Tag Archives: wordpress designers

WordPress for Small Businesses and Work from Home Options

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WordPress arrangement offering gives a practically rich, simple to utilize stage for independent company sites. Through solid coding and strong engineering, WordPress has become the ideal CMS for making easy to understand, SEO sites that easily adjust for tablets and cell phones. WordPress works over 25% of the world’s sites and 65% of CMS driven sites which shows it has immediately become the CMS of decision for associations everything being equal. Here are the benefits of WordPress benefits for small businesses:

Versatile Responsiveness

The web is presently gotten to by means of numerous gadgets from little screen telephones to huge screens and TVs. Private ventures must have sites that work appropriately over every one of these gadgets. Portable responsiveness isn’t only critical to site guests, it is additionally imperative to web crawlers like Google and Bing. This is on the grounds that work area perusing is being outperformed by site use on tablets and cell phones. In the event that your business will contend on the web, it needs a site that obliges all programs and cell phones. The website designed on WordPress help in work from home conditions.

Site design improvement

We put stock in the intensity of good SEO and we incorporate site design improvement in most web architecture ventures. The significance of substance advertising and online life, while additionally clarifying how both assume a basic job in this day and age of natural SEO.  Our comprehensive site bundles incorporate disclosure, watchword explore, site mapping, and on-page enhancement of substance and meta.


With WordPress, continuous substance updates and increments are finished by typical individuals and right inside an easy to understand dashboard. WordPress offers extraordinary help for presentation page creation, transformation structures, blogging, internet-based life joining, and rundown building. All in a simple to utilize dashboard. What’s more, in the event that you need to delve into Genesis, there will be video walk throughs standing by to show you the way.

Minimal effort for Ownership

Building up a quality site can be a major venture for private companies. Dissimilar to other programming stages that charge huge month to month expenses, WordPress is incredibly ease to keep up and it makes a low complete expense of possession for entrepreneurs. WordPress gives a component rich web nearness without the requirement for using in-house specialized assets. It likewise liberates private companies from being dependent on costly web architecture firms and being compelled to pay month after month.

Propelled Functionality

With more than 30,000 module augmentations accessible, WordPress gives private companies a plenty of usefulness. From gatherings and internet-based life systems to web-based business and learning the board frameworks, WordPress has a module expansion to meet practically any circumstance. What’s more, if a current arrangement isn’t as of now set up, custom modules will permit WordPress clients to make custom independent applications while never contacting the center programming’s source code.

WordPress for Small Business: What You Need to Know

It truly doesn’t make a difference if a neighborhood business needs to utilize a site to sell a greater amount of its items or in the event that it is hoping to advance its nearby business. It likewise doesn’t make a difference if a business needs to work just on the web. There are a lot of instances of accomplishment for these objectives. While there are instances of progress, there are additionally a lot of instances of disappointments. In the event that the site isn’t appropriately structured, it won’t do what is required. Building an effective web architecture requires certain things and without them, it could battle to perform.

Have a reason

each site needs to have an explanation behind existing. In the event that it is intended to sell items or on the off chance that it is intended to advance a brand, the site planning ought to be towards that reason.

Realize the ability to focus

Most individuals that visit any site will concentrate on a particular piece of it when they visit it. The website architecture ought to incorporate something that sticks out. A logo is one of the most attractive things to remember for a site.

Know the crowd

If the site is for a neighborhood business in London, it might be ideal to go to website composition bunches London to get the nearby touch that is required. Else it might be smart thought to go to the best website composition office that can be found to ensure that the plan can focus on the individuals that will Incorporate an approach to contact – One of the things that all guests need to have the option to do with an internet business site is to contact the organization. It might be for an inquiry or for something different, however the techniques to contact the site ought to be anything but difficult to track down and simple to utilize. It will assist work with trusting with the guests.

Incorporate Links

Links at the top and the base of the page make it simple for guests to explore around. They ought to be clear and evident on the grounds that that is the thing that individuals search for.

Web optimization is a key

If you need individuals to visit a site, they must have the option to discover it. Web optimization instruments are the most ideal approach to improve the accessibility of a site. Search engine optimization instruments ought to be utilized cautiously. There is a blend of instruments that can work. Simply utilizing the SEO instruments doesn’t ensure achievement. They must be utilized appropriately. The best website architecture organization in London says that most locales don’t utilize SEO devices appropriately and really hurt their site.

Make it portable

More individuals than at any other time are getting to sites through cell phones. It offers web-based business organizations an approach to contact individuals when they are in a hurry and are in many cases bound to use what a site offers. Making a site that chips away at cell phones requires diverse coding and might be somewhat more constraining than a conventional structure.

Final Deal

Making a WordPress website brings to you opportunities to work from home. These opportunities come in bulk and therefore you gain good amount of profits.

WordPress for Small Businesses and Work from Home Options


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How WordPress is a Great Option for Small Businesses and Work from Home Economy

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One of the most widely recognized grumblings we got notification from WordPress Engineers a couple of years back revolved around the SEO preparation of the stage. In any case, that has changed a ton as of late.  WordPress is very SEO cordial, as you can add consistent codes to improve your site for Google ordering. There are different modules that can be so useful in the event that you are attempting to improve the SEO-related execution of your site.

Responsiveness is as yet an underestimated part of site development. Be that as it may, it is one of the significant reasons why WordPress advancement in Toronto is still so well known, in spite of numerous choices being accessible. The individuals who do their exploration realize that having a responsive site matters for SEO and commitment.  With WordPress, a web improvement organization doesn’t need to endeavor to get a client’s webpage to look great and be responsive. Everything with WordPress, even the modules that include expanded usefulness, runs easily. Destinations load rapidly on different gadgets and associations, giving the site guest a decent encounter. WordPress is the state-of-the-art technology that is taking the work from economy by stride. Today, it is the kind of economy that is running all over. The days of Corona virus are not yet over, and Work from Home economies would always run and continue to yield more of business and superb propositions in the life.

On the off chance that you are chatting with WordPress Designers in Toronto about changing the stylish of your site, they can give you that it is so easy to do. With regards to site advancement in Toronto, there are hardly any stages other than WordPress that make it so natural to change topics. With options for work from home out there, businesses have more to get through WordPress technology.

Regardless of whether you need to add another subject to invigorate your site or you need an item explicit topic for a showcasing advancement, making site wide changes takes just a couple of moments. Besides there are such a significant number of one of a kind topic to browse. Altering those topics might be more diligently for beginners, yet that is something that a web improvement pro can accomplish for you inside an unobtrusive spending plan.

Is having a site extremely important for an independent venture like an exclusive consultancy, or business enterprise or organizations with not many workers? Most organizations have their own site nowadays, including the top and famous ones, and all the more significantly the respectably effective ones. Furthermore, every year, the quantity of independent ventures and new businesses is going up, prompting harder rivalry.

In any case, peculiarly, the littler or learner level organizations and new companies have been to some degree delayed in getting into the online scene, despite the fact that it is anything but difficult to construct proficient sites nowadays, with the assistance of the various liberated from cost site CMS stages accessible.

It was found through overviews that a large portion of these entrepreneurs believe that they don’t have the assets, abilities or sufficient opportunity to assemble and keep up a business site. Some are content with the sort of business they have through simply verbal exchange or different ways that don’t include internet showcasing, while some others tarry the way toward contributing a lot of their time and vitality into making a site and looking after it.

Yet, in all actuality, organizations that don’t have their official sites, get left a long ways behind their counterparts who have official sites for their business, in light of the fact that the web is a tremendous commercial center, and it must not be disregarded. It requires some investment to set up a base on the web, and get saw, perceived and discussed. On the off chance that a site is made in the beginning times itself, it will be of enormous use to the business. There are numerous points of interest to having an expert site; and on the off chance that you own a private venture, you may need to consider these:


It is more affordable than the conventional publicizing strategies, and as stated, sites likewise have a superior and more extensive effort.

#2 –

in the present business situation, there is no better method to associate with potential (and existing) clients than through an online entry. Most buyers normally do online research to discover increasingly about an item or administration, and they don’t really should be given an excess of data, yet only a couple of pages with moderate yet valuable data that can assist them with becoming acquainted with and comprehend the item or administrations better.

With an official business site, clients approach data identified with the business or organization or administration whenever, and at wherever; this can likewise acquire clients from faraway places, if pertinent much quicker and in bigger numbers and that would be a preferred position. On the off chance that a business doesn’t have an official site, most customers conclude that it isn’t fully informed regarding the market measures, and may have questions about the nature of the related help of the product(s).

#3 –

There are numerous online web journals and sites that discussion about different items and organizations and advance them, talk about them, and so on. These are an extraordinary choice to advance any business, yet with its own official site, a business or brand can have authority over the data imparted to people in general.

Having an official nearness online method not relying upon different sources to represent you, and present your business data precisely in the manner you need to.  WordPress Technology is here to stay and take on the businesses across the globe by several great means. It is the way of life and it is also the manner in which you are going to make the difference in your small businesses.

How WordPress is a Great Option for Small Businesses and Work from Home Economy


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5 Common WordPress Security Threats and How To Fix Them Like a Pro?


Have you owned a website that is powered by WordPress? Is it secure? Have you ever used any tools to measure the security of your WordPress Website? Don’t worry! If you are still worried about the security of your website, then consider this blog to know how to prevent a WordPress Hack.

WordPress sites are drastically lacking when it comes to security and are often increasing the risk of a WordPress hack. Be it due to insufficient security expertise of the developer or the use of many plugins available.

While it is true that more than 30% of the total websites on the internet are powered by WordPress but 1 in 5 sites on the internet are popular targets for both experienced hackers and script-kiddies alike. On one side, WordPress is the most popular CMS among the developer’s community, whereas, on the other hand, it is a popular target for malware. The versatility and flexible features of this CMS make it a popular choice among developers but at the same time, you need to take out some time to understand the basic security issues or malpractices that are commonly present in thousands of WordPress sites and can help prevent a WordPress websites from hacking.

Common Security Threats and a Perfect Solution For Hacking

Using Weak Passwords

Using a weak password is one of the most significant security vulnerabilities that can put your site at great risk. A weak password plus the default admin username is all your hacker wants to hijack your site.

The best way to avoid unnecessary hacking is to keep your passwords strong and unique. Keep in mind that every extra character of a password considerably reduces the possibility of getting it cracked. Make sure the password of your admin must be strong and contain numerous types of characters, symbols or numbers. It must be explicit to your WordPress Website and not used anywhere else to minimize the risk of hacking.

Using Free Hosting Services

Website security begins with a secure hosting provider. Choosing the right choice of hosting plan is important to build a secure online presence. A secure web host will not only have industry-proven security processes in place but also ensure you complete back-up in case something goes wrong with your website. Almost every provider has an effective disaster recovery strategy to avoid your website suffers an incident.

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4 Popular Choice of Web Hosting Solutions To Host a WordPress Website:

Shared Hosting: A single server has been shared among multiple user accounts. And if the single account gets hacked, the entire server gets compromised. Generally shared servers are not protected as there are just too many loopholes.

Dedicated Hosting

You own the server and only your website is hosted on the server. Since you own the server, the security of the server is limited to your expertise and ensure cybersecurity.

VPS Hosting

You get a dedicated portion of a server. It is similar to a dedicated server and you are the one who is responsible for its security.

Cloud Hosting

In a cloud hosting solution, you own a portion of a network of connected servers. Cloud Hosting Solutions are secure by definition but as a dedicated server, you have to dedicate a lot of effort and time to security.

Using Unauthentic Sources

One of the most common ways that hackers use to exploit your WordPress Website is through insecure or outdated codes. To keep the hackers at bay, you should install plugins and themes from trustworthy sources such as from the WordPress.org.

Choose and install reliable plugins to safeguard your website from various attacks. Moreover, avoid the use of free versions of WordPress themes and plugins.

SQL Injections

SQL injections occur when hackers get access to your WordPress MySQL database. Through various SQL injections, hackers create a new admin-level user account or may insert new data into the database, including links to malicious websites to cause damage to your site. The most common protective measures against SQL injections usually involve controlling and getting user-input channels as these are the main platform for SQL injection attacks.

Unlimited Access to Login

WordPress never restricts how many times a visitor can try out usernames and passwords. The visitor can try to log in multiple times. This is the reason behind many unintentional user-caused WordPress security issues.

To prevent this practice, add an extra layer of protection to the WordPress websites. Make sure the site admins should install a limit login attempts plugin that prevents hackers from exploiting this issue and mount a brute force login attack on your site.

To extend the security of your WordPress website, use the two-factor authentication process. Two-factor authentication(2FA) is an industry-standard security practice that uses two-layer credentials to minimize the chance of hacking.


WordPress security tips to ensure an effective and secure website but many people forget that protecting a website is an ongoing process. Your WordPress needs continuous attention in the face of new tools and tricks emerging in cyberspace.

However, if you are new to WordPress, I would strongly suggest you Hire WordPress Developers that use a security audit plugin which strengthens the WordPress environment against security threats.

Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

5 Common WordPress Security Threats and How To Fix Them Like a Pro?


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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Shopify vs. WordPress – Which is Better?

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Every website faces this problem when considering how to begin. The platform you choose will ultimately decide how well you can function on it.

When it comes to Shopify and WordPress each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. When you are selecting one, you need to make sure that you understand what parameters you are basing your decision on.

This article going to talk about how to make the right selection between Shopify and WordPress. We will be looking at the structure, function and access of each of these.

At the same time, we will be evaluating the various factors to consider when selecting the right platform for your needs.

Let’s start with the factors to consider first.

Understanding Your Platform Needs

This should be your first consideration when thinking about selecting a platform. While Shopify and WordPress are the best, there are other options to explore. However, for this particular post, we are going to restrict ourselves solely to these two. So, let’s have a look at the factors to consider:

  1. What is the Purpose of Your Website?

This is the first thing you must ask yourself. What is the purpose of the site that you are looking to set up? What will be the objective it will try to achieve?

If it is a business organization into retail, then all you need is a simple website through which the clients can know your products and services. On the other hand, if the site is meant for ecommerce, then that becomes a very different ballgame.

Naturally, your web platform selection should and will be based don what purpose you intend to serve through it. Not only is this important from an establishment point of view, but also necessary to ensure better scaling of the site as your scale of operations grow.

As a rule of thumb, Shopify is ideal for eCommerce retail and wholesale. Thus, it targets a very specific domain and should not be used for any other purpose. You can, but if you do then you will realize that scalability and development will become a major concern.

Similarly, WordPress is a general platform which is great for all kinds of purposes. The problem is exactly that. It is a general-purpose platform. Hence, if you are looking for something specific, then there are better options out there.

This is not to say that WordPress is not good for specific tasks. It is just to say that there are dedicated platforms that just do things slightly better.

  1. What Kind of Utility Are You Looking For?

This is where you have to consider how well you understand the development process for websites. If you are a developer or have access to developers who understand how to develop a website, then you would be better served going with WordPress. This platform will be able to give you a host of features and its regular updates will make sure that you stay on top of things at all times.

However, developing WordPress requires you to expend time, money and effort. Thus, it is a labor-intensive process not always suited for those who want to launch their business as quickly as possible.

Also, as we said earlier, WordPress is best fit for general uses. You might be able to modify it to fit commercial needs. However, it can only pale in comparison to ecommerce-centric sites and platforms like Shopify.

In contrast to WordPress and its utility you have the quick setup benefit of Shopify. If you are a solopreneur and are not keen on spending money on developing your custom website, then you can go for Shopify. This will provide you a number of benefits.

The first amongst these that you will get is that of easy and quick launch. Shopify will be the platform your website will be using and will have a large number of preset features ideal for ecommerce.

So, you will get the ability to develop, customize and deploy your own portal specifically designed for eCommerce. This will naturally save you a lot of expense and make way for quick ecommerce management.

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  1. How Much Are You Willing to Spend on the Platform

When starting any business, the focal point of concern is money. The same goes for all business websites and ecommerce. Depending upon your scale and your budget, your website will be devised and deployed.

The benefit of WordPress is that it is the perfect foundation for any kind of website and can be modified at any time. You can think of it like a chalkboard which can be used to talk about any subject. However, the problem is that a chalkboard on its own is a limited feature product. This means that it can only deliver you a number of benefits based on its use.

The same analogy can be applied to WordPress. It is possible to develop WordPress website at a very inexpensive rate. As most of the plugins and features you require are for free or available at a nominal price, you will not have to spend much on it.

However, this also means that you will not get the specialized benefit of Shopify, which is exclusively meant for ecommerce. Moreover, you will have to install and manage the plugins on WordPress as well as sync them together to function properly.

Taking our analogy of WordPress being a chalkboard, we can say that Shopify is a preset presentation. This means that it is much more emotive, descriptive and lucrative than WordPress.

However, the price of deployment is considerably higher as well. At the very least you will need a PC to customize the presentation and then a projector and a screen to present it.

While this might be easier, explorative and engaging, it is also more expensive. So, Shopify needs you to spend more to make less effort.

  1. How Much Help Do You Need

This is a major factor to consider when talking about selecting a platform. When it comes to support, there is practically none available on WordPress. Moreover, your understanding of the software and its addons is necessary for resolving any problems.

However, WordPress does have a very active community which is also very helpful. It is comprised of professionals from all over the world who have been using the software for a long time. They also keep up with the latest so they can help you solve your problem.

Nevertheless, if you are someone who looks for direct support and wants tailor-made solutions handed to you, then you might find WordPress a bit tedious. So, you should choose your platform with this consideration in mind.

Now, when it comes to Shopify, there is more support than you could possibly ask for. This means that any problems that you might have will be resolved with ease. Shopify is renowned for its quality support and provides custom solutions, answers and resolutions for its clients.

On the whole, when you get going with Shopify, you are buying a tailored product. It is precise, specific and very accessible. However, for this convenience, you will also have to pay more. This means that your overall operational expense will be slightly to considerably higher when using Shopify.

In contrast, WordPress is an open platform for building your own custom website. So, the range to which you can develop your website really depends upon you. While this gives talented people the perfect opportunity to develop a truly unique and awesome website or webstore.

However, the upkeep and management of the website is also up to you. In the event that you encounter a problem, you will not be able to seek dedicated help to resolve your problem. So, you need to be careful about selecting the right platform and how to use it.

What Now?

From our discussion on the specific features of each platform, it must be clear that each offers its own benefits and disadvantages. So, it is necessary for you to evaluate what features you need the most and how you can get them. Naturally, this will differ from person to persona and organization to organization.

Nevertheless, we are going to look at some of the most prominent instances wherein you might find it difficult to decide which to choose. Want to know if WordPress or Shopify is good for your business? Then keep reading!

Situations When You Should Go for WordPress

To speak of it, WordPress is a good platform to build any kind of website. With the right kind of development and plugin integration, you can convert it not just into an effective ecommerce site but also expand into other branches. This means that it gives you better opportunities to develop your business along with high customization. So, here are a few instances where you should consider opting for WordPress:

  1. You have the required development skills on your own or can spend money to hire people who can develop the website for you. Remember that you will also need to maintain the website, resolve any problems, make minor tweaks and expand its prospects. So, you might need to spend not-so-frequently to keep the site running smooth. Alternatively, you can learn the skills you need by yourself.
  2. You have the required money to enhance the basic WordPress platform in order to get what you need for it. On the face of it and at its most basic, WordPress is meant exclusively for blogging. However, with the effective use of plugins, you can get the ecommerce features you are looking for while also retaining the most essential features of the platform.
  3. You already maintain and use a WordPress-based site. So, you already know and use WordPress to a degree. This means you should have no problem in deploying WordPress on another website.
  4. You know how to manipulate the source code of any open-source software. If you can do this then WordPress is effective for you. It will give you a decent amount of control. This will also enable you to modify your website as per the rapidly changing needs of your market domain and consumer base.

Situations When You Should Use Shopify

Shopify is a platform that lets anyone go into business through the ecommerce platform. It is very useful for going into business with convenience and ease. However, it can only go so far and support your business for a limited amount of time.

So, Shopify is best for those who want to keep their business small to mid-sized. But when you want to expand, you will either need to add some significant features or port your business to another platform. So, here are some situations where you might want to take up Shopify:

  1. You are completely new to the website development domain. If you do not know anything about website development but want to go into business fast, then Shopify is a good choice.
  2. You do not want to spend money on having a site developed. In case you are low on investment and still want to get an impressive store, the Shopify can be a good option to explore.
  3. You want to use your online store to promote your physical store. If this is the case with you and you don’t particularly want a customizable website, then you can go for Shopify.
  4. You want good and reliable customer support on your platform. There might be situations where you need professional help, then Shopify is one to explore.

So, Which One Should You Go For?

At the end of the day, it is completely your choice how you choose to do business online. You can choose WordPress and take your time and spend some money to develop it effectively. On the other hand, you can also get a pre-made Shopify store that will allow you to go into business immediately. So, the ultimate decision is yours and must be considerate of you long term and short-term goals.

Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

Shopify vs. WordPress – Which is Better?


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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