Tag Archives: AMP for Web

Google’s AMP for Email: Everything You Need to Know About It


Long back, in 2015 Google took the initiative to enhance the speed and functionality of the mobile pages by eliminating unnecessary codes and scripts from the mobile frameworks. Though AMP or Accelerated mobile pages started a way to make it possible for publishers to develop the pages that load extremely faster. The invent of AMP for email has revolutionized the mobile world and making web pages load 4X faster than ever before and this was the biggest advantage for the business.

With its popularity and efficiency, more and more publishers are turning to this trend and making a great difference in the speed of their web pages. However, now AMP for email is more than just loading the web pages faster. It can build carousels in mobile results, accept user input through AMP-based forms, build custom interactions and direct ads to AMP building pages.

What Is Google AMP For Gmail Do?

Last week, Google has come around the corner with something new and beneficial for the G Suite. Google AMP for Gmail encourages to make the Gmail dynamic and interactive by providing a subset of AMP HTML components. The unique subset of AMP allows recipients of AMP emails to interact dynamically with the content directly in the message.

While earlier, when email messages were built in HTML, where content is static, with a link included to make it into an interactive landing page, will be gonna changed forever with the introduction of AMP HTML for email. With the execution of this technology, the user experience will significantly be improved for Gmail users. Now the Gmail messages will not only load faster but also allow users to interact with content without leaving Gmail and without visiting a website.

Also read: Study of Progressive Web App (PWA) and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and their differences

Do AMP Emails Require a Separate Delivery Solution?

While AMP relies on a new MIME part, the AMP emails can be sent as part of normal HTML emails. In case the recipient’s email service does not support AMP for email, the message will be delivered as a standard HTML email.

AMP for email works as a part of the current email infrastructure that supports the traditional version to enhance the loading speed and improve the functionality. Marketers using delivery solution that supports the traditional standard, will not have to support other delivery solution. You can send an email message using the same platform based on a recipient’s ability to receive AMP emails. All you need is to use  “AMP” ed coding to upgrade the email features.

How to Begin With AMP Email?

Getting started with AMP emails is easier. You just need to tap on the registration guideline to immediately begin with the latest AMP for Email. Here’s all you need to know to begin with AMP email:

Step 1:  Use the Google email validation tool to ensure you have SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) setup.

Step 2: To verify your account, send a test email. This will ensure that you are using the right AMP coding.

Step 3: To avoid spam complaints, make sure that you have thoroughly gone through with the bulk sender’s guidelines. This is very helpful to keep your domain white listed.

For continued email validation, consistently send emails from your domain, no matter what size of organization you are. The process of validation is quite time-consuming. You may need to wait for a week or more than that.

Step 4: Once you met with the registration requirement, you need to then send an AMP-complain email with the correct MIME.  You need to address an email to the Gmail support from the domain you have set up. Try to send directly, instead of forwarding an email.

Step 5: Lastly, submit the registration form and wait for Google’s words.

Potential Benefits of AMP for Email

Like Content Updates

AMP for email allows for content that is refreshed to when the email is opened. Unlike HTLM’s static email content, AMP ensures quick image loading and dynamic content.

AMP’s Interactive Content Update

AMP offers a few built-in modules including carousel and light-boxes. Marketers can add interactive content to email by implementing a few lines of markup. With AMP coding, you can create some pretty amazing interactive email content just by using HTML and CSS.

Submitting an Accessing Data from a Website without Leaving the Email

The outstanding feature of AMP for Email is its flexibility of accessing the content.  Now you can take action within an email without leaving the email itself.


Google’s AMP for Email: Everything You Need to Know About It


Drake is the Sr. Web Developer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has been developing diverse and attention-catching websites for more than 4 years. He focuses on all the details in a precise manner and works accordingly. His knowledge of web development is unmatched and uncompetitive.

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