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The Changing Face and Dynamics of Software Development

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    The Changing Face and Dynamics of Software Development

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    Software Development is today one of the most energizing spaces, with each new day hurling new models, fresher methods for getting things done, and more up to date advances that keep the stock in the pot blending. As in some other business, it has a lot of dazzling victories just as uber disappointments. The difficulties that a business person faces in a product adventure are similar that any representative gets the opportunity to look in some other endeavor: rivalry from new items available, advertising guidelines that characterize how you play the game, clients with whimsical loyalties, dangers of acquisitions/takeover and much more.

    It is the nearness of certain exceptionally land includes on this territory that makes the space energizing. As business visionary and businessman, you need to just comprehend these interesting highlights so as to make your excursion both agreeable and gainful.

    Remarkable parts of Software Business

    Here are a couple of the remarkable viewpoints about this business. On the off chance that you are on the intersection of what business to do straightaway, perusing on may very well change a mind-blowing course! But you always need the Software Development Agency more importantly than anything else.

    • While pretty much every business on earth manages products that are substantial; which means, they can be seen, contacted, and felt, the matter of programming improvement manages an element that is impalpable: thoughts. This suggests two things: One, that you truly don’t require lots of start-up cash-flow to dispatch the endeavor. Only a standard work area, a broadband association, and a decent working feeling around you, and you are good to go. Also, the subsequent point is basically an end product of the first: on the off chance that you ever need to exit from this space, the leave torment is negligible (just the enthusiastic pulls at your heart will keep on harming for quite a while). In the event that you have gone into legitimately restricting agreements with your clients or sellers or some other organization throughout your business, at that point clearly, removing yourself from them will require some deft footwork.
    • In the matter of programming, there is a level playing field for all the players. So it doesn’t make a difference on the off chance that you are a one-individual outfit working out of your kitchen or a profound pocket honcho who flies in their own Boeing around the globe, with a multitude of Software Engineers working for you. The thought you are taking a shot at, the product you have delivered, that issues. In the event that your thought can possibly change the way the world capacities, or on the off chance that it can improve, progressively gainful, or saves money on costs, at that point your item sets aside less effort to arrive at your clients than it takes you to flicker! With web turning out to be ubiquitous and data transfer capacity speeds consuming optical filaments across landmasses, data about your item and its extraordinary favorable circumstances can arrive at the most distant corners of the world inside no time. When your opposition, of all shapes and sizes, scramble to cobble up an answer that emulates your item’s usefulness or betters it, you would have received the rewards of being the main mover; and its effect on your financial balance is certainly attractive.
    • It was in the area of programming that re-appropriating as a model was first concocted and actualized. Today, and this is significant, you need not be a product pro or developer or coder yourself so as to maintain a product business. You have the alternative of employing individuals who are specialists in the calling on month to month or on venture by-venture premise, and that too on the best rates. Since the “merchandise” that these individuals produce is as programming that can be moved to you over correspondence wires (or through remote ether), they might be sitting most of the way around the globe though you couldn’t care less.
    • Software isn’t an utilization and-toss consumable like a jar of coke or the battery of your watch. Individuals use it, and use it over and over. Indeed, the more they use it, the more your item gets essential to them. The “time span of usability” of your items is, hypothetically at any rate, vastness. In any case, people as they seem to be, you will perpetually start accepting protests and proposals about how the item can be enhanced further. This leads you to create another symbol of a similar item, one that has a larger number of fancy odds and ends than its forerunner. The good is this: if your client is happy with your item and gets used to your item, and on the off chance that you keep them content with more current forms of the equivalent (at a gradual cost that backs off of their wallet and furthermore welcomes nourishment on your table), your customer base is consistent.  You can always look out for the Software Development Agency in a better and realistic manner.
    • The market is loaded with how-to books on the most proficient method to approach setting up a product business and make it a triumph; a speedy peruse through the outcomes that Google hurls will lead you to them. Loads of promotion and bunches of ruckus. In any case, on the off chance that you remove all promotion and hysteria, and dunk into the substance, there are a great deal of jewels that you can remove with you. Well, in totality software development also brings Work from Home Opportunities. And not just it brings work from home opportunities, you have great number of earning options too.

    Last Word

    Introspect. Turn internal and ask yourself looking through inquiries. It doesn’t make a difference in the event that you are not a technogeek or a geek. It doesn’t make a difference in the event that you can’t comprehend PC programming. In any case, on the off chance that you are a business person on the most fundamental level, on the off chance that you have the guts and the steadiness to take on a test, you will discover a lot of it in the matter of creating and selling virtual products. What’s more, you will obviously discover a lot of cash right now, as well.

    The Changing Face and Dynamics of Software Development


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    Top Mobile Application Platforms Matching Your Business Prospects

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    The initiation of mobile phones and the resulting exponential development in the field of versatility has prompted a massive chance and challenge both simultaneously for organizations, associations and foundations. The versatile world carries with it an enormous open door regarding the expanded arrive at that you can have for your items and administrations. The greatest test is to have the option to give an extraordinary client experience while having the option to sell your item or administration proficiently.

    The developing online delivery app for your organization or association will turn into your best apparatus to showcase your items or administrations. the space your association works in, your application can be either the primary touch-point among you and your potential client or can be where your clients can buy your items or administrations. Mobile App Development Whatever the case, you as a company need to make a change towards a versatile outlook to keep your business significant in the present period.

    There can be different variables that become an integral factor when choosing the path forward:

    • Which portable stage would it be a good idea to complete Mobile App Design?

    The response to this inquiry will rely upon who your intended interest group is. It is ideal to complete some foundation work to comprehend the gadget inclinations (and along these lines the foundation) of your current and potential clients. In light of this you can choose if you need your application to be on a solitary stage (say Android) or different stages (state Android, iOS, Windows, Blackberry).

    • Would it be advisable for us to go for local application improvement or utilize a cross stage advancement?

    Local applications are typically liked in the event that you have adequate spending plan apportioned for your portable application improvement arrangement. A portion of the explanations behind this decision are –

    • The preference for terms of UI/UX of an Android client is unique in relation to an iPhone client. Additionally, the planning gauges fluctuate starting with one stage then onto the next.
    • It is simpler to execute equipment related usefulness effectively.
    • Execution is better because of quicker execution of code.

    Then again, on the off chance that you have constrained spending plan yet might want to target clients of different stages and are OK to exchange off marginally among execution and cost, cross stage application improvement is the best approach. With improved devices like PhoneGap and Ionic, the general execution of these applications has likewise upgraded after some time.

    • What ought to be the UI/UX for the application be?

    This will rely upon the idea of your business and what you need to accomplish through the portable application. As a thumb rule however, your Mobile Application ought to be anything but difficult to utilize, drawing in and have a perfect structure.

    • How would we announce our application with the goal that we can have most extreme effort?

    You can convey e-mailers, advance on your web-based life pages or send messages to your current clients. There are experts who can assist you with showcasing of your application, particularly to connect with potential clients.

    • Who would it be a good idea for us to employ for the Mobile App Development Solution?

    There are numerous organizations who give custom portable application advancement arrangements. It is ideal to enlist an organization that has got enough understanding and mastery in creating versatile applications, ideally in your space of work. It is likewise prescribed to go for an organization that additionally offers other related types of assistance like website composition and improvement, computerized showcasing, application advertising, etc. This guarantees you can have all your work done through one organization and don’t need to manage separate merchants.

    Arrangement Analysts has been giving mechanical answers for Multinationals, SMEs and new companies around the world. We give custom Mobile App Development arrangements utilizing local just as cross-stage advancement. Our group works with you to comprehend your business and your application necessities to propose you the best arrangement that will assist you with accomplishing your business objectives. You can find out about us by visiting our site or don’t hesitate to call us to examine your necessities and we will be glad to help.

    Role of Online Medicine Delivery App

    With innovation progression, the drug store and the idea of online medication retail will stretch up. Moreover, the pharmaceutical business is good to go to take a great upsurge and will keep on sprouting in the anticipated occasions. As indicated by an ongoing report as distributed by the Mobile Health Market Reports, the figures of well-being versatile applications will increase and out of this a significant bit will be overwhelmed by the drug store, medications, and medication selling portable applications. With Online Medicine Delivery App delivery of medicine becomes very easy and time efficient.

    In this way, with the high validity being shared by the over two medication selling spaces in India, individuals are preparing to take the correct activities in the specialty of clinical application advancement by bridling the intensity of Cloud registering, Big Data, IoT, BI, CRM, and so on. Obviously, the manner in which these advances are as of now ruling the wellbeing business is detonating in itself. Thus, on the off chance that you are a medication selling the business, Pharmacy Company or a start-up at that point discover here the top properties, innovations and the expense for making the best medication conveyance application, to remain ahead among the rivals.

    The Verdict is Here!

    Development of online delivery app for the data entry for medical industry is paving the way towards easy delivery of medicine in your local area. Developing the online delivery app for the medical industry is serving as the permanent boon. For the best medical delivery app, it is important to look out for the Best App Developer in India. And besides there are readymade App for mobile communication industry. In totality, a revolution is created.

    Top Mobile Application Platforms Matching Your Business Prospects


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    Top 3 Work from Home Opportunities for the Professionals in the IT Industry


    Before you put in your two weeks’ notification and begin cleaning up your resume, it’s significant you have your desire to work in a definite tech role appropriately adjusted. In many work-from-home tech employments, it’s not as basic as taking a couple of tech courses and opening for business by your preferred window at home. In a lot of cases you’ll likely need to initially manufacture understanding and trust in a conventional office setting before being allowed the chance to work remotely.

    Also, a great level of the work-from-home tech openings out there might be coming as independent work or as a brief expert—the two of which can accompany downsides or different entanglements to explore. All things considered, there’s still bounty to like about telecommuting—you can conceivably abstain from baffling drives, get a good deal on fuel and provide food your workplace to what works best for you.

    Here are a few work from home opportunities available to the IT Professionals:

    1 – Software Developer – Working as a Dedicated Software Developer is indeed one of the lucrative options that would work in favor of the IT professionals. These experts are the people building applications, games and other significant programming for any assortment of employments. They utilize their programming and coherent ability to associate databases and frameworks so as to deliver wanted yields. Frequently programming engineers work in groups to handle segments of a bigger undertaking—which implies correspondence and coordination between different experts assumes a key job, especially when something definitely turns out badly. This job requires imagination, sensible thinking capacity, tender loving care and a ton of constancy. What you think will work can fall flat for unanticipated reasons and you’ll require these to decide how to continue and fix issues. The role of a dedicated software developer working in remote office requires an expansive comprehension of specialized issues just as a decent sense for business—it’s not just about recognizing what IT approach can tackle an issue, yet what approach can fathom it for less while being effective and versatile. Remote work isn’t only a fashionable person pattern and it doesn’t mean working from under the palm tree. About 12% of designers work 100% remotely and on normal they have about 60% a bigger number of long periods of expert coding experience than the individuals who work in a customary work environment.

    In any case, it is likewise fundamental to have a strong remote-first arrangement set up. This is beaten up by oneself sorting out organization structure and full straightforwardness. By giving everybody an equivalent voice and force, the remote group ought to be locks in. Working remotely in a 100% remote working environment contrasts from office-based work with a work-from-home alternative. It’s essentially simpler. You don’t feel like in a state of banishment, with a dread that you’re feeling the loss of the primary correspondence and things that are going on in the workplace. So first off, number one guidance from us: if accomplishing remote work, ensure everybody feels similarly part of the group and on top of it.

    2 – Remote Data Entry – Data Entry is the most famous locally established employment today and is doing an incredible move by offering would like to the individuals who need to gain additional salary.  This activity is really prescribed to understudies who need low maintenance work, to remain at home parent who needs to help their family monetarily, and to those jobless because of the downturn. There is large cash in rounding out structures for promoting organizations. It might sound a simple activity yet the fact of the matter is there is no simple activity truly. For you to acquire incredible pay, you need to stir your way up. Next, attempt to redesign your aptitudes in composing since that is the most vital in the business. You must be a quick typist, the quick you are the greater task you finish. What’s more, the greater task you finish, the more the profits. At that point, pick an organization that pays well. At last, carry out your responsibilities well indeed and don’t get drained. When you hire data entry team and also hire back-end resources, you are ready to plan for remote data entry work. This type of work behaviour is efficient and offers lucrative means of earning while sitting in the comforts of their home.

    3 – Low Cost Web Development Service – Yet another amazing opportunity to come by while you decide to work in remote team is the low-cost web development service. Companies are willing to Hire PHP Programmers in India, who can be organized as teams and ready to work in the comforts of their home.  Indian programmers are capable of producing great results and moreover provide low cost web development service. Regardless of whether you need to make the look and feel of a webpage or its concealed capacities among servers and databases, web advancement offers an inside investigate your preferred places on the web. More significantly, the Low-Cost Web Development Service will include organized passage, or search work, there is code working off camera. With regards to remote work openings, independent web improvement can be a suitable choice—there’s a ton of organizations and associations of all sizes that could utilize proficient web advancement administrations to get their sites running easily and looking extraordinary.


    An increasing number of businesses today understand the estimation of work-from-home adaptability, PC and IT administrations is one of the most appropriate for this headway. With progressively proficient correspondence and coordinated effort programming, representatives who may somehow or another be disregarded are allowed to seek after their vocation interests such that works for them. These 3 remote vocations are only a couple of the numerous choices you could discover as a remote tech representative. With the correct gear and some control, there are many various occupations to look over.

    Call it a telecommuting job, or work from opportunity, the role of remote team is indispensable in today’s turbulent times. IT sector is working the best in these turbulent times, where external team hiring process is carried out. IT companies hire on project basis, and in this way, not only the financial but also the material resources are used in judicious manner.

    Top 3 Work from Home Opportunities for the Professionals in the IT Industry


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    Web Development Agency vs. Freelancer- Who Should You Hire?

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    Do you have a business but you are many light-years away from the web interface? You are possibly losing out to millions of global opportunities. And if in case, you are considering taking a serious move in the direction where you intend to develop a website for achieving your long-term business interests, it is quite obvious you need to settle your choice between web development agency and the freelancer. Whom do you really consider as the best and credible option?

    Web Development Agency

    If you are serious about investing and taking your business online, obviously, you need to think of hiring a full-fledged web development agency. And when you are tight on your budgets, book a freelancer. The web developer who is freelancing has several years of experience backing him or her is going to be a great resource. However, when you plan to go with an individual freelancer, there are pretty good chances that you may go into the severity of problems.

    On the off chance that you employ an inappropriate web developer, you may end up bearing extra overhead—crossing over holes in capabilities and the communication. It is critical to comprehend that there is no appropriate web developer style or type. Your choice in choosing a web development agency ought to be founded on various variables, including the range of abilities and capacities your business requires to arrive at website targets, spending plan, and similarity between the services provided by web development agency and your venture. How about looking into the portfolio of various web developers matching it with your business goal? In this way, you will figure out which one is the best for taking your business on to the burgeoning web space

    Web Development

    You Can Learn Also – How to Hire Dedicated Web Developers from a Professional Web Development Agency

    Benefits of Selecting a Web Development Agency

    #1Benefit – Everything Available at Once Place. A web advancement agency conveys an entire group of experienced people with various and most recent computerized showcasing ranges of abilities. Your final result will be made by more than one expert with skill in more than one professional area, including configuration, programming, coding, content compilation and of course the SEO.

    #2Benefit-Continuous Support. After dispatch of your site, an office won’t leave your site in its present condition. They will be around to furnish you with progressing backing and support.
    Benefit#3-Reliability. An organization has long haul objectives, so it strives to give the best support of its customers and fabricate its notoriety. The website composition and improvement organization will keep you refreshed on every module and phase of website development.

    #3-Benefit Efficiency. The web development agency has numerous staff to take a shot at different pieces of the task immediately. This empowers activities to be finished quickly. The agency can likewise bolster a more extensive assortment of plan, tech and showcasing prerequisites.

    Merits of going with Freelance Web Developer

    #1Benefit-Affordable Solutions Come Across Your Way. To complete web development work, the website development company is constantly a choice, yet their charges are over the top. Despite the fact that these are supportive and mid-sized, they cannot take the financial toll by offering you low-cost solutions. In such cases, employing a specialist freelance web developer for your work turns into the best wager. Employing a consultant is extensively less expensive as the brand worth factor is wiped out.

    #2Benefit –One on One Contact -Working with private web development consultants guarantees you are speaking with the very individual working for you no data is being lost in the long course of interchanges. He is the one point which will explain every one of your necessities. Unlike in a web development company, hiring a freelancer for one individual will go to your calls he will speak with the concerned office as he probably won’t have the
    specialized learning about the services, at that point, get back in contact with you bringing about a great deal.

    #3Benefit- Instantaneousness and High Quality -A web development consultant is constantly inspired to perform better in each new errand he gets. He is a person who is exceptionally energetic and needs to exceed expectations, as this consultant would carry forwards the serious sentiment – My work and My Organization. To advance his very own name, he will go to the point of greatness and still endeavor to convey better outcomes. This sentiment of being exceptionally energetic and performing amazing is void in the majority of the individuals working for a firm.

    Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

    Web Development Agency vs. Freelancer- Who Should You Hire?


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    5 Common WordPress Security Threats and How To Fix Them Like a Pro?


    Have you owned a website that is powered by WordPress? Is it secure? Have you ever used any tools to measure the security of your WordPress Website? Don’t worry! If you are still worried about the security of your website, then consider this blog to know how to prevent a WordPress Hack.

    WordPress sites are drastically lacking when it comes to security and are often increasing the risk of a WordPress hack. Be it due to insufficient security expertise of the developer or the use of many plugins available.

    While it is true that more than 30% of the total websites on the internet are powered by WordPress but 1 in 5 sites on the internet are popular targets for both experienced hackers and script-kiddies alike. On one side, WordPress is the most popular CMS among the developer’s community, whereas, on the other hand, it is a popular target for malware. The versatility and flexible features of this CMS make it a popular choice among developers but at the same time, you need to take out some time to understand the basic security issues or malpractices that are commonly present in thousands of WordPress sites and can help prevent a WordPress websites from hacking.

    Common Security Threats and a Perfect Solution For Hacking

    Using Weak Passwords

    Using a weak password is one of the most significant security vulnerabilities that can put your site at great risk. A weak password plus the default admin username is all your hacker wants to hijack your site.

    The best way to avoid unnecessary hacking is to keep your passwords strong and unique. Keep in mind that every extra character of a password considerably reduces the possibility of getting it cracked. Make sure the password of your admin must be strong and contain numerous types of characters, symbols or numbers. It must be explicit to your WordPress Website and not used anywhere else to minimize the risk of hacking.

    Using Free Hosting Services

    Website security begins with a secure hosting provider. Choosing the right choice of hosting plan is important to build a secure online presence. A secure web host will not only have industry-proven security processes in place but also ensure you complete back-up in case something goes wrong with your website. Almost every provider has an effective disaster recovery strategy to avoid your website suffers an incident.

    Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

    4 Popular Choice of Web Hosting Solutions To Host a WordPress Website:

    Shared Hosting: A single server has been shared among multiple user accounts. And if the single account gets hacked, the entire server gets compromised. Generally shared servers are not protected as there are just too many loopholes.

    Dedicated Hosting

    You own the server and only your website is hosted on the server. Since you own the server, the security of the server is limited to your expertise and ensure cybersecurity.

    VPS Hosting

    You get a dedicated portion of a server. It is similar to a dedicated server and you are the one who is responsible for its security.

    Cloud Hosting

    In a cloud hosting solution, you own a portion of a network of connected servers. Cloud Hosting Solutions are secure by definition but as a dedicated server, you have to dedicate a lot of effort and time to security.

    Using Unauthentic Sources

    One of the most common ways that hackers use to exploit your WordPress Website is through insecure or outdated codes. To keep the hackers at bay, you should install plugins and themes from trustworthy sources such as from the WordPress.org.

    Choose and install reliable plugins to safeguard your website from various attacks. Moreover, avoid the use of free versions of WordPress themes and plugins.

    SQL Injections

    SQL injections occur when hackers get access to your WordPress MySQL database. Through various SQL injections, hackers create a new admin-level user account or may insert new data into the database, including links to malicious websites to cause damage to your site. The most common protective measures against SQL injections usually involve controlling and getting user-input channels as these are the main platform for SQL injection attacks.

    Unlimited Access to Login

    WordPress never restricts how many times a visitor can try out usernames and passwords. The visitor can try to log in multiple times. This is the reason behind many unintentional user-caused WordPress security issues.

    To prevent this practice, add an extra layer of protection to the WordPress websites. Make sure the site admins should install a limit login attempts plugin that prevents hackers from exploiting this issue and mount a brute force login attack on your site.

    To extend the security of your WordPress website, use the two-factor authentication process. Two-factor authentication(2FA) is an industry-standard security practice that uses two-layer credentials to minimize the chance of hacking.


    WordPress security tips to ensure an effective and secure website but many people forget that protecting a website is an ongoing process. Your WordPress needs continuous attention in the face of new tools and tricks emerging in cyberspace.

    However, if you are new to WordPress, I would strongly suggest you Hire WordPress Developers that use a security audit plugin which strengthens the WordPress environment against security threats.

    Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

    5 Common WordPress Security Threats and How To Fix Them Like a Pro?


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Top Web Design Companies in Delhi


    Web design and development is an essential part of becoming a business with an online presence. These days, it is nothing short of a sin to not have a website. Whether it is a government organization or a private entity, having an online presence is all-important. Not only can it boost your business limitlessly but also expose your products/services to a wider cross-section of your target market audience.

    So, companies all over the world are always on the lookout for web design companies who can deliver high-quality websites at affordable and economical prices. However, as you can expect, those who do quality work also charge a premium price for it. So, there is a constant struggle for quality and affordability.

    Before we get into talking about which are the best web design companies in Delhi, we will look at the selection parameters. How did we choose the companies that we have added to our list? Was it the price? Or the performance? Is it their portfolio? Or the potential that the present in every project? These are some of the questions that we will answer in the next segment.

    You should read the following segment to understand how to evaluate the quality of the company. At the same time, it will tell you what the salient traits of the most prominent and successful web design companies in Delhi are. So, when the time comes for you to select the right company to make an impressive website for you, there will be no need for second opinions. Let’s start.
    Factors to Consider When Selecting a Web Design Company

    When you are looking for a reliable company to serve your web design needs, there are many factors that you need to consider. Above all else, if the company is able to provide services over and above the web design aspect then there is nothing better.

    We say so because web design is only one part of the web development process. Ideally, a company needs to deliver all the services you require for a functional website. Moreover, the website needs to designed while keeping in mind the ethos of your website or more specifically, what you represent.

    So, for example, if you represent the fashion industry in Milan, then your website needs to be a class-apart. Also, if you are from a niche domain like that, then you can spend a little extra to distinguish your company from others.

    As another example, if your company is a B2B enterprise, then you need to show total professionalism. So, you don’t need someone who will use fancy fonts and quirky colors. Rather you should have your website developed by a professional who favors functionality over style.

    So, when thinking of a web design company it is important to consider the following factors:

    1. Principle

    Every design process is based on a design principle which is essentially its guiding philosophy. Before you talk to the company about your own web design project, you must ask them their governing principle. This refers to their approach to the web design process. How they approach the design process will naturally greatly impact the eventual outcome.

    A good way of understanding the different kinds of approaches they adopt, you should have a look at the previous works they have completed. Ask them to show you some works that have different or contradictory philosophies. Keep in mind however that just because a company does different kinds of web designing, it does not mean they are good. It is possible to specialize in a particular type of web design and deliver quality stuff in that niche exclusively.

    1. Process

    Process refers to the methodology that is adopted by a company to develop a project. Different companies have different approaches as to how they can deliver the product that the client desires. Some prefer making a complete plan before starting the process. Others like to develop projects on the fly. A few also like to develop projects through an overarching framework within which they make changes and alterations.

    Different processes have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, in every developmental process, you will almost always need to change something or the other. Also, it is wise to have a company which can keep the client involved. This ensures that the development goes exactly how the client wants it and there are no post-completion dissatisfactions.

    1. Price

    This is probably the most important point of concern for companies when thinking web design. However, it should not be too much of a concern for the simple reason that you can get industry standard services at normal prices. The problem with many companies is that they think they can do with a substandard design if their services are at par with the industry standard. What they don’t understand is that your web design can have a huge impact on your client conversion rate.

    In fact, some experts would even say that you can pitch a higher price for your services simply by having a snazzy website. So, when a good company charges a slightly higher price for their web design services, you should not crib over the cost too much. If their principle and process seem satisfying, then they might be just what you have been looking for.

    So, now you understand how you can evaluate a web design company for their value of work. There are some other minor factors that you should also consider here such as deadline-based delivery, latest technology orientation, and consistent support. If you keep these factor in mind then you should have little trouble in selecting the right company.

    These are the factors that we took into consideration when we were compiling our list. After some investigation and exploration, we came up with the definitive list of the best web design companies in Delhi. Have a look.

    Top Web Design Companies in Delhi

    1. 6ixwebsoft

    Widely regarded as one of the best companies in Delhi for all-round web development, 6ixwebsoft has risen to prominence in a very short amount of time. Their USP lies in delivering high-quality web design services along with other related web development options like content development, custom CMS etc.

    So, 6ixwebsoft provides the complete web development package and that is why they have achieved success. By diversifying their services and providing custom packages, they have been able to capture large chunks of the regional and national market. The best part is that their packages make affording their services easier even though their individual services are rather fairly priced.

    1. Grapes Software

    Grapes software has a very impressive repertoire of clients. Aside from Google, the company has also worked for Indian giants like Horlicks, Alpenlibe, Eicher, VLCC and many more. The philosophy of the company is centered around the mixing of wines, as their name suggests. They pride themselves on building the perfect blend of strategy and creativity and have produced rather good results for their clients.

    However, the biggest problem with this company is their price. Grapes Software is one of the most expensive web design companies in the market right now. You can expect your project to even not be entertained in the event you make a low-priced proposal.

    1. Midas Web Tech

    Midas is a company well-known for its excellent design and superb list of services. They also have an impressive portfolio which is very visible on their website. Moreover, the company has priced its services rather effectively such that even small to mid-sized enterprises will be able to afford them. If you are looking for a reasonable web development company, then Midas might just be the golden touch you want.

    However, the one single issue with this company is that while their web design is interesting, it is nothing out of the ordinary. This means that while most will be satisfied, if you are looking for an exceptional design to make yourself stand apart, then this might not be right for you.

    1. Ray Creations Infosoft

    One of the smallest yet most effective web development and web design companies on our list, Ray Creations has become quite popular over the years. The company was established in 2004 and since then has been quite successful in capturing a healthy section of the market. The USP of the company is their low pricing and comparatively high-quality product delivery.

    One major con that is visible in the company is their inability to handle larger projects. Since they employ only about 25 people at max, their capability of delivering larger projects on time is suspect. That is why it would be important to consider the size of the project before going in to hire them.

    1. Cross Section Interactive

    Cross Section Interactive of CSIPL is a rather well-known name in the domestic web development industry of India. They provide top-of-the-line web development services and are highly rated for their quality. As a company with a history spanning almost 15 years, this company offers high-grade services that span the entire gamut of web development.

    The only problem with Cross Section Interactive is that their services are incredibly highly-priced. This means that only companies who are willing to shell out an exclusive price will be able to avail their services. However, there is no doubt that their services are one-of-a-kind.

    1. Art Attack

    As their name suggests, Art Attack is one unique web designing and development services provider in Delhi. Their website bespeaks the quality, excellence and sheer imagination that the company can boast of. This company also does everything that you could ask for when it comes to web development. Their approach is defined by interactiveness, uniqueness and a overbearing love for exceptional presentation.

    However, the major issue with Art Attack is that because of their artsy approach to web development, some companies may not find them a good fit. In other words, Art Attach is a company best suited to handling creative website and blogs. So, if you are a fashion designing company and want an amazing website, Art Attack can deliver better than most. However, for a strictly corporate website, they might not be the best fit.

    1. Olive E-Business

    One of the oldest web development companies in Delhi, Olive E-Business is a prominent name in the industry. They have the biggest and longest reputation for success among all other companies. They also provide the entire range of services you might need to get a complete website. Having handled clients like Canon, Subway etc. they know their job well and do it even better.

    The only complaint that we have with this business is that they are priced beyond the reaches of most small to mid-level companies. Admittedly they have made their place and can quote prices as they see fit. However, it would have been nice for them to make things easier on our pockets or at least offer combo packages like 6ixwebsoft to cut down the cost a little bit.

    1. Atechnocrat Web Solutions

    At a dozen years old, Atechnocrat is certainly one of the best in the web design and development business in Delhi. They offer the entire range of services you need to get a great website and have also priced their services moderately. This means that any small to mid-level company can take up their services without much trouble. Honestly, Atechnocrat’s portfolio does not contain any big names. However, the quality of their work speaks for itself.

    On the flipside, the company is quite small, with no more than two dozen workers at any time. This means that they might not be able to handle larger projects. However, this does not make them any less competent.

    Which One Should You Choose?

    With so many choices in the market, it is no surprise that even the experienced professionals have second thoughts on whom to hire. However, as we outlined earlier, if you consider the trifecta of Ps – Philosophy, Process, and Price, then you should have no trouble selecting the right one. Remember to stay involved as even the best cannot deliver what you want without regular inputs.

    Top Web Design Companies in Delhi


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    WordPress vs. Blogger: Which is the one best out there for you in 2018?

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    The fight has been for long. The fight is has been intense. And, now people know the winner. But still there are some, who are struggling between what is the best and worthy for them even as we all step in 2018.

    WordPress has taken the market by storm even if its debut was later in comparison to Google’s Blogger where the former had in 2003 and latter in 1999. Once it was hard to say about blogs that existed in the virtual sphere as the demand and popularity was low to nothing. And, look at now, there are multiple blogging platforms and each one is giving something better from other.

    Also, those who have been since 2000, know very well that the option of self-hosted blog & free blogging service were scarce and unknown. But, now it is optional and both have a thriving audience and user base that cannot be underestimated and underrated.

    It is not easy to ask yourself “which one is right for you?” when options are too many and all of them both are worth trying and give a feel of million bucks.

    Below we are talking about the differences between WordPress vs. Blogger where you are answered “Which is the one best out there for you in 2018?”

    The difference that can be seen from large eyes is in its coding language. While WordPress is designed in PHP and blogger is made in Python, both have their market but one is above them. The winner is WordPress which gives you options of designing your blog or website in easy and time saving methods. Also, WordPress gives you the right of getting into top into various search engines esp. of Google. While google’s own blogging service doesn’t get that much of steam and popularize.

    Blogger here loses the war badly because wordpress is long ahead in the league of customization. It offers you various variations in how you want your website to be out there. With themes; both free and paid out there, you have artistic streaks to test and implement. With plugins, you can do what you want via website. From selling to creating a business online, wordpress gives you better chances of your freedom.

    When we talk about Ownership and Control both WordPress vs. Blogger stand on equal measures. But that is till the time free exists and you are just using to display your content and not earning via it. That paying and earning thing can be achieved via paid and domain rights.

    While wordpress coding is done in open source, it is necessary to see blogger doesn’t. Both gives you option of backing up your website and its data. So, there is the fight that continues on. But if you are going with wordpress, we are with you. Also, if you want to make a website or blog through it then checks our services.

    6ixwebsoft technology is one of the top IT companies that promises premium services by the help of Google Partner Company. we have more 10 years of experience of making successful and thriving websites for local and international customers. Do check our website for digital marketing, web design and SEO, SMO, PPC, ORM and Content Writing.

    WordPress vs. Blogger: Which is the one best out there for you in 2018?


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Benefits of AMP Pages


    AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. It is a Google backed project that’s intension is to help websites open fast in mobile devices even it has rich contents like Infographics, Audio & Video files and PDFs. It was announced in 2015 with supports from Google, WordPress, Twiter and several other companies and publishers.

    How AMP can help your Business Website?

    Faster loading pages on Mobile Devices
    – It’s no surprise that AMP pages help websites open too fast. In a recent survey, It is clear that an average mobile user abandon a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. So if a business website is using AMP technology, The average load time can be reduced up to 85%.

    Improved Search Engine Ranking – We don’t know exactly that Google uses AMP as a ranking factor or not but it is quite clear that if a website is using AMP, The pages will obviously open faster in mobile devices that will boost SEO of that website.

    Improved CTR – The Search Results in Google clearly display AMP symbols in green for the websites that comply with AMP technology. Users know it that these types of websites open faster so they will prefer to go with these websites only. Not only this, Google also started showing AMP content that includes large images.

    Support for Ads – AMP can be very helpful for website owners who want to increase their revenue by showing different ads. It supports a wide range of ad networks and technologies to provide an improved user experience by displaying good ads.

    Improves Server Performance – If your website has tons of visitors on daily basis, it will be a good choice to go for AMP services because AMP will reduce the load on your server and improve the overall performance.

    Are You looking to get helped regarding AMP? 6ixwebsoft Technology can be the bread and butter for your every need related to website designing, web development and Digital Marketing. Choose free to reach us any time and we will get back to you ASAP.

    Benefits of AMP Pages


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Benefits of Hiring a Dedicated PHP Developer


    No matter how large or small your business is, if you are selling products or services on internet, at some point you need someone who care your web problems. Website problems can be anything, it can be blog managements and other stuffs, but hey, what if you need to write codes for your website. Since, you do not have any technical knowledge of programming therefore you genuinely need an expert that take care of these stuffs. Here you need someone who can do coding for your website: a dedicated PHP developer.

    A PHP developer can help you in followings:

    • Website Design and Development: Whether you need to modify your existing website or develop a new one, a PHP developer can help you in all.
    • Website Application Development: Your PHP developer helps you to add extra features on your website or also fix the existing one.
    • Social Networking Application: Huge part of your web performance depends on the social media presence. Your developer can add a feature that directly redirects visitors to your social networking pages. Moreover, SEO experts also suggest having better social network links on the website.
    • Custom Solution: By hiring a PHP, developer you can control his/her works. Your PHP developer works on your requirements.

    Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

    Why should you hire a PHP developer?

    First, the service is cost-effective; second, it is flexible and third you can easily communicate with your developer. When you hire a dedicated PHP developer then it would be strictly charged only for the developer’s service, no infrastructure or other hidden charges, you have to pay for what you need. Your PHP developer will work the way you want, you can say him/her, ‘hey, leave it, I want you to work on this’. You’ll be the boss, and he/she will work exactly as you want.

    Moreover, you own a website design and development company, you too can hire a dedicated PHP developer to reduce your workloads. When you need manpower, you can get it from the another geographical locality where you can find authentic and cost-effective workers.

    If you are seeking to hire dedicated web developers or designers, then consult 6ixwebsoft technology. They can provide you, top-notch PHP developers, in the USA. With decades of excellence in their field, they can assure you for authenticity and higher return on investment. They are courteous and easily reachable.

    Need help with your project, Contact Us today!

    Benefits of Hiring a Dedicated PHP Developer


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Benefits of WordPress Websites


    WordPress has been widely used since 2003 and it is one of the most popular platforms to create SEO friendly website for getting massive traffic. Although it was started as a blogging platform but because of its so many features, It is now a full-fledged content management system. Although there are many CMS platforms in the market including Joomla and Magento but the problem with most of users is that they don’t have technical expertise to handle every needs. Luckily, WordPress is free and one doesn’t need to have a lot of technical knowledge . Here is a list of reasons that make wordpress so popular –

    Benefits of WordPress Websites

    Quick Installation – Most of major hosting service providers offer a one click quick wordpress installation. There is no need to download and upload wordpress files via cpanel or FTP. All you need to do is to click on “Install wordpress” and within a few minutes, your site will be up and start working.

    User friendly – WordPress websites are considered as most user friendly websites because you can simply write, upload media and publish pages/posts without any coding knowledge. Incase if you need some special functionality on your website, you can simply install a plugin to fulfill your task.

    SEO Friendly – The main motive of building a business website is to get better presence over search engines. In general, wordpress websites are highly search engine friendly sites because it has so many features to make a website as Google recommends.

    Full control over your website – Unlike some website building platforms, if you use wordpress as CMS, you will have full control over your websites. You can do what you want in your own way.

    Add Functionalities by just adding plugins – Plugins are really important to add different functionalities as you want. All you need to do is to search for plugin you want to install and activate them to get the functionality as you need.

    Define multiple users – As there is no need to give full permission to every user, As an administrator, you can create different user profiles and give the access level as per requirements.

    Security – WordPress is known for being secure. However, you should keep backup of your website on regular intervals.

    Strong Community Support – Because of popularity of WordPress, it has strongest community support. You can search for the issues if you are getting and there will be high chance that you will get your answer to solve the issue.

    Cost Effective – WordPress designing and development is extremely cost effective. Gone are the days when you pay thousands of dollars for creating a few pages website. It is extremely cheap as you can do most of the tasks without hiring a designer.

    Ultimate Social Media Integration – Another benefit of wordpress websites is that the wordpress themes are seamless integrated with social media networks.

    Final Words – There are many features of wordpress that makes it so popular. If you have a small business website, wordpress can be the best option for you because of many reasons. If you need any help regarding wordpress designing and development, you can contact us. Thanks!

    Benefits of WordPress Websites


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Things to Know about Real Estate Web Development


    When you can find the whole world on the internet, then why struggle offline to find customers. Real Estate is a serious investment and people usually do comprehensive research before buying. Therefore, it is crucial to have a positive online reputation – in which your website demonstrates huge part of your status. In many ways, a real estate website is similar to other ordinary website but when you talk about the perfection then your developers and designers have to come up with a website, which is deliberately crafted for real estate marketing.
    This article is all about an effective real estate or property website:  answering what kind of platform and design would be most appropriate and effective for real estate dealers. If you need a custom real estate website design and development services in the USA, that speak to your customers about the properties for sale, and convince them to invest their money in your property. Sit back and mark the words below, which guide you to effective real estate websites’ design and development.

    When you talk about website development platform, then there are few points that need to consider before you opt for a specific platform for your real estate website. Since you are a non-technical person and you want to edit and/or add content on your website, then WordPress would be the most suitable preference. When it comes to providing intuitive-interface, WordPress efficiently goes in all. Such websites are uncomplicated and do not need HTML editing or FTTP software. However, if your main concern is security then you may go for Codeigniter.

    Below are the seven features that every website including real estate websites must have in order to succeed in its motive:

    • Well-organized sitemap: A logical sitemap is essential, as it impresses both users and search engines. Google appreciate those websites who have clear content and structure.
    • Essential Business Information: Your website content should be precise and informative, as your customers are not visiting your website to enjoy jargons and well-versed statements. Since they are looking for real estate deals, you should better start with relevant content.
    • Clear Navigation: Your website design navigation plays important role in success of your website. It also affects search engines ranking and traffics. Usually, people in hope for stunning website design compromise with easy navigation, which later proves harmful for websites.
    • Responsive website design: it is important that your users do not experience any inconvenience while browsing your website. Nowadays, when we do a deep analysis of the way your users browse your website then we must conclude to a fact that a website must be capable of fitting on every device including mobile phones. Responsive website design is important for the websites of these days.
    • SEO-friendly: This may be two words, SEO and friendly but the techniques that required to accomplish an SEO-friendly website is much complex and needs expert’s assistance. The struggle to make a website SEO-friendly starts from the very beginning when the programmers write codes for your website. The website coding should be simple and website design should be optimized, as search engines like such website. Moreover, there are numerous other things to take care such as title tags, Meta tags and so on.
    • Social Media Integration: your website must have rich with links that lead the users to social media. It is important for a business website to have a positive social media presence. If you precisely talk about real estate websites then your social media reputation adds extra benefits in your business.
    • Blog: From SEO point of view, the blog is most effective way to rank your website on search engine page. Your website blog works silently to drive a significant amount of traffic on your website.
    • Analytics: No matter how much effort you did your website, it vital to avail Google analytics. It enables us to find out how users locate your website; it also gives information about the most visited page of your website. Analytics is all about comprehending the performance of your website, you must use it to ensure the effectiveness of your website.

    Essential web features of a real estate website that leading real estate website design and development services in the USA avail:

    • High-resolution professional images: images on real estate website play an important role in engaging visitors and when they start liking the images then this may develop a subconscious impression to request a quote from your website.
    • Map: Location map is essential to address your projects to visitors; they will easily comprehend the property and prefer to call you for further inquiry. Moreover, add direction facility so that they can relate different places and references.
    • Distinguish and Visible Contact Information: if your visitors cannot contact you then all your efforts will be futile. It is important that your website has distinguished contact information, especially for real estate website.
    • Advance Search Box: An effective search option engage users on your website, if they do not get what they are searching for, then they may repel from your website. Your search should be clear and categorized for sale, for rent, for lease and others, so that visitors can easily find out whatever they are looking.
    • Online Consultant: it is helpful to provide satisfied service to your visitors. When you add a feedback form, live chat, and other facilities, your users will get online help. Quicker you response to your visitor, higher the chances are that the visitor will become your customer.

    Do you need a real estate website? Let us help you. We are 6ixwebsoft technology, a leading website development, designing, and marketing Company in the USA. We offer optimal real estate website design and development services in the USA. Our top-notch professionals avail top-grade technology and proven strategy to offer best-in-class web solution. We can build your real estate website and also place it on the top of search engine page.

    Things to Know about Real Estate Web Development


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Everything you need to know about Ecommerce website design and development


    Whenever we think of an ecommerce website, a multi-layered web page with easy navigation will pop in mind. Technically, a single page website with a PayPal button can be considered as an ecommerce website but then again technically, concerning the current marketing fray the chances for success of such ecommerce is a doubt. Selling goods online needs different setup from run-of-the-mill blogging websites. Commonly modern e-commerce websites have a user-interface, administration settings, store data and a workflow of processes. This article will explain the essential eleven features every ecommerce website needs in order to perform well among their customers.
    When dissecting the ecommerce website we have concluded on five major performers that perform on the website and each one of them is integrated with each other in such a way that malfunctioning of any one of them can lead to an unsuccessful ecommerce website. The first performer on an ecommerce website is the customers – who buy products. The next performer is the website owner – ships products and gets paid. Ecommerce applications come next that provide an interface between all the performers. Then we have most crucial one- the payment gateway; it crucial to have reliable payment gateway so that your customers faithfully make payment of the products they purchase. Last but not the least, the performer in our list is merchant or business bank account, which is specialized for ecommerce owners.

    Process that undergoes when a successful purchase is made can be threaded as

    > Customer browses the products catalog
    > The customer adds his/her required products to cart
    > Then the customer buys the products and enter check-out procedure
    > E-commerce application contact the payment gateway
    > Payment gateway provides secure shipping and payment information
    > Payment gateway connect with the website merchant bank account
    > Merchant bank account collect the payment and returns control again to payment gateway
    > Then payment gateway hand over the customer to ecommerce application
    > The application send notification to the web site owner for the purchase
    > Website owner start shipping the products to customer

    Eleven essential features every ecommerce website should have:

    Responsive: yes! This feature is first on our list. Technically, responsive website stands to provide an optimal viewing experience across wide range of devices with a minimum resizing. Having a responsive website has become crucial for ecommerce web owners. Statically, around 55% of customers make a purchase from their mobile phones rather than from desktops or laptops. Therefore, if you want to reach those customers, you need to be prepared with responsive websites.

    Easy Navigation: Ecommerce website is all about functionality, features, and design. Your customers must not find any difficulty while finding their desired products. You need to keep the overall layout simple yet elegant. Customers love to stay on the websites, which are easy to use. If your website is not capable of navigating your customers to buy your products then you are losing a huge amount of customers. Make simple and easy navigation to different pages.

    Fast Load Time: Fast load time is not only helpful to avoid the repelling of customers to your website but it is also a powerful ranking factor. Search engines precisely Google love the websites that load faster. Whether users browse your website from mobile or desktop, you need to keep the shortest time to load. Very slow websites create bad user-experience, and along with your customers, Google too ignores slow websites.

    High-Resolution pictures and videos: What would be the reason behind the stunning lighting of shopping malls? Maybe because the lightning expresses their products more clearly, likewise, ecommerce websites have to enlist good quality images with significant zooming strength, so that your customers conveniently examine the products. Your images should be descriptive to show all the features of the product.

    Shopping Cart, Customer Accounts, and Search Box: It would be impossible even to imagine an ecommerce website without these three features. Usually, a simple basket is a popular representation of shopping cart, you should try similar figure for your website. When it comes to customer accounts, you should keep the form precise and short. A long and laborious registration form increase chances to abandon the purchase. Online buyers keen to make a purchase quickly and they can easily be distracted with the inconvenience. It would be better if you provide guest checkout to faster the process. The search box can be the first thing that users use to get their desired products, in ecommerce websites the most highlighted stuff on the website is a search box. Make it eye-catching and functional.

    A clear logo and simple yet attractive design: A logo reminds your customers of your brand, and provides recognition to the visitors. Maybe it is just a mini graphic but effectively it works as a reassuring symbol and an element of trust and loyalty. The design, on the other hand, is crucial in making an appealing and attractive layout. Customers impress more with the good-looking website but also they easily repel from slow loading websites. So, you need to keep both looks and user-interface in tandem.

    Seamless Checkout: The conversion rate of your website will significantly increase if you offer your customers a seamless checkout facility. It takes seconds when buyers change their mind, long checkout procedure usually repelling for your customers. As soon as they determine to buy a product, they just want to check out without any delay. A single-page checkout page is an effective way to enhance user-friendliness.

    Featured and related products: As soon as your website gains a visitor, then somehow you have to keep him/her engage in your products, which is pretty effective to convert them into a buyer. Displaying featured products on your homepage will communicate with the buyers and who knows; maybe they buy your products. Related products provide buyers a wide variety of products including the one they are currently viewing.

    Newsletters: when you have an e-commerce website then it is crucial for you to communicate with your customers. The newsletter is an essential feature of ecommerce website, which automatically sends emails to people who considered as potential customers.

    : In SEO point of view, the blog is necessary to acquire better web presence; it does not only bring visitors to your website but also engage them and insist them to buy your products.

    Secure Payment: Indispensably, you have to provide secure and reliable payment gateway for your customers. Besides its reliability, the payment option of your website has to versatile. So, while making payment your customers have multiple choice.
    6ixwebsoft is for robust and optimal ecommerce design and development. Get a free quote now.

    Everything you need to know about Ecommerce website design and development


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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    Inexpensive way to get a professional website

    Now the ever, business strategies have been changed remarkably. For contemporary entrepreneurs having a static ‘Web address’ is more crucial than to have a geographical address. This article is all about getting cheapest yet professional website for your business. If you need a website, which helps you to reach to your customers, then sit back and mark every word to get a professional website in your budget. These are some essential steps for website building:

    The to-do-lists to build a website start with getting a domain. While doing so you need to consider few points, which would be much helpful to get traffic. The first thing that you need to care when choosing a domain name is to make is as short as possible; a short domain functions well than a long one. Your domain name should not be something that can easily be misspelled this creates a problem. Next, when your business is limited to certain geography, then it would be better to have country specified extension than having a global .com domain name. Importantly, you have to include your main keyword in your domain if you can; this improves your rank on search engines and just makes more sense to your customers.

    You need to be little futuristic when getting a web hosting service, estimate all the supports that you’ll need when your website will start performing among your customers. Make a list of all the services that you are going to need from your website hosting provider, for example, email facilities and others; but there are some services that almost every website owner needs – for example, 24/7 free phone supports and adequate backup. Since you are opting for an inexpensive website, therefore, you must consider your budget or the price that you can pay for a hosting service. However, if your budget is limited, this not means that the hosting service you’re opting should also be limited; you need to comprehend the scalability that your hosting service can provide.

    When you have already registered for a domain and hosting services, the next thing we require is a flexible and robust Content Management System that comes cheap. It is widely recommended that WordPress is the best option if your budget in limited. Installing WordPress is pretty simple; in your hosting cPanel, you need to select the WordPress and follow the procedure to install. Fortunately, the process is completely free of cost.

    Now, you need a theme, a professional theme that suits your Since, we have WordPress, so you need not worry about the costs, as you can easily find numerous affordable yet stunning themes that make your website authentic and professional. WordPress has an extensive library of free and premium themes. This means that you can start your website with stunning and professional templates, which precisely do not need any programming or designing skills. Even if you find it not up to the mark then you can find someone who can help you to customize your theme and make it unique yet attractive. Take your time while searching a theme for your website; consider it in a different point of view- is it beautiful and professional? Additionally, is it user-friendly? It would be better if you hire a designer for the purpose, at this point you need to spend on services that worth each penny you pay.

    When everything is finished, you need to examine the functionality of your website. Browse your website from five major browsers: Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari. You also need to browse your website from different devices to check whether it is responsive or not. Make sure to validate CSS and HTML codes and check the syntax errors.

    Ahem! You have your professional website, which introduces your website to your customers. If you still find it difficult or you do not have enough manpower to do so, then leave it to us. We at 6ixwebsoft have mastered in creating a website, we provide services for every level of affordability. So, if you need a website in your budget then connect with us. We create your website that not only functions profoundly among your customers, but we also make it SEO-friendly.

    Inexpensive way to get a professional website


    6ixwebsoft Elle, officially designated to keep an eye on everything happens under the name of 6ixwebsoft Technology. Professionally trained to handle everything from a detailed analysis of the reports to adding new digital marketing services to updating the existing services at 6ixwebsoft Technology.

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  • Dale is a highly responsive business partner and tireless in meeting your needs. She not only provides an exceptional professional approach to your web design and implementation but treats you from day one as if you are a loyal customer.
    - Tom Kiernan, Sr. Consultant at ASLAN Training & Development. USA
  • I have used sixwebsoft team on countless occasions. They have always delivered an amazing stunning result via a total understanding of my requirements and a level of service that is second to none. For me, they are first whenever it comes to design concepts. I would always recommend sixwebsoft to anyone that is looking for High Quality Best Website Design Company in India.
    - Tony Galic, Owner at GT GRUPA j.d.o.o. Belgium
  • Dale and her team have done an amazing job by creating fully functional, multilingual website from scratch (multisensor.co.uk), within a very short time. While in the industry it’s easy to find “web designers and developers”, it’s much more complicated to find a PARTNER that understands your business needs. Sixwebsoft has always gone the extra mile to help us and been extremely patient with our demands. We will surely rely on them for further work and I'm happy to give personal recommendation over the phone.
    - Gabriel, Multisensor Ltd. Italy and UK
  • Abhay has been great to work with! He is easy to contact, is always very timely & professional! I have used him for several various jobs dealing with website development and SEO. I recommend his company if you are looking for someone to design a good website for you as well manage it on the back end and do a good job he's your guy!
    - Kobi Bender, Owner at Affordable Videos Online, Florida
  • Sixwebsoft designed an amazing world-class website for my dream business, and I could not believe my eyes on seeing the final version after it was uploaded on the server. Dale always welcomed my suggestions and incorporated them on the site. They designed and developed custom website with custom graphics for me from the scratch. I’m working out new things now and very soon consult them again for my enhancing my online presence. Always recommended, Awesome team!
    - Guy Maron, California, USA
  • My website was performing exceptionally low and my business was terribly down. Rather it was almost nowhere in the search results. But I was lucky to hear from Dale Austin. Her business promotion plan was awesome. The SEO strategies, she carried out, were overwhelmingly smart and Google oriented. Surprisingly, I had my main keywords ranked on the first position within 3 months and my business is all over Google now.. I started getting customer leads in my inbox. My all time IT Partner..Remain Blessed!
    - J. Hancock, Pittsburg, USA
  • I worked with Abhay on 4 projects together and I would highly recommend his services. Now, my client has hired him on for regular tasks and we built a great working relationship and he is extremely competent in what he does. Team of Reliable Programmers he has.
    - Scott Brody, President, Arizona
  • It’s always great working with Abhay Jain and 6ixwebsoft. These guys are highly reliable and consistent. Abhay truly understands the business, values his clients and focuses on the targets to achieve the best overall outcome without compromising in Quality. Whether it be designing, coding or strong branding to boost sales, 6ixWebSoft has helped me in every technical phase. It’s a company with Great creativity. Thanks Abhay, looking forward to working with you again at the earliest possible chance!
    - Rod Cleaver, Canada
  • I was searching for a reliable web agency to complete my new business website. My earlier experience with a web agency in India was extremely bitter. But Sixwebsoft and Dale reversed all that bitter experience with their great and overwhelmingly friendly service. Their web developers worked on minute details. Now they’re working on my SEO since 3 months and I’m amazed with results. Great Guys!
    - Gil Grisales, Florida
  • Glad to meet this team of core Professionals, Real Expert of PHP and Web Design. The entire team always came up with good Quality Output, Excellent team work, committed to complete project in planned time well before deadline and that too within a stipulated budget. They have been very supportive and working since last 6 years.
    - Rias Masoodi, Indianapolis, USA
  • Awesome digital marketing company. They got my clients' websites in Google 1st page rankings in so less time. All praises, always recommended for Organic SEO.
    - Pratyush Agarwal Solution Architect, Germany
  • I am truly happy with my experience with Mr. Abhay Jain owner of 6ixwebsoft !! His team put my project together to the exact specs provided and the project was completed ahead of schedule. Communication was excellent and they sent me regular updates. Great Team, Great work!
    - M.S. Dhamija, SSW Originator

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