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What to Expect in a Kick-off Meeting with Your Website Design Agency

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Have you chosen your web site design organization, and the proposal is also signed? You also have the desired website design team ready to take on the cudgels. Now, something else is booming in your mind. What is the next step? Where you are going to go from here? As with many web site design tasks, a kick-off assembly commonly steps to think about. But what makes for a successful kick-off meeting and what must you anticipate stepping into to make certain you’re no longer losing any of your or your business enterprise’s precious time?

Outsourcing the work to the efficient and state of the art website design agency outrightly means that kick-off meetings need planning, tasking, and execution. A skilled business enterprise should offer you some kind of questionnaire prior to the assembly to help get the ball rolling. Ultimately, it’s up to you to make sure these are stuffed out prior to the meeting. These files — the most prevalent being – Brand Landscape Questionnaire — will be the foundation for everything you speak about during the kick-off meeting and will frequently spark additional critical discussions hovering around the website design task.

The indispensability of Filling Out a Brand Landscape Questionnaire

A Brand Landscape Questionnaire outlines your logo’s values, target market, and buyer persona info. This record allows an organization to get to understand your agency’s emblem, challenge targets and advertising challenges; and to do a deep dive into competitor research earlier than the kick-off.

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The information contained within the questionnaire also helps your business enterprise perform by simply doing a comparative study of UXI designs by means of figuring out comparable websites whose look or functions you would possibly wish to emulate. Be positive to consist of your whole team on this system as it’s always great to have all and sundry’s insight from the beginning of the mission, mainly for the ones individuals who could be involved later inside the process.

What to Expect in a Kick-off meeting?

In the kick-off meeting, the company will focus itself on the want and desires of your web site, learn about your agency and expand a strong sense of where you need to move subsequent. Just like with the questionnaire segment, it’s critical to involve all critical crew contributors inside the kick-off assembly.

Additionally, it’s critical which you carve out at least three hours for your kick-off meeting. While this may appear long, several popular organizations have discovered that such meetings generally tend to take slightly longer than planned for, so be organized for a prolonged, but enticing get-together. The worst element you can do look out for the essential and critical first step of your website design system.

Sticking to the Script

As referred to in advance, the Brand Landscape Questionnaire is the muse of your kick-off meeting. Hopefully, you and your crew took the time to fill it out and provide thoughtful solutions to the questions protected inside. A genuinely complete questionnaire will touch on the whole thing from your emblem values like purchaser blessings to summary values inclusive of, “Who could your opinion be if it were a person” or “What brands would be its buddies?”

While the abstract fee questions can also seem a piece out of the left area, it permits your company’s creative team to recognize the tone and voice of your opinion. Other critical details protected in a Brand Landscape Questionnaire include questions pertaining to your target market and client personas.

The Possible Questions in Brand Landscape Questionnaire

•What motivates them?
•What are the problem areas?
•How does your opinion set itself aside from all people else within the market?

These varieties of questions, and lots more like them, are just a few examples of the way an organization receives to recognize your agency and emblem as part of the kick-off procedure.

And your Final Call— There’s the Litmus Test

In addition to answering questions about your brand, a successful kick-off meeting includes a litmus test of different types of website design interfaces. This is where your business enterprise asks you to select some of your favorite sites and then give an explanation for why you like them. A top enterprise will also select some websites to review with you for comparison.

What to Expect in a Kick-off Meeting with Your Website Design Agency


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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WordPress or Shopify: Which Platform Is Best for Your Ecommerce Business?


Planning to take your business online but not yet decided which website platform is best for your online store? If you are still confused that Shopify is better or WordPress, then it is best to go through this complete review 2019.

No doubt, eCommerce has exponentially grown in the last few years and has become an integral part of every business. Whether you are a beginner or an existing one, starting up an eCommerce business has never been an easy task as there are several things that you need to understand and decide upon. But one of the most important things is choosing the right platform to develop your eCommerce website.

Whether Shopify or WordPress is best For You?

With various platforms, WordPress and Shopify are the most common platforms to start an online store. Both of these eCommerce platforms come up with their limits and features but ensure an efficient interface to start your business online. However, many users are still stuck with the question of whether WordPress is best or Shopify? Therefore, to help you make the best decision, this blog has compared the major features of these two platforms.

What is the Difference Between Shopify and WordPress?

In simple terms, Shopify is known as a “Website Builder” which means that people who have no technical knowledge can build their website at Shopify on their own. It offers a range of templates that can be easily customized to meet your specific business needs. You can develop an online store without using any designing skills, technical skills and resorting to coding. Besides, it is a complete hosted solution where you can run everything on Shopify’s server. Moreover, as Shopify is a “SaaS” tool, you don’t need to own a copy of this software. By paying a small amount of monthly fee you can keep your website live.

Also readBest E-commerce Development Platforms for 2019: Shopify vs WooCommerce vs Magento vs Prestashop

On the other hand, WordPress is a little different. It usually comes in two different versions – WordPress.com and WordPress.org. WordPress.com is just like Shopify (SaaS) tool and works the same as a website builder. You pay a monthly fee and you will get access to a broad range of features that could help you develop the best eCommerce website. Whereas WordPress.org is a piece of software that you need to download and install on your web server. Self-hosted WordPress can meet nearly any website design requirement via the installation of the right plugins.

Features and Limits of Shopify/WordPress

Pros & Cons of Shopify

Users would not require any coding and technical knowledge while developing a website on Shopify but if you need to change your theme, you will have to reformat your content.

You can cut down the hosting and security fees but you need to pay small monthly fees to keep your website live.

It is a purpose-built eCommerce platform, you will find everything ready at Shopify. However, it is not as basic as a drag-and-drop platform.

Develop e-commerce portal on wordpress->>

Pros & Cons of WordPress

On the contrary, it is more user-friendly and can be customized as per your business needs. However, it requires rich technical knowledge and skills to access the features of this platform.

It can be easily accessed with the help of online resources but the WordPress store is quite expensive to maintain. You need to secure things like hosting, security and domain.

Which Platform is More Easier To Access?

Without a doubt, Shopify is a winner! Unlike WordPress, you don’t need to have a strong skill set to understand the coding and not even need to install extra software. Shopify comes with built-in features that necessary to run an eCommerce website.

Which Platform Has Best Theme and Templates?

Shopify has around 70 themes for you to pick from. However, 10 of these themes are free to use whereas 60 are paid. It might add extra cost to your web development but its a one-off investment that brings life to your website. The important part is, all these templates are mobile responsive.

However, when it comes to choice, WordPress blows Shopify by offering more than 1000 themes, although just for eCommerce. There are plenty of more options that you can explore and choose from to give a perfect face to your online store.

What Tools and Features Both Platforms Offer You?

Well, tools and features are everything on your eCommerce website. While Shopify has its in-house store to buy tools whereas WordPress relies on the features provided by the third-party plugins.

Shopify has hundreds of eCommerce features including discount codes, abandoned cart recovery, and multi-channel integration. On the other hand, WordPress doesn’t have any eCommerce features to offer you.

Shopify Vs WordPress: Which is SEO Winner?

SEO is the shortest and most effective way to enhance your website’s visibility on search engines like Google and Bing. Shopify can allow you to do SEO in several ways by adding specific titles, descriptions, metadata, and customized URLs that can easily crawl in search engines. Whereas in WordPress sites, you don’t need to learn the SEO tricks as it is done through external plugins.

Customer Help and Support at Both Platforms

There is no match of Shopify’s customer care and support system. The experts are available round the clock and can easily reach the experts in a variety of ways including phone, email, live chat or onsite help center. And the depressing part about WordPress is that there is no direct help for the WordPress Users. There are only resources such as forums that can give you support.

WordPress or Shopify: Which Platform Is Best for Your Ecommerce Business?


Alex is an experienced Web Designer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has a great knowledge of multiple designs and layouts for website designing. His professionalism and profound knowledge of web designing make him unrivaled. No web design is impossible for him to create.

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Things to Know Before Developing an eCommerce Website


For any start-up business implementation on the internet, the need for web development comes in the first place. There are various aspects that are considered in detail before the web development. These aspects mainly range from user experience to its performance. Developing an E-Commerce Website can quite be challenging as it is quite different from the other types of websites. This type of website is developed on a large scale and includes a complex process. An E-Commerce Website is primarily and only builds for the customers and every website owner would want to make their users’ experience better every time. Along with these considerations, there come the five important things that should be known to the owner and web developer prior to the development of an E-Commerce Website.

  1. Responsive Design

Nowadays, people like to use their mobile devices to visit any website, even if it is shopping on an e-commerce website. It has been reported that most of the traffic on the websites come from mobile phones in comparison to other sources of devices. However, an owner of the website should make sure that his or her e-commerce website is shown in the most optimized manner on the mobile phones of the users so that the shopping can be done easily through an easy access to it.

To ensure the success of an e-commerce website, a responsive website design is regarded as a proven way to do that. For the immediate implementation of responsive design, Episerver CMS tool is put into use. There are other CMS platforms available too but they need an extra configuration. Be it any platform usage, you need to be sure that it doesn’t produce any discomfort for the users while using your website on mobile devices.

  1. Support Guest Checkouts

Almost every e-commerce site requires the users to create an account and then make any purchases. This is so because it filled the communication gap between the company and users and keeps updated about the new products and services at the right time. Due to the paucity of time or disliking about the creation of an account, there are many who don’t wish to create any type of account on the e-commerce websites.

The account creation is found suitable for the ones who visit the site repeatedly and wish to buy products from it. But the companies should also consider the users who don’t wish to create an account. However, the users should be available with both the options.

  1. Site Search is Important

According to the statistical reports, it has been stated that 30% of e-commerce site visitors make use of search bar to find their intended product, so a web developer should know how to make this process easy and convenient for the users. It is also considered to be a great way to make a search for products or items related to the intended event.

There is another way called Faceted Search used for finding products on the website. This aspect lessens the operations of the users and provides an easy and accessible way to their products. More power gets added to the functionality and it shows only what a customer is looking for on the website.

  1. Security is Essential

For ensuring a security, an e-commerce website should be supportive of SSL to encrypt information. It is essential because of the information like a credit card, payment details, or other information like address, phone number, email, etc. All the customers on e-commerce websites always look forward to keeping their personal information safe and secured, even at the time of making purchases and paying for the same through various payment resources. Being an owner of the website, it becomes important o provide customers’ details and payment as safe as possible. And the businesses who accept credit card payments are required to meet PCI compliance to ensure a great security for the customers making purchases.

  1. Optimize Site Performance

A big reason behind a website losing its customers is its slow speed. Many kinds of research are performed that exclaimed that 40% of users have immediately left the website when it took more than a time of 3 seconds to load. This data was mainly derived from the users of mobiles who perform multi-task and often abandon the websites that are slow.

Make sure your website loads as fast as possible and you don’t lose customers due to this reason. Look at a few ways to make your website run smoothly:

  • To speed up the interaction with the website, a site’s JavaScript or CSS resource files should be compiled in a single file. This is so because users will only have to download one JavaScript file or style sheet rather than a lot one.
  • Use compress images as they are the best alternative to go with for reducing download times.
  • For reducing the time spent sending data between the web server and the database server, caching should be used.

Keep all these aspects in mind and design an e-commerce website accordingly. Considering these things will provide your users with a great website experience and add a lot of elements in making your website smooth and effective. Collaboration with professional web developers can take your website presence and administration to a completely next level. Along with the web development, there are many other things that are needed to be considered like SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and more to ensure a great success for the business across the globe.

Looking forward to developing an e-commerce website? Consider the above-mentioned points and move forward with the process. Make sure you don’t leave any point overlooked. Get the best knowledge through this article and ensure only the best for your business. Build your e-commerce website after considering all the valuable things needed to be looking for a user-friendly and smooth website.

Things to Know Before Developing an eCommerce Website


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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