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Is there SEO Beyond the Use of Keywords When It Comes to Content Marketing?


SEO is the most essential part when it comes to marketing the content on the web, but many of big and small companies out there fall trap to the very outlawed idea that keywords and key phrases are important part of content marketing.  The kind of quality content that you are continuously flashing out on the digital media, has no purpose whatsoever, if it does not appear on the first page in the Google search.  But how keywords or key phrases register the importance out here? Well, the integration of keywords or key phrases is essential, but these are not the necessity.

Why the Use of Keywords or Keyphrases is Considered Essential?

If it is SEO, you have to think beyond the world of keywords and key phrases. We talk of short tail keywords or even the long tail keywords, but very often the context and semantic goes missing somewhere as the result, nothing in terms of logic really comes up for reading before the internet readers. Most of the content is being written around the same or similar keywords, which eventually results into same kind of content marketing. The search engines do not have any logic left with them when they rank the content or the business and place it on the first place. It is entirely luck that plays its role, and your business comes up on the first place all by itself.

Use of keywords and key phrases has been a problem in the recent times, and specially with respect to the idea of business rankings. During the heydays of SEO, keywords and key phrases were everything. Articles were written around the keywords, and keywords were stuffed to get them ranked on the top. In all such fiasco, there was little or no relevance left with the idea of the topic.  In short, everything was done to gain traffic.

Everything Changed with New Search Algorithms

Here came the dawn of search engine algorithms, and there was a complete change.  The spammed keywords and the articles that used them were penalized. The rankings of online businesses began to pull down from the top. New search engine algorithms are using several other elements in determining the ranks, and these include:

  • Security of Your Website
  • Length, Quality and Reliability of the Content
  • Mobile-friendliness of the Content
  • Domain Age and Domain Authority of the Website
  • Relevancy and Frequency of Backlinks to Your Website
  • Images Used on the Website and Image Tags Used

If we talk of Google only, there are as many as 200 factors that is helping genuine online businesses to keep their fair share up in the search engine results. Google has not divulged all these factors. These elements add value and play more significant role in deciding the ranks.

Authors and the Backlinking

Authors have to be genuine, and this means, the ones who write under the veil of author and playing only around the keywords or keyphrases have no space left. The role of genuine authors is to produce the content that matches relevancy of keywords and discusses seriousness of the topic. Content with knowledge and authority and best links will help in contributing more emphasis to the ranking, especially if these are directed from superior authority resources.

Similarly, if the backlink referring to the website and little views will have only a little contribution than a website that contains hundreds of thousands or even millions. Make sure your online business does not show references of any broken links or toxic links. If you spend time checking and removing the bad backlinks, you have an upper edge over your competitors. Delve into your website and find out that the existing links are working fine and good and now you work hard to produce effective links that have fair chances to gain ranking in less time frame.

Should You Aim for Technical SEO or Not?

The content produced should be scintillating, and it should have relevance to your business. It should have specific SEO keywords, and the themes should be consistent.  The content should be of valuable interest to your readers.  Poor technical SEO will yield to problems, and in such websites the upload time is very high. There are several problems associated with technical SEO, and if these are not addressed, there is high probability many website visitors coming to website show a higher bounce rate.

Search engines have also penalized websites that upload slowly or do not upload at all.  Webmasters who do not deal with the SEO aspects or have limited or absolutely no knowledge about the technical SEO will create the content that is absolutely not realistic or meet the business purpose.

Keeping everything aside, what really matters here is that you need to have the content that is crawled, and the SEO should be done in the manner that the pages are crawled in natural way.

Is there SEO Beyond the Use of Keywords When It Comes to Content Marketing?

Admin Author

Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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