity and makes a track record of the activity implement by the users from a 1 rupee purchase to thousands and lac rupees purchase.

These above-mentioned top 10 Google Analytics Metrics are the most powerful measures to follow to track the website accomplishment and flaws to be mended. It renders a great assistance to the website owner in order to develop his website in the manner it is liked by the visitors or targeted audience. If you are well-known of the metrics need to be improved, nothing could stop your business from reaching great heights with the support of your endless loyal customers. The optimization and management of the website become easy with the knowledge of these metrics and intended goals can be achieved in a matter of time with 100% success rate. All these metrics are interrelated and largely depends on each other. The moment you implement changes in the one metric, the other get resolved alongside effectively.

Top 10 Google Analytics Metrics to Track for the Amelioration of Website


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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