Tag Archives: Website SEO

How to Improve Your Website Traffic for Great Results

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 Websites do not happen without a reason. Have you ever thought why now websites build up every day?  The purpose of a website is only fulfilled if there is targeted traffic coming on it, or else, the website does not hold any purpose whatsoever. The traffic on your website is not only a true indicator but also the driver of the growth of your business. When there is high-quality traffic working on your website, your marketing plans are working in the right way. Moreover, since your website traffic is targeted, you can always get insight into the character of the audience, on the basis of which decision is made.

Here are a few ways in which you can increase the traffic to your website:

#1 – Create Google Business Listing Account – Optimizing Google My Business Listing will give more visits than anything else. If your Google Business Listing Account is not complete, make sure you get it completed. Remember that Google is becoming more and more advanced with each passing day. Your Google Business Listing offers the details of your business to your potential business partners. This is much more effective than routing the visitors from the website. It is, in fact, better than the visit from your website.

#2 – Look into the On-Page SEO Activities– Increasing the website traffic would mean indulging in the On-Page SEO activities. There are free On-Page SEO activities like writing effective Meta Descriptions, and writing superior quality website content, and describing About Us page of your website will give your prospective customers the reason to make a difference in their perception about your business. You can also go for a full swing of the Off-Page SEO activities.

#3- List Your Website in the Online Directories – Increasing the traffic to the website also means listing your business in the online directories as well as review websites. Your business profile posted in the online directories will be linked to the website.  There are also business directories such as Yelp which have very strong domain authority on Google, and this is where your business profile listed on Free Yelp Page will help in giving you a high ranking.

#4 – Build Several High-Quality Backlinks – A relevant and high-quality backlink to your webpage will bring your business to a relevant audience. This means your website will have qualified traffic, which further enhances your website potential remarkably.

Backlinks from Google have more trust value and this further increases the rankings, and ultimately more relevant traffic. Your business will be noticed on Google for free and there will be high-quality backlinks too.

#5 – Build Social Media Popularity –  Social Media channels are indeed among the free online marketing tools that play a critical role in driving the traffic. Talk of Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Blogposts, you can easily bring a good difference in your website traffic.

Websites do not start working on their own. You need to have proven strategies, which will work for your website and improve the growth of visitors towards it.

How to Improve Your Website Traffic for Great Results

Admin Author

Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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Mobile SEO and Website SEO: What Moves and When

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It is the ideal time to investigate your site, versatile and advertising system. Most organizations have a site by this point, yet many don’t put a genuine exertion into it. A site is certainly not a static element that you can set and overlook. You have to ensure it is improved and prepared to convey great outcomes.

You have to actualize a few techniques to ensure your site positions high on web crawler results pages. These methodologies are given below:

1. Mobile is Always in the First League

Mobile has really surpassed the world. Nearly everybody who utilizes the web has a cell phone. Around 40% of all eCommerce deals occurred through the portable stage.

Google has observed this and now organizes versatile over every single other stage.

After the presentation of the versatile first record, everything changed. As indicated by it, if your site has a portable and a work area form, Google will pick the versatile variant to rank. This implies you have to ensure your versatile site satisfies built up Google gauges. This regularly implies things like:

Fast load times

Better appearance and route on cell phones

Better site structure

Enhanced pictures

Interactive connections

For whatever length of time that your site conveys an incredible portable encounter, you will rank high on SERPs.

#2. Page Upload Time

Page Speed is a significant factor to consider while advancing your site. Individuals online are extremely eager and have limited ability to focus.

An ongoing review by Google uncovered that individuals anticipate that a site should stack in only 2 to 3 seconds. 53% of individuals conceded they would relinquish a site on the off chance that it took over 3 seconds to stack.

This implies you have to ensure your site stacks well. The site speed, as a rule, relies upon three variables:

The site structure and development

Facilitating administration that houses the site

Enhancing for Mobile Platform

on the off chance that your site isn’t developed well or isn’t facilitated on a decent quality server, you may run into issues.

There are numerous devices accessible online that will assist you with surveying the speed of a site. You can likewise decide the speed by exploring the site from the client’s viewpoint.

You will encounter a huge improvement in your rush hour gridlock on the off chance that you upgrade the site speed. Great speed prompts lower skip rates, higher session times, and better client experience by and large.

#3. Long-Form Content

Google is carefully against the meager content. These pieces are short-structure articles that give next to zero an incentive to the client. The web search tool goliath suggests in excess of 300 words for each page to guarantee the site can be filed.

However, 300 words aren’t sufficient to get you a high position on web index results pages. Actually, content pieces going from 300 to 500 words will desert you trailing the others in the content advertising game.

Studies directed show that the normal word check of first page results is 1890. Most famous first-page content pieces have word tallies extending from 3,000 to 10,000.

These pieces give strong data and genuine incentives to the internet searcher clients, which is the reason they’re positioned so high in the outcomes pages.

On the off chance that you need to rank high on web index results pages, it is imperative to ensure your substance is long-structure and useful. There are a few different ways you can approach this:

Locate a decent theme that gives you space to examine and make long-structure content. You can’t compose at least 3,000 words on nonexclusive trivial subjects. That won’t give any incentive to your visitors.

Utilize unique research and data at every possible opportunity. This will draw more connections and assist you with positioning high on internet searcher result pages.

Ensure the substance is elegantly composed and there is no redundancy of data. It is anything but difficult to rehash data in long-structure content since you need to arrive at the high word check.

Mobile SEO and Website SEO: What Moves and When

Admin Author

Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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