Tag Archives: Custom Website Design

What are the 9 Surprising Benefits of Having a Website

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Website is the face of your business on the interment, believe it or not, your prospective customers are going to fall for you, only if your website has necessitating qualities, which are required by the prospective customers.

The essence of the internet clearly ascertains 101 points of having a website. Small business, or a large business, the presence of a website makes a whopping difference in the way a business is going to make its headway. With your business online, you just cannot think of the benefits and impromptu surprises of having a truly expressive website.

Website and Its Unlimited Benefits

#1 – Cost-effective Means of Running Your Business – Taking your business online means that you have a website, and then channelize online advertising methods to gain popularity across the globe. Most of the online advertising methodologies used for propagating the business online comes with cost-effective offers. You do not have to spend billions on your small expenditure schedule. And moreover, you also do not have to pay for the changes. Whatever you wish to launch, you can easily launch it and subsequently advertise about it for a few dollars. In succinct, you have control over your business spending.  What’s exciting – you engender the on-the-fly manipulations to advertising format without much ado.

#2 – Expands Your Business Across Borders-  The traditional way of conducting business used to be expensive and time-consuming. There was also a lot of time required to reach from one country to another. But, with the websites describing your unique business model to people from various demographies, the advantage would always lie with you. Most interestingly, your business profile is delegated to the new world, without making any physical movements. More significantly, your business would have wider exposure and more reach, beyond your expectations.

#3 – Increases the Business Trustworthiness – Your business needs to show a trust factor, or reliability as only then the prospective customers would catch up. The form and character of your website should also be divergent. And above everything else, your website should give a professional feel that has all the user-friendly nature. With a powerful website, you are dishing out the message to your end customers that you re available to them round the clock. Your presence is always registered by the end customers, and this is one of the obvious benefits that your end customers would like to go with.

#4 – Anytime and Anywhere Availability – When your business is on a website, you have another great advantage added naturally, and this is 24/7 availability. Your end customers will be happy to find you there as they know that you are always alive and running. More so, they will be able to access your products or services. In this way, your business will generate more profits in less timeframe. All of it just not possible in a traditional storefront, where buying is not possible without being physically present at the storefront.  Website stores make your customers loyal and that is just the exciting part of everything.

#5 – Increase in Potential Sales – The selling point of your products and services would increase automatically once you are out there on the huge and ever-expanding webspace, with an attractive website always dashing and live. Your website, if it is rich in content and engages the customers, enhances the sales graph. This is the boon and even more, interestingly, you create a strong and growing bond with your customers. Being on the website not only means that you have increased sales but indeed, there is much more life and extravaganza happening all the way.

#6 – Prospect of Increasing Your Competitive Advantage – There are pretty good chances that your competition has a fluid website and he or she is already doing great business on the internet. Now, you want to grab this opportunity and make a wholesome difference in your business. That’s where you plan to have a website and then take the website to its full advantage. Once this is complete and done, you would start making moolah. It is not a surprise, but wholesome amazement.

#7 – Building Wider Customer Base –  If you have an engaging website, your customers will start interacting with you and this is also when your customers start thinking about your business.  A high customer base would lead towards the formation of the basis where your business turns into money magnate. Your business starts listing the much-needed customer base.  It is a great way of adding a boost to your business in the end.

#8- Market the Business in a Planned Manner – With a strategically planned and responsive website, you will introduce your products and services in the target markets.  You will have the target audience, who are interested to buy the products or services. Basically, your website is a platform that works for the good of your business. In one way or the other, it is going to add real value to the business.

#9 –  Nurtures Customer Relationship and Builds Understanding – The presence of your business on the internet means that you are gradually approaching towards earning customer reputation.  The prospective customers will start knowing about you and your personality besides your business. You can also reciprocate by offering some special offers to your customers, and over a period of time, they build an understanding relationship.  In fact, all of it happens in a natural way.

With these 9-rock solid benefits of a website described here, you obviously need to have one right away. Keep in your mind that you not only have any website, but a functional WebLogic created for yourself.

What are the 9 Surprising Benefits of Having a Website

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Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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Custom Website Or Template Design: What Makes Your Website Look Great?


Do you need a website for your eCommerce? There are several factors that you need to focus on and important decisions to be made right from choosing the best server hosting plans to picking the right template for your site. Whether you go with a custom web design or website template, this would leave you with an important question to be asked from the professional web development company.

Creating your website has its ups and downs but considering your web development options initially, can ease your worries when you start creating or revamping the site. Both custom web designs and website templates have their benefits and drawbacks. While you can personalize the things with custom web designs, whereas website templates can reduce the amount of time you spend on creating and designing the layout of the site. Besides, whichever you choose, this depends upon your company’s needs such as budget, time, employee skill level, and overall brand strategy.

Deep Comparison Between Template Design and Custom Web Designs

While template designs are a great choice of certain brands whereas custom design is important for others with the need for personalized design and layout. The right decision boiled down to these important factors that you should always take into consideration:

Custom Vs Template Design: Website Development Cost

For every business, the website development budget is important and it is not the place where you can comprise with it after all this the most comprehensive face of your business and leaves the first impression on the users. Your website is the platform where all your marketing and branding strategies are based on. This is the place your customers know they will find you 24/7. And a good website is always the biggest investment for any company.

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Custom Web Design: Custom websites are not the ideal choice for companies with a low budget. Since everything will be customized by keeping in mind your business objectives, branding, and other choices, it requires a good budget. If your company can afford it, then there is no match of custom web designs. For instance, if the annual revenue of the company is $4 million, then spending $40,000 on a custom website is the only one percent of your annual income that anyone can afford it especially when it’s a matter of generating revenue from the website.

Template Design: Template designs give you pre-packed design for your website which is probably the best choice when your budget is low. Apart, the template sites can be clean and functional on the surface but somehow their quality ends here only. You can pick the design of your choice and develop a website without making any changes with the coding.

Custom Vs Template Design: How Long It Takes To Develop?

Another important unavoidable aspect that you need to consider how long it takes to develop a website. A quality custom design usually takes 2 to 4 months to go live, depending upon the size and the complexity of the features. From planning, wireframes, design, development, photography, testing, optimization, there is a list of things involved in custom web designing. It takes a long time to get completed especially when a team of professionals is working on it.

Whereas, if you are in a hurry, then get your website live in a day with the template designs. Building a temporary landing page is just a matter of a day if you have already settled a design for a website template.

Custom Vs Template Design: Flexibility

Website templates are something that “one size fits all” solution. With the availability of the extra features, you can easily alter the codings to extend the functionality of your site. For bootstrapper, website templates are the perfect acceptable solution to meet their website needs, but what if when your company begins to rise? That’s where custom web designs come to the role and providing you the flexibility to work with your budget and add features that suits your needs. Your developer can build a site to cater to specific objectives while ensuring the smooth functioning of the website.

Template vs Custom Web Design: Build Trust and Brand Loyalty

While the prime aim of the website is to create the unique identity, personality and position of your brand in the market, though, template-based web designs cannot be personalized and create the reflection of your brand. A website template imposes too many restrictions on your ability to differentiate your brand and powerfully convenience the users to take final action.

A custom web design gives your developers a blank slate that can be turned into a beautiful layout that can build trust and brand loyalty and help you get connected with the targeted audience.

Final Words

The choice between a custom web design and a template design is a stressful task especially when you have no technical knowledge. Website templates usually come up with restricted features and flexibilities and offering all designed in a small package. While custom designs give you all the flexibility to design a website that suits your business and budget. If you have a concept in mind for your eCommerce and only looking for ways to turn it into reality, then get connected with the best web design company in India. Since they are backed by highly trained professionals and updated with all technologies, therefore, they can better suggest to you which web designs are best for your business.

Custom Website Or Template Design: What Makes Your Website Look Great?


Alex is an experienced Web Designer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has a great knowledge of multiple designs and layouts for website designing. His professionalism and profound knowledge of web designing make him unrivaled. No web design is impossible for him to create.

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Three Common Elements of Website Design


With regards to websites, there are really numerous kinds of configuration; the structure can allude to arranging and actualizing parts to show up. Or, it can allude to arranging and executing the experience that a client will have while connecting with a site. Truth be told, there is really numerous specialism inside website architecture, particularly when you begin discussing expansive business sites and the offices and groups who bolster them.

Regardless of whether you choose to design your own website, it is vital for you to think about the segments and their relationship to each other. Doing as such can enable you to perceive a few things you might not have considered. And, furthermore, a few territories where you may require help. Provided that this is true, you will have the capacity to obviously impact what you require help with, either to your associates or a web proficient.

The common elements to look for creating a website:

Stylish Design

According to Alex (Web Designer at 6ixwebsoft Technology) ” The stylish structure is tied in with getting the look right. You can be great at this as it implies you will have the capacity to configuration destinations that look great as well as are fittingly structured. Distinctive structures pass on various messages to an end client.”

Out of the three parts of website composition, a stylish structure is clearly the one that individuals most distinguish as being planned. One thing, you may find intriguing about a tasteful plan is that it is misleadingly troublesome. You can recall about structuring a blurb and appearing at a companion who remarked that goodness, it is only a couple of lines and some content, you more likely than not do this in around ten minutes.

Data Design

Data configuration is tied in with setting up the data on a site in the most ideal way, so clients can proficiently and adequately find and process data.

A fast case of data configuration is the way you arrange and organize a message on a page. Since individuals will, in general, skim through substance on a screen, it’s vastly improved to arrange it with headings and subheadings, graphs and visual snares, and, in general variety for the eye. Procedures like these make the data on a page a lot less demanding to process. Be that as it may, data configuration is not constrained to what’s on a solitary page. It is, additionally, about what structures you use to house the site’s parts, how you spread out the menus and submenus and how you cross connection diverse areas.

Interface Design

The interface configuration is the plan and cosmetics of how a client can cooperate with a site. The word interface implies a point or surface where two things contact. So, a web UI is the place an individual and a site contact. So, menus, segments, structures, and the various ways you can communicate with a site.

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Concluding with, these are the basic elements of a website design, which are in a call to better websites.

Three Common Elements of Website Design


Alex is an experienced Web Designer at 6ixwebsoft Technology. He has a great knowledge of multiple designs and layouts for website designing. His professionalism and profound knowledge of web designing make him unrivaled. No web design is impossible for him to create.

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