Potential Ways to Safeguard Your Website From The Google SEO Penalties

Imagine how frustrating it would be to open your Google Analytics dashboard tomorrow and notice the website traffic is flatline. That’s not so surprising! In this fast-paced digital era, while everyone is trying hard to keep themselves ahead from others, it is common to see the often decrease in your website traffic especially when you […]
What Is Google AMP and How It Will Affect Your SEO?

Wondering whether AMP is worth to invest in to improve the ranking of your site? Well, long back Google announces the algorithms specifically designed by keeping in mind to improve your performance on search engine result pages- that is AMP. With this additional feature to the optimization tool, your web pages could load four times […]
5 Most Important PPC Trends That You Need to Follow In 2019

Have you been tired of investing in poorly performing PPC campaigns? Know what does 2019 is holding for PPC marketers and stay ahead of the crowd by focusing on your online advertising… Pay-Per-Click is one of the most rewarding marketing techniques that help you drive instant deals and boost traffic for your business. However, what […]
5 Common WordPress Security Threats and How To Fix Them Like a Pro?

Have you owned a website that is powered by WordPress? Is it secure? Have you ever used any tools to measure the security of your WordPress Website? Don’t worry! If you are still worried about the security of your website, then consider this blog to know how to prevent a WordPress Hack. WordPress sites are […]
WordPress Hackers Are Using Vulnerable Plugins to Gain Access to Sites

WordPress security has often been compromised on several occasions. Despite the reasons that compromises have been made by WordPress hackers to hack through the website, more and more individuals like their website designed on WordPress. On the off chance that you know how your site was damaged please depict how the WordPress hackers got […]
What to Expect in a Kick-off Meeting with Your Website Design Agency

Have you chosen your web site design organization, and the proposal is also signed? You also have the desired website design team ready to take on the cudgels. Now, something else is booming in your mind. What is the next step? Where you are going to go from here? As with many web site design […]
Web Development Agency vs. Freelancer- Who Should You Hire?

Do you have a business but you are many light-years away from the web interface? You are possibly losing out to millions of global opportunities. And if in case, you are considering taking a serious move in the direction where you intend to develop a website for achieving your long-term business interests, it is quite […]
5 Faux Pas Made by SEOs While Disavowing Links

The procedure of disavowing links has been a serious debate in the SEO world, and this debate has been around for many years. All through our living times of modern age and changes undertook in the AI- fuelled algorithms, SEO guys are still hanging in balance when it comes to the disavowing the links. How […]
Is there SEO Beyond the Use of Keywords When It Comes to Content Marketing?

SEO is the most essential part when it comes to marketing the content on the web, but many of big and small companies out there fall trap to the very outlawed idea that keywords and key phrases are important part of content marketing. The kind of quality content that you are continuously flashing out on […]
How to Optimize the Articles for Amazing Page Ranks

There are a couple of logical rules that go well with respect to the event that you need to expand the positioning of your business when the crawlers visit your website. Your article should be thought and written in the form of SEO format, if it has to be discovered and read by the readers. […]