6 Time Tested SEO Techniques for Growth of Small Business

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essentially the stream of activities that constitute both art and science with the purpose of ranking the pages high up in Search Engines such as Google.  The content is discovered online in regular organic searches, and it is these searches that eventually help in enhancing the potential flow of traffic to the website.

Search engines show up the paid ads on the top of the results, and later organic search results come up. Traffic coming through the means of SEO is termed as the Organic Search Traffic, and the nature of traffic coming through this means is quite different than resulting from the paid searches.  Search Engine Marketing or SEM is called the paid search.

SEO forms one of the integral, yet dominant parts of Online Marketing for the reason that the internet visitors use only search as the means to navigate through websites. The year 2014-15 has found that there were more than 2.5 Trillion searches done on popular search engines like Google, Yandex, Bing, Baidu, and Yahoo. Generally, it is the natural or organic traffic, which constitutes a major part of search engines.

Researches done on the search queries show that merely 2-3% go beyond the search results, and this is where even a small improvement made in search engine ranking would result in higher growth of traffic and the business rallies up in a short span of time.

It is for this reason that many online businesses and potential website administrators manipulate their ranking by implementing innovative SEO techniques.

SEO Techniques for Growing Online Business

You should delve into credible SEO techniques that would help in ranking your business on the top. But before you start analyzing the points that really make the sense and sensibility with respect to SEO Techniques, here are a few exclusive SEO techniques to ponder with respect to your business:

Technique#1 –

Keyword Research – Researching the keywords is one of the key focal points of any SEO. Online businesses need to understand- For what type of keywords the competitors are ranking?  What type of keywords the potential searchers are searching for? Searching the keywords or keyphrases that make the hit in a particular business gives direction to SEO activities, and this is where success in the ranking, takes an upper edge.

Technique#2 –

Marketing the Content – After the identification of appropriate keywords and much later the content has been written, the role and purpose of content marketing comes into the picture. Since Google and many other search engines offer value to high-quality content, the purpose has to be sought with respect to marketing. An engaging a piece of content that holds optimum relevancy with respect to your business will always have a high fan following. And who knows at the end of the day, many of these fans turn out to be willing customers.

Technique#3 –

Building the Links – Also known as the backlinks in the SEO Dialog, link building is a remarkable and long-term SEO activity, which if taken in the right direction, would churn out astronomical results within a limited timeframe. The basic start point of link building is good quality content.  Such content should be marketed on different websites for establishing a genuine relationship. Links can be built up by submitting websites to high ranking web directories that somewhere relate to your business means and the purpose.  You may also use press releases to get the links. And there are several other effective methods available to gain quality backlinks.

Technique#4 –

On-Page Optimization – No doubt that Off-Page optimization matters a lot, but you also have to take into consideration the On-Page Optimization, which calls for maintaining the website structure and content. Activities such as creating URLs with effective keywords; enhancing the title tags of the web page; updating the meta description tags; implementation of the strategy to use relevant and creative search keywords; updating the Meta Tags of the page- all of such activities come within On-Page Optimization. These On-Page Optimization activities have an immediate effect on the search engine rankings.

Technique#5 –

Semantic Markup – Make it a point that you start optimizing the Semantic Markup of your website.  By Semantic Markup, the obvious understanding comes to Schema.org, which in fact is important in describing the relevance and meaning of moving behind the sentence.  Working on the Semantic Markup would help in getting your content on the snippets, which shows up in the search results pages. Although there may not be an improvement in search rankings with your website and content appearing in rich snippets, enhancement in the CTR from the search is always perceptible.

Technique#6 –

Site Architecture Optimization – It is not only the external links, which would prove useful on your website, the links within the website pages also make terrific significance. It is quite essential to make sure that the pages are linked internally and more importantly, there is also the relevant anchor text, which would otherwise help in gaining more advantage to the relevancy of a webpage for exact terms.

And finally, while you plan out your own customized techniques relevant to the SEO that will boost your business up, it would be a perfect idea to start heeding to the techniques provided out here.