Tag Archives: SEO Agency

The Best Ways of Optimizing WordPress

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While most nations are in the lockdown mode, designing your website in WordPress offers tremendous work from home opportunities for individuals. And once you have designed the website, you can be ready to take on the optimization process straight head-on. Here are a few things that you need to look while optimizing WordPress website and Work from Home Opportunities:

#1 – Perfect Web Hosting

The initial phase in streamlining your WordPress web architecture accurately is to pick the privilege facilitating plan. You are taking on a losing conflict if your server is taking an age to process HTTP solicitations and database orders. Contingent on your plan of action administrations/items and dependent on expected month to month clients’ visits on your site, you should pick the better performing facilitating servers. There are sure modest options accessible in the market, however those may bring about terrible showings, once more there are probably the best moderate and execution advanced facilitating servers accessible also. These are a portion of the essential and usually utilized facilitating types.

#2- Mutual Hosting (Cheap, normal performing Server)

Overseen Hosting (moderate, explicitly streamlined for specific apparatuses and programming bundles)

Model: www.siteground.com

VPS and Dedicated Hosting (Expensive, complete controlled framework to control as you need).

Model: www.bigrock.com/vps

Cloud Hosting (Affordable to Expensive dependent on the utilization, adaptability to control server and assets as you need).

Model: www.digitalocean.com

Cloud Hosting is the most loved web have in light of the fact that they exceed expectations in the very same territories where awful web has disappointed me the most once upon a time — speed, uptime, and backing. Cloud Hosting is bursting quick and has a technical support group that goes well beyond the extent of their administration itself to support its clients. Cloud hosting is regularly considered the most dependable of the entirety of the administrations. As opposed to depending on the plate space of a solitary server, it pulls its capacity from a few assets, ensuring you never have any personal time. Different advantages include:

#3 -Adaptability — You can add to your cloud space

Unmetered data transfer capacity — You don’t need to stress over your site going down because of a server disappointment. Peruse some certified audits and plan data of the host you were wanting to go with Cloud Hosting.com

#4 – Quick Theme/Framework

In the first place, utilize a quick topic. You have to begin with a quick and very much coded WordPress subject or structure. On the off chance that you pick a subject pressed with bunches of extra highlights that you needn’t bother with, it’ll contrarily affect your site performance.do not pick a topic that permits you to make a huge difference legitimately from the topic choices, making your activity simple. Second, utilize a responsive structure. These heap less assets for cell phones, or indicate high-res pictures for work area shows. Portable clients don’t need to download tremendous pictures, while work area clients don’t need to squint at minor ones.

#5 – Screen your Plugin

Before you introduce any module on your site, ask yourself “Is this module essential?”. Uptime observing methods intermittently checking your site to ensure it’s despite everything ready for action. Limit the quantity of modules you use. Having countless modules introduced won’t have an enormous effect to the speed of your site, yet it expands the danger of introducing seriously acted modules.

There are three things you ought to screen

Guest Statistics

Find out what number of individuals visited your site, which pages they visited, how they got to your site, and an entire host more.

Site Speed

Does your site load rapidly? Do all pages load rapidly? Observing site speed ensures you thoroughly understand this and can step in if essential.


This is the measure of time your site is open to guests. You need this to be 100%, or as near that as could reasonably be expected. Observing uptime lets you see when your site is inaccessible, so you can take care of business. On the other hand, time your site is difficult to reach is known as ‘personal time’.

#6- Top WordPress Monitoring Plugin

The best WordPress monitoring Plugins include Jetpack, Circle Fox, ManageWP Worker, Pingdom, Uptime Robot, InternetVista

#7- Speed a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Offloading the static assets of your site, similar to pictures, contents, CSS records, can accelerate your site. Basically, a CDN, or substance conveyance arrange, takes all the static records you have on your website (CSS, Javascript, and pictures, and so forth) and lets guests download them as quick as conceivable by serving the documents on servers as near them. By and large, those static assets will be served to your guests by the server nearest to them. That will guarantee the overwhelming piece of your site stacks as quick as workable for your clients. In any case, one that is extremely simple to set up on WordPress destinations is W3 Total Cache. I’ve been utilizing W3 Total Cache since the start of this current year and it was exceptionally useful.

#8- Streamline Images

Picture streamlining helps in improving page load speed, supports sites’ SEO Positioning, and improves client experience. Advancing web pictures is a procedure of conveying top notch pictures in the correct arrangement, measurement, size, and goals while keeping the littlest conceivable size. On the off chance that the page takes over 3 seconds to stack practically 40% of guests will in general leave that site, in this manner expanding the bob rate. Picture enhancement is the main answer for this issue.

We recommend WP Smush.it module upgrade pictures that have just been transferred is so introduced these modules and advance your pictures. on the off chance that you don’t introduce any module, at that point we propose you pack your picture in tinypng.com and transfer it to your site.

#9- Utilize A Responsive Design

Responsive website composition (RWD) makes a framework for a solitary webpage to respond to the size of a client’s gadget—with one URL and one substance source. A responsive site has a liquid and adaptable design which modifies as per screen size. Utilize a responsive subject to stack less assets (for instance, pictures) for cell phones or determine high-goals pictures for high-goals screens. That way, portable clients won’t see overwhelming pictures, and work area clients won’t see little, exceptionally compacted pictures.


It would be a great show on for you to get started with the Work From Home opportunity in the times of lockdown. Ultimately, you are going to have great fun and more business too.

The Best Ways of Optimizing WordPress


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7- Interesting Facts of SEO You Cannot Afford to Miss Out in Your Digital Journey


SEO is still offering great privileged insights for a ton of learners out there, yet even clients should be continually informed regarding what occurs in the internet advertising world.

There are a ton of SEO certainties and details out there, with pretty much-known issues. Here is the rundown of amazing SEO realities that makes you tap the power of optimizing your online business from another perspective.

#1. Copy Content Won’t Get You Penalized

Will you be punished for copy content? No. Is copy content harming your site? Indeed, it depends. Did you see copy content referenced anyplace? No. It’s about replicated content. Also, Google has an alternate treatment for replicated content than for copy content. Copy content won’t get you punished, while replicated substance will. The duplicated content will, however, be penalized.  Such pages ought to be evaluated lowest, regardless of whether the page appoints credit for the substance to another source.

Copy content isn’t continually harming SEO as the vast majority of the individuals think. Obviously, copy content isn’t an ideal set-up for pages. All things considered, more often than not copy content isn’t manipulative. In the event that you utilize accepted labels to let web indexes know the favored content, you need to protect yourself from the search engine penalization.

Recall that if there is a site copying your content and you don’t have any understanding, you can fill in a solicitation to have it expelled under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Something else that you can undoubtedly do is to utilize sanctioned labels. This is a basic method for telling the web index this is the place the official form initially showed up. You should keep check of the copy content issues, whenever you start forming your substance advertising procedures or you need to examine your SEO rankings.

#2. Not All Search Engines are Using the Links as a Ranking Factor

Is it conceivable to rank without links? The appropriate response is yes.

Yandex, the greatest web crawler in Russia is never again contemplating connections as a positioning variable. Before saying that what occurs in Russia, remains in Russia, you have to realize that Google may be going a similar way. The Russian business SERPs in Yandex and Google are probably the most spammed keywords, where black hat SEO procedures are utilized to rapidly rank obscure locales.

Will Google expel links from its calculation? It appears as though Google wishes to rank sites dependent on actualities rather than joins. They even talked about barring backlinks from the Google calculation.

It appears as though Google wishes to rank sites dependent on actualities rather than links. This implies the reliability of space may assist it with ascending rankings if Google estimates quality by realities, rather than links.

#3. Top Ranking Positions Have Significantly More Facebook Activity

There is a buzz with respect to the impact of offers, remarks, likes, and so forth on SEO when all is said in done. Are social flags a positioning component? The appropriate response isn’t as straightforward as a “yes” or “no”. What we can let you know without a doubt because of an inside and out investigation distributed in a past blog entry on this issue is this:

While no penalty can be construed, more nearness on Facebook is obviously connected with a higher position on the hunt list.

It appears that Facebook associations influence Google search rankings. Subsequently, the informal organization furnishes commitment with your crowd, yet it additionally influences quantifiable results past commitment, including higher list items positioning. You don’t need to be an SEO master to realize that natural posting doesn’t come up effectively, paying little heed to the SEO strategies or internet-based life system you’ve utilized. However, any little assist that with willing to improve your pursuit of traffic certainly makes a difference.

#4. Rich Snippets Have No Direct Impact on Your Rankings

Rich snippets have been a sneak into the SERP page. Do they directly affect your positions? All things considered, not so much. Rich snippets have the job of adding additional data to an inquiry posting in any case, as indicated by Google, they don’t impact rankings. Google has expressed a few times that rich pieces have no immediate effect nearby rankings right now.

This doesn’t imply that it can’t create SEO benefits however, such as helping a page to be effectively indexable or indicating valuable information for the business. Rich snippets will help you in a backhanded manner to get more individuals to visit your site, and that thusly may additionally assist you with your rankings; yet rich snippets have no immediate effect on your positions.

#5. Just 2 of the Top 10 Most Popular Sites on the Web Are Content Sites

Google, Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo!, Amazon, Wikipedia, Twitter, Bing, eBay, and MSN- No surprise here, that you know all of these websites. But Wikipedia and YouTube are really content-situated sites. The other is “content entryways” in the event that we can say that however, they are not offering direct substance in a manner a typical site does.

#6. Item Detection in Images Is a Strong Ranking Signal

You may realize that Google is sufficiently shrewd to perceive protests in pictures yet what you cannot deny is that article acknowledgment is currently a positioning sign that can influence any business out there.

#7. Placing Streaming Video on the Homepage Will Enhance the Chances to Show up on Page 1 of Google

All that YouTube has accomplished in the most recent years made it the world’s second-biggest web index and furthermore the go-to decision for an online video showcasing and promoting. We should consider it for a minute. Everyone likes recordings, isn’t that so? They are in a flash more appealing than content for bunches of individuals and it appears that the enormous G holds a unique spot for Youtube in its heart. We ought to likewise consider that, all things considered, it is possessed by Google.

With these seven points clear in your mind, you are ready to take on to the next level in your business.

Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

7- Interesting Facts of SEO You Cannot Afford to Miss Out in Your Digital Journey

Admin Author

Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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What to Ask When Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency


Business requires you have to viably showcase your image and what you are doing as such as to make progress. As increasingly more business is directed on the web, and progressively potential clients scan for items on the web, you have to have a strong web presence and this can only be achieved with the help of digital marketing agency.

When it means that you will pick out an SEO Company or a digital marketing agency for your online business, you have a purpose to resolve. And since there are several most recent advertising procedures springing up every day, your choice of digital advertising company can only be correct, if you ask yourself a few realistic and hard-hitting questions at the beginning of everything.

Question#1 – What is the Marketing Need of Your Organization?

Decide YOUR COMPANY’S ULTIMATE MARKETING NEEDS. You have to plan and pose yourself a few inquiries, for example, what do I might want to accomplish with an office and the manner in which a great deal of am I willing to spend to achieve this? Seeing precisely what you might want will assist you with searching out and tight down precisely what you might want, rather than burning through your significant time and assets. When you’ve decided your organization’s needs – regardless of whether that be expanding your business’ quality on-line or overhauling your image – you’re ready to begin effectively searching for the TOP NOTCH DIGITAL MARKETING AGENCY.

Question#2– Will the Agency Meet Your Organization’s Marketing Needs?

Discover AN AGENCY THAT MEETS YOUR NEEDS. You will consider “how would I select an office for me? in the first place, survey the bundles an organization is offering – do they space in accordance with what you need your business to accomplish? this can be a significant inquiry to have confidence in as though their showcasing methodology isn’t what you’re searching for, the office isn’t ‘The One’, regardless of what extent you’ll like it. Keep in mind, it’s truly not value spending partner an excessively high price on an advanced advertising bundle that isn’t applicable to your needs.

Question#3– Is the Digital Marketing Agency Worth of Selection?

DO YOUR BACKGROUND ANALYSIS before you progress forward. It is fundamental that you simply play out an exhaustive foundation examination of the agencies you have been researching. Do they pursue what they lecture? the primary way you’ll have the option to see if or not an office is directly for you, is watching the outcomes they’ve delivered themselves. For example, in case you’re anticipating contracting an office to hold out substance promoting, be that as it may, do they run their own blog? In case you’re thinking about contacting them for web-based life, be that as it may, do they handle their own internet-based life – is it fruitful? consistent goes for SEO; nonetheless, do they rank in quest terms for their industry? Did you find them on the principal page of Google? On the off chance that they don’t “try to do they say others should do”, they won’t have the option to win what they’re promising or be fit for the administrations they offer. Be extra cautious in case you’re thinking about enlisting agencies from abroad. Offices abroad more often than not charge low costs, in this way you may believe you’re getting a lot, nonetheless, you’ll have to manage poor administration.

Question#4– Are you really making the right kind of inquiries?

Pose RIGHT Inquiries. You might think, what to ask digital marketing agency? You will most likely have a hundred and one unique inquiries; however, it is imperative to guarantee you are posing the correct inquiries. Posing these essential questions will give you the confidence and reason to believe the work ethics of any agency.

Question#5– Have you asked these imperative questions?

•Would I be able to see some crusade models?
•Who will finish the work?
•To what extent do you keep customers overall?
•What results would you be able to guarantee me?
•Would I be able to see some battle models?

These questions are imperative to ask yourself when you reason out that you are planning to go with a particular digital marketing agency.

You Can Read AlsoHow to Hire an SEO Consultant or Agency

Question#6– Have you planned a Request for Proposal?

Once you have trimmed down a choice of an SEO agency that you are glad to continue with, connect with the organization to express your advantage. The question will help you to convey a ‘demand for proposition’ (RFP) to your chosen agency so as to assist your choice with choosing the best from the best. An RFP enables you to gather data from different organizations and select the organization that best meets your criteria, both with respect to aptitude and spending plan. This ought to make it clear that the agency works best for your business.
Make sure you ask these questions to yourself. Don’t make a clumsy decision.

What to Ask When Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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How to Hire an SEO Consultant or Agency


Being on the webspace means that your business is open to the world of huge business activity. You have clients, there is business all around and more importantly, you have credible options to grow your business activity to any levels. Eulogizing is fine; you can reap all benefits if you have a performing website. Your website can only perform well if all the ethical SEO activities are being carried out. And this is where you have to make the choice of a reliable SEO consultant or agency. Here again, the schism is that how you are going to hire one?

Understand the SEO and What it Really Means! The moment you think of hiring an SEO consultant or an agency to do the job, you need to have a good understanding of yourself. There is a beginner’s guide on SEO, and you should read it before making the hiring process ahead. Soon after you have understood the basics of SEO and its practices, focus on the content practices. Understand important factors like content style, content form, and content marketing. You ought to realize how important and crucial the content is for SEO. When you have the basics clear in your mind, you can appreciate yourself and feel confident that you can hire the right SEO consultant.

Find the SEO Consultant or Agency Experienced in Your Type of Business – The SEO consultant that you wish to hire should have an understanding of your business and everything related to it. Once that happens, you will be on the upper edge. Such an SEO consultant will make a detailed analysis of the competitive nature of SERP landscapes, and try to make the search queries effectively by making it noticed in the map listings. Furthermore, your business has a better chance of winning at the huge and vast internet space, if the SEO consultant you go with is innovative and is already bustling with fresh ideas. In fact, there is no point hiring a consultant who has already worked with your competitor. In such a case, your efforts to increase the online business promotion will fail because there is no innovation happening at all. Everything will be copy and pasted and there will be the superimposition of ideas.

Understand the Critical Difference that Exists Between the Consultant and SEO Agency – SEO Consultant is a full-time freelancer, who works alone and help businesses to improve their search engine rankings by applying strategies that drive organic traffic. The consultant will do site audits and SEO edits, but inspite of having executed them they shall not always be in the front of implementing the SEO strategies. On the contrary, a full-fledged SEO agency comprises account managers, content writers, content curators, and business analysts too. The agency has got channel specialists, who have innate capabilities in running SEO and SMO campaigns. In short, your online business will have leverage when you go for the services of an SEO agency instead of a solo SEO consultant.

However, there is yet another aspect too. SEO consultant and SEO agency happens to be a loose syntax term that can be used interchangeably. For the good of your online business, knowing the subtle difference between these two connected terms is going to be both money and time savior.

Check the Skills of SEO Consultant or SEO Agency- Ultimately what drives home the point is the kills. Your purpose of hiring the SEO consultant or a complete agency will depend on skills. You need to check out the essential skills and the nature of the experience that the SEO agency or the consultant carries with it. Off-page and on-page activities are fine, but then everyone out there at nook and corner is doing the same stuff. You do not want to go for such activities and apply it outrightly for your business model.

Competition is all-time high, and it is the time that you should start searching for an appropriate SEO consultant or agency that can work for your online business, and boost the profits. And just don’t go with any company that you find on the internet, offering SEO consultancy. One day you will feel that you are siphoning out your hard-earned money without gaining any results.

How to Hire an SEO Consultant or Agency


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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