Tag Archives: Google Voice SEO

The Most Essential Facts of Voice Search SEO Optimization in 2019


In the new trends of search engine optimization 2019, it is clearly shown that the future of voice search as a comparison to text search is brighter. Most people give preference to voice search because they don’t want to waste time while typing text on the search engine. The SEO for Voice Search is become mandatory to appear in Voice Search Ranking. Voice Search SEO Optimization also becomes a big task for Internet Marketing Organizations. Here, we will classify some points regarding the important tips and tricks for 2019 by which you can improve the voice search SEO Optimization.

What is Google Voice Search?

Voice Search is the inquiry of the users through voice rather than typing text on the search tab. After speaking any term for search On Google, the search engine will show you relevant results related to the voice search.

Why Google Search SEO is Important for Your Business?

The graph of voice search on Google has been increasing rapidly and that’s why the need for Voice Search Optimization also becomes a mandatory task for you. Therefore, you must walk with the trend and apply the Voice Search SEO Optimization Tips for your business website or portal.

Take a Glimpse Look on Voice Search Optimization 2019 Tips:

Focus on Long Tail Keywords in SEO:

Are you thinking users speak less than words in voice search inquiry? You are absolutely wrong because around 90% of the users speak more words in voice search as a comparison to text search on Google. For Example, if you are thinking of designing your wedding dress from the best wedding designer in the USA then you may search on Google top fashion designers in the USA. On the other hand, in the voice search, you may speak what are the top fashion designers in the USA. The Long-Tail Keywords are relevant aspect in the voice search optimization.

  • If you also want to appear in the top position of Google Voice Search then you must use the Long-Tail Keywords Also in Marketing Strategy.
  • Long-Tail Keywords Helpful for the clients to appear in the top position of Google.
  • Voice Searches are 75% Longer Than Text Searches

Add Some FAQs On Website:

The FAQs are also playing a vital role in the voice search engine because mostly users query on Google Search Engine in the form of FAQs. When you add some FAQs on your portal of different pages related to the customer’s inquiries then Google will automatically fetch the FAQs Content of your website and showing your portal on the top position of Google Search Engine. In the Voice Search 2019 Tips, you should never be missing FAQs on your portal related to the customers enquires.

Read Also: 11 Digital Marketing Trends You Can No Longer Ignore in 2019

Optimization of Local Search:

The Optimization of Local Search is key-aspect to run your business website according to the Voice Search Trends 2019. The local search optimization works on the lead generation goal. Every country and Every City has different types of culture and the voice search may also depend on the culture of the place. Therefore, you should focus on local search behavior and nature with Local SEO.

Add Keyword Intent According to Voice Search in Meta Description:

The Meta Description of the website is working as an effective weapon to appear on the Google Search Engine. Google always fetch firstly meta description of the website and the content of your portal. The use of Voice Search Long-Tail Keywords is not only for the marketing program but also for the Meta Description of a website. This will also improve the Local Search Appearance of your business.

Run Your Marketing Strategy According to Industry Nature:

The Voice Search Optimization Services being popular in the industry due to the increasing interest of customers in the Voice Search. Therefore, this is all about Voice Search Optimization Tips and Tricks for 2019. In the end, we want to state one thing that you should run your marketing strategy according to the industrial nature which is going in favor of voice search.

The Most Essential Facts of Voice Search SEO Optimization in 2019


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