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7- Interesting Facts of SEO You Cannot Afford to Miss Out in Your Digital Journey


SEO is still offering great privileged insights for a ton of learners out there, yet even clients should be continually informed regarding what occurs in the internet advertising world.

There are a ton of SEO certainties and details out there, with pretty much-known issues. Here is the rundown of amazing SEO realities that makes you tap the power of optimizing your online business from another perspective.

#1. Copy Content Won’t Get You Penalized

Will you be punished for copy content? No. Is copy content harming your site? Indeed, it depends. Did you see copy content referenced anyplace? No. It’s about replicated content. Also, Google has an alternate treatment for replicated content than for copy content. Copy content won’t get you punished, while replicated substance will. The duplicated content will, however, be penalized.  Such pages ought to be evaluated lowest, regardless of whether the page appoints credit for the substance to another source.

Copy content isn’t continually harming SEO as the vast majority of the individuals think. Obviously, copy content isn’t an ideal set-up for pages. All things considered, more often than not copy content isn’t manipulative. In the event that you utilize accepted labels to let web indexes know the favored content, you need to protect yourself from the search engine penalization.

Recall that if there is a site copying your content and you don’t have any understanding, you can fill in a solicitation to have it expelled under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Something else that you can undoubtedly do is to utilize sanctioned labels. This is a basic method for telling the web index this is the place the official form initially showed up. You should keep check of the copy content issues, whenever you start forming your substance advertising procedures or you need to examine your SEO rankings.

#2. Not All Search Engines are Using the Links as a Ranking Factor

Is it conceivable to rank without links? The appropriate response is yes.

Yandex, the greatest web crawler in Russia is never again contemplating connections as a positioning variable. Before saying that what occurs in Russia, remains in Russia, you have to realize that Google may be going a similar way. The Russian business SERPs in Yandex and Google are probably the most spammed keywords, where black hat SEO procedures are utilized to rapidly rank obscure locales.

Will Google expel links from its calculation? It appears as though Google wishes to rank sites dependent on actualities rather than joins. They even talked about barring backlinks from the Google calculation.

It appears as though Google wishes to rank sites dependent on actualities rather than links. This implies the reliability of space may assist it with ascending rankings if Google estimates quality by realities, rather than links.

#3. Top Ranking Positions Have Significantly More Facebook Activity

There is a buzz with respect to the impact of offers, remarks, likes, and so forth on SEO when all is said in done. Are social flags a positioning component? The appropriate response isn’t as straightforward as a “yes” or “no”. What we can let you know without a doubt because of an inside and out investigation distributed in a past blog entry on this issue is this:

While no penalty can be construed, more nearness on Facebook is obviously connected with a higher position on the hunt list.

It appears that Facebook associations influence Google search rankings. Subsequently, the informal organization furnishes commitment with your crowd, yet it additionally influences quantifiable results past commitment, including higher list items positioning. You don’t need to be an SEO master to realize that natural posting doesn’t come up effectively, paying little heed to the SEO strategies or internet-based life system you’ve utilized. However, any little assist that with willing to improve your pursuit of traffic certainly makes a difference.

#4. Rich Snippets Have No Direct Impact on Your Rankings

Rich snippets have been a sneak into the SERP page. Do they directly affect your positions? All things considered, not so much. Rich snippets have the job of adding additional data to an inquiry posting in any case, as indicated by Google, they don’t impact rankings. Google has expressed a few times that rich pieces have no immediate effect nearby rankings right now.

This doesn’t imply that it can’t create SEO benefits however, such as helping a page to be effectively indexable or indicating valuable information for the business. Rich snippets will help you in a backhanded manner to get more individuals to visit your site, and that thusly may additionally assist you with your rankings; yet rich snippets have no immediate effect on your positions.

#5. Just 2 of the Top 10 Most Popular Sites on the Web Are Content Sites

Google, Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo!, Amazon, Wikipedia, Twitter, Bing, eBay, and MSN- No surprise here, that you know all of these websites. But Wikipedia and YouTube are really content-situated sites. The other is “content entryways” in the event that we can say that however, they are not offering direct substance in a manner a typical site does.

#6. Item Detection in Images Is a Strong Ranking Signal

You may realize that Google is sufficiently shrewd to perceive protests in pictures yet what you cannot deny is that article acknowledgment is currently a positioning sign that can influence any business out there.

#7. Placing Streaming Video on the Homepage Will Enhance the Chances to Show up on Page 1 of Google

All that YouTube has accomplished in the most recent years made it the world’s second-biggest web index and furthermore the go-to decision for an online video showcasing and promoting. We should consider it for a minute. Everyone likes recordings, isn’t that so? They are in a flash more appealing than content for bunches of individuals and it appears that the enormous G holds a unique spot for Youtube in its heart. We ought to likewise consider that, all things considered, it is possessed by Google.

With these seven points clear in your mind, you are ready to take on to the next level in your business.

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7- Interesting Facts of SEO You Cannot Afford to Miss Out in Your Digital Journey

Admin Author

Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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Essential eCommerce SEO Marketing Strategies to Boost Sales


Almost everyone around the world is aware of the status of e-commerce as a BIG business. The moment you take your business on the social platforms, it turns out to be an e-commerce business. Earlier, there used to be only two e-commerce namely Amazon and eBay. But now with an advancement in the technology and support of creative people, many competitors have sealed their position in it.

Being on the same platform, how will you ensure your position among the top e-commerce? This is also known to every business sector that there are some sites whose e-commerce SEO strategies are abhorrent. So, this infuses a hope in everyone.

A few of key e-commerce SEO strategies that will help you get a clear edge over the competitors are:

    • Keyword Research for e-commerce sites.
    • On-Page SEO.
    • Technical SEO.

Follow-up of these strategies along with the construction of your e-commerce site will surely bring in sales. Get all set to dive into the world of tactics and make your sales on.

E-commerce SEO Strategy 1 – Keyword Research for E-commerce Sites
In just the time span of 60 seconds, the Google searches that take place are around the digit of 700,000. And, this would sound like a big number to you. Around 100,500 digital words are processed on an average by the consumers.

But, how will you ensure that customers find you at the top in search engines? Go for the targeted keywords list and reach your consumers easily. The keywords added in the content helps consumers to get engaged with the best companies in just a click. Add them in such a way that customers go for your site first.

E-commerce Strategy 2 – On Page SEO
Site Architecture
By the term architecture, it means the way something looks. Revamping of your e-commerce is a must if you need traffic. It is very important to organise the e-commerce site in the most amazing manner. It should be executed because “higher the number of e-commerce websites, higher the number of product pages are there.”

Also Read: Why Is Custom Ecommerce Development Better Than Standard Designs

Site Architecture gives customers an access to the website of their need. SEO can be hurt if your user does not get a good flow experience with your site architecture.

Building your Navigation and Site Structure
Prior to the structuring of a site and its navigation, it is crucial to have a blueprint of the same.

Stage 1: Important questions need to be asked to yourself

  • What exactly the words the consumers use before hitting any site?
  • What content the consumers look for once they get an access to the site?
  • Which page on the site get the most traffic?
  • Which is the top exit page?

Stage 2: Keep the links easy
Do not keep more than 100 links on your website.

Stage 3: Add breadcrumbs
This will make the users go directly for the content instead of URL.

E-Commerce Strategy 3- Technical SEO
Stage 1: Look for the flaws of your site
Know about the existing problems with your website and immediately try to fix it in a short span of time.

Stage 2: Get the most attractive reviews uploaded on the website
Reviews help the consumers in knowing more about the website like how it is and what actually it offers.

Stage 3: Execute Product Review Schema Markup
Schema Markup has been recognised as a new skill to implement for both SEOs and all around marketers.

Stage 4: Make sure you are using short, Keyword-rich URLs
The shorter the URL, the higher the rank on Google’s first page. It has been observed that e-commerce websites have longer URL in comparison to other sites. If a URL reaches more than 50+ characters, the Google starts to get confuses and weaken the effect of the keywords in your URL. Always make sure that you use SEO friendly terms in your URL and try to make them keyword rich.

Stage 5: Justify your product with fleckless content
Never copy the content of others just like on their website. This is a very common mistake usually e-commerce websites made. The copied content may even lead to prosecution. Therefore, it is crucial to come up with a unique content and product description.

Stage 6: Upload eye-catchy meta descriptions and titles
If meta descriptions look attractive and readable, then only the customers are convinced to read it more.

Stage 7: H1 Tags
In the content, it is very important to add at least one H1 Heading Tag on each and every page.

Stage 8: Choose HTTPS
Being a single platform for keeping the records of the users, it is important to keep all the information encrypted. So, it is recommended to make their domain as HTTPS rather than HTTP.

Stage 9: Produce a sitemap
A readable format of your site for search engines can be created by a sitemap. A complete list of URLs on your website can be organised through it. An e-commerce business gets a lot of benefit by creating a sitemap.

Stage 10: Don’t forget to calculate the website speed
Everything has become so fast and digital nowadays that people can’t wait for long for anything. According to the researches, it is calculated that about 40 per cent of visitors do not wait longer than 3 seconds for the opening of a site and even leave the site for another one. People need faster websites which get open in a click. The switched website can be your competitor too, so make it as fast as it can be.

Stage 11: Ameliorate for Mobile
Rather than using big screens or desktops, people are more friendly with their mobile and smartphones. There is a need to keep in mind that your website should be mobile-friendly and gets open in a moment.

Essential eCommerce SEO Marketing Strategies to Boost Sales


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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