Tag Archives: Best SEO Practices

3 Essential SEO KPIs to Focus Your Strategies On

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You already have a gorgeous website, and you have already invested plenty of money in marketing your content. Besides, you have already spent a lot of time over the development of buyer persona on the purpose of catching the target audience. Everything that you could think or do, is already done. The time is now ripe to pass your efforts to prospective clients, apprise him or her about the campaign developments.

How you are going to bring value and commitment to the client’s work?  The answer lies with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Here are a few critical KPIs that you need to look around effectively:

#1- Organic Sessions – 

Check the visits registered on your websites from search engines like Google, Yandex, and Bing. Basically, a session is described as the visit of a human to a particular website and the action taken thereof in the visit, and later on the exit of the user from the website.  Just in case the user is idle and not involving himself or herself in any activity, the session will automatically get over after 30 minutes. A single individual can be responsible for multiple sessions. Organic traffic is measured with Google Analytics, or you can assimilate the data with a reporting tool such as Agency Analytics for cross-referencing several types of data points. If the organic traffic increases, it is the key point to judge for this is going to align the ultimate objective of SEO. A growth in organic sessions obviously means that there was a substantial increase in branded searches. A blend of traditional and digital marketing methodologies enhances brand awareness.

You can help yourself by executing more organic sessions by making a convincing, pertinent page title and drafting a meta description with a clear, inviting call-to-action. Growing organic sessions designates that you are inhabiting more value and this is what you always aimed at achieving in a full-scale SEO campaign.

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#2 – Keyword Ranking Increases

Keyword rankings point to the specific position of the business keywords in search engines like Bing, or Google. Closer the number, the better it is going to be from the prospects of your business. More is the website rank for the designated keywords, the better it is going to be for your means.

Keyword rankings can be tracked using tools like the SEM Rush or the SE Ranking. There are a few keywords for which your business will rank high, and these include the keywords that have your brand name and the targeted long-tail keywords. It is very important to note that Keyword ranking improvements will be the first entry point for achieving the primary objectives such as the more traffic, leads, and sales. Therefore, it is necessary to always keep a watch on your business keyword rankings.

#3 –Leads/Conversions

The first two ranking factors relate to attracting visitors to your site from search engines – but what action do you need users to take once they’ve landed on your site? Generating leads and then converting them into the sale is a kind of task that does not work by chance. The lead could be a Newsletter Signup or a Phone Call or maybe it could be a Contact Form submission. The best way to generate leads is to set up the goals as well as events in Google Analytics. It is only then that you will come to know whether more conversions are on the Mobile or Desktops. Where the greater number of leads are registered on the web page? Setting up the goal funnel is also important out here.

Keep an eye on these key performance indicators when you want the best outcome from SEO activities.

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3 Essential SEO KPIs to Focus Your Strategies On

Admin Author

Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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How to Execute Effective SEO Audit Procedures

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Like the internal audits carried out in big corporate giants and small companies to ensure financial stability, your website also needs auditing on a regular basis. The purpose of this audit is to ensure the proper functioning of your website and more engagement from the targeted audience. Audits have to be earmarked by experienced SEO and website design and development firms and not just any Tom, Dick and Harry.

What is the Need for Auditing Your Website?

SEO Audit is not about wasting your time, efforts and efficiency, rather it is the opposite. While a regular SEO activity would need more time to add low-quality backlinks to a website, the worst nightmare is that you are wasting away the time and effort. Maybe on any fateful day, you land up really low and the problems really add up somewhere.  A reliable SEO audit is going to bring about potential changes in the way and manner the website should behave and reap the results.

The essential purpose of conducting a comprehensive SEO Audit is to take a critical understanding of the kind of SEO efforts executed, and what would be the real outcome of those efforts. If you are not conducting the SEO audits, somewhere or the other, you are lacking behind. The basic and essential purpose of performing SEO activities is not fulfilled.

How SEO Audit Begins

Before taking on to the SEO Audit procedures, you need to get your website crawled. It is very essential to take on the prep steps then and there. When your website is crawled, you are most likely to come up with an idea as to what pages of your websites have been cached by search engine crawlers and which ones aren’t. Crawling will also tell you that certain pages of your website are not ranking well in comparison to your competitors.

There are certain specific tools that help in getting your search engine crawled. The Search Engine Spider Simulator tool is one of those essential tools, which would help you in understanding what is indexable on your website.

And now do you have the idea, what search engines are really pointing towards with respect to your website?

Well, this is where you need to look around seriously. This is where the Free Webmaster Tools are used for. The tools have been provided by various search engines, the common ones are – Google Webmaster Tools or Bing Webmaster Tools. It is necessary to start using these tools to gain more knowledge on your website, and the changes require thereof.

Next, you need to start analyzing the accessibility and indexability and look at the Robots.txt. The Robots.txt file will show where the problems are in the indexed file and if you do not want a particular area on the website to get crawled, you can always ban it by using the Robots.txt.

However, the first thing always comes first. What you need now is a professional SEO firm, who is not only good at auditing but understands your business.

If you hire any low-cost SEO Firm, or just in case you go with an SEO firm that has no technical superiority and lack the adept insight into neural knowledge on the SEO, the process of auditing would be a complete nightmare in itself. This happens quite often with people.

How to Execute Effective SEO Audit Procedures

Admin Author

Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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How SEO Will Change in the Future

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How SEO Will Change in the Future

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The business and the game of SEO is going to see a big transformation in the future. The times of relying on Google, or other search engine tactics, or analytics reporting has gone by recently, and along with it the old SEO mindset too. Winning more links and thinking on the extensive use of keyword volume is also taking a back seat by and large. The ide of link building is seen as one of the biggest MYTH of all times, and many known digital marketers have already understood it, although with several hard efforts.

The strategies of optimizing your websites will see a change.  Reliability on Google and other search engine statistics will turn out to be a complete fall. What would be the winning streak? Innovation and new thinking in SEO will be essential in delegating online businesses a good success. Digital Marketers across the globe need to rely on sustainable SEO tactics, and most obviously this means that there should be an ethical way of gaining the advantage.

The future success path of the SEO is worked out on the basis of the content. Therefore, it is the quality content that would dictate the entire story. When we say that the SEO process has to be intuitive, it is outrightly meant that you should have the right type of content aligned with your business idea. A delusive content is not going to dictate your business to anyplace. The situation will further escalate after finding that the content and the expressions made inside are not highlighting your business objective. Your customers are getting confused and they do not know what real benefits does your business and products bring into your kitty.

The futuristic of SEO demands that online marketers devise a whole new way of understanding things from the perspective of the internet and audience. The role of online marketers has to be responsible one – It should not only become limited to website optimization; rather a story has to be defined using visuals that successfully connect to a global audience.

The future of SEO requires an in-depth understanding of the intent and purpose of the users. It has become important to understand human psychology while devising the SEO tactics, and all such tactics have to be neural in nature. The futuristic professionals of SEO would-be magicians in the true sense or metaphysical entities who will engage themselves in delivering a wider search strategy and will not only be involving themselves in appealing the search engine crawlers. Internet Marketers have to develop an understanding with nobody else except humans.

The future of SEO will hold in the hands of the targeted audience, and their nature of thinking and psychology. Internet Marketers will have to involve themselves in giving the reasons –“WHY?” and “HOW?” Understanding the prospective customer’s ideas will become the rule of thumb.  A great effort should and would go into tapping the minds of users and their needs. Believe it or not, the times ahead will be stressful for internet marketers.

Technology is continuously evolving, and this evolution is the result of new gadgets. Voices are being heard and said through the latest and smart CODECS, and this is where a great challenge is thrown towards the SEO futuristic. The essence of knowing AI and implementing that intelligence in the right order will help the users to gain connection.

Machine languages are being developed, which recognize the human voices and understand what they are saying and in what kind of perspective. Therefore, while devising the next generation SEO campaigns and optimizing them would require the collaboration of media teams and internet marketers.

SEO Will Become More Human and Natural

The algorithms being worked out these days and for the future are backed by neural networks and the power of semantics, and therefore SEO strategists would need to understand how the things are going to work from the standpoint view of the humans and less for technology. In fact, technology is not going to affect SEO strategies any more than the human psyche.

Just in case you are seeing SEO strategy as something that is rooted in the old school of thoughts, you need to stop and ask your self – where is the problem. It is the time for introspection and deep thinking before you plan to march ahead towards developmental SEO and digital marketing strategies for the future times.

How SEO Will Change in the Future

Admin Author

Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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Intuitive SEO Practices that Cannot be Undermined Ever

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Google, or Bing, or Yahoo, each of these big-wig search engines are vying for the best place on the internet, and for which the algorithms are making every effort to ensure direct answers to the search queries in less timeframe.

Website business owners and blog runners have to think differently than what their thought process was a decade ago.  Strategies for the ethical SEO practices have to be rebuilt efficiently keeping in view the futuristic. Maintaining the top ranking in the Search Engine Result Pages is not only about posting low-quality content but much more. It requires long term strategies, more innovative and less quantitative in nature.

Not a few years ago, writing content meant adding more and more keywords or key phrases and nothing else. Talk of SEO guys, or website or blog owners, all of them were happy doing their stuff, keeping the Grey Hat strategies and side-lining Search Engine Updates.

We are moving fast forward and with this advancement, there are new strategies in the SEO, which have become prominent and driving businesses on the web. As a serious business stakeholder, you ought to know about these strategies than anyone else. Let’s begin knowing them!

SEO Practice#1 

 Content Rules and Will Continue to Rule the Web – SEO Engineers failed to note one thing, no matter what coding tactics are embedded in the back-end, only the humans will visit, and that is when the role of content comes to play its real sense. Textual content determines the relevancy of web pages as well as online marketing strategies. Businesses who put into practice high-quality content will reduce the spending on SEO tools and third-party plugins. It is true that search engine algorithms are consistently changing, and their algorithms are developing and evolving, superior quality content will always rule the web.

If you want to make a difference in your business on the internet, you have to create unique and understandable content. You need to maintain the originality. The content written with keywords is not going to work anymore. Keywords should not be stuffed into your content.

SEO Practice#2

Voice Search Criteria – Voice Search features are on the rise, and this is ascertained from Smartphones and Mobile users. There are also several digital assistants around, which have given impetus to the Voice Search Criteria. Web searches that are voice-controlled are increasing, as it is easy.

SEO Practice#3

Optimizing the Business for Mobile Platforms – Search engines are showing more focus on mobile searches. More people trigger searches from their mobile and less from the desktop.  Google introduced mobile optimization in the year 2016 and made it one of the influential ranking factors and in the year 2017, there were mobile updates and promoted the speed of mobile pages. In the year 2018, Google was quick to offer “Mobile First Index.” The essential idea here is that your website shows instant responsiveness towards the search queries. The logical question out here  –“ Is your website mobile-friendly?”

SEO Practice#4

Image Search is the Fast-Evolving Trend – Since 2017, Google is improving its image search criteria. Speaking of today, if your visual content is high up and shows in-depth analysis than your competitor, value is added and Google will rank it on the top. Here, you also need to understand that the content has to be optimized in a natural way. Clicking through the images is quite important.

SEO Practice#5

Establishing Backlinks is Important – There is a trend that says that Backlinking is almost dead, but the reality is quite different. The vitality of backlinking is described as something that has grown and is considered the best intention for ranking the web pages internally. There is no sure-shot way of gaining the authority of the website or the blog page link authority without executing the smart and innovative backlinks.  High-quality backlinks will add value to your webpages. And there is also a flipside to it. If your business website has links directed from poor spammy guest blogs, no search engine will ever be interested in pushing your web pages.

SEO Practice#6

Optimal Use of Targeted Keywords – Now that you understand the basic difference between keywords stuffing and optimal use of keywords, it is still essential to understand how and when you are going to use those keywords inside the Titles, Heading Tags, Texts, Images as well as Meta Descriptions. Search Engines look at the search query of the user inside the voice text and later on extract the appropriate answers on the basis of matching keywords. Google will rank the images better when they are tagged with specific keywords within the image files.

SEO Practice#7

Optimize the Website or Blog for the User –  You should optimize the website or blog on the basis of the nature of your audience.  Optimizing the blogs for search engines is not a worthwhile option. It will not give you benefits. The very essence of user experience is lost, and the website will take more time than otherwise. And if this happens the user will move on to a new website in search of new results on the same subject.  

Keep these best practices in your knowledge as this is going to help you to trend your online business and beat the online competition.  In fact, you will lead the competition.

Intuitive SEO Practices that Cannot be Undermined Ever

Admin Author

Chris is the Digital Marketing Manager at 6ixwebsoft Technology. With more than 5 years of experience, he associates professionally with the other team members. His guidance is very valuable for the project’s completion. He manages every business prospect with expertise.

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