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Quickhal: The World’s Most Secured and Pandemic Resistant Online Meeting Platform

  • Category Archives: Blog Traffic

    Quickhal: The World’s Most Secured and Pandemic Resistant Online Meeting Platform

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    Pandemics like Covid 19 are here to make a change, not only in ourselves and the way we conduct in our routine lives, but also the manner we tend to organize ourselves professionally with the clients, prospective business partners and to everyone else, who is around and want to avail professional services. Ever since pandemic Covid 19 has struck humanity, we have seen things working out in an erratic manner. Processes that used to work normally, are not working anymore in the same way. There is a complete disconnect and that is where, Quickhal fits in appropriately. This amazing online conference and meeting software has taken meetings, conferences business collaborations to a whole new level. QuickHal has reduced traveling time, rather it has completely changed the idea of traveling physically to a meeting place for the business and instead regulate the sensitive and the most confidential business meetings and decisions in closed rooms and being virtually connected all the time and anytime and from any place.

    Power of QuickHal

    QuickHal is the most secured, robust and highly reliable cloud-based conference solution used around the world for video and audio communications, video conferencing, live chat, live classes, online tutoring, collaboration, and webinars across all smart devices in modern enterprises and professionals. When it is cloud-based conference system, you can easily judge the expanse of its presence! This immensely superb online conference system takes you close to your clients, stakeholders and customers with lightning speed and with the power that you can only think of in your dreams.

    Uniqueness of QuickHal

    QuickHal is similar to Zoom App, a Chinese App that continues to spy secretively on user’s means and methods of communication. QuickHal is a growing online meeting system that has been designed to meet the times of pandemic and give advantage to the corporate professionals who want to keep themselves connected and delegate professional tasks on routine basis from comforts of their living spaces.  And besides, QuickHal is free but secure and don’t steal your data. The powerful and robust online meeting system gives freedom to its users to discuss without any fear of recording or spying. It gives freedom to its users to discuss without any fear of recording or spying. This Online Meeting Platform is designed to promote and conduct meetings over virtual interface, irrespective of the fact whether it is the USA, the UK, India or the Europe.

    Now you have an extraordinarily smart system that brings to your desktops and laptops an overwhelming, consistent and enterprise experience. The system is not only about the meetings, but creating larger than life interactive conferences that are multi-directional, multivariant and exceptionally unique.

    What Can be Done with QuickHal?

    You may be surprised to know what can be done with QuickHal, especially when you have a competitive online meeting software like Zoom App around! QuickHal keeps your identity secured, and does not let it out to any third party. All information and communication data packets are saved at one place, with security checks. There is absolutely no reason for you to think that your personal identity or security is breached.  Whether it is online meetings, training and technical support, or online tutoring, or taking on regular virtual conferences, or maybe hosting online Webinar and Podcast sessions – QucikHal is just best at it.

    QuickHal is creatively designed to let small, medium and large businesses build up a collaboration enabled and technically interactive conference rooms, where everything happens for the reason. It is not a traditional phone system, rather a completely safe and secured communication system, which has reliability and robust features to cut down pandemic and let the businesses work seamlessly and effectively. It is a next generation enterprise communication system for hosting the marketing events, town hall meetings and one to one meeting even while you are mobile and traveling. All the more, this interactive communication system allows clarity in chats, cross platform messaging as well as file sharing – all of which occurs smartly inside the rooms. QuickHal is not only about the business, rather it is always one step ahead than its competitor – Zoom App. The smart and interactive communication system is leading the way towards setting up virtual offices and well-connected virtual teams that can easily Work Remotely at a self-paced time.

    Unlike the Zoom App, QuickHal has been designed to work for all types of communications and for reasons. Pandemic, or epidemic, or endemic, this smart online conference and meeting Software is there to ensure transparency in communication while also hel0ping stakeholders to maintain integrity of their business processes.

    Affordable and Uncoercive for Small Medium and Large Business Enterprises

    The cloud system is engineered to work on any platform and transfer video as well as voice messages quickly without compromising on the data security. What’s even more exciting to find is that the system is easy to use, and has great scalability too. The system is affordable, and can be purchased by paying one price. There are absolutely no frills, and no hidden costs. The moment you install this strong and interactive communication system on your laptops, desktops and Smartphones.

    QuickHal is a truly amazing turnkey conference room system that has all the capabilities to transform your meeting spaces into virtual conclaves, where the teams converse and decisions are made without being connected physically. No more you are working in conference rooms rather you have a full-fledged collaboration centers alongside out-of-the box systems. The online meeting solution also provides a dedicated automated provisioning, where your secured database gets synchronized and let the life turn simple and well managed even during the times of pandemic. QuickHal is a great choice to make and turn the business on your side. It is the jackpot you are going to always desire for your business.

    Time to Take up the Call!

    Don’t disturb your work life balance in the times of pandemic. QuickHal is the world for you, because ultimately it will connect you to them. You reach to that level of professionalism where processes work in your favor and you compete globally from the comforts of your home.

    Quickhal: The World’s Most Secured and Pandemic Resistant Online Meeting Platform


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    How Team Management Software Destresses Your Life

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    With regard to your business, you always had a faint dream that everything is set up, all they need is somewhat all the more tweaking and they’ll be great. At that point it occurs. Someone turns in their notification and leaves. Furthermore, it’s not simply the loss of one person. It’s the strain on the others as they attempt to make up the deficiency. Enrollment requires some serious energy. Get by that and it’s trailed by much more worry as the novice takes up more assets in the preparation stage.

    In any event, when it’s totally done, you realize the modifications will save them beneath top execution for a while. That is the period when other colleagues start griping about the additional remaining burden and begin to glance around at different occupations.

    Control is simple. You simply utilize old fashioned disciplinary procedure. Tweaking a group is a harder demonstration with a lot more plates to shuffle. Individuals are out and out erratic, or right? Ongoing exploration by Gallup poll uncovers a quite persuading case for dynamic commitment of workers, guaranteeing that connected with representatives are –

    • Increasingly productive
    • More client centred
    • More secure
    • Bound to withstand compulsions to leave

    Excellent, yet doesn’t everything end up with you expecting to give more advantages to minimal additional arrival? The essential part with the goal for representatives to feel drew in and associated is that the association viably engages the person. The engaging representatives in your team would have record of:

    • Data
    • Assets
    • Measures/objectives
    • Limits
    • Counter-measures
    • Prizes (not constantly fiscal)

    Working From Home, it becomes evident that business points and methodologies should be conveyed to the person in a compelling way. All workers need to know where they fit into the arrangement. When the individual is recognized inside the arrangement, it will be important to give assets. A successful technique is to archive all procedures. This will distinguish a worker job and the instruments accessible. Presently you are prepared to mention to the worker what is required and how to accomplish it, that is, to define desires and objectives. In the event that you’ve archived the procedures limits and cut-off points will as of now be characterized, as will counter measures.

    You presently have a group prepared to handle the current task, every part comprehending what to do, how to do it and who or what to go to in case of the unforeseen.


    Not so much. You know where your association is going and how it will arrive. Advise your representatives and get them to purchase in to the arrangement. Report the strategy and the means (forms). Permit your workers access to that and you have a knowledgebase, a structure for them to follow. This is your arrangement. The methodology can apply similarly well to profoundly qualified experts just as assistants and workers, however it must apply to the entire business structure. In a team situation, there is little so counterproductive as people or little gatherings who feel disappointed.

    Importance of Team Management Software

    If you are serious about maintaining a well-qualified team, you ought to have a Team Management Software available. This type of software is going to help you get through the nitty and gritty of maintaining the teams.  Here are a few cutting edge team management software that can work in your interest:


    Exceptionally well known among the robotized programming testing instruments, Zephyr accompanies Jira joining, which brings bug following highlights to its interface. Intended for Agile groups, it offers QA groups adaptability and experiences into the execution procedure. It’s accessible on the Server and Cloud and offers DevOps dashboard with cutting edge examination.

    QARA Enterprise

    QARA Enterprise is a far-reaching Jira Test Management device that has developed as one of the famous mechanized programming testing apparatuses today. It is a stage that offers cross program cross stage execution and being a zero-coding stage, offers a short expectation to absorb information. Equal and lattice execution is another highlight that QARA offers which permits concurrent execution.

    Test Collab

    One of the most mainstream JIRA test the executives apparatuses today, this one has a believed client base and offers a few highlights. Perhaps the best component is that it is anything but difficult to work with, and empowers clients to make and characterize parameters effortlessly. Coordinating with Jira, it offers clients the alternative to utilize the highlights of the bug following device inside its interface.


    A mainstream programming, it offers total perceivability into the QA procedure. It likewise permits clients the simplicity of creating reports for breaking down execution. It offers different outer mixes that add to the usefulness accessible to QA groups. Utilizing the instrument, clients can reuse experiments, alter fields, and associate between results. It offers simple customization, quick handling, and a various leveled channel tree. Another element is a propelled dashboard.


    Another broadly utilized Jira test the executives device, this one is intended to help Agile QA groups. It’s one of only a handful barely any computerized programming testing devices that is anything but difficult to learn and utilize, yet truly offers propelled highlights. Intended to disentangle the QA procedure, it permits age of discernibility reports, and encourages following of issues and deformities.

    Also Read: https://6ixwebsoft.com/blog/the-effectiveness-of-remote-team-management-system/

    The Conclusion

    So as to realize which style to use for the best outcomes with every person, you have to ensure you know your team. Make time to have a half-hour visit with every individual from the team, to discuss their long haul objectives and how you can assist them with accomplishing those objectives. Ask them out and out how they like to be drawn closer – do they like being left along to continue ahead with it, or would they incline toward consistent support and determining the status of?

    Hardening your way to deal with the individual is one of the keys to accomplishment in getting the best execution out of your team. These team management applications can assist an association with maintaining extraordinary groups by giving consistent communication paying little heed to geographic limits and time zones. They help in improving productivity conserve on the expenses of correspondence just as radically diminish time to achieve ventures.

    There are a few computerized teams a management tools accessible in the market, and every one offers an alternate arrangement of highlights.

    How CRM Software is the Boon in COVID-19 Economy

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    Cloud computing is here, and so is the dreadful virus named the NOVEL CORONA -COVID-19.  It has been for some time however current broad communications battles in the UK are driving the message home into each family unit with a TV. “The cloud” is a widely inclusive and adaptable articulation used to portray the regularly changing shape and type of the virtual world, the web.

    The technology of internet progresses at a surprising rate every day – internet browser suppliers are forever propelling new forms of their item; programming designers are adding freeware projects to the net constantly and the diversions business is continually improving their administrations as far as download limit and ease of use. A further improvement is that virtual extra room available to us has developed at such an amazing rate, that it is presently in a situation to furnish organizations with an exceptionally efficient method for putting away information. The importance of CRM Software Development cannot be undermined at this point.

    CRM history is to be sure of a short one with regards to the mechanical part of client support. In spite of the fact that promoting efforts and techniques return far, most business people used to depend on nonexclusive intends to draw in potential clients and addition steadfast ones. Before the beginning of CRM, most organizations were not bright when it came to having customized client connections.

    CRM developed in the 1980’s and this early form was called database promoting. Database advertising wasn’t as mind boggling as the all-around created CRM of today. It for the most part involves an associations’ client care staff communicating with an organization’s customers. Albeit supportive, it wasn’t actually a consistent procedure and data on the current database would in general be sloppy, difficult to track, refresh and recover.

    Increasing Role of CRM

    CRM history shows that the 90’s saw extraordinary improvement as far as Customer Relationship Management. Organizations started to see the advantages of offering advantages to clients and potential ones in return for pertinent client data or for rehash buys. Organizations additionally started to see client assistance as a constantly advancing expertise instead of a dormant help to be gotten and utilized at whatever point vital.

    Full-Fledged CRM Technology

    Today, CRM has arrived at its maximum capacity, permitting organizations to boost their own possibilities too, to accomplish unrivalled client care. Further developed instruments are made accessible and advancement permits customization of programming to fit a specific business or industry. Advantages delighted in by clients, for example, extra focuses and dependability rewards are likewise profitable to the organizations that grant these advantages: presently they can without much of a stretch track the conduct, spending history and examples of their clients.

    With CRM’s online capacities, stockpiling issues for immense databases would now be able to be settled, particularly for enormous enterprises. CRM Programming Designers are currently offering offsite stockpiling of information and opening secure Internet modes for organizing CRM.

    CRM is generally valuable for associations whose achievement rely unfathomably upon innovation or client care. That is the reason a great deal of CRM-based instruments and programming are used with charge card organizations, the media communications industry, and even the PC equipment and programming segments. From client obtaining to investigating and empowering client dependability, CRM will be a valuable framework to accomplish these objectives.

    CRM history has surely demonstrated that something genuinely helpful and compelling can make some amazing progress in such a brief timeframe. For whatever length of time that organizations keep on blossoming with successful administration of client connections and as long as there are clients to fulfill, at that point CRM will likewise proceed to create and develop to more noteworthy statures.

    Start-up Companies and CRM

    The small time and start up companies are working on the actualizing an online CRM (Customer Relationship Management) programming arrangement. Without putting resources into new innovation, the independent venture approaches these amazing businesses the executive devices. A CRM framework is an incredible path for an organization to streamline work process, concentrate contact data and pool organization assets. Nobody can ensure that your organization will begin getting more cash quickly, yet an all-around applied CRM arrangement will show fast advantages and set aside your organization cash, time and assets.

    Assets are pooled and not compartmentalized implying that all clients of CRM approach association data. With the help of CROM Software development, you have chances to win over your market competitors. This removes the requirement for one individual from an association to send documents, spread sheets or data put away on a specific machine to another client’s PC. Down to earth benefits are numerous and here are a few models:

    • An individual from the association has moment access to data instead of sitting tight for an answer to an email.
    • Client records can contain unmistakably something beyond a name and address – the capacity to hold a past filled with data implies your client information turns into an incredible advertising device.
    • Straightforwardness of this common information and cross-populace from showcasing and deals divisions mean you can develop rich client database.
    • Just as helping you oversee client data, an immediate consequence of this is a propelled client support apparatus.

    Also Read: Tips for Managing the Online Reputation of Small Businesses


    So far, we have quite recently discussed client the board, however a CRM arrangement offers you a similar degree of lead and opportunity the board. As should be obvious a CRM arrangement is a huge and integral asset with numerous highlights. New clients may at first be put off by the sheer measure of learning included, however getting to holds with explicit territories as opposed to attempting to ace the whole framework from the outset enables the newcomer to learn slowly and carefully, and the test out of nowhere appears to be simpler.

    It is the right time for your small business to take charge of CRM Software and take your business to whole new levels. Ask for the CRM Software development and give your business the advantage of cloud computing.

    How CRM Software is the Boon in COVID-19 Economy


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    How You Can Generate PPC Leads in Small Time Frame

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    Pay-per-click (PPC) promoting is an extraordinary route for independent companies to begin creating leads in a split second. One of the significant players in PPC publicizing is Google Adwords. For most organizations, Google AdWords is an extraordinary technique to create new leads however on the off chance that you aren’t cautious, it can turn into a cash pit with a low ROI. It is the part of b2b ppc strategy. One of the PPC campaigns could be the display of Ads for lead generation.  And this is indeed a reliable thing to go with in marketing.

    What is Generating a Lead

    You may often ask to yourself – what is generating a lead? Basically, it is the inception of purchaser interest or investigation into items or administrations of a business. Leads can be made for purposes, for example, list building, e-pamphlet list obtaining or for deals leads. Now the next question that comes up in this context – Which are the best tool for lead generation? OptinMonster, Discover.ly, Lusha, Intercom, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, etc. are a few of the best lead generation tools available.  PPC leads meaning is the practice of using the pay-per-click (PPC) advertising alongside Google Ads (once the Google AdWords) to find leads and grow your business.

    Google AdWords, similar to all PPC advertising isn’t an “arrangement and leave” sort of program. It requires week by week testing, checking and general continuous support to be fruitful. Here are some accepted procedures in building a fruitful Google AdWords battle.

    What is a lead generation funnel?

    You may also be considerate of the fact – What is a lead generation funnel?  Lead generation funnel is state of the art tool that puts the concept into countless consideration, where unique leads can be generated keeping the attributes in center.  The funnel aims at leading to the prospects and let them turn into the goal by paying the customers. Display Ads for lead generation is a significant part of B2B PPC Strategy.  You can go for the Google lead generation system.

    And finally, do you really want to buy PPC leads? Look out for the Best PPC Company in India. The PPC company in India also maintains the PPC Campaign Management. It is a great way of conducting your business.

    How sure would you say you are with your deals and promoting methodology? Do you sense that you are staggering and don’t have the foggiest idea what you disregarded behind? It may be lead age.

    It goes past sensible uncertainty that the web is the best center point for working together. You need the web whether you are maintaining a state office business, vehicle carport business, and some other fix business. Lead age is a demonstrated method for propelling your business client enquiries. It is one way that can spare you those upsetting long periods of sitting and trust that your clients will finish the exchanges without anyone else, which is uncommon by and large. In a perfect world, lead age is certifiably not another thing in internet advertising. Truth be told, it has been there for quite a while. It is an ideal method for producing the enthusiasm of your potential clients.

    Know your objective customers, gatherings and decide your passing criteria. There is nothing worth more than getting new clients while staying in contact with your standard ones. This is the thing that lead age satisfies.

    For what reason do you need lead age for your business? On the off chance that you are an entrepreneur is still somewhat suspicious about grasping re-appropriating the age of leads for your business, at that point read the accompanying advantages of consolidating it in to your business.

    1. Simple client collaboration.Remaining nearby to your clients is one incredible way you can be guaranteed of a decent client business relationship. You have to communicate well with your clients, share considerations and substantially more about the administrations you offer and how it benefits your clients. Leads empower you to pitch your item to a client each time they demand for data from your business. At the point when you make a strong client cooperation system, you stand a superior possibility of building a dependable and durable relationship with your clients.
    2. Cost sparing.Having an organization create leads can set aside you cash contrasted with setting up promoting efforts. You can envision all the issues and clamors associated with enlisting go between, paying them their payments and substantially more. With lead age, you can be guaranteed of sliced expenses on lead acquisitions. Purchasing qualifies leads is quite straightforward, particularly when you have tolerable abilities in it. Re-appropriating to this kind of administration spares you an opportunity to get overhauling clients, as the SEO organization invests energy pulling in leads. It can spare you a ton of time you could have squandered utilizing different strategies.
    3. High transformation rates.Lead age frequently brings about a higher change rate when contrasted and other virus contact strategies. This is on the grounds that, with lead age, lead possibilities are regularly pre-qualified even before you get the lead. As a business, you need not to stress over how to create leads for your items or administrations. What is foremost is that would you say you are equipped for changing over your guests to potential clients?
    4. Generating the leads is an extraordinary device in developing your business.Lead age is imperative for business development. You can utilize leads available to be purchased purposes by directing people to your site. A higher transformation rate can mean higher deals edge.
    5. You can impart the organization.No business can work in disconnection, and that is true. We need each other regardless of whether we are contenders. Seeing how different organizations are getting along, can be an extraordinary inspiration on your part. Lead age is acceptable as you can without much of a stretch offer them with organizations in a similar specialty. It works consummately great particularly for the organizations that sell reciprocal products.
    6. Leads can be controlled to explicit objective territories.In a perfect world, you can never serve everybody on the planet with your items or administrations. Nonetheless, this doesn’t imply that you should begin restricting yourself to serve just a couple of quantities of clients. The utilization of leads permits you to alter the land area where your objective clients are found or where you are keen on. This implies you have to do a decent research on where your genuine clients are.

    Lead age is an incredible apparatus each entrepreneur must grasp. Its advantages can’t be contended as they stand apart clear. This is the reason we are committed to giving unmatched lead age administrations to you and help you to achieve your ROI the easy way. It is exceptionally straightforward, and you can move toward it simply like when you are utilizing some other promoting effort. The way in to your lead age achievement is to improve your chances on advertising abilities and deals strategies. It is a financially savvy way you can hoist your business for progress, and we promise you that.


    PPC Advertising is a liquid framework where rivalry, traffic, and searches change day by day. To be fruitful, you should be responsive and ready to change. There are pointers in your record to enable you to choose what requirements evolving. For example, on the off chance that you are getting high traffic yet low snap rates, perhaps you need better substance in your promotions to support more snaps.

    How You Can Generate PPC Leads in Small Time Frame


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    How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog Posts Quickly and Easily?


    Though you are the best blogger and create exclusive blogs and post them weekly or on monthly basis. You love your audience and care for them. But, there comes a time when being the best is not enough and your best blogs go unnoticed.

    You must be surrounded by many questions striking your mind – Am I not writing or presenting my blog work well? Is this merely a time waste? If this thing is happening to you exactly, then always remember the problem is never about your blogging but about the aspects that don’t produce more traffic to your blog.

    A decade back things were easy and attracting huge traffic to your blogs was not tough at all. Even the people doing this stuff were very few in numbers. With the advancement of time and technology, one can observe that more and more people have come up with their blogging concept and that’s too very unique. The best way to get traffic on your blog posts is to do something that others are not thinking of.

    Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

    If this happens in a matter of 30 minutes? Yes! You heard it right. There are a few tactics which can contribute to increasing traffic to your blog posts at a quick.

    •   Incorporate dramatic style to your content

    If you present your thoughts in a more story way and less in a technical way, things will automatically spice up and get you more audience to look upon your blogs. You will be able to get more and more traffic to your blog posts.

    •   Make an appropriate choice in the blog topic

    The audience reads about the things that attract them the most. Dull topics can result in lower traffic. Go for the writings that are demanded the most in the market.

    •   Add an attractive heading to your content

    Prior to publishing the content or blog, make sure you have given your writing an eye-catchy heading. The heading that is attractive and effective both are read the most. In just a matter of minutes, you will be able to make these changes.

    •   Opt for visual

    It has been proved by the science that humans remember and like things which are presented in the form of visuals such as memes, infographics, videos, comics, etc. In this fast world, nobody has enough time to read things. Making your blog post in the visual can allow you to increase traffic on your writings.

    •   Enhance the loading time of your blog

    When it comes to ranking websites, Google prioritizes only high-speed loading websites. According to the researches, it has been observed that 47% of readers expect a page to load within 2 seconds.
    For speeding up the loading, all you have to do is reduce the number of plugins you’ve been using right at the moment. You can switch all these plugins with one plugin like Jetpack.

    •   Provide ease to social sharing

    Whenever writing on social platforms like Twitter always use short and brief content and if possible, incorporate hashtags and usernames to it.

    •   Make every visitor turn into a lead

    While concluding the blogs, keep in mind that you use strong words that drive them to read your other posts and even subscribe.

    •   Spring up with the gilt-edge number of posts

    More the number of posts, the more is the traffic. But you should know what exactly the number of posts you should upload. The most prominent way to do that is to notice the number of subscribers and their activities more closely. Check deeply whether you are getting unsubscribe requests more on posting too much. This will help you in a quick to trace out the number of posts to be posted at once.

    •   Get in touch with the bloggers who send you traffic

    It has been proved that for SEO and web marketers, the neat tool is Monitor Backlinks. This helps in getting notified when you are losing or gaining a backlink every time. You can also make a comparison with your competitors in terms of ranking.

    •   Be a regular responder to your blog comments

    According to the researches made, it is said that the more you respond to the blog comments, the more traffic you will receive. If it is seen from the point of view of an SEO, it sounds the most ideal thing to do.

    The other way to have control over the traffic is by adding a link in the comment URL section that will direct them to the page you want to make them see.

    •   Develop your competent and efficient brand on Quora

    Quora has been known as the best platform for putting questions and answers according to your whims and also helps in building up an appropriate following. On Quora, you can have instant publicity to 1.5 million monthly visitors.

    If you are acknowledged enough about your topic, then answering the questions will not take time more than 15 minutes. Also, you can follow the topics related to yours.

    Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

    How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog Posts Quickly and Easily?


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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  • Sixwebsoft designed an amazing world-class website for my dream business, and I could not believe my eyes on seeing the final version after it was uploaded on the server. Dale always welcomed my suggestions and incorporated them on the site. They designed and developed custom website with custom graphics for me from the scratch. I’m working out new things now and very soon consult them again for my enhancing my online presence. Always recommended, Awesome team!
    - Guy Maron, California, USA
  • My website was performing exceptionally low and my business was terribly down. Rather it was almost nowhere in the search results. But I was lucky to hear from Dale Austin. Her business promotion plan was awesome. The SEO strategies, she carried out, were overwhelmingly smart and Google oriented. Surprisingly, I had my main keywords ranked on the first position within 3 months and my business is all over Google now.. I started getting customer leads in my inbox. My all time IT Partner..Remain Blessed!
    - J. Hancock, Pittsburg, USA
  • I worked with Abhay on 4 projects together and I would highly recommend his services. Now, my client has hired him on for regular tasks and we built a great working relationship and he is extremely competent in what he does. Team of Reliable Programmers he has.
    - Scott Brody, President, Arizona
  • It’s always great working with Abhay Jain and 6ixwebsoft. These guys are highly reliable and consistent. Abhay truly understands the business, values his clients and focuses on the targets to achieve the best overall outcome without compromising in Quality. Whether it be designing, coding or strong branding to boost sales, 6ixWebSoft has helped me in every technical phase. It’s a company with Great creativity. Thanks Abhay, looking forward to working with you again at the earliest possible chance!
    - Rod Cleaver, Canada
  • I was searching for a reliable web agency to complete my new business website. My earlier experience with a web agency in India was extremely bitter. But Sixwebsoft and Dale reversed all that bitter experience with their great and overwhelmingly friendly service. Their web developers worked on minute details. Now they’re working on my SEO since 3 months and I’m amazed with results. Great Guys!
    - Gil Grisales, Florida
  • Glad to meet this team of core Professionals, Real Expert of PHP and Web Design. The entire team always came up with good Quality Output, Excellent team work, committed to complete project in planned time well before deadline and that too within a stipulated budget. They have been very supportive and working since last 6 years.
    - Rias Masoodi, Indianapolis, USA
  • Awesome digital marketing company. They got my clients' websites in Google 1st page rankings in so less time. All praises, always recommended for Organic SEO.
    - Pratyush Agarwal Solution Architect, Germany
  • I am truly happy with my experience with Mr. Abhay Jain owner of 6ixwebsoft !! His team put my project together to the exact specs provided and the project was completed ahead of schedule. Communication was excellent and they sent me regular updates. Great Team, Great work!
    - M.S. Dhamija, SSW Originator

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