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Top Notch Tactics for Brands to Engage with the Blogger Community


Blogging has been the notable online platform used as a personal digital diary by internet users to express their views and knowledge on the various aspects. It is considered one of the most influential ways to speak up without a voice. Blogs can be a personal point of view or for an intended purpose asked by someone. Blogger community can be fruit for any brand in making an engagement with their target audience in an effective and effective manner.

Due to the enhancement in the fashionableness and universality, the viewpoints of the users have also altered accordingly in terms of tapping the blogs. According to many online kinds of researches, an array of blogging in India can look forward to becoming the ‘new fourth estate’ because it is believed by many users that blogs are more relevant and trustable than other forms of media.

With remarking blogging as an intense business, several brands have influenced this platform for making communication for various intentions. In the previous years, you could have easily found the blogs without the incorporation of any type of advertisement on it. But in today’s world, people or say bloggers have started polishing their blogs with beautiful and attractive advertisements keeping in mind the marketing skills for the commercializing purpose. Along with the popularity gained in the blogging aspect, brands have also started to use the blogging space as an essential part of their marketing strategies.

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Given below are the 5 things that brands should consider closely while coordinating with bloggers in the respect of marketing execution:

Formation of the ‘interest’ groups
Nowadays, the first and the foremost goal of brands are to choose the relevant type of blogs for their media plans. The moment it gets finalized, there comes the urgency of formulating special interest groups along with the selected bloggers. Two things will crop up due to this, the first one is that brand will be provided with the opportunity of creating a niche presence in the social media space prevailing already. Secondly, the brands will receive more focused and positive outcomes.

Mostly the best idea is ‘Meet-ups’
There are a wide group of restaurants and food joints which are betting in a great manner on blogger meet ups. For an instance, a recent campaign was initiated by Philips India for the promotion of its Philips Saeco Poemia Coffee Machine. For gaining a couple of social media activities, the brand coordinated with a popular personality Kalyan Karmakar, the renowned food blogger. A brew camp was organized by him wherein he debated on the world of coffee and much more. Setups of these meet-ups not only limited to creating networking opportunities, but it is also associated with bringing effective results.

Freedom to be creative is mandatory
Brands always look for the approaches in which a complete independence can be provided to the bloggers to be creative. In this, they are not directed to write the same way they have been asked. The bloggers are given freedom to write in their own creative way and bring out the best out of them.

There is a classic example available for this context. Burgs took an initiative a couple of months back in which they invited food bloggers to represent their own signature style burger. The burger that won the award was sold for a week consistently in all its outlets around the city.

Drive more focus on the valuable content formulation
The most advantageous thing to associate with the bloggers is the outcome that comes in the form of rich content development. Brands can count on bloggers for innumerable ways that indicated the content associations beyond the text.

Amalgamate with social
For brands, it is highly recommended to integrate their each and every marketing campaign to social media platforms. If the brands are keeping an eye on producing niche content, it is required to make some noise about it. This should not be just limited to Press Release grounds but also be exceeded to create its digital presence. By the use of social media, brands can start an activity with the bloggers leading to an unconventional way.

Top Notch Tactics for Brands to Engage with the Blogger Community


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