Tag Archives: Content Marketing

Content Marketing is the Brand Building Strategy for 2020 and Beyond

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Content has always been considered as the king. It is the jack of all trades especially, if we consider everything in context of internet or digital media for that matter. What is content marketing in simple words? Content marketing is an advertising approach planned for making and appropriating important and predictable substance with a point of pulling in and keeping up new clients. The present customers purchase products in the wake of doing exhaustive research on the merchandise, to guarantee they are settling on a savvy choice purchasing the ware. Content advertising programs are via web-based networking media, websites, premium substance resources like eBook, and visual substance. It isn’t tied in with leasing online networking stages; it possesses them.

Content marketing is the demonstration of speaking with your customers without really selling. It is furnishing the customers with the information to make them progressively shrewd. At the point when organizations offer important data to their customers, the customers reward the firm with their unwaveringness and become deep rooted clients to the firm, and this is the embodiment of substance advertising.

Having developed a fair idea on what is content marketing in simple words, the next point, and this is quite an interesting one altogether – why is content marketing important?

Content marketing is very mind boggling. It requires the correct labor to run it. The individual responsible for showcasing ought to make the substance, enhance it for SEO, and oversee online life. When you have your substance planned, obtain the correct innovation to distribute the substance. One of the innovations is the CMS which is required to set up online journals, include site pages, and including blog entries. Investigation are additionally required with the goal that you can measure your exhibition against your set objectives.

Content Marketing for many years has been a mistaking task for brands to pick between content promoting and local commercial. In any case, there is an adage expressed by Seth Godin, “Content Marketing is all the showcasing that left.” Users like and love the pleasantly composed content. Research says that 45% shoppers find supported content more important promoting than others. In the event that we see to the SEO esteem and boosting rankings, at that point it additionally shows that substance promoting is unquestionably increasingly powerful in it in contrast with the local notice.

Concentrating on content management inclusive of blogging, natural hunt and substance intensification brings about picking up the best yields on an organization’s speculation. The more focus is put on the content, more will be the incomes. While in local publicizing, the inclusion of distributers to make and disperse content in some way or another subsequent in not really successful SEO esteem and very little addition in natural rankings. The explanation for it is that a local promotion is confined to a content based websites, which makes the span of local commercial constrained, on the grounds that being the supported connections these sorts of associations are generally not permitted to pass esteem.

There are particular contrasts that help in picking the better one according to our prerequisites. The objectives of substance advertising are said to be web crawler rankings and transformations while local advertisement’s principle target is social commitment. Notwithstanding, there is one similitude that both spotlight on expanding brand mindfulness.

The truth of the matter is that eventual fate of promoting lies on three significant columns which are straightforwardness, trustworthiness and truth. Based on limited time showcasing, the substance for the most part requested by the customers is as articles. On the off chance that the substance is excellent, individuals couldn’t care less in the event that somebody paid to convey it. Presently the thing is how accomplishes this administration work? All we need to remember is to pick right crowd in perfect time with right gadget and convey the correct substance.

In any case, content marketing needs to confront many difficulties. First is absence of assets to make the ‘dependable substance’ for brands and offices which is one of the most needed characteristics in a web or versatile now-a-days. All things considered, clearly, in the event that any organization has delivered an item, at that point it doesn’t mean it can likewise make viable and snappy substance to deal that. To compose an easy to use, appealing and great substance isn’t a simple errand and anticipates an imaginative brain. The following snag in content advertising is reiteration.

Basic Form of the Content

1 – Words to be utilized in any type of content
Making the direction at the purchasers and offering a purpose behind it, will without a doubt catch the consideration of the customer. Personalization expands transformation rate, which is the reason utilizing words like “you” positively affects the buyer. Also giving motivation to somebody for accomplishing something will guarantee that they truly do that thing. Significant thing to remember is that the explanation doesn’t need to be significant. In this manner the words that you ought to consistently remember for any type of copywriting are:

  • You
  • Since
  • Need You

2 – Words to be utilized in Headlines and titles
It is frequently said that the vast majority of the shoppers just experience the entire substance (be it email or article), on the off chance that they discover the feature/title fascinating or infectious. There you should utilize words that catch the consideration of the clients in features and titles. These include:

  • Presenting
  • Declaring
  • Welcome
  • One of a kind
  • Achievement
  • Amazing
  • Energizing
  • Surprising
  • Astonishing
  • Noteworthy
  • Progressive
  • Alarming
  • Enchantment
  • Marvel
  • Improvement

3 – Words to be utilized in information exchange structures and popup messages
At the point when you need to tempt somebody to information exchange or buy in for something, it is constantly encouraged to cause them to feel invited or absorb them. Another approach to allure them is show a desire to move quickly or selectiveness, which will settle on them race into the choice. Such words are:

  • Tag along
  • Join
  • Become a part
  • Investigate
  • Rush
  • Try not to miss
  • Only for you

4 -Words to be utilized for promotion codes and offers
The impact of offers and advancements can be duplicated in the event that you make a need to keep moving. At the point when individuals see that there is just a constrained time accessible on an offer, they would not reconsider before recovering the offer. A portion of the words that you can utilize are:

  • Restricted offer
  • Supplies running out
  • Get them while they last
  • Deal closes soon
  • Today as it were
  • Just scarcely any accessible
  • Just hardly any left
  •  Just accessible here

5 – Words to be utilized for instalment structures, information exchange structures and tributes

The truth is that the substance on this page must create trust factor among the peruser, which is the reason it is significant to utilize words like:

  • Bona fide
  • Supported
  • Top of the line
  • Drop Anytime
  • Guaranteed
  • Supported
  • Ensured
  • Lifetime
  • Moneyback
  • No Obligation
  • No Questions Asked
  • No Risk
  • No surprises
  • Official
  • Security Protected
  • Demonstrated
  • Downturn verification
  • Discount
  • Results
  • Secure
  • Tried
  • Attempt before You Buy
  • Confirm
  • Unqualified

The Verdict is Out!

And finally, content marketing is exclusively the advertiser’s duty to ensure that ROI of marked substance promoting is being shown with appropriate dependability and creativity. The third and last hindrance in marked substance promoting is ‘reach’. At the point when a purchaser goes for any brand related substance then ordinarily it doesn’t land them to the item maker’s site. The traffic volume is by all accounts a lot higher on a site made by the web based distributing monsters in contrast with a brand’s webpage.

Content Marketing is the Brand Building Strategy for 2020 and Beyond


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THE-BEST Digital Marketing Skills for Content Marketers

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These days, content promoting is one of the most sought-after aptitudes consisting of various parts. Researches in the recent times point that 91% of B2B organizations and 86% of B2C organizations utilizing substance promoting as a methodology. Along these lines, content marketing is an invaluable resource, and surprisingly one of the fascinating models that the content marketers find themselves enriching and valuable for all the known and unknown reasons.

So as to stay aware of the progressions and boost openings in this developing field, advertisers should improve their existing skills and quickly adapt to new ones. Regardless of whether you are a novice or an accomplished content marketer, you should have these abilities lined up for yourself:

#1. Research

Research is a standout among other content promotion abilities to put into place a seemingly fruitful promoting effort. As promising content marketer, it is very essential to constantly look for approaches to increase the value of your client. More importantly, you should have a top to bottom understanding of purchasers, examination, showcase patterns, and openings in their field. Taking the note of appropriate research before beginning your crusade is basic to its prosperity. With a good research quality, the content marketer should concentrate on improving the topic ability of their business and getting a superior understanding of their clients and market.

#2. Inventive Brainstorming

In the wake of directing your examination and realized what does work and doesn’t, you will require to think of a thought. If you want that your content marketing has the needed momentum, it is more important to be innovative, and moreover, your plans should be planned with a unique mastermind. It’s very obvious that to pull off normal substance sometimes, in any case, you are searching for huge achievement, at that point you have to have a great content. In addition, your insight and inventive conceptualizing ideas that demonstrate your capacity to handle business and promoting systems in various manners and it additionally makes you an expert in your ability.

#3. Appropriate Narrative Tone

Narration is a significant aspect of your content marketing and promotion effort. The vast majority of us can compose together a few sentences. Nonetheless, having the option to recount to a story is substantially more troublesome. In the event that you comprehend your crowd, you recognize what sort of content would make a decent story to your audience. Figuring out how to create enthusiasm on the internet with the use of superior quality content, is a vital aspect for creating pieces that stick out and impact individuals to share. By concentrating on creating content that uncovers a story that interests your group of spectators. You won’t just keep up your group of spectators’ helps however it will keep on improving. In the event that you need to prevail as content marketer, you should be an extraordinary storyteller.

#4. Composing and Communication

Content composition and communication are essential and to be an ace content marketer, you have to make sure that supremacy is achieved.  Furthermore, to be an incredible content marketer, composing for a decent variety of media and styles is required. Incredible blog entries, digital book content, site duplicate, introductions, internet-based life updates, and other composition related undertakings are critical territories for a substance advertiser to ace. Also, the best content marketers will make an exciting voyage around the business journey of the client.  Content marketers need to assume a significant job in building up a viable substance system around the client’s voyage. Plus, the advertisers who can compose and impart well, they will get extra credits than different representatives. In this way, content marketers ought to persistently improve their composition to relational abilities effectively.

#5. Persistence

Showcasing the right type of content is something that does not comes in a pretty nice and quite easily. Content plays a critical role here, and if your idea about the content is crisp and clear, it is also equally important that you have the persistence to market the content with right aptitude.

These are the basic substance advertising aptitudes that every qualified and experienced content marketer should have under their garb. By persistently building up these aptitudes, content marketers can remain at the highest point of this field.

THE-BEST Digital Marketing Skills for Content Marketers

Admin Author

Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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Is there SEO Beyond the Use of Keywords When It Comes to Content Marketing?


SEO is the most essential part when it comes to marketing the content on the web, but many of big and small companies out there fall trap to the very outlawed idea that keywords and key phrases are important part of content marketing.  The kind of quality content that you are continuously flashing out on the digital media, has no purpose whatsoever, if it does not appear on the first page in the Google search.  But how keywords or key phrases register the importance out here? Well, the integration of keywords or key phrases is essential, but these are not the necessity.

Why the Use of Keywords or Keyphrases is Considered Essential?

If it is SEO, you have to think beyond the world of keywords and key phrases. We talk of short tail keywords or even the long tail keywords, but very often the context and semantic goes missing somewhere as the result, nothing in terms of logic really comes up for reading before the internet readers. Most of the content is being written around the same or similar keywords, which eventually results into same kind of content marketing. The search engines do not have any logic left with them when they rank the content or the business and place it on the first place. It is entirely luck that plays its role, and your business comes up on the first place all by itself.

Use of keywords and key phrases has been a problem in the recent times, and specially with respect to the idea of business rankings. During the heydays of SEO, keywords and key phrases were everything. Articles were written around the keywords, and keywords were stuffed to get them ranked on the top. In all such fiasco, there was little or no relevance left with the idea of the topic.  In short, everything was done to gain traffic.

Everything Changed with New Search Algorithms

Here came the dawn of search engine algorithms, and there was a complete change.  The spammed keywords and the articles that used them were penalized. The rankings of online businesses began to pull down from the top. New search engine algorithms are using several other elements in determining the ranks, and these include:

  • Security of Your Website
  • Length, Quality and Reliability of the Content
  • Mobile-friendliness of the Content
  • Domain Age and Domain Authority of the Website
  • Relevancy and Frequency of Backlinks to Your Website
  • Images Used on the Website and Image Tags Used

If we talk of Google only, there are as many as 200 factors that is helping genuine online businesses to keep their fair share up in the search engine results. Google has not divulged all these factors. These elements add value and play more significant role in deciding the ranks.

Authors and the Backlinking

Authors have to be genuine, and this means, the ones who write under the veil of author and playing only around the keywords or keyphrases have no space left. The role of genuine authors is to produce the content that matches relevancy of keywords and discusses seriousness of the topic. Content with knowledge and authority and best links will help in contributing more emphasis to the ranking, especially if these are directed from superior authority resources.

Similarly, if the backlink referring to the website and little views will have only a little contribution than a website that contains hundreds of thousands or even millions. Make sure your online business does not show references of any broken links or toxic links. If you spend time checking and removing the bad backlinks, you have an upper edge over your competitors. Delve into your website and find out that the existing links are working fine and good and now you work hard to produce effective links that have fair chances to gain ranking in less time frame.

Should You Aim for Technical SEO or Not?

The content produced should be scintillating, and it should have relevance to your business. It should have specific SEO keywords, and the themes should be consistent.  The content should be of valuable interest to your readers.  Poor technical SEO will yield to problems, and in such websites the upload time is very high. There are several problems associated with technical SEO, and if these are not addressed, there is high probability many website visitors coming to website show a higher bounce rate.

Search engines have also penalized websites that upload slowly or do not upload at all.  Webmasters who do not deal with the SEO aspects or have limited or absolutely no knowledge about the technical SEO will create the content that is absolutely not realistic or meet the business purpose.

Keeping everything aside, what really matters here is that you need to have the content that is crawled, and the SEO should be done in the manner that the pages are crawled in natural way.

Is there SEO Beyond the Use of Keywords When It Comes to Content Marketing?

Admin Author

Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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Digital marketing Strategy: Planning the Structure


Want your business website to rank on the top in search engine results? Want high conversion rates and effective interpersonal communication with your prospects? It is quite necessary that you have a proven digital marketing strategy in place. And for a powerful strategy, you need a well-structured plan. Haphazardness and erratic planning will not help you gain the results that you aspire to win on a digital footprint. Majority of companies, almost as many as 45% of them do not have an effective digital marketing plan or a cumulative strategy available with them, while many others who already have them are not showing up good business results.

Want Results? Structure Your Digital Marketing Plan

There is no single full-proof strategy, which goes well or is described as result-oriented. We are living in the world of cut-throat competition, and that is where you will require an integrated digital strategy in place. Such types of strategies are multi-channel and multifaceted in nature, and therefore become the grounding foundation of your online marketing activities. Here are the sections that help inconspicuously describing a successful digital marketing plan:

Everything Begins with a Plan – If you are already carrying out digital marketing, you need to review the activities being carried out. And for starting the digital marketing, you have to set up Analytics, KPI dashboards, and accounts on Social Media channels.

Define Your Reach – You have to plan out the strategy to expand the market reach of your business. The strategy planned should be such that it should reach the new demographic locations. With new locations, you definitely have an advantage for your business as more prospective visitors will visit your website, which means you are going to register amazing boost.

Interact, Interact and Interact – Your actions speak loudly at the behest of your business. Whatever type of integrated digital marketing strategy you plan, social or across the realm of your business websites, there should be a higher rate of customer interaction.

Register Higher Conversions – When the rate of interaction increases, you need to plan out the strategy for conversions. Micro strategies like retargeting and nurturing the prospective customers will help you to persuade your prospects to visit your websites and make a purchase.

Engaging is Always Advantageous – Besides expanding the new league of customers, you do not want to let loose your existing customers. There is a high possibility that your existing customers drive more sales, for which you need to have an improvised communication either on social media platforms or via email or on the popular forum media websites.

Execute Content Marketing – On the digital platform, whatever you want to say, you have to get it published in the form of written content and pictographs. Content cannot only be published on your websites alone. Publishing the content on high PA/DA websites is instrumental in driving the results. Well, the whole idea here is to jump to innovative online marketing strategies.

Digital Marketing Techniques for a Profound Strategic Management

Now that you have an insight into the digital marketing strategies, you need proven and reliable techniques that will give the necessary impetus to your plan for a digital marketing strategy. To begin with, your management strategy should always be focused on the customer. And why not! Customer is always at the center of everything you do for business. The first point here is to look at customer segmentation and geo-targeting. Next comes the implementation of the customer acquisition strategy. You need to acquire those customers who are relevant in the context of your business. Once it is done, there is a conversion strategy already waiting. Customer acquisition is only fruitful when they are converted and not otherwise.

And what if your customers just COME IN and GO! Your business seems like it is going nowhere. This is the opportune time for you need to plan a very stringent customer retention strategy. The loop is complete. However, there is much more that needs to be added to your digital marketing technique, and a clear reference goes out for developing an insightful inbound marketing strategy.

You Can Also Read: 5 Most Important PPC Trends That You Need to Follow In 2019

Create business revenue models, develop the marketing mixture and come up with a strong idea of the online value proposition.

When everything is implemented, you have done your part, and results could be seen on screen as well as in your business outputs. Profits are going to soar!

Digital marketing Strategy: Planning the Structure


6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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Why Content Marketing is Essential for the Success of eCommerce?


Have you heard that phrase” Content Is King” in the world of digital marketing? Content marketing is the bone and meat of any digital marketing campaign. If there is anything behind the success of any brand that is the only richness of valuable and relevant content that connects you with the targeted audience.

Content marketing is the most impactful way to convey all the relevant information to the company’s audience. It is not about forcing a sales pitch at people; instead, it helps them make the best course of action by understanding your products and services. By executing this strategy with skills and expertise you can successfully promote your brand, attract more potential business leads and nurture consumer relationships.

However, if you are still wondering why content distribution is important for any business, then this blog will explain to you in detail.

Firstly, What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the practice of producing and distributing content with the simple aim of attracting, engaging, converting and retaining consumers in the ongoing digital marketing campaign. It is a strategic marketing technique that helps businesses to increase website traffic and boost leads. However, it can be expensive, hard to execute, and somewhat hard to measure.

Why It is Important for Your Ecommerce Success?

After understanding the basic concept of content marketing, the next question should be “Why Your Brand Need a Content Marketing?”. Before you invest in any digital marketing campaign, you should understand the role of content marketing in establishing the positive image of your brand.

Enhancing Brand Image and Building Trust through Content Marketing

One of the greatest benefits of content marketing is building a strong reputation of your brand through high-quality content. In this fast-paced digital marketplace, it is tough to keep your foothold strong in the market without building trust with your leads and consumers.

Content is the thing that makes the first opinion of your brand in a user’s mind. When they start reading about your services or products, they start to develop an image of your brand. If they find your content engaging, informative, and reliable, they start to assume the same thing about your business. The more value you add to your content, the easier it will be to build trust with your targeted audience.

Also readThe Best Choice of Ecommerce CMS in 2019: WordPress, Joomla or Drupal?

Improve Your SEO Game

Any eCommerce entrepreneur can tell you the importance of ranking your web pages on the top searches of Google. It’s ultimately a long-term success of your business that purely an SEO driven game. If you are not able to improve your SEO game, Google will not rank your pages on the top. That’s where an effective content marketing strategy will help you achieve top ranking over search engines.

Before you start stuffing your site with content, it is worth to understand what Google loves to see in your site. Google gives priority to those sites which have an appealing blog or a live blog page. Crafting compelling content by keeping in mind your targeted audience and keywords, will eventually help you improve your site’s SEO.

Great Content Can Enhance Conversions and Leads

If you are wondering that how content marketing influences your conversion rate, then you will be surprised to know that its six times higher than other digital marketing methods. According to market statistics, 60% of online consumers decide to purchase after reading your content. It helps to improve conversions as it allows you to connect with customers and educate them about your services and products. Not only it helps in building trust and healthy relationships, but it also encourages conversions.

Affordability Comes With a Great Content

Content marketing is an expensive strategy but when it compares to traditional marketing strategies, you can create more leads at less price. It can cost you 60% cheaper than traditional marketing and help you generate 3 times as many leads. The affordability of content marketing makes it a prime choice among all size-businesses.

Content Can Showcase Your Business Expertise

Content syndication and marketing is one of the best ways to educate or guide your targeted audience about your products and services in an impactful manner. This is a great reason why content marketing is so essential for your eCommerce Business. It allows your brand to exhibit your product or service range while providing valuable knowledge that can help readers make an informed decision. Customers prefer to purchase a brand that provided them with detailed yet reliable information about their expertise.

Content Marketing Differentiates Your From Others

In this highly competitive yet fast-paced industry, where millions of online stores are offering the same products and services as do, keeping your business ahead is one of the biggest concerns of the entrepreneurs. That’s where strong content writing and marketing helps the business differentiates itself from competitors. It all depends on the quality of content how it appeal, engage and retain them on your site.

If it isn’t enough, then remember how a piece of content helps you create the brand image or become the voice of your brand. Instead of using the bundle of words, the right execution of the content publising can eventually help you generate more potential leads, enhance SEO practice, improve brand image and build brand trust.

Final Words…

With all the benefits mentioned above, it is clear to see why content marketing is important for businesses of all sizes. Not only it improves visibility but also builds a strong relationship with customers and leads.

Why Content Marketing is Essential for the Success of eCommerce?

Admin Author

Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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