Tag Archives: Google Voice Search

The Most Essential Facts of Voice Search SEO Optimization in 2019


In the new trends of search engine optimization 2019, it is clearly shown that the future of voice search as a comparison to text search is brighter. Most people give preference to voice search because they don’t want to waste time while typing text on the search engine. The SEO for Voice Search is become mandatory to appear in Voice Search Ranking. Voice Search SEO Optimization also becomes a big task for Internet Marketing Organizations. Here, we will classify some points regarding the important tips and tricks for 2019 by which you can improve the voice search SEO Optimization.

What is Google Voice Search?

Voice Search is the inquiry of the users through voice rather than typing text on the search tab. After speaking any term for search On Google, the search engine will show you relevant results related to the voice search.

Why Google Search SEO is Important for Your Business?

The graph of voice search on Google has been increasing rapidly and that’s why the need for Voice Search Optimization also becomes a mandatory task for you. Therefore, you must walk with the trend and apply the Voice Search SEO Optimization Tips for your business website or portal.

Take a Glimpse Look on Voice Search Optimization 2019 Tips:

Focus on Long Tail Keywords in SEO:

Are you thinking users speak less than words in voice search inquiry? You are absolutely wrong because around 90% of the users speak more words in voice search as a comparison to text search on Google. For Example, if you are thinking of designing your wedding dress from the best wedding designer in the USA then you may search on Google top fashion designers in the USA. On the other hand, in the voice search, you may speak what are the top fashion designers in the USA. The Long-Tail Keywords are relevant aspect in the voice search optimization.

  • If you also want to appear in the top position of Google Voice Search then you must use the Long-Tail Keywords Also in Marketing Strategy.
  • Long-Tail Keywords Helpful for the clients to appear in the top position of Google.
  • Voice Searches are 75% Longer Than Text Searches

Add Some FAQs On Website:

The FAQs are also playing a vital role in the voice search engine because mostly users query on Google Search Engine in the form of FAQs. When you add some FAQs on your portal of different pages related to the customer’s inquiries then Google will automatically fetch the FAQs Content of your website and showing your portal on the top position of Google Search Engine. In the Voice Search 2019 Tips, you should never be missing FAQs on your portal related to the customers enquires.

Read Also: 11 Digital Marketing Trends You Can No Longer Ignore in 2019

Optimization of Local Search:

The Optimization of Local Search is key-aspect to run your business website according to the Voice Search Trends 2019. The local search optimization works on the lead generation goal. Every country and Every City has different types of culture and the voice search may also depend on the culture of the place. Therefore, you should focus on local search behavior and nature with Local SEO.

Add Keyword Intent According to Voice Search in Meta Description:

The Meta Description of the website is working as an effective weapon to appear on the Google Search Engine. Google always fetch firstly meta description of the website and the content of your portal. The use of Voice Search Long-Tail Keywords is not only for the marketing program but also for the Meta Description of a website. This will also improve the Local Search Appearance of your business.

Run Your Marketing Strategy According to Industry Nature:

The Voice Search Optimization Services being popular in the industry due to the increasing interest of customers in the Voice Search. Therefore, this is all about Voice Search Optimization Tips and Tricks for 2019. In the end, we want to state one thing that you should run your marketing strategy according to the industrial nature which is going in favor of voice search.

The Most Essential Facts of Voice Search SEO Optimization in 2019


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH- The Top Searcher with Quality Content Deliverance

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The platform where you can find results of your searches just by using your voice is what you call Google Voice Search. Isn’t it great? In this busy era, everyone needs quick results at a click. Patience has no place when it comes to searching various contents in a tight schedule.

Google Voice Search Optimization- “OK, Google” helps you every time

Google is the king of search engines which has evolved with the recurring technological innovations and introduced the world with the best fictional inspiration- Google Voice Search. With the convenience at every level, Google has gone far more advanced in seeking comfortability of the users by handling voice search queries instantly and efficiently. The professionals and creators of voice search have been working hard on how customers ask the questions verbally and even analyzing the attitude in general.

Coming to the business terms, Google has been the partner of every established brand since the beginning and has developed its revolutionary voice search to bring the best option to grow your business by Google Voice Search Optimization. It is too difficult to assume how Google will speculate about the development in voice search in the future. The possibilities can be fantastical or may not be, so what we have right now is what your business requires to grow like anything in the competitive web era.

How does Google Voice Search work?

When you ask Google about your queries related to anything, it functions over your voice commands and not by typing, it is Google Voice Search that understands you and provides you with the exact result.

A little difference may be found between Google Voice Search and regular typed text for a query while using the search command through voice and activating it. While the device may feel difficulty in catching tricky words but it is able to analyze “near me” searches and shows the similar results on voice search of every device.

While the virtual results may differ, but types queries will turn out almost similar to what you have asked verbally from Google. It is much easier to speak than writing and that Google voice search optimization is necessary for progress.

Google Voice Search is the prime translator of what we speak and enquire, can benefit your business to a great extent and that you definitely need Google voice search optimization to place your foot at the top of the budding and reputed competitions in your field of business.

Key findings of Voice Search for Local Business

  • More voice searches have been processed by the age group of 18-34.
  • People who come under the age group of 35-54 have used it more on a Smartphone in comparison to a desktop/laptop, tablet, and smart speaker.
  • Voice Search made for Local Business by people who age 55+ is more on a Smartphone than others electronic sources.
  • Smart speaker has been used very rarely by all the age groups.

According to the graph given below, it has been observed that people belonging to age group of 18-34 have voice searched more for Local Business in comparison to the other age group of 35-54 and 55+.

Google Voice search Graphs

Trendiest Voice Search Tool partners of Local Business

  • Smartphone (56% have tried)
  • Desktop/Laptop (28%)
  • Tablet (26%)
  • Smart Speaker (18%)d

Voice Search by reputed industries

  • Restaurants / Cafés (51% of consumers would use voice search to find)
  • Grocery stores (41%)
  • Food delivery (35%)
  • Clothing stores (32%)
  • Hotels / Bed & Breakfasts (30%)

Google Voice Search- A convenient friend of your business

Google Voice has gained mileage because of its flexible and convenient usage by the users for being the best assistance of interpreting what they speak in the fastest way. Also, in the SEO trend last year, voice search has been declared as the 3rd most used option for the search. In addition to that, Google’s founder told that 1/5th of the search queries are from voice and it is mostly done by the technology savvy teenagers. Digital assistance is in trend and now Google Voice Search Optimization has a major role in analyzing your SEO success or can say “Brand Success”.

Keeping the popular usage of voice search majorly in mind, an algorithmic update hit up the market which is “Google Hummingbird”. It understands the intent and contextual meanings of the queries made by users on voice. This made content strategist rethink about stuffing the keywords accordingly and that it helped them in targeting the pin-points of the major searches by the users. With the time, Google has learned your way of speaking i.e., language, accent and other patterns.


google voice search factors


By opting for Google Voice Search for your business, you are able to bring the targeted audience which may become your permanent clients as soon as possible.
If you are a fast-loading website, then Google’s voice assistant will have an edge in your results.

If the page speed of your website is good enough for the visitors, then website loading speed and voice will have a good relationship, resulting in more audience on the website of your brand.

 Through the best SEO practices with Google Voice Search Optimization, your website pages’ load much faster than what you type taking time. Google has recently introduced the people about its speed update in mobile search rankings so that they find the answers to their queries as soon as possible.

It is important that your query gets cleared within no time i.e., you do not want to wait even a moment right after you give voice commands to the Google. So, it is good to know that the algorithm of Google voice search will use page loading speed to show up your answer within you wink your eyes. The fast visualization of your business builds trust on your customers and that they become reliant on you for your best performance in the survival of the business potential.

  • You can dominate Google Voice Search if you stand with HTTPS-Secured Website for your business. While you are thinking that HTTPS gives the minimal boost to your company, you must know that it is not applicable in Google Voice Search Optimization. As per the suggested data by experts, it is believed that Google likes HTTPS websites more than HTTP and that it has an adoption certificate of 70.4% HTTPS-secured websites.

Due to correlation, Google voice search contributes a lot to your business through its convenient and transparent activity of making your target audience comfortable and more connected. Even pre-assumed SEO Optimized pages do not turn up while searching on voice about a company having an HTTPS-secured website. However, if you want to rank at the top of the Google’s result list, then choosing HTTPS with voice optimization may help you to reach the platform in the shortest time-span.

  • Having a short and precise keyword-stuffed content at your website is well-considered with Google Voice Search Optimization. Having a brief content on your website may work well with other things but not with voice assistant. It is better than you choose short and precise keywords for the content on your website to get connected through Google Voice Search optimization. Telling about your business to-the-point will help Google understand better and hence it tends to show you up in the list of the top established brands.
  • If your business website has strong link authority, then there are high chances to rank best in the voice searches. If you know about how SEO works, then you must know how incredibly high DR is considered in it. Unlike getting a list of blue links for Google search and getting the results, Google voice algorithm relies on domain authority over page authority to give the accurate and trusted results. This means that if Google voice trusts you, it will not care about other links related to the subject people search for.
  • Organic content on your website is mostly shared and that Google voice easily recognizes it.

As per the research, the content which is mostly shared on social platforms is being recognized often by Google Voice Search. It is a myth that Google does not follow social media algorithms because the things people share are easily recognized by the Google search engine. Having said that, if your website owns a valuable and engaging content and is able to be shared on social platforms, then voice search is no exception but your website will be on top of its list.

You need to see that your content contains simple and recognizable words and the content which is able to comprehend without visual explanation. With that Google measures the readable level of your content and show up whenever someone asks Google for the searches through Voice Search Optimization.

  • High-word count on your website can take you a long way with Google Voice Search.

If you have long-form content on your web pages, then there are the majority chances of being ranked high in Google Home Searches. A page having <1000 words have a high tendency of being showed up on the search list while asking the Google about the topic. High-word counts are on one side but having those words in an authentic way what matters to Google as well as the audience.

Also, question and answer (FAQs) strategy can work well in the growth of your web voice searches. Conversational FAQs are easy to identify by Google Voice Search.

The more words you own, the more opportunities to match as a voice search result increases and thus playing a vital role in voice search SEO, it helps in ranking high on the web.

  • Featured snippets can work in ranking high on voice search SEO.

Concise answers of the voice search results are ideal if your content appears on the featured snippets. If your keyword matches exactly with the audience questions from the Google Voice, then your website may have higher chances of appearing features snippets.

It has now become evident that the Google voice search is on a high note due to the recognition of natural language and artificial intelligence. As per the graph is shown above, it is analyzed that 50% of teenagers and 41% of adults, use Google Voice Search for any type of authentic query and activities they wish to do online.

Voice searches on Google are of the view of user-interface activities, thus online marketing is one of its fortes. Google Voice Search marketing is in trend now for every business who wants to grow rapidly with its Voice search SEO strategies.

GOOGLE VOICE SEARCH- The Top Searcher with Quality Content Deliverance


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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