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Top 7 Social Media Marketing Trends to Experience in 2019


There were times when not much real business minded people used to open up on the social media channels, but everything has changed and it is changing for the better. Today marketing on social media gives out good results, especially as new and inventive technologies like Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is helping the corporate world to take a quantum jump. And here comes the magnificent year 2019, where economies are struggling, social media offers a better place to economize and prove useful for the businesses. The big and ever-growing corporate world is not waiting or giving a second thought to cash on the benefits of social media marketing. Therefore, talking about the prominent social media marketing trends in the year 2019 starts making real sense.


Augmented Reality (AR) Communicates New Means of Communication

The release of iPhone 8 and X announced the world of Augmented Reality is going to take a quantum jump. The state-of-the-art chip technology used in these smart communication devices will bring the ultimate power of communication into the hands of individuals. The Augmented Reality experience of these smartphone devices will bring transformation. Another case study points the use of Snapchat, which has new generation filters, which gives advantage to the users to take Selfie through the Bitmoji character-and all of it is through Augmented Reality. The time has already arrived when the big corporate world will showcase its products straight into the timelines of social media with Augmented Reality.


Instagram Stories Make an All-Time Virtual Gain

It has been almost 7 years when Instagram made its headway, and now there are more than 700 Million users already logged here. Users between the age group of 18 and 35 are driving engagement on Instagram. Image sharing and telling stories through world-class images continue to trend, and the concept is driven forward by the corporate world too. Image stories on Instagram are not only easy to create, but these also mean to engage and entertain the people. The biggest thing is that such stories help in connecting people with the theme of the brand quite effectively. One of the surveys points out that there are as many as 400 Million people utilizing the Instagram Stories, and this whopping number will grow further.


Influencer Marketing is the Rule and the Ruler

Guess- a few years back, there were doubts among the corporate world and even the consensus seemed that influencer marketing is not going to be a change agent. But the doubt has warded off. Social Media Influencer Marketing is the order in 2019. This type of marketing is helping entrepreneurs to connect to a new audience and visitors.


Live Video Streaming is Heading Up

Not many years ago, there was an understanding among internet users that live video streaming is not the marketing strategy, especially for marketing products and services offered by the corporate. However, that gimmick is almost dead with time. Popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have a dedicated platform for themselves. And guess what – they are having super amazing responses. In 2019, live video streaming on Social Media is reliable, and one of the most effective means to market the business.


Expanding Virtual Reality Spaces on Social Media

Powerful and gripping social media channels like Facebook are currently planning to launch Facebook Spaces, which would enable friends to engage more interactively on virtual reality space. Facebook also has the ownership of Oculus, or the VR Hardware and Software firm, and there is innovative technology out to socialize anytime soon.


More Personalized and Interactive Way of Approaching to Masses

Extensive use of personalized content as posted on social media websites are being used to engage the customers. More importantly, entrepreneurs are now finding it quite easy to gather the data of valuable customers through the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to learn customer behavior.


Increase in Micro-Influencers -Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube have hundreds of thousands of micro-influencers, who bring with them followers, which are a valuable resource for entrepreneurs and corporate companies. Micro-influencers have the expertise in their domains, and which is the reason the opinions matter within the framework of authentic followers. In addition, Micro-Influencers have a high trust factor and much more potential to promote the brands in a shorter span of time.

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Take the Next Step!

Finally, the year 2019 and onwards will be the years for the brands to speak about themselves and their product lineage on the social media marketing channels. As the brands continue to exploit the use of social media marketing channels, it will prove quite useful for entrepreneurs to connect to people and tell about their unique and innovative product line, which would later translate into more business.

Top 7 Social Media Marketing Trends to Experience in 2019


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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5 Ways To Measure That Your Social Media Campaigns are Paying Off


There is no denying this fact that social media campaigns have become the biggest marketing tool for businesses to create brand awareness. With the rapidly increasing popularity of social media marketing, many businesses are engaged in investing a hefty amount in these campaigns with the hope to enhance conversion rate. However, have you ever notice whether these campaigns paying off your efforts or just putting your investment at the risk? Measuring the success of various campaigns is a core aspect of a marketer’s job. It is important to evaluate, how your marketing efforts are contributing to the business’s bottom line.

While it’s pretty common to know that the majority of online businesses are conducting their social media marketing completely in the dark. Investing in social media campaigns with no clues as to how social media contributes to the success of their business is a great risk. If the truth is told, it’s not entirely their fault, measuring ROI on social media campaigns is a challenging task.

Why Does Measuring ROI on Social Marketing be Troublesome?

Some say that measuring the ROI of social media is just impossible! Like traditional billboard advertising, some businesses throw up their social media campaigns and hope for the leads. Trusting that something good will come from their marketing campaigns is good, but it is important to measure whether they are driving any profit to your business or not.

Tracking and measuring the success of social media campaigns is not as difficult as it may sound. Many companies marketers try to measure social media success through the social channel and determine the metrics including “Likes” and “Comments”. However, business is primarily concerned with website visits, emails, calls, sales and the number of subscribers.

That’s not all! While measuring ROI with social media, it’s important to incorporate other advertising channels as well. If you are using PPC advertising, try accessing social media in terms of cost-per-impression. If you are focusing on lead generation, then try measuring in terms of cost-per-acquisition, and so on. This adds credibility to your efforts and makes it easier to compare social media marketing with other forms of online marketing.

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What are the Best Ways to Measure Your Social Media Efforts?

Measuring the performance of your social media campaigns is never impossible. You just need to know about the right tactics to uncover the real conversions and quantify efforts. Here’s the key to determine real ROI from Social Media Marketing:

1. Have a Clear Objectives

Creating brand awareness through social media (sharing, liking or followers, etc.) is important but not always.

Many businesses believe that their social strategy is connected to business outcomes. So to show value, you need to set social media objectives that are further aligned with business and departmental goals. Your social media objectives should be based on business conversions, brand awareness or perception, Customer experience, security and risk mitigation.

2. Set Your Business Goals

Know what exactly you want to drive from your social media campaigns. Experts recommend using the S.M.A.R.T framework to define your business goal. Each goal must be specif, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely.

For example:

Brand Awareness

What it is: Increase awareness of your new product before it launches and takes attention away from your competitors.
How and when to do: Boost your social share voice by 10 percent quarterly.

3. Examine the Right Performance Metrics

To track the performance of your campaigns, you need social media metrics to determine whether you are achieving your marketing objectives and meeting goals. The so-called “Vanity” metrics can help you evaluate the overall health of your social presence and allow you to measure yourself against competitors.

Other metrics you could track to prove ROI including audience reach, audience engagement, site traffic, leads generated, sign-ups and conversions.

4. Know-How Much You Are Spending on Social Media

Before blindly investing in social media, it is worth to determine the scope of your investment and know whether you’re getting a good return. Majorly there are three things that you need to measure your return against Social Media:

Cost of Tools and Performance: While most tools are free to use but do you pay for a premium version to access the additional features of the social media platform. If yes, then, it is worth to evaluate whether it is justified to invest that much amount in premium versions or not.

Fairly Allocation of the Budget: The easiest things to track is the cost of each ad. While all the cost has been recorded in the platform’s dashboard, though, you can easily manage each campaign and measure ROI from a single platform.

Content Creation: From meetings to creating and promoting content, to running ads- include the cost of every minute that your team is spending on social media. Calculate how much time your business spends on social media every month or year to know whether they are paying off your efforts or not.

5. Use Social Media ROI Tools

To evaluate the ROI on your social media, it is worth to know about the right tools that drive you right results:

Social ROI Calculator: It is a free tool that helps you calculate your return. From knowing total facebook visits from campaign, landing page conversion rate to close rate, you can evaluate everything.

Google Analytics: Track website traffic, conversions and sign-ups from social media campaigns with this tool.

Facebook Pixel: It is a piece of code for your website that allows you to track conversions from Facebook ads including everything from leads to sales.

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5 Ways To Measure That Your Social Media Campaigns are Paying Off


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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