Tag Archives: Pay-Per-Click

5 Most Important PPC Trends That You Need to Follow In 2019

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Have you been tired of investing in poorly performing PPC campaigns? Know what does 2019 is holding for PPC marketers and stay ahead of the crowd by focusing on your online advertising…

Pay-Per-Click is one of the most rewarding marketing techniques that help you drive instant deals and boost traffic for your business. However, what if your campaigns are not performing well?

Last year, it was a big year for PPC trends and marketing. There are various changes have been noticed in PPC advertising. Google rebranded Adwords as “Google Ads”, updated its interface and added several new campaign types and targeting options to help you make the most out of your campaign. From releasing a range of new features including LinkedIn profile targeting to change the advertising look, it was a big year for PPC.

However, all that’s in the past! What’s new 2019 brings for PPC Marketer is the biggest question here…

With lots of changes in PPC marketing, this would be another big year for the marketers. This year’s major focus of PPC campaigns would be on two key areas including Audience and Automation. However, that’s just the beginning.

Let’s get into the deep and reveal the biggest trends that you need to follow while investing in PPC campaigns according to 2019 PPC trends…

Focus Audience, Not Keywords

Now the time has gone when marketers design keyword-driven PPC campaigns to promote any brand via search engines. However, if you are still believing in the same strategy, then juggle the best strategies to capitalize on this parameter as this era is almost coming to an end in 2019.

With the latest amendments in PPC 2019 trends, the use of Keywords is completely replaced by adopting the audience targeting strategies for the ads. The key to success in 2019 is to create a detailed strategy of the various audience types and audience lists and how you can layer them to shape your paid search strategy. Keywords will remain important, but the audience targeting on the search network is equally important in 2019 for securing high performance. Make sure you include every aspect while targeting the audience to reap the best benefit of your campaign.

Automation Vs Human Intelligence

Google reveals that its search ads should be “user-friendly ads” that works for everyone. They believe automation is a powerful way to improve the performance of your campaigns. Google has invested heavily in building out its automation options and the results are simply extraordinary. To make the most out of the PPC Automation, your campaigns need to be set up to help the algorithms that work in the favor. In short, effectively implementing and accurate conversion tracking, writing great ad copy and find your ideal audience and keywords is a great way to improve the performance of your ads.

Automation is the smart trick, that PPC automation can be a huge opportunity for your business in 2019. It can enhance the performance of your paid ads and save you from countless hours of mind-numbing work, enabling you to focus your efforts on more important human tasks including writing copy and building landing pages.

Text Ads are No Longer So Impressive

It is completely understood that brand awareness is a vital aspect of any successful online marketing, but the way PPC marketers are promoting your brand has completely changed in 2019. More campaigns are now designed in a video format to reach the targeted audience. The aesthetic appeal and low costs involved in video making make it a common choice of PPC marketers.

One of the main media channels is YouTube to start video advertising. With several shooting and editing tools, it’s never been easier to create an ad, but video campaigns can increase the visibility and increase the value of your ads.

Think About Remarketing Strategy

Remarketing is an important part of the digital marketing strategy for years, but consumers are now better to understand what all these ads are about and how they work. To make the most of your remarking in 2019, you need to rethink how you approach remarketing.

While many businesses assume that the percentage of web traffic exists your site without converting might convert into a potential buyer if you present the same content again and encourage them to make a purchase.

Well, this might be helpful if everyone who clicked is interested in buying products right now…

If the truth is told, only 6- 7% of the people who visit your site are ready to buy at that moment. However, what about the remaining crowd that interested to click but not ready to buy? Can remarketing help you with them or help you convert them into a purchase?

You can also read: 7 Tips To Optimize Your Landing Page For Higher Conversions

The answer is of course yes…But with 2019 PPC trends, it won’t work to ads with the goals get to “Buy now” or “Convert Now”. Instead, you need to design ads that can easily convince people and encourage them to take action. If done properly, remarketing in 2019 drives you more results with the audience-based marketing approach.

Keep an Eye Out For Latest PPC Features

With 2019 PPC trends, you can expect a lot of new features and tools from every PPC marketing platform. This will present real opportunities for marketers who are ready to reap the best benefits of PPC campaigns.

This is especially true if you are a local advertiser. In fact, from the last few years, Google is already hinting and giving clues of various new features for the local advertisers, so keep your eye stick peeled to the latest PPC trends.


There are massive features and tools 2019 will offer to the savvy advertisers to lift their brand. If you are not sure how to implement or take advantage of these PPC trends, or how will they affect your online marketing efforts? Then 6ixWebSoft Technology is one of the award-winning companies in India that can easily get your desired results. They’ll incorporate all the latest trends to manage your ad spends and decrease your cost per conversion.

5 Most Important PPC Trends That You Need to Follow In 2019


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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