Tag Archives: Website Curation

What are the Qualities of Engaging Websites

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A little over a BILLION WEBSITES are already functional over the internet, but this is not interesting information. The piece of information that will catch your interest here is that the majority of these websites are battling in fierce competition to engage valuable customers.

And probably, if you concentrate on your selective niche, you know it well that you are in a stiff competition already. The basic idea here is that you do not have to bring your website up and sit back to find that millions of visitors will register a visit. If this is what you think in some darkest corner of your brain, then you are fit to lose. Rather, on the contrary, you have to define critical strategies, which would help your website to get on to engaging levels, and attract more potential users.

Start creating and developing your website in such a way that your targeted audience and its goals are reached and fulfilled. It is also very important that trust is built and continuously maintained with the audience in the targeted markets. Your online presence is felt only when you talk in the language of your prospects. And when this happens, the prospects begin to transform into loyal customers, and later help you to rise above the competition.

Here are a few points that would help you to engage your potential audience:

#1 – Develop the social media profiles –The social media profiles you create should have relevance to what you are already saying in the service pages of your website. In this way, you are also going to bring a reputation in your business. All these superfluous articles providing irrelevant information posted on the web to direct traffic to the websites is not going to help those poor competitors. Relevancy of content has a lot to do with social engagement not only on social media but everywhere else too.

 #2 – Optimize the Pages – The first thing that you need to make sure is that your website has the relevant content, and if that objective is fulfilled, you will take the necessary steps to ensure the high visibility of your website on search engines. Here too, you need to follow the ethical SEO practices in order to reach maximum levels. Look out for a useful set of keywords and key phrases that are used by your projected audience.  In this way, you will move on ahead to get the best ever clientele.

 #3 – Constantly and consistently produce new content – Search engines are always in the need for new and superior quality content. These crawlers are not looking for the rephrased content, but the kind of content, which has come up as the result of original research. The service pages of your website should have a reflection of your research. The content written on these pages should not be talking in terms of “WE” rather ‘HOW”.

The basic idea here is to get the attention of the targeted audience, who can engage on your website. And for this to happen, it is quite essential to follow the tips discussed within paragraphs.

What are the Qualities of Engaging Websites

Admin Author

Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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How Website Should Appear to Your Audience


Most of us know the website from its literal sense, but miss the essence of having a website, especially, when it comes to channelizing the business perspective. What is a website basically? Let this question become clear in our minds. The term “Website” is jargon to many, and this becomes all the more interesting when you ask this question to a Website Developer or Website Designer! The statements hurled on to you when you ask the question – What is a Website would be somewhat like – A website is PHP, or JavaScript, Bootstrap, Plugins, Images, Text, etc. The question is still not answered. Don’t you feel somewhat awkward in your mind when you come to notice that you have a website, but you lack the basic understanding of it, and this is where you are going to show the laxity upon asking -What all your website should have to engage the customers. Part#1 – What is a website?  You need to answer it from your heart and sensibly. Because a lot of you know literally about websites, but miss logical reasoning. Guess you have come on this website to read the blog! And now with Part#2 – How the website should appear to the visitors?

Supposing a visitor visits your website- S/he has only 5 to 10 seconds to skim through the page, and that is what all you have to impress her/him. The three most significant factors to impress a prospective website visitor is – superior quality and semantically powerful content; seamlessly balanced site navigation, and remarkable upload time.

You may be guessing that despite the new age technology and an advanced set of tools around, why a visitor is not engaged when S/he visits a website. And very soon you began to feel disheartened to know that your website is going low on the visitors’ count despite using the most advanced technologies. Were you wrong with the choice of technologies? Maybe so! You have been a smart thinker by adding the world’s leading technologies into your website, but you missed somewhere, and that too aggressively. You did not care for the presentation of your website and its intuitive design. You probably had placed a lot of effort on increasing the functionality, you have terribly broken apart when you find that your website is doing poorly in terms of user engagement and communication.

Either you redesign your website from a different perspective, or you initiate improvisation procedures on your website to ensure that it becomes futuristic in terms of technology updation, but user communication and interaction, Because, if this does not happen, you lose your business and the objective altogether.

Create a Call to Action – From a developer’s perspective, placing a CTA button on the pages will solve the purpose, but this is where the intuitive reasoning fails and lays off the potential visitors to your website, who could also engage and become loyal customers later on. You ought to know this fact – Visitors are humans, and to appease the sentiments of humans, you need to be a good word player. Use of appropriate actionable words such as DISCOVER, START, KNOW, etc. can change the game.  Furthermore, the use of Red CTA buttons boosts the conversion rate by 21% while the use of Orange CTA buttons increases the conversion rate by 32.5%.

Increase the Page Speed – One of the reasons highlighted at the beginning for website visitors to tuck tail and find the way to the new website is slow website speed.  Even a minor two seconds delay in website upload would land your customer on your competitor’s website. This is a big problem, which lets you lose your business in a flick.

Balanced Use of White Space – Adding white space to your web pages, especially on the left and the right margins and within the paragraphs would help in enhancing the understanding of the readers. Balanced white space means better appeal and a more effective CTA return. This also improves the website navigation and creates awesome attraction.

Keep the Navigation Simple, Yet Strategic – It is very obvious that you do not want the website visitors to leave the page within one second of their arrival. The best thing that can be done is to create simple website navigation. Do not add more than seven items on the main menu as this gives a completely disturbing feel. More significant out here would be to keep the NavBar aligned and fixed properly.  In this manner, visitors to your website would remain glued for more than five seconds.

How Website Should Appear to Your Audience

Admin Author

Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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