Tag Archives: Content Of Landing Page

7 Tips To Optimize Your Landing Page For Higher Conversions

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Creating a landing page is quite an easy task but what if it’s not working for you? Surely, you want things to look good on the landing page, but there is no use of such pages that fails to bring results. They are not a good landing page at all! The key to success is to optimize your landing page with the right strategies.

Landing page optimization for inbound marketing campaigns is the process of creating well-designed pages for the targeted audience and optimizing each element of the page to maximize the percentage of visitors that ensure higher conversions. The ultimate goal of optimizing landing pages is to develop better pages that can efficiently engage the targeted audience and help you drive more leads through paid searches.

If put simply, the landing page optimization can improve your conversion rate, which raises the ROI of your PPC marketing campaigns. There are two benefits of spending your efforts on landing page optimization – more PPC leads and better quality scores. So it is clear that landing page optimization is important to Search Engine Marketing, but that it won’t be easy at all.

How would you Optimize Your Landing Page to Boost the Conversion?

Optimize Design and Layout

Make sure the look and feel of your landing page are appropriate. Your page theme should coordinate with your website design to strengthen your brand. You can personalize the landing page by choosing a relevant color palette and background color. Upload a company logo and carefully select the main display image for your landing page.

Optimize The Content Of Landing Page

Energetic copy and language are essential for PPC landing pages. Make sure your ad creative got viewers excited enough to click the PPC ad and keep that momentum going. This doesn’t mean that you have to use aggressively promotional content. Just use uncommon and impressive language to get people tempted about your offer.

Some visitors will only read headlines, whereas, some prefer to read till the end if they find any relevance between your headlines and body content. So be sure to write strong headlines with clear and concise copy that communicates the unique benefits of your offerings.

Optimize Images and Videos in Landing Page

If you have to spend any amount of time online, you must notice how your competitors are emphasizing on the importance of images. The great images can improve your user’s experience and enhance the aesthetic appeal of your website. Even some pictures have the potential to distract visitors and hurt your brand image. So be careful while choosing the images or video content for your PPC landing page.

Today, a large part of the traffic will belong to video. So don’t miss the opportunity to capture all the traffic. While creating a video, make sure you can repurpose them for your ad landing page. For instance, an explainer video that shows off your product can find a home on your landing page as well as in your blog posts, YouTube or other social media platforms. It is easy to get tons of marketing mileage from a single video.

Optimize the Size of Landing Page

While optimizing the PPC landing page, consider the right side of the landing page. The visitors get overwhelmed reading large blocks of text. Instead of choosing your page, they left the site quickly before making a purchase. The ideal copy of the landing page should be under 200 words. Rest, it’s up to you to determine what’s appropriate for your audience, the product you’re selling.

Optimize your Landing Page Form

The form of the landing page is the most important element on your landing page. By optimizing your landing page, you can greatly increase your conversion rates. keep these points in mind while customizing the landing page form:

Choose the right fields: You want to include all the necessary field including custom and standard. Keep in mind that adding more fields gives you more lead information, but may reduce your conversion rates as visitors are less interested in filling the detained form.

Use Call to Action for your Form: Let your visitors know what they will get when they complete the form. For instance, “Get My Free Guide”.

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Optimize the Settings of Landing Page

There is no use of having an appealing and impressive PPC landing page, until or unless your page doesn’t have correct page settings. Your page should include:

The right landing page URL
Analytics code and scripts that enable you to track traffic to your landing page.
Focus the footer of your landing page and add desired links to your page.

Good Navigation

Some experts will advise you to remove all the navigation from your PPC landing page except for the CTA. However, that isn’t the right solution for everyone. The important thing that you need to consider is to use the right strategic navigation.

7 Tips To Optimize Your Landing Page For Higher Conversions


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