Tag Archives: Facebook Advertising

Google Adwords VS Facebook Ads: Which One Works Best For Your Business?


Year after year, various marketing and advertising techniques are being launched and keeping your business up to date with everything is quite a daunting task for the business owners. And when it comes to investing in the pay per click ads, it is a common question that whether Google Adwords are rewarding or Facebook ads.

Well, both platforms come up with its features and limitations. However, ultimately, the only thing that matters to the business owners is Traffic, Leads, and Sales. While it is true that Google is one of the topmost choices of search-engines, whereas Facebook is the platform where one-fourth world stays in touch with their friends. Both platforms have their value, so the choice of the advertising platform majorly depends on the purpose, budget, and nature of your next campaign. However, before getting into the details, let’s understand what exactly is facebook advertising and Google Adwords…

What is Facebook Advertising?

Facebook advertising is a type of pay-per-click ads that allows you to start your advertising campaign by targeting users as the location, demographic and profile information. The best feature that Facebook adds to your campaign is that you can add images with your social feeds or sidebar and the audience network on mobile.

What are Google Paid Ads?

Google advertising is a paid system that allows businesses to promote their campaigns throughout the Google Network. While there are around 2 million websites on its search network, therefore, it is worthy to invest in Google Adwords.

Facebook Ads vs Google Adwords: Which Is Best?

Both Google and Facebook are the two top pay-per-click advertising platforms. Google Ads are based on specific keywords and appear as the top results in the Google searches whereas Facebook Ads appears in social feeds and targeted using location and demographic information. Each platform boasts different features to create brand awareness to generating leads for your business. However, poor quality ad campaigns can lead to wasted money, no matter whether it is on Facebook or Google. If you are new to Pay-Per-Click ads, then it is best to hire a reputed company that can help you make the most out of your advertising budget.

Also ReadFacebook Ads with Whastapp-Enabled Chats: How to Cross-Platform Your Facebook Campaigns

Facebook Ads Vs Google Ads: PPC Budget

For everyone, the advertising budget matters. Now gone are those good days when you could get the Google clicks at the cheapest cost. With increasing competition on Facebook and other social media platforms, the pay-per-click price has been massively increased. But still, if you have a narrow advertising budget and looking for more ROI then Facebook can be your best choice. You can target the audience at a granular level and target the right people.

However, though the CPC is quite high for Google Adwords, there is no comparison when compared to customer lifetime value that you will get in return. If you want better ROI then you must give a thought to Google Adwords.

Google Ads VS Facebook Ads: The Objects of Advertising

Now, this is an important thing where most people make the wrong decision. Before investing and initiating the ad campaign, know your objective or results you want to drive from this advertisement. Are you trying to create brand awareness or want to boost sales?

Facebook Ads: Best works when your objective is to create brand awareness.

Google Adwords: Just the right choice when your goal is to boost sales.

Google Adwords VS Facebook Ads: Set Your Target Audience

Are you trying to target businesses or individuals? Is your business offering a product or a service? While both the platforms work great for both but there is a slight difference between B2B and B2C model.

Google Adwords for B2B Model

When you want to target businesses for your product and services, Google Adwords is the perfect platform for your PPC campaign. The simple rule of thumb suggests you keep 90% of your advertising budget for Adwords and rest for Facebook.

Facebook Ads for B2C Model

Facebook ads are the ideal choice for the most drop shippers. For beginners, Facebook has a lower CPC as compared to Google AdWords but can help you get connected with a large number of audiences based on their profiles, likes, interests.

Quick Round-Ups To Decide On Best Advertising Platform

Facebook Ads are best when :

  • You need to create brand awareness
  • Your advertising budget is narrow
  • You have a creative team to create impressive ad campaigns that will engage the users with your products or services
  • You are impressive and appealing to the masses

Google Adwords will work best when you:

  • You want to drive quality ROI
  • You have products or services to meet customer’s needs.
  • If you are targeting businesses and organizations, Google Adwords work more effectively.
  • Google Analytics is a powerful tool you can use in conjunction with your Ad campaign for better insights into ROI.
Google Adwords VS Facebook Ads: Which One Works Best For Your Business?


Drake is the Sr. Web Developer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has been developing diverse and attention-catching websites for more than 4 years. He focuses on all the details in a precise manner and works accordingly. His knowledge of web development is unmatched and uncompetitive.

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