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Google Says Goodbye to the Old Search Console

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Google has always been synonymous with the idea of newness in its products, and this time, it has taken a decision to go for bidding an adieu to the old search engine console. Not two years ago, Google had launched a new version of search engine console, and now, comes a whole new version of search engine console, which is several times more innovative and give internet audience a much higher searching capability in comparison to previous versions.

Google took two years of intense testing of its new search console, and this obviously means that this search engine monarch is all set to become a superpower in times to come. The old search engine console has already been shut down, and will not be in use anymore. Undeniably, this is a new milestone in graduation. Google has further announced that all previous versions of Search Console Reports, as well as Home and Dashboard pages,  will cease to operate.

The Purpose of Google Redirection

Google has made all legitimate attempts to redirect the searches from old search engine console and routing them to the new console with much of ease and development. However, many legacies report that they have still not undergone any updations or migrations in the advanced interface. All these reports will now become accessible by means of a new Google Search Console, titled under the “Legacy Tools and Reports.” The accessibility to legacy tools and reports is possible through the means of the links.

Precaution: Remember, you may be in a hurry to click on each and every one of these links because not all of them are really working, especially when you plan for setting up domain properties in the new search engine console. Therefore, it is essential that you look into the properties of the old file systems, before making access to the reports.

Big Change in the SEO Industry

The closure of the old search engine console by Google is seen as a transformation, in fact, it is a bigger transformation than could ever be imagined. The SEO practices, which were prevalent in the old console will have no benefits left for the digital marketing agencies. Since Google is fast enough to remove the features from its old interface, there are many SEO companies, which are utilizing the age-old marketing practices on the features provided in the old Google console.

Extinction Brings the Real Distinction

The old version of the search engine console made by Google is extinct and this is a real true story, but then it does not mean that the extinction means complete halt of Google processes. The simple idea out here is that Google has taken the leap towards innovation with the introduction of its search console. The Beta version of the console is now over, and you are only left with the latest and the most demanding console versions that would give a phenomenal boost to the search engine rankings while keeping the black hat and gray hat practices at bay.

The disavow tool of Google is still in use and linked to the older version of the search console. The tool has the same power and enormity. You do not have to feel jinxed on the outcome of the SEO practices. The new interface is out, but then the principal functionality of the earlier version has not completely ceased. Maybe, the SEO practices and digital marketing campaigns will have to bear the slightest brunt.

How Crawling Would Affect with the New Interface

The mobile-first indexing is Google’s first preference, but you do not have to panic as the search bot is happy to crawl and index your website being the desktop agent. Your website and business will appear much stronger in online competition, of course, you have to be sure that no black hat search engine practices are making the way into your marketing strategy.

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Other Updates to Follow

Google has not only stopped with the introduction of new search console, but it has also stroke with its updates on Nofollow Link. These links are going through the transformation phase. In the earlier years, NoFollow Links have been side-lined by Google Bot, but not this time.

Think of Google Searches making the proceed towards becoming focused and powerful. The new search engine console has much to provide to the online searchers.

Google Says Goodbye to the Old Search Console


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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