Tag Archives: SEO Marketing Trends

8 Methods on how Smart SEO Services increase the RoI


Content had always been at the helm of digital marketing and SEO; it is only that many of the companies, which were conducting online business had been ignorant of this fact from the very beginning. In fact, entrepreneurs failed to realize that to cash the outcome of digital marketing, there was always the need for high quality and subject-oriented content.

Then comes the second point – Can content make any real effectiveness to your business, if it does not give you RoI. Absolutely not. Here again, only good quality content amalgamated with smart SEO practices and strategic content marketing will generate website traffic, drive the leads and enhance the overall content RoI.

Ever since the Panda Algorithm made a paradigm shift from the links to the content, plenty of online businesses began to experience problems. The arrival of Panda algorithms changed the entire way of managing the content and how to market it by using new and innovative SEO strategies.

In the entire context of the things, it is essential to develop your understanding of what is the modern, Smart SEO and how it is influential in delivering the content RoI?

#1 – Long Content Vs. Short Content

Google has time and again published caveats that long content, which is relevant to the subject of discussion is substantial for the business. The SEO activities nurtured around such content will drive high RoI in comparison to the shot or irrelevant content. Before Panda 1.0 announcement, it was easy to post articles and blogs with a short content and stuffed keywords would work. But for now, there could not be any SEO without content, and therefore, an increasing number of SEO agents have tied up with content creators and marketers to enhance the ROIs.

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#2 – Keywords & Content ROI

In 2014, Google reported the turnout of Panda 4.0. Dissimilar to earlier forms, Panda 4.0 was a significant calculation update, and that is when the Panda 4.0 was a distinct advantage, particularly with regards to watchwords. Web optimization advertisers needed to surrender their watchword stuffing ways or face positioning punishments.

Here you do not need to misinterpret the things. Keywords are still significant, but these should not be stuffed. However, an advanced, shrewd SEO catchphrase system requests that substance makers comprehend client purpose and the intended interest group. Making content with client expectation will make a superior in general site understanding and send those “top notch” flag that Google is after – low skip rate, higher than normal active visitor clicking percentage, and quality backlinks.

#3 – Create content which Earns You the Rank on Search Engines  

Create and enhance content that constructs trust with Google and guest posting sites. Make content that welcomes site guests to cooperate with your image and improve transformation rates.

#4 – Count Your Chickens Before Marketing Them  

A top-notch Panda and superior quality blog entry doesn’t begin with word check. Making long-structure content that reveals new, supportive data and answers questions is the objective for SEO-accommodating substance. Content ought to go past straightforward articulations and unsurprising data. Still, need a number? While Google doesn’t distinguish a perfect blog entry length, most of the research and contextual analyses suggest at least 1,000 words.

#5 – Maintain the Uniqueness of the Content

Content that is reused and just varies by a couple of catchphrases from different pages won’t pass the Panda calculation. Make 100% special substance on each page to guarantee that Google remembers it for the indexed lists. The content needs to be shareworthy.

Make content in view of sharing. Before you hit the distribute button, ask yourself, would somebody need to share this page? Does it look like every other person’s page on this point? The more commendable the content, the more natural backlinks the page will draw in. Consider adding some high-esteem substance to a page to make it more offer commendable, for example, video, free downloads, or infographics.

#6- Think about Reviews as Content

Audits are appearing in the SERP on both portable and work area and are a piece of a keen SEO system. While brands can’t compose their surveys or control the framework, they can ask fulfilled clients and customers to leave audits by giving them explicit connect to audit destinations. Google’s Developer Guide gives survey rules to assist you with utilizing audits as a significant substance. Maintain a strategic distance from entryway pages; they are an infringement of Google’s quality rules.

#7 – Remain social

Online networking is the ideal outlet to make the content and show up in the indexed lists. Plunge into your Analytics information to locate the social channel with the most noteworthy referral rate and build up a long haul neighborhood procedure to drive significantly more traffic.

#8- Look at Mobile Friendliness

Short content requires more than a responsive structure on mobile interface. While long-structure content has been appeared to rank better, it’s ridiculous to expect a cell phone client to peruse 1,000+ word squares of substance. Use a lot of sub-headers to separate enormous sections, give users a lot of navigation choices, and make it simple to share your substance via web-based social media.

What Could be Concluded

Picking up ROI from content showcasing and SEO is just conceivable when precise estimation and system refinement is occurring. In the realm of information immersion, it’s not entirely obvious the takeaways that can assist you with improving ROI.

Set up Google Analytics channels to wipe out insignificant information, and appropriate occasion following will assist you with investigating client connection with site content. Work with an SEO organization that knows about setting up following for content showcasing objectives.

Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

8 Methods on how Smart SEO Services increase the RoI

Admin Author

Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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SEO Vs PPC: What Provides Long Term Value To Your Business?


While most companies have understood the fact that without integrating the right online marketing strategy, it is highly difficult to secure their footholds in the competitive marketing, therefore, many of them have started investing their time and money on the various digital marketing techniques. However, choosing the best marketing technique is the still seems like that everlasting back pain for businesses.

With a plethora of marketing strategies available to give a much-need boost to your website’s ranking, business owners are confused about choosing the right yet effective marketing technique that can ensure long-term value to their business. Sometimes it is a big struggle to know which platform will help you get the best ROI. After reviewing the online search activities, experts have revealed that SEO and PPC are the two essential marketing strategies that can help you create a strong presence in the search engines, ensuring that you’re in the front of your target audience.

While the success of any online business majorly depends on the amount of traffic it can generate from marketing campaigns, though the choice of marketing strategy also majorly depends on what type of marketing campaigns you need to drive. Do you need to involve in long-term yet cheaper marketing techniques or want to achieve your end goals in a quick time frame? Whether it be SEO or PPC, the end goal is the same. However, they are based on different concepts that involve different techniques and methodologies.

Also readGoogle Adwords VS Facebook Ads: Which One Works Best For Your Business?

If you are still in a doubt, then let’s get into the deep comparison to understand which marketing technique offers long-term value to your business…

What is Search Engine Optimization?

SEO is an organic and non-paid form of marketing technique that involves on-page and off-page activities on the site to improve the ranking on the search engine. SEO is not a quick ranking hack, instead, it’s a long-term practice that involves plenty of time, effort, and resources to drive organic traffic to your site. The key activities involved in SEO are:

  • Creating a user-friendly and well-structured website
  • Resolving technical issues to ensure smooth functioning
  • Creating quality keyword driven content to gradually enhance the ranking of the site
  • Creating an audience persona
  • Acquiring quality backlinks
  • Performing keyword research

SEO is a unique marketing strategy that requires great skills and smart activities to drive results. If you are not from a technical background, then hire the team of professionals understanding the SEO in a better way and can make the most from the SEO tools.

What is Pay Per Click (PPC)?

PPC as its name suggests its a straightforward paid campaign that pays for clicks, impressions and customer acquisitions. These paid campaigns involve bidding on specific keywords to drive instant traffic and lead for your business. The most common activities involved in setting up a PCC campaign are:

  • Designing creative and informative landing pages
  • Creating an audience persona
  • Choosing the right keywords
  • Writing effecting and engaging ad copies
  • Optimizing campaigns
  • Running A/B tests

Deep Comparison of Search Engine Optimization and Pay Per Click Ads

Online marketing strategies are important for any size businesses, but choosing the right methodologies are also equally important. Before investing your time, efforts and resources, it is worth to understand whether SEO or PPC gives you better value to your business. By understanding your business goals and pros/cons of both marketing methods, you can easily make the right decision for your business.

SEO Vs PPC Ad: Temporary or Permanent Results

Getting to the first page of the search engine, won’t happen overnight or in a week as SEO involves long gestation to drive desired results. SEO is based on various activities, so getting to the top of the search pages will take time. However, once your website will get the top ranking via SEO, you will enjoy sustained traffic and growth for your business. SEO might involve long-term activities, but it gradually helps you improve the ranking and ensure a long-term solution.

On the other hand, PPC campaigns are designed to deliver instant results. Once your PPC campaign is approved, you can drive heavy traffic to your website in minutes. Your ads will start displaying to the millions of people. Usually, PPC campaigns work well, when product launch, squeeze pages, CPA marketing, and affiliate marketing has been involved. It might give an instant boost to your business, but you need to regularly invest in PPC ads to maintain the traffic.

SEO Vs PPC Ad: Which is More Expensive?

If you are thinking that SEO is free of cost then you are fooling yourself. Whether it be time or money, you are investing it. SEO comes at a cost and even cost you more than you ever expect it to be. However, it is less costly than PPC ad campaigns. PPC ad can end up with zero results and put your budget at high risk if you are spending up hundreds of dollars on poorly designed ad campaigns. Moreover, if you are targeting highly competitive keywords, then you might end up needing a large amount of money to get your keywords ranked high.

SEO Vs PPC Ad: Stability and Control

Comparatively, PPC is a more stable and controlled strategy to drive desired results. SEO is insecure about the outcomes, you’re not sure that how soon you’ll get your pages rank in top position. On the other hand, while running the paid ads you can easily forecast the results with reasonable accuracy. The paid ads give you reliable insights into the marketing strategy and enable you to track exact keyword-conversions. On the other hand, it is difficult to track the keywords converted to the business with SEO.

SEO Vs PPC: Brand Building

When you have a good website that can answer all popular search queries, you start building a website. SEO helps create brand equity that promises business growth. Whereas paid-ad campaigns get short-term conversions that can boost the traffic temporarily. It can’t help you established a brand image.

SEO Vs PPC: What Provides Long Term Value To Your Business?

Admin Author

Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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Benefits of HTTPS in Current SEO Marketing Trends

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HTTPS is a proven way to encrypt information that is initiated between a web server and browser. Through this aspect of the digital world, the website users can create a safe access to the information like credit card details or logins which sometimes get hacked by the middle person. The primary use of HTTPS is for the sites which are equipped with sensitive information. But, with the advancement in technology, HTTPS is now easy to implement for securing connections. If your website has not been covered with security through HTTPS, then get is secured soon.

Not one, but there are many benefits of HTTPS in Current SEO marketing trends.

  • Boost in Google Rankings

According to the researches made, it has been found that over 40% of the websites showcasing on the first page of the Google are HTTPS. And, this should not be surprising for you. Google prioritizes only those websites which are HTTPS. Unsecured websites are not counted and become unworthy for the Google. For the best user experience of the audience, Google ensures that they do not make searches on the unsecured sites. If your site isn’t secured yet, then the time is not far when your site will get outranked by the similar sites that are HTTPS.

  • High-Tech Security

Google approves only HTTPS websites because of the reason that it wants its users to experience the safest web experience. The rankings algorithm is combined with the criteria by the Google after it has been approved for providing the best user experience. HTTPS is an appropriate way to secure or protect user’s information as well as your information from the man-in-the-middle (Hackers). Maintaining a safer and secured ambiance on the online medium is a better alternative for everyone.

  • Upgraded Browser Labels

To make the web more secure, updates in the labeling of HTTP sites in Chrome’s URL bar has been initiated by Google. According to the current status, the sites which are HTTPS are symbolized with a gray color and depicts to the users that the site is not secured.

  • Increased rate in Conversions

A proven fact is that users have faith and trust in secure connections more. And, the sites which go with the same thought are more likely to get a better rank in Google search results. Users are not usually friendly with technicalities of secure connections, but they are known to the fact that the site should be HTTPS in case they are providing any personal information. There is a remarkable difference between the conversion rates of HTTP and HTTPS sites. But, one will be easily able to see huge differences in conversion rates between the two once Google launches its new HTTP labeling.

  • Elevation in the customer’s confidence

Buzz about HTTPS can be seen all around the place and users are now looking for the websites that have a secure connection. A customer becomes satisfied and feels a great peace of mind while transacting things online on any website if it is a secure connection.

  • Browsing becomes fast

The fast browsing experience is a want of all. Enabling HTTPS can lead to faster browsing speeds, in turn, making user’s experience great and fast.


At present, SSL SEO effects are not wholly negative. But, a hint has been traced from the Google’s Webmaster Blog on fully secure websites in the future. It says that “Switching to HTTPS has now become convenient and easy for all the site owners. Converting a website into a secure one will be your first priority; otherwise, one can see a downfall in their rankings and even get crushed by its competitors.


Stabilizing an HTTPS connection is highly-appreciated by the Google and creates a secure platform for both users and business as well. With the emerging browsers in the management of HTTPS connections have made an improvement in the loading speeds. With all these affirmations, HTTPS is going to be the future of every web client and extending the undeniable can result in harming your SEO campaign in the remote future.

Benefits of HTTPS in Current SEO Marketing Trends


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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