Tag Archives: Digital Marketing Trends

11 Digital Marketing Trends You Can No Longer Ignore in 2019


A huge turn is going to be witnessed in digital marketing including SEO, Social Media, PPC, Content Marketing, and more; as 2019 is just around the corner. There used to be a time when you were unable to deny artificial intelligence or visual search from the science fiction film, but now the worries have been taken aback leaving that era behind.

Latest digital marketing trends are budding up along with the strategies incorporated with high-end technology to ensure great success in the efforts. This is happening so because the strategies that worked last year would not happen to be effective this year.

Get introduced with the eleven digital marketing trends for 2019

  • Artificial Intelligence

It has been visualized that Artificial Intelligence is going to overcome the world’s simpler jobs by having its full control over the world. The amazing part about AI is that it can successfully analyze the consumer behavior and search criterions. The data is collected from multiple social media platforms and blog posts on how a businessman can bring more business to him and understand the ways to connect with the users and customers looking for their products and services.

Users are offered all relevant information and tips through Artificial Intelligence (AI) by communicating with them in conversational terms. It has been said by someone that by the year 2020, chatbot technology is going to be the most used technology by at least 25% of customer service.

Read Also: Increase Your Sales Using Advanced Audience Targeting With PPC

The businesses that are moving towards accepting AI in 2019 are going to save their lot of money and ensure great growth, leaving their rivalries of the same industry.

  • Programmatic Advertising

This refers to the use of AI to automate ad buying. It is performed to target more audiences effectively. There are various kinds of programmatic advertising, to name a few are real-time bidding or auctions. Automation is regarded to be known as the quick one as it results in higher conversions and lower customer acquisition costs. The mode of executing digital advertising is playing into a different phase now and around 90% of digital display ads in the U.S. are going to be programmatic by the year 2020.

  • Chatbots

In 2019, Chatbots was and will remain an indispensable part of the digital marketing world.

Quick messaging has become possible, be it day or night! One can easily get in touch with his or her customers or site visitors through instant messaging by AI-based Technology. Around 1.4 billion people communicating through chatbots, 80% of fast-paced businesses have started using chatbots or are planning to use them by the start of the year 2020. Some calculations have also been mentioned depicting that business will be able to save over $8 billion per annum by the year 2022 by using chatbots, specifically in the sectors of banking and healthcare.

Usually, customers like to go for choosing chatbots for communication purposes as quick answers are expected and one can easily take a look over the history purchases without a hassle. It also happens to be known as the great customer service support and a business person can put his or her concentration on other important activities.

  • Personalization

Customization becomes a must in marketing prospects, especially if you are about to enter in 2019 as a businessman. By customization or personalization, we mean the changes in content, products, services, emails, and more. It is believed by many that personalization has taken a one step up in advancing customer relationships.

  • Video Marketing

Video Marketing has its own importance and role play in digital marketing. If you are looking forward to enhancing your business in every prospect, then video marketing needs to be there. The below-mentioned statements will help you know why video marketing to be initiated in your digital marketing strategy in 2019:

  • Around 70% of consumers have stated that they share a brand’s video.
  • Around 72% of businesses have stated that conversion rates have seen a great improvement in their business.
  • Around 52% of consumers have exclaimed that a video helps them in making decisions for purchases online.
  • Around 65% of executives hit on the marketer’s website and 39% of them make a call to the vendor after watching a video.

YouTube is not just a sole option! To ensure great success and increased conversion rates, one can make use of a video post or share a live broadcasting on various social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

With the advancement in technology, live videos have seen a great demand and popularity. This medium has been used by various businesses for interviews, product demos, and more.

  • Influencer Marketing

By the term Influencer Marketing, it has been understood that it is a kind of marketing that is initiated through word-of-mouth with the use of key leaders in delivering the brand’s message to the larger market efficiently and effectively. It is not a direct way of marketing; instead, the influencers are paid and sent to represent the business on behalf of the owner.

Influencers are regarded as a great tool to maintain an effective marketing of the business by attracting more customers. The businesses can choose any influencer they would like to. The influence can be a celebrity, Instagram, YouTube, or some journalists who can forward the brand’s message through their social channels.

  • Social Messaging Apps

Do you still think that sending emoticons to your friends and family is the only work of social messaging apps?

Social Messaging Apps are not just meant to be used for personal purposes or chatting. They can be a trump card for a business and make it grow anytime, anywhere. They are mostly usable when your intended audience is hanging somewhere outside, but still, you can remain in touch with them through these applications. Direct messages are sent to the customers. This is a completely different concept from chatbots. Yes! You can now connect with your customers through messaging apps.

  • Visual Search

Visual search is known to be a next level kind of digital marketing trend of 2019. With the help of visual search, a user can upload an image to initiate a search and drive more results.

  • Micro-Moments

According to the recorded observations, it is declared that people spend an average of 3 hours and 35 minutes on just using their smartphones on a daily basis. By the year 2019, the medium will be mobile devices to receive the most minutes in the U.S.

A lot of changes have occurred in the ways of brands to capture buyer’s attention.

Google has defined Micro-Moments as a “new consumer behavior”. It is a medium to deliver marketing messages in the clearest and precise manner according to the interest of the consumers within a short span of time.

  • Voice Search & Smart Speakers

Well! Most are aware of Siri and Alexa in the present era.

Alexa, what’s the score in football match today?

Siri, please translate “How Are You” in Chinese,

These are known to be very often used statements and questions by the people. However, the craze for voice search and smart speakers are at peak. This craze has forced companies to make alternations in their digital marketing strategies in 2019.

  • By 2020, around 50% of searches will be made through voice searches.
  • Most of the Google searches on the mobile phones are through voice search.
  • The Bing searches of around 25% are voice searches.

If you are looking for a hassle-free search, then nothing could sound better than making it a voice search. You can easily get all the intended information on your screen through it. Earlier, the voice search and smart speakers were not able to read the voices properly, but now the updates have made their way of working smoother and chances of mistakes have been reduced.

In fact, there are many brands that have incorporated the feature of voice search in their digital marketing strategies to execute a comfort zone for the customers.

  • Social Media Stories

Nobody has been left of knowing about the vogue of social media stories on various platforms. Obviously, digital marketing companies would also not want to miss this chance to add this factor in their strategies they are going to execute in the year 2019. For marketing or promoting any upcoming services or products, social media stories can act like a pro to create awareness and engage customers in the same.

Earlier, the first channel that came into action with this feature was “Snapchat”. After some time, Instagram and Facebook too went with the trend and now YouTube is on the edge of doing the same.


There is no doubt left in saying that 2019 is going to be the biggest and trendiest year ever. This would not only announce the incorporation of these 11 digital marketing trends but also improves the customer experience in all the ways. If you are a businessman, then nothing could stop you from ensuring a great success through them.

11 Digital Marketing Trends You Can No Longer Ignore in 2019


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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