5 Faux Pas Made by SEOs While Disavowing Links

The procedure of disavowing links has been a serious debate in the SEO world, and this debate has been around for many years. All through our living times of modern age and changes undertook in the AI- fuelled algorithms, SEO guys are still hanging in balance when it comes to the disavowing the links. How the process really moves ahead? What kind of mistakes and issues really crop up when going for the process of disavowing links? Let’s take a quick look into the mistakes made by SEO when they are going through the process of disavowing links:


Useful Links are Disavowed – All your hard work is put in disavowing the links that are coming to your website from Spam websites, Adult websites, Shoddy websites, and money laundering websites. It is also quite essential that you take control of these disavow procedures sooner, or else the scenario is going to revolt against your SEO plan of action.  Significant to note here is that Google has the insight on catching the difference between the good inbound links and the bad inbound links.  The common types of links that SEO professionals should aim at disavowing are the non-editorial spammed pages, Links showing the promotional anchor texts, and multiple links on the pages. And if the links are there for the purpose of only building the links, obviously, you are going to end up in gargantuan trouble. The whole story behind is that you should not be disavowing the useful links.


Disavowing in a Haphazard Manner – There are many times when the SEO professionals jostle everything for the reason to make the website pages clean. They start disavowing the links all of a sudden, without applying any kind of logic. Problems begin to crop up gradually.  If you disavow those less strong links, you may somewhere also lose important links. These may soon initiate the problems.  Therefore, it is the responsibility of SEOs to look in detail on every type of link, which is being considered for disavowing purposes. The decision-making process should be based on relevant information and nothing else. You need to judge on the basis of what benefits and risks are associated when you choose to disavow the links.  Remember, good and bad things are everywhere!


Over excessive Reliability on Disavowing Tools – The biggest drawback in the recent development in the SEO industry is the use of tools.  SEOs working in the organization rely excessively on tools, and the decision on disavowing based on the tools will turn everything upside down. There are times when many of those link analysis tools misrepresent everything in the wrong way. Situations may often become worse.  Link analysis tools use machine language to generate disavow links that are not really worthy. These links may not be meant for disavowing purposes. SEOs should not rely on these tools and it should not be the compass. If you do rely on these tools, then you are making the mistakes.


Do Not Jump to Nasty Conclusions After Search Engine Update – Every time there is an update from Google, or any other search engine, there is always a re-evaluation process undertaken, and this may either penalize a web page or complete website. Updates are fine, but you should not make any impromptu or rash decisions that would otherwise make everything too complex and outrightly shabby. The most important thing to note is that while going for disavowing the links, you should be in the right direction. Hasty decisions should not be made at any point in time.  Or otherwise, SEO activities would result in damages that are just not reversible in any case.


Showing Lethargy in Disavowing – How Google thinks or treats the link as valuable or invaluable? The relevancy is talked when the inbound links to your website are from the same business or the links are resolving your purpose. These links should not be out of the place. All these links should be either from the Blogs, or Review Websites or maybe from any other relevant website. You should not welcome any inbound link thinking this is going to make the life of your website on the top.

What is Your Step?

Disavowing is treacherous activity. Not many SEOs really can take full control on this type of activity. But still, if you really want to make the outcome of SEO count, then definitely you have to heed to the mistakes listed above. Do not let the misconceptions rule your brains. Mistakes committed during the disavowing of links can become really hazardous, and problems begin to crop up. In a little framework of time, the entire situation is going to turn tipsy and turvy, ultimately, everything will take a downturn and all your efforts for increasing the visibility will come to standstill.