Tag Archives: Website Speed Insight Test

How Does Google’s PageSpeed Insight Impact Your Website Conversion Rate?

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Speed insight is a great tool for getting all loading-related information on a website. This Google tool is free to use and allows anyone to check the speed parameters on any website. Having a great website load speed is considered a key part of making a responsive and lean commercial portal. That is why you need to seriously regard what Google’s speed insight tells you about you website.

Google Speed Insight

Now, if you are from the SEO industry, you might know that speed checks have become a central part of the overall conversion rates for commercial websites. The simple logic is that if your website takes time to load, then potential visitors will simply close the tab. In professional SEO terms, this is called the bounce rate and it is now considered an integral part of all website SEO activities.

In this blog, we are going to look at how your speed insight can be used to better your website’s conversion rate as well as overall SEO.

Key Reasons Why Google’s PageSpeed Insights Is Really Important for Business Success

Speedy is Safer

Google first issued the “Speed Update” in July of 2018. Since then, the importance of overall web speed has increased by a lot. While, page speed does not directly impact your website’s ranking, it does have an overall impact. This is similar to how a self-serving restaurant succeeds mainly before of tasty food but also because it uses clean plates.

Conversion Gains

Aside from the SEO ranking impact from Google’s speed insight, the page load speeds will also impact your overall client conversion. The reason why this matters is simple. Google is big on making a better UX for every user and it will upscale any website which offers a quick and responsive web layout. This falls in line with Google’s mobile-first ranking strategy.

Great UX, Greater Business

Obviously, if you want to get a fast-loading and responsive website, you need to keep a clean code at the backed. This has a fair degree of impact on the overall scope of your website’s SEO. Better SEO equals more traffic, good page load speeds lead to better user experience and this converts to more business overall. As a result, your page speed ties up with your SEO and ultimately determines you competitive ranking in your niche.

Brand Identity

The importance of Google’s page insights has increased so much that high-speed loading is a brand identity by itself. The professional skill of covering fast-load times and catchy designs has contributed a fair bit to providing the best value for consumers. For agile designers and online marketers Google Page Insights offers a chance to create an organic brand identity. This reduces the need for paid advertising by simply making a lean website which works great and provides quality services.

A View into the Future

The rapid scaling of internet capabilities all round the world means that getting decent load speeds will not be a difficult thing no matter where you go. In this light, getting a head start on future SEO parameters by using the Google website responsiveness test is a good idea. Google Speed Insight has plenty of parameters which can be used to fine tune websites and make them high-performing business portals.

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Is PageSpeed Insights Really Important for You?

Google is scaling its SEO parameters quickly and speed is an important consideration in the overall milieu of SEO and digital marketing. If you want to be a future-centric online business portal, then you need to have the right website load speeds. Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights to full effect to get the online traffic and conversion rate you want.

How Does Google’s PageSpeed Insight Impact Your Website Conversion Rate?

Admin Author

Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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