Tag Archives: Google AMP

What Is Google AMP and How It Will Affect Your SEO?

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Wondering whether AMP is worth to invest in to improve the ranking of your site? Well, long back Google announces the algorithms specifically designed by keeping in mind to improve your performance on search engine result pages- that is AMP.

With this additional feature to the optimization tool, your web pages could load four times faster than the previous speed and ultimately enhance the user’s experience. If you are not familiar with Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP), then dive into this blog post and examples showing results different companies had with AMP.

Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) is an open-source project specially designed to allow your responsive sites to render nearly instantly on mobile devices including smartphones, laptops and tablets and so on. It is designed to enable the publisher to load their website content more quickly on mobile devices. AMP is the smartest technique to get rid of the slow lagging problem that users with old tired desktops have.

In this fast-paced era, the digital market works better with mobile devices and drastically affect your website’s SEO. While search engine optimization refers to the strategy through which customer traffic is maximized to a specific site to online visibility, though Google AMP has been proven to have several positive effects on SEO. The most common reason would be because of the “Quick connotation that AMP is associated with it”. The label comes with Google AMP- “Accelerated Mobile Speed” indicated that the search engine being used is timely and efficient, thus acting as a potential ranking factor for SEO.

Let’s understand how Google AMP and SEO function and how it can benefit your company and its online customers…

Importance of Google AMP in Your Business Performance

If your customers are tired to load a webpage on a mobile phone that takes an obscene amount of time, then Google AMP is for you. For Users, there’s nothing more frustrating than browsing a website that takes a long time to load the page. They don’t wait, rather quickly move on to your competitor.

Most unhappy internet users are not content with the average loading speed of the site even when they have an excellent internet connection. The best way to fix the solution is to optimize your site and standardize your mobile version of the site with AMP.

How Does Google AMP Affect Search Ranking?

While managing your business online, speed is a currency for the most successful businesses. For instance, as India’s largest online shopping portal, Amazon believes that the faster you deliver what people want, the more people will buy from you. And the same goes for website content. If you click on the link, the site doesn’t open in average load time of 3 seconds, you are likely to leave the site and never wanted to return.

You can also read: Google’s AMP for Email Everything You Need to Know About It

While over the years, 80% of internet users have started accessing the sites from their smartphones, this means that the web is now much more revolves around the cell phone than ever before. And with the introduction of Google AMP, the world is ready to reap the benefits of quick loading times.

While Google does not says that all websites should have AMP pages, but you can enhance the ranking with the quicker page load times.

A recent study reveals that even a 1 Second delay in mobile browser load time can badly harm your search engine ranking and performance of your business. It can lower conversion rates by 3%, bringing down page views by 9% and boost the bounce rate by 7%. Google’s ranking algorithm is highly cognizant of this fact and knows that engagement and speed are ineradicably linked.

To get the good search results, it is important to integrate AMP coding to your site to alter your user’s experience. It will not only boost up web loading speed but also made it easier for users to access the page more confidently. If you are noticing a heavy bounce rate on your site, that means it is an alarming time especially when your web page takes 8 seconds to fully load.

An ideal page loads in less than half a second when Google’s Accelerated Mobile Page is enabled, instead of taking the 3 seconds to load your page. A vast majority of publishers are opting for Google services as it gives them an easier platform to promote their business across the internet without having to use an app.


Always remember that faster loading web pages lead to more page views which ultimately results in more customers viewing your services. But you can keep your worries aside, as SixWebSoft Technology, a certified web development company can provide you all the solutions to make AMP optimized content on your website that is more authentic and compelling.

What Is Google AMP and How It Will Affect Your SEO?


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